Sex Stories - PAGE 3
My first time with a friend
I had a very good sexual experience with a friend that I enjoy remembering until this day. It was not forced, it just happend and I went along with it. To set you up into my good memory, I first have to talk about my body at that point. I was a very slender but fit young boy, 20 years old. I had longer blond hair up to my shoulders and my own favorite and sensitive body part, my well shaped bum. I had to use my bicycle for 3 years to reach the next town to go to technical college so you can imagine that it was a muscular and quite bigger ass - despite that it still had the right amount of softness and roundness that was admired by many women at that time. I was always interested in both sex but usually had no chance to try out men. Until that one day. A ... Read More»
Rating: , Votes: %108 | like or dislike | Add To Favourites | Published by: Smoothie 1220 days ago | Categories: Gay
Mr bulge adventure
San Diego 1989 I was a young hippie guy hitch hiking a clean cut tall man in a van offered me a ride I accepted after a few miles we stopped for gas I noticed a porn mag under my seat from some place I couldn't understand I seen some man boy stuff the man returned and said "I have to make a call be back in a few minutes there are porn mags in back" "ok" I looked at the one under my seat and then looked at the other mags at the bottom was a another radical gay he seen me looking at he said "I'm going to pick-up a friend" we drove towards a slough by the coast a large built man came towards the passenger side opened the slider and got in wearing soccer shorts saying "hello you runaway" I didn't say no they drove and ... Read More»
Rating: , Votes: %43 | like or dislike | Add To Favourites | Published by: men4men 1223 days ago | Categories: Gay
brat 14
Część 16. Przebudziłem się w nocy, gdy poczułem przy swoim kutasie jędrne pośladki Roberta kutas zaczął mi pulsować. Przytuliłem się mocniej do Roberta rękę położyłem wzdłuż jego ciała na jego nogach on jeszcze mocniej docisną swoją dupcie do mojego fiuta. Mój fiut był w przedziałku pomiędzy jego pośladkami coraz bardziej twardy. Nie wiem czy Robert jeszcze spał, gdy zacząłem masować go po bioderkach schodząc na pośladki rozchylając je i masując okolice oczka swoim kutasem. Chciałem mu zajebać swojego kutasa w dupę, ale jak by spał to nie wiem jak by zareagował. Stwierdziłem, że popieszczę go jeszcze trochę by się obudził. Odgarnąłem jego włosy z karku i zacząłem delikatnie go całować po karku plecach. Schodziłem z całowaniem coraz niżej kutas mój odsunął się ... Read More»
Rating: , Votes: %72 | like or dislike | Add To Favourites | Published by: guma35 1230 days ago | Categories: Gay
Wendys Older Neighbor
Wendy’s Older Neighbor After making myself cum with my toys thinking of what was to come at the party my neighbor Jerry was going to have for me. Wondering the whole time how many young blacks and their ages would there be there for me to get serviced by. Knowing that my husband would be away for another month it made me very horny! As he would go crazy if he knew I let others fuck me , let alone young blacks! Saturday morning I woke up and showered , trimmed my pussy hair on top and shaved my pussy lips smooth. After drying off I put perfume on my neck, breasts lower tummy and pussy and thigh areas. I wanted to be just right for my young studs and give them the time of their lifes. I then picked out my wraparound short dress with a low open front that ... Read More»
Rating: , Votes: %67 | like or dislike | Add To Favourites | Published by: wendy52 1244 days ago | Categories: Interracial, Mature
Wendys Older Neighbor 2
Chapter 2 After Jerry licked my pussy clean I left saying next time lick my pussy in front of the studs to show them that you are cucked. He said the thought of doing it intrigued him and that he just might. Then I went home to clean up as I was a mess needing to douse my pussy clean of the cum and get ready for more hopefully the next day. After showering and douching I went to bed and thought about what went on and how much I loved it. Yes I wanted to have more fun at Jerry’s place with more young blacks that have just turned eighteen wanting mature pussy. Falling asleep with a warm satisfied pussy. I woke up with someone pounding on the front door. “OMG I thought I left the curtains open in the upstairs bedroom that was my signal to young guys that ... Read More»
Rating: , Votes: %36 | like or dislike | Add To Favourites | Published by: wendy52 1244 days ago | Categories: Interracial, Mature
Hello Wendy
Paul and Tyrone became close friends after Tyrone moved into the neighborhood. Tyrone and his mom were the 1st blacks to move in to this middle class neighborhood. Tyrone's dad was killed in Afghanistan. The government assistance and insurance money allowed them to move to a better neighborhood . Paul lived with his divorced mother. Tyrone and Paul spent a lot of time at each other's house, Soon they were talking about how hot each other's mothers were. Both of the boys were not happy with each other talking about their mom's. Paul would try and divert the talk about Tyrone wanting to fuck his mom Into the hot neighbor miss Wendy that lived a few doors up the road. the boys had walked past her house many times, watching her working in the yard With no bra, And ... Read More»
Rating: , Votes: %42 | like or dislike | Add To Favourites | Published by: wendy52 1249 days ago | Categories: Interracial, Mature, First Time
Driving Home
t was late on a Saturday night after having dinner and wine at a bar near campus. My husband was tired from a business trip and wanted to stay home. I had quite a fun evening and managed to polish off a full bottle before leaving. I thought maybe an Uber ride might be a good idea since I’d been drinking, but decided I was fine to drive. I had such a nice evening I decided to detour through a secluded park and unwind. I was thinking of the hot young college men I often saw there, and unconsciously started playing with myself. I was doing too good of a job because I swerved a couple times while I was enjoying the sensation. I guess my swerving didn’t go unnoticed because moments later, there were red and blue lights flashing behind me. I quickly ... Read More»
Rating: , Votes: %43 | like or dislike | Add To Favourites | Published by: wendy52 1249 days ago | Categories: Interracial, Mature, First Time
Wendy takes care of her nephew and his friend
Wendy was a school counselor with a desire for younger guys, and she had plenty to choose from. Wendy’s biggest skill was being able to choose the guys that wouldn't tell. She didn't want the school board or her husband to find out. She would suggest to certain students that they needed some stress relief and she would happily supply it with her hands and mouth. It was school holidays so Wendy was feeling a little neglected. Fortunately her nephew Paul and his friend Chico were coming over to do some work in her garden. Wendy had watched Paul grow from a boy into a man, and had seen Paul looking at her a lot in the past few years, especially around the pool when she wore her bikini's. The boys arrived and it was hot so the took their tops off before they ... Read More»
Rating: , Votes: %26 | like or dislike | Add To Favourites | Published by: wendy52 1249 days ago | Categories: Interracial, Mature, First Time
Wendy Hot Wife and the Young Stud - At Home
You still love him and don’t want it to end but you also have needs. Needs that need to be helped. And if he isn’t going to do it, someone else has. You love your toys as well but you urge to feel skin on skin. It hasn’t been easy for you either since you get eye fucked all day long by these young boys. They have all of this hot teen ass they could be going for but they cannot get their eyes off you. Something about your confidence, how you hold yourself. It doesn’t hurt that you have a rockin bod and you work hard to maintain it. Everyone can see that. These 19-22 year olds with their tight bodies and insatiable appetite for sex. They just want to fuck. Who else better to fuck than the sexy woman they cant get out of their heads. Your dirty mind has been going ... Read More»
Rating: , Votes: %19 | like or dislike | Add To Favourites | Published by: wendy52 1249 days ago | Categories: Interracial, Mature, First Time
Wendy Blacks
Wendy Blacks “Whew!” It had been another long day for Wendy as she locked the door to her office and paused to smooth the skirt down over her slim hips. She looked good, as always. Her trim frame toned from her daily workouts, she felt... well, horny. That was a daily occurrence, too. She'd had a couple of students in today that had piqued her interest, one of them a tall athletic black boy who had seemed very receptive to her carefully veiled flirting. She had arranged to meet his family at their home, in order to assess his financial needs. Sometimes students professed a need that wasn't really there. It was part of her duties, she felt, to follow up. In the car, she couldn't help but touch herself as she drove. Her GPS guiding her, she let her fingers ... Read More»
Rating: , Votes: %53 | like or dislike | Add To Favourites | Published by: wendy52 1328 days ago | Categories: Interracial, Mature
I have to admit
I have come to realize I must face the truth I have come to the realization and it's not an easy thing to say but I must confess that I am gay. Over the last few years my desire for men ,cock and cum has grown and grown to the point that I no longer want a woman or desire a woman and when I do see a sexy beautiful woman I just wish I could be her. What I desire most of all now is Cock I don't know why but I find them totally attractive. It probably has to do with me being m*****ed by my Dad's old partner when I was young. I don't want to say that it was a horrible experience because it was not. I really enjoyed when he would fondle and play with me. I love the sexual feeling I got when he would touch me and I enjoyed touching him. At first it was just touching ... Read More»
Rating: , Votes: %54 | like or dislike | Add To Favourites | Published by: Izameyouno 1365 days ago | Categories: Gay
Alone at home
— Ваня! Ну проснись же!- трясла жена меня за плечо. — Что такое? — спросонья не соображал я. — Будь сегодня дома с утра. Часиков в девять-десять Оля принесет посуду! — Какая Оля, какую посуду? — Ольга Борисовна, напарница моя, знаешь такую?- с издевкой произнесла жена. — Да понял я, понял, примирительно пробормотал я. Встречу я твою Ольгу, встречу, не переживай так. Жена моя, Люда, ушла на работу, ей к шести утра на первую смену. Повалявшись еще полчасика я убедился, что заснуть больше не получится. В голову лезли всякие мысли о жизни нашей. Вот хотя бы взять ту же Ольгу. Два дня назад проводила старшего сына в армию. Парень закончил ВУЗ в нашем городе этим летом и через три месяца получил повестку из военкомата. Делать нечего, придется служить. ... Read More»
Część15 Dupa moja była chyba rozwarta na maksa. Zacząłem szybko nabijać się na pałę Roberta Jacek trzymał ją a ja na nią siadałem udało się miałem kutasa Roberta w sobie widziałem jego twarz była szczęśliwa zaczął poruszać biodrami i coraz szybciej się poruszać w moim otworku dziura moja była rozluźniona ja byłem podniecony na maksa, ale czułem, że fiut sięga coraz głębiej. Położyłem się na Roberta zacząłem zabawiać się jego włosami on złapał mnie za głowę przyciągną ją do siebie i zaczął mnie namiętnie całować. Jacek stał za nim czułem, jak bawi się moją dupą cały czas ją ściska, klepie i masuje w pewnym momęcie Robert się zatrzymał chuj jego odpoczywał w mojej analnej cipie cały czas był twardy i nie tracił na wielkości a palec Jacka zaczął nacierać między ... Read More»
Rating: , Votes: %94 | like or dislike | Add To Favourites | Published by: guma35 1485 days ago | Categories: Gay
ICH war zu mein COUSIN an ein Freitag MIT dem Fahrrad gefahren. BEI ihm auf sein Bett saß als ich von ihm MIT der Hand mir an den OBERSCHENKEL zum SCHWANZ geschoben und dann auch noch von ihm an den schwanz fest gepackt wurde. Ich habe mir das so gefallen lassen VON ihm den schwanz dadurch hart in meiner Hose ne beule am wachsen und ich mich vom COUSIN gesagt bekam das ich mit ihm kommen MUSSTE er noch was zeigen muss das ich mich erst mal von ihm in die Scheune folgte. Wir haben in der Scheune drei alte reisebusse gesehen, dass ich mich in ein rein setzen WOLLTE. MEIN COUSIN und ich gingen nach HINTEN, wobei ich mich an die haltestangen DER DECKE fest gehalten und auch dran gehängt habe das ich mich von mein COUSIN die Hände an die Stangen gefesselt wurde. Ich ... Read More»
Rating: , Votes: %131 | like or dislike | Add To Favourites | Published by: NOBSTER 1535 days ago | Categories: First Time
Runda trzecia ostateczna decydująca rundę 1 przegrałem z Jackiem, czyli będę jebany przez brata teraz ostatnia walka z Robertem i musiał bym wygrać, ale postaram się przegrać, bo moja dupa podoba się Robertowi i umówiliśmy się z Jackiem, że ja mu ją dam. Jacek zaczął ostro złapał mnie za głowę pod swoją pachę obrócił mnie i przewrócił na materac leżałem obok jego zarzuciłem nogi na jego dupę, ale cały czas mnie trzymał za głowę. Gdy tylko ją puścił zaatakował rzucając się na mnie całym ciałem na moją klatkę usiadł na niej blokując mi nogami ręce wtedy z bliska przyjrzałem się jego fiutowi miałem go tak blisko był fajny malutki, żylasty i widziałem jak w każdej żyłce płynie krew pulsował mu jak by chłopak nie spuszczał się z miesiąc chciałem go wziąć w rękę by go ... Read More»
Rating: , Votes: %119 | like or dislike | Add To Favourites | Published by: guma35 1631 days ago | Categories: Gay