Sex Stories - PAGE 272
Fertile Soil
Elizabeth Chambers smiled as she gripped the wheel tightly of the John Deere tractor she controlled, made the wide swing, and then with fluid motion that only came from years of farm life, dropped the disc harrow and began to churn up the fertile soil. As the tractors eight tires dug into the dirt and its motor labored from the harrow it was dragging, she looked to either side. For acres the freshly upturned soil stretched as far as the eye could see. That is except for one narrow strip of virgin soil that her tractor now straddled. As the harrow began to pulverize this last remaining strip, Liz watched as her machine and implement began to kick up dust and send it blowing gently across the flat ground that was her home. If a small pebble had not lodged inside ... Read More»
Rating: , Votes: %12 | like or dislike | Add To Favourites | Published by: Adderiy 4009 days ago | Categories: Fetish
JADE: THE MacDonalds Skank
I have a fantasy of fucking a female employee of macdonlds while she is in her uniform. What i do is whenever i go into a macds and get served by a female worker i always look for certain things: her name badge, size of her tits and weather you can see the outline of her bra etc, then i can wank over her at a future date. Anyway i was in my local branch the other day, just chilling having a meal, early afternoon & hardly anyone in, then i spotted a cute looking female worker on the other side of the restaurant slowly making her way round cleaning the floor. After a short period of time she was near where i was sat, she started to clear tables near where i was sat and then she did mine, she asked if was finished i was in that time i had noticed her name was ... Read More»
A Loving Wife
I gazed at her with a lump in my throat, she is so heart breakingly beautiful, her soft angelic cherub like face, even elfin when she is in a cheeky mood, but today, like some other's before this, her face was crumpled. I knew what she was thinking. "Why is he treating me like this, I don't deserve it, I hold myself for him, only him." I had only met her once a year ago, when I came back to this country for her wedding. That too had been a surprise because she was/is black, it turns out her great grandparents were servants to a Royal Naval attaché in Kenya and he brought them back with him, but things turned out badly and they ended up on the streets trying make a living. Somehow they got through it. Now I was home between jobs, one was on for a month's ... Read More»
Rating: , Votes: %15 | like or dislike | Add To Favourites | Published by: Amos 4009 days ago | Categories: Interracial
pretty average club
I was visiting my brother in Ohio. I went for a week, a bunch of family was there -- etc. My cousin and I had a flight out the same day -- so we shared a room near the airport. I decided I wanted to go check out the college bars (it was a Friday night before I left). I ended up at some Goth club with a lot of awkward goth people that I felt too awkward to hang out with. Anyway, I make my way to this place called Skully's. It seemed like a pretty average club. Some local bands played, I hung around and just got shitty drunk. I make friends with some girl at the bar, she invites me to go upstairs and hang out with the DJ. With last call coming soon, and the venue dying down -- I started getting friendly with the girl I met downstairs. We all head to some random ... Read More»
Rating: , Votes: %8 | like or dislike | Add To Favourites | Published by: hornystoner 4009 days ago | Categories: Hardcore
Woman Invited to My House to Play
I invite you to visit me, giving you my address in a private message. I give you no information, other than to show up to my address at 10 pm on a Friday night. You normally wouldn't travel to a completely unknown location, to meet a completely unknown person, but perhaps I catch you in a particularly horny and curious mood. You arrive at my house at exactly 10pm. As you reach to ring the doorbell you see a note. The note reads simply, "Please come inside." The front door is unlocked and you find yourself in a dark living room. As you close the door you see a dark hallway with a small amount of candlelight coming from a room at the end of the hall. You hear muffled noises from this room and slowly walk down the hall toward the light and noise, before you ... Read More»
Rating: , Votes: %11 | like or dislike | Add To Favourites | Published by: Jan22 4009 days ago | Categories: BDSM
Nicholas Turns
At the age of twenty four, Nicholas stood six foot, his body shaped like a Greek athlete. His supple muscles and tanned body made a woman watching him ache for a date with him. But after a recent bad relationship, Robert wasn't looking for a relationship. His twin brother had introduced him to the world of homosexuality years before, and though Robert wasn't particularly interested in men, he wasn't against not looking at men either. One late evening, his mother and step father had some friends over from the company they owned and though his mother and his step father had retired for the evening, she extended the invitation to continue to use the pool. Nicholas up to this point had had the pool to himself. He was sitting in the shadows in one of the lounge ... Read More»
Rating: , Votes: %12 | like or dislike | Add To Favourites | Published by: evan22 4009 days ago | Categories: Gay
Infidelity Cheating Wife Story
Kelly and Cindy had been friends for many years. Kelly was married to Jack, and Cindy was her only single friend. Cindy was always a little on the wild side kind of sluty, but Kelly adored her. Even though Cindy was somewhat of a whore Kelly with her innocent personality trusted her with her husband. She never expected Jack to take any interest in Cindy, because she was not nearly as attractive as Kelly, and much older. Cindy would often go over to Kelly and Jack's house for evening cocktails. They would all drink heavily to try to escape the monotonous aggravation of their own low paying jobs. Sometimes Cindy would even visit when Kelly was at work, and quite often Cindy and Jack would already be drunk by the time Kelly got home. Cindy confided in me ... Read More»
Rating: , Votes: %9 | like or dislike | Add To Favourites | Published by: kristina 4009 days ago | Categories: Mature
Starting Over
The divorce despite being the obvious best choice had not been easy. Undoing all those years took a toll she had not anticipated and left her feeling drained, empty, even a little angry. Self-pity reared its ugly head. She had let it run things for while and found herself somewhere she never wanted to be. It was at that point she had decided to move. Relocating was fairly simple, she was in high demand in her field and there was always someone hiring. She wanted a change. Why not start with climate? The call from the company in St. Croix was the sign she needed. The interviews were conducted in a whirlwind of emails, teleconferences, and trips to their New York office. The fit was perfect, the job comfortably challenging without being overwhelming, and the ... Read More»
Rating: , Votes: %10 | like or dislike | Add To Favourites | Published by: Gabriel11 4009 days ago | Categories: Masturbation
An Evening At Sophie's
'I'm afraid you are not able to hire Justine' Madame Sophie informed me, with a strange smile. This was unusual, I thought. Whenever business had brought me to Rio I'd looked in on the Maison Lys and either borrowed one of the girls for an evening or spent my time there. The place catered for all tastes, including my own, which were of an exotic nature not always available in the more common establishments. 'Not have Justine, Sophie?' I asked, slightly incredulously. 'In the catalogue she's advertised as available for every single activity - so what's the catch?' Sophie was more than a professional acquaintance now. I'd been patronising her establishment for almost twenty years and had never had any problems here before. I always paid that little bit extra as ... Read More»
Rating: , Votes: %9 | like or dislike | Add To Favourites | Published by: lindsay 4009 days ago | Categories: BDSM
Saturday Morning Benefits
It was 8 am on a Saturday morning in late July. Yet another Saturday morning spent working at my desk. I was the only one in the office, until... "Whoa Greg! I didn't expect to see you here before me." Christy said, as she rounded the wall to her cubicle. Her flip flops made that recognizable slapping noise as she walked. She was wearing a dark blue t-shirt and a well-worn pair of grey sweat shorts that looked like they were once a pair of sweat pants. The shorts were ripped/cut-off a little bit above mid-thigh. Standard Saturday morning attire in our office. "Good morning. Yea, I just wanted to get an early start today." I replied. I took a few quick glances at Christy as she turned on her computer and got set up to work. I found myself trying to sneak ... Read More»
Rating: , Votes: %11 | like or dislike | Add To Favourites | Published by: King19 4009 days ago | Categories: Masturbation
My bbc adventure at the adult theater
Gurls, you have no idea. I think I'm in luv. Omg he was amazing. No pics, but I was in my 6 inch cum fuck me pumps, had on an opaque black body stocking with red fishnet thigh highs on top of it, a frilly lacey black ultra miniskirt, black Lacey top with my corset underneath tied real tight to give me a little bit of waist, my best padded push up, short red Bobb wig, red lips, blue eyshadow etc. gotta say,I was looking pretty hott and all the guys said so. One white guy followed me into the theater and sat next to me, the two black guys who were there were all eyes on me when I walked by and were in the room shortly after the white guy. White guy slips his pants off as we rubbing each others thighs and i'm a bit disappointed as he was soft and small,but he ... Read More»
Rating: , Votes: %11 | like or dislike | Add To Favourites | Published by: Annabanana 4009 days ago | Categories: Shemale