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I'm 47 and a lesbian since my English teacher introduced me to lesbian sex when I was 17. I have always been fat and I was not on the radar of any of the boys in school. I was starved for affection and Miss Orlando knew that because she was also my advisor and we discussed what I thought was a problem on several occasions in private. I realized later how much of a prime target I was for a woman who had been a lesbian since she was a student. My parents disowned me when that found out I was a lesbian. Judy Orlando took me in and even financed most of my college expenses in exchange for me making love to her whenever she was in the mood. I don't know of anything I didn't do to her that any dyke would do to her submissive partner. I weighed a little over 230 when I graduated college and I am now a svelte 185. Cassandra Greenly
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