Good Things Would Happen
Sure, I know that I drink too much. With the last two years that I've had, so would you. My husband, Dr. Frederick Harmon, dear man, was a full professor at state, when he was killed in an auto accident. Yes, I make good money from my position as principal at Armstrong High School. I have a son, Jimmy, who just started college. Thankfully, his tuition is free.
Jimmy is a source of some concern for me now. He is a very bright, naïve, frail boy who stands just five feet, five inches. On his own, he would never get into trouble. However, for some reason that I do not understand, he is well liked by the huge football guys, who stop by the house several times a week. You know how they are. They are all good kids. Someday, they will make fine men. But now they are bold, aggressive guys. Yes, I know. That is why they got their scholarships to play football.
I keep my drinking contained from Sunday night until Friday night. On Friday nights, I stop at Blockbuster to pick up a movie. Then, I stop at the ABC store for some VO or Canadian Club. By eight PM, Jimmy is either at a frat house, game, or the library. I get sad, a little teary eyed, and drink, while watching the movie. I seldom make it to the end of the movie before I am in a deep sleep. I'll wake up after three AM, pad off to bed so that Jimmy does not see me staggering around.
April 26, 2001 was a beautiful spring day. After I ate, I changed my clothes to work in the garden planting flowers. By seven- thirty, I was finished. I took a shower. Thinking that Jimmy and his friends would not stop by, I put on a short teddy. Soon, I was deep into a movie, as well as on my third milk glass of VO and water.
I heard heavy footsteps on the front porch, a key in the lock, then footsteps coming from the hallway into the den. Though very drunk, I was strangely lucid. I left my mouth partly open, with my eyes shut.
I heard Jimmy whisper. "That's my Mom. She is a Friday night, Saturday night drunk. When she is out like that, nothing wakes her up."
The other boy answered, "Ya, my Dad drinks like that, especially if there is a football game. Let's hit the sack?"
As they walked away, I felt myself redden. I knew that both boys would have seen a lot of my breasts. Laughing to myself, I sat there, daydreaming about the various boys that I had dated in college, especially how they would pressure me from the first date to let them feel my breasts.
I heard a noise. Then, I felt it. A hand was shifting my teddy to the side to expose my breasts. Ever so softly, a finger traced my nipple, which hardened. My mind was racing. What should I do? If I confronted this young man, he would have to leave, ruining his friendship with Jimmy. After all, all he was doing was getting a cheap feel. I let myself relax. I enjoyed his playing with me.
The next thing that I felt was his finger at the entrance to my vagina. He had carefully reached between my legs, without touching my clothes. I could not help it. I took a deep breath.
His playing with my breasts had betrayed me. I was wet. He pushed his finger into me right up to the knuckles. I could not believe how bold he was. His index finger was facing up. With slow deliberate strokes, he tweaked my G spot.
I could not help myself. My vagina started to pulsate, grabbing at his finger. My butt tightened, as my pussy thrust from side to side. His body settled onto mine. He whispered in my ear. "I know that you were awake when we came in. I know that you got excited knowing that we could see your tits. You got all red. Your breathing changed when I touched your tits. Your pussy wanted my finger. Your pussy needs my cock. I'm going to fuck you, Mrs. Harmon. "
"Take me to the downstairs bedroom."
Effortlessly, he carried me into the bedroom.
"Jimmy? Does Jimmy know that you're here?"
"He is sound asleep."
"You can't ever tell him about this."
He slid onto me. He was a much bigger man than Fred. His large hands pulled the cheeks of my ass up. He wiggled his ass until his cock caught on my slit. His ass punched forward, burying his cock into me. Being much thicker then Fred, there was a slurping sucking sound as his cock ran like a piston in and out of me.
I felt my stomach tighten to raise my pussy for his use. I was panting, while thrusting up at him. We were bouncing on the bed. I had never ever had sex like this. Faster, ever faster, he pumped into me, until with several hard grunts, he filled me. I had not come. I lie there, pinned beneath this bold boy who had taken me. This bold boy who I did not know the name of.
Within minutes, he was hard again. He placed his arms under my knees, lifting my legs. My pussy was his to use. He did. On and on he pumped his cock into me. This time, I would not be denied. I clawed his back as my orgasm swept through my body, leaving me a trembling, exhausted woman.
Finished, he picked me up. "First bedroom at the head of the stairs?"
When I got up to pee at seven-thirty AM, both the boy and Jimmy had left. I still did not know his name.
Jimmy came home at five-thirty PM. "Jimmy, in the future, please let me know if you will be staying here on a Friday or Saturday night."
"Sure, Mom."
"Oh, say, Jimmy. What was the name of the boy that stayed here with you last night?"
"Reggie Taylor. When did you see him? You were asleep when we came in."
"Oh, I was wandering around during the night."
On May 3rd, Jimmy had left a note that he would stay at the frat house. I really tied one on. I was in my pajamas. Out of the fog of my mind, I thought that I heard the doorbell ring, so I staggered out of my chair towards the front door. Peeking through the door glass, I saw two boys standing outside. I opened the door, leaving the chain in place.
"Yeesss, wwhaat can I doo for you?"
"Mrs. Harmon, I'm Reggie Taylor. This is Frank Wilson. He is a friend of Jimmy. He wants to meet you."
I was very slow. Friend of Jimmy? Why would he want to meet me? Where is Jimmy? "Thisss is not a goo good time to meet me. I'm. I'm indisposed."
Reggie spoke. "Open the door."
I did. I just did. As they walked in, Reggie said to me, "Rita, isn't it?"
"Let's go to the bedroom," the other boy said.
Each boy took one of my arms. As they took me the short distance, I protested. "Look, that was a one time thing. I have a reputation to protect."
"We are protecting it for you, Rita. Imagine what people would think if the local High School principal was known to get so drunk that she was fucking college boys? We are not going to tell a soul."
I was befuddled. My mouth dropped open. For a moment I could visualize the school board conducting a hearing about whether I should be dismissed.
"It is good that you won't do that to me."
Frank pulled my top off. "Nice set of jugs."
"Nice tight pussy, too."
I was placed on my back. A finger was put up me. Both of my breasts were caressed, sucked on. I closed my eyes. My mind went blank. They started to fuck me. Always before I had been a partner, or at least had some control. Not tonight. I was a fuck to be taken, ridden. They took turns riding me.
When they had enough, they walked me into the shower. Both of them carefully washed me down with wash clothes. They dressed me in my pajamas. I was placed in my bed, and tucked in. It was very gentle.
I vowed to not answer the door in the future, when I was drunk. That would take care of this problem once and for all.
Once in awhile, I would finger myself thinking of their eager young cocks in me. But then I would get mad. Bold damn kids.
Things were quiet for a month. I'm thirty-nine. They are twenty. Must be they have found college girls to hold their interest?
Out of the blue, I received a job offer from State. Provost John Murphy sent to me a letter offering to me the position of Alumni Relations Director, with an income of seventy thousand dollars a year. That is twenty thousand more than I was making.
During the interview, he explained that the presidents of several of the fraternities on campus had recommended me. I did not know any of them, but I did not inform Provost Murphy of that.
The following Friday night, I decided to celebrate my new position by, you guess it, getting well plastered.
At ten thirty, Jimmy came home. He had two older men with him. I sat there wearing just a robe, with nothing underneath.
"Mom, this is Mr. Walter Burk, and Mr. Lew Simms. They are alumni. They wanted to meet you. I have to go to a frat thing. By." Jimmy left me there with two strange men. Me, seeing double. All I could think was, what?
"Hello Rita. We have heard so much about you. Lew and I wanted to welcome you to the alumni family. As he said that, both men approached the sides of the Lazy-boy that I was sitting in.
"Rita, we have been told that you are very accommodating. Is that so?" As he said that, Lew lifted the top of my robe, exposing my right tit. When I tried to pull it back, his hand pulled the end of my robe tie, allowing the robe to open, exposing my body. Walt knelt between my legs, while pulling my ass towards him. His mouth was on my bush, tongue probing for my clit.
As my hands found the top of his head, Lew took both my tits in his hands, pulling on them. I let my head fall back. I would resist no more. I knew what it was like to have two virile men take me, again and again. I wanted it. I had to have it.
They carried me to the bedroom. I had thought about being fucked tonight. My pussy was soaking wet. It was happening. Walt ate me some more. I pressed his head to my snatch. I was panting. My ass was humping, waiting for the cocks to begin, to spend themselves in me. Walt was on me. He took my hand and placed it on his cock. It was long, firm, ready. I placed it to my entrance. It was all he needed. He thrust it deeply into me. He fucked me with abandon. Lew left the room. When he returned, Provost Murphy and another man were with him, both naked. The other man was given second dibs in me. He was older. His face got red as his cock hardened. He was about to cum. "Yes, Yes," he shouted as he shot his cum in me.
With a deep breath, he relaxed. "Well done, President Ross," Provost Murphy exclaimed.
He kissed me on the lips. "I'm Dr. Charlie Ross, your president."
"Nice to meet you," I answered, with some surprise.
The next year was very busy. I was successful in increasing the school endowment from eighty six million to one hundred and thirty million dollars. I traveled a lot. I got to meet, and know quite well, many of our more affluent alumni, usually from the viewpoint of being on my back.
My drinking never changed. Except now, I expected to have a bold young man, or two, or more, stop by for a ride on Friday night.
The following April, President Ross announced that he had accepted the position of Director of Education for the state of Ohio. He, a widower, and I had dated several times. Last night, panting, after a second fuck, he lie next to me, twirling my hair with his fingers. He said to me, "You know, Rita, you are a most unusual woman."
"How so?"
You are polished, prim, and proper. You never say anything bad about anyone. You never speak of the other men who you have let enjoy your favors. To my knowledge, you have never turned away a man who, if I may put it crudely, came to visit solely so that he could fuck you.
Smiling to myself, I murmured, "Perhaps, it was because I was enjoying their favors, their attention. I can cum many more times in a night than you can, Charlie."
"Rita, will you marry me?"
I was stunned. I sat up on my elbows, with my breasts sliding down the sides of my chest. I looked Charlie directly in the eyes. "Charlie, You are a wonderful man. I would love to be your friend, conspirator, partner-in-life. Can you live with the fact that so many have put themselves in me? How would you react if I allowed another to have me? Charlie?"
"Kissing me on the forehead, Charlie answered, "Dear Rita. I would have a woman who gives me sex whenever I desire it. You may enjoy others, if I may watch once in a while. Please marry me?"
"Yes, Charlie, I will be your wife."
The next day, I told Jimmy. "Jimmy, I have some very wonderful news. President Ross. Charlie, has asked me to marry him."
I will never forget what Jimmy said next. "I figured that if I talked Reggie, Frank, Walter, and Lew into fucking you that it would get you out of your funk. Good things would happen."
I'm Softly
Jimmy is a source of some concern for me now. He is a very bright, naïve, frail boy who stands just five feet, five inches. On his own, he would never get into trouble. However, for some reason that I do not understand, he is well liked by the huge football guys, who stop by the house several times a week. You know how they are. They are all good kids. Someday, they will make fine men. But now they are bold, aggressive guys. Yes, I know. That is why they got their scholarships to play football.
I keep my drinking contained from Sunday night until Friday night. On Friday nights, I stop at Blockbuster to pick up a movie. Then, I stop at the ABC store for some VO or Canadian Club. By eight PM, Jimmy is either at a frat house, game, or the library. I get sad, a little teary eyed, and drink, while watching the movie. I seldom make it to the end of the movie before I am in a deep sleep. I'll wake up after three AM, pad off to bed so that Jimmy does not see me staggering around.
April 26, 2001 was a beautiful spring day. After I ate, I changed my clothes to work in the garden planting flowers. By seven- thirty, I was finished. I took a shower. Thinking that Jimmy and his friends would not stop by, I put on a short teddy. Soon, I was deep into a movie, as well as on my third milk glass of VO and water.
I heard heavy footsteps on the front porch, a key in the lock, then footsteps coming from the hallway into the den. Though very drunk, I was strangely lucid. I left my mouth partly open, with my eyes shut.
I heard Jimmy whisper. "That's my Mom. She is a Friday night, Saturday night drunk. When she is out like that, nothing wakes her up."
The other boy answered, "Ya, my Dad drinks like that, especially if there is a football game. Let's hit the sack?"
As they walked away, I felt myself redden. I knew that both boys would have seen a lot of my breasts. Laughing to myself, I sat there, daydreaming about the various boys that I had dated in college, especially how they would pressure me from the first date to let them feel my breasts.
I heard a noise. Then, I felt it. A hand was shifting my teddy to the side to expose my breasts. Ever so softly, a finger traced my nipple, which hardened. My mind was racing. What should I do? If I confronted this young man, he would have to leave, ruining his friendship with Jimmy. After all, all he was doing was getting a cheap feel. I let myself relax. I enjoyed his playing with me.
The next thing that I felt was his finger at the entrance to my vagina. He had carefully reached between my legs, without touching my clothes. I could not help it. I took a deep breath.
His playing with my breasts had betrayed me. I was wet. He pushed his finger into me right up to the knuckles. I could not believe how bold he was. His index finger was facing up. With slow deliberate strokes, he tweaked my G spot.
I could not help myself. My vagina started to pulsate, grabbing at his finger. My butt tightened, as my pussy thrust from side to side. His body settled onto mine. He whispered in my ear. "I know that you were awake when we came in. I know that you got excited knowing that we could see your tits. You got all red. Your breathing changed when I touched your tits. Your pussy wanted my finger. Your pussy needs my cock. I'm going to fuck you, Mrs. Harmon. "
"Take me to the downstairs bedroom."
Effortlessly, he carried me into the bedroom.
"Jimmy? Does Jimmy know that you're here?"
"He is sound asleep."
"You can't ever tell him about this."
He slid onto me. He was a much bigger man than Fred. His large hands pulled the cheeks of my ass up. He wiggled his ass until his cock caught on my slit. His ass punched forward, burying his cock into me. Being much thicker then Fred, there was a slurping sucking sound as his cock ran like a piston in and out of me.
I felt my stomach tighten to raise my pussy for his use. I was panting, while thrusting up at him. We were bouncing on the bed. I had never ever had sex like this. Faster, ever faster, he pumped into me, until with several hard grunts, he filled me. I had not come. I lie there, pinned beneath this bold boy who had taken me. This bold boy who I did not know the name of.
Within minutes, he was hard again. He placed his arms under my knees, lifting my legs. My pussy was his to use. He did. On and on he pumped his cock into me. This time, I would not be denied. I clawed his back as my orgasm swept through my body, leaving me a trembling, exhausted woman.
Finished, he picked me up. "First bedroom at the head of the stairs?"
When I got up to pee at seven-thirty AM, both the boy and Jimmy had left. I still did not know his name.
Jimmy came home at five-thirty PM. "Jimmy, in the future, please let me know if you will be staying here on a Friday or Saturday night."
"Sure, Mom."
"Oh, say, Jimmy. What was the name of the boy that stayed here with you last night?"
"Reggie Taylor. When did you see him? You were asleep when we came in."
"Oh, I was wandering around during the night."
On May 3rd, Jimmy had left a note that he would stay at the frat house. I really tied one on. I was in my pajamas. Out of the fog of my mind, I thought that I heard the doorbell ring, so I staggered out of my chair towards the front door. Peeking through the door glass, I saw two boys standing outside. I opened the door, leaving the chain in place.
"Yeesss, wwhaat can I doo for you?"
"Mrs. Harmon, I'm Reggie Taylor. This is Frank Wilson. He is a friend of Jimmy. He wants to meet you."
I was very slow. Friend of Jimmy? Why would he want to meet me? Where is Jimmy? "Thisss is not a goo good time to meet me. I'm. I'm indisposed."
Reggie spoke. "Open the door."
I did. I just did. As they walked in, Reggie said to me, "Rita, isn't it?"
"Let's go to the bedroom," the other boy said.
Each boy took one of my arms. As they took me the short distance, I protested. "Look, that was a one time thing. I have a reputation to protect."
"We are protecting it for you, Rita. Imagine what people would think if the local High School principal was known to get so drunk that she was fucking college boys? We are not going to tell a soul."
I was befuddled. My mouth dropped open. For a moment I could visualize the school board conducting a hearing about whether I should be dismissed.
"It is good that you won't do that to me."
Frank pulled my top off. "Nice set of jugs."
"Nice tight pussy, too."
I was placed on my back. A finger was put up me. Both of my breasts were caressed, sucked on. I closed my eyes. My mind went blank. They started to fuck me. Always before I had been a partner, or at least had some control. Not tonight. I was a fuck to be taken, ridden. They took turns riding me.
When they had enough, they walked me into the shower. Both of them carefully washed me down with wash clothes. They dressed me in my pajamas. I was placed in my bed, and tucked in. It was very gentle.
I vowed to not answer the door in the future, when I was drunk. That would take care of this problem once and for all.
Once in awhile, I would finger myself thinking of their eager young cocks in me. But then I would get mad. Bold damn kids.
Things were quiet for a month. I'm thirty-nine. They are twenty. Must be they have found college girls to hold their interest?
Out of the blue, I received a job offer from State. Provost John Murphy sent to me a letter offering to me the position of Alumni Relations Director, with an income of seventy thousand dollars a year. That is twenty thousand more than I was making.
During the interview, he explained that the presidents of several of the fraternities on campus had recommended me. I did not know any of them, but I did not inform Provost Murphy of that.
The following Friday night, I decided to celebrate my new position by, you guess it, getting well plastered.
At ten thirty, Jimmy came home. He had two older men with him. I sat there wearing just a robe, with nothing underneath.
"Mom, this is Mr. Walter Burk, and Mr. Lew Simms. They are alumni. They wanted to meet you. I have to go to a frat thing. By." Jimmy left me there with two strange men. Me, seeing double. All I could think was, what?
"Hello Rita. We have heard so much about you. Lew and I wanted to welcome you to the alumni family. As he said that, both men approached the sides of the Lazy-boy that I was sitting in.
"Rita, we have been told that you are very accommodating. Is that so?" As he said that, Lew lifted the top of my robe, exposing my right tit. When I tried to pull it back, his hand pulled the end of my robe tie, allowing the robe to open, exposing my body. Walt knelt between my legs, while pulling my ass towards him. His mouth was on my bush, tongue probing for my clit.
As my hands found the top of his head, Lew took both my tits in his hands, pulling on them. I let my head fall back. I would resist no more. I knew what it was like to have two virile men take me, again and again. I wanted it. I had to have it.
They carried me to the bedroom. I had thought about being fucked tonight. My pussy was soaking wet. It was happening. Walt ate me some more. I pressed his head to my snatch. I was panting. My ass was humping, waiting for the cocks to begin, to spend themselves in me. Walt was on me. He took my hand and placed it on his cock. It was long, firm, ready. I placed it to my entrance. It was all he needed. He thrust it deeply into me. He fucked me with abandon. Lew left the room. When he returned, Provost Murphy and another man were with him, both naked. The other man was given second dibs in me. He was older. His face got red as his cock hardened. He was about to cum. "Yes, Yes," he shouted as he shot his cum in me.
With a deep breath, he relaxed. "Well done, President Ross," Provost Murphy exclaimed.
He kissed me on the lips. "I'm Dr. Charlie Ross, your president."
"Nice to meet you," I answered, with some surprise.
The next year was very busy. I was successful in increasing the school endowment from eighty six million to one hundred and thirty million dollars. I traveled a lot. I got to meet, and know quite well, many of our more affluent alumni, usually from the viewpoint of being on my back.
My drinking never changed. Except now, I expected to have a bold young man, or two, or more, stop by for a ride on Friday night.
The following April, President Ross announced that he had accepted the position of Director of Education for the state of Ohio. He, a widower, and I had dated several times. Last night, panting, after a second fuck, he lie next to me, twirling my hair with his fingers. He said to me, "You know, Rita, you are a most unusual woman."
"How so?"
You are polished, prim, and proper. You never say anything bad about anyone. You never speak of the other men who you have let enjoy your favors. To my knowledge, you have never turned away a man who, if I may put it crudely, came to visit solely so that he could fuck you.
Smiling to myself, I murmured, "Perhaps, it was because I was enjoying their favors, their attention. I can cum many more times in a night than you can, Charlie."
"Rita, will you marry me?"
I was stunned. I sat up on my elbows, with my breasts sliding down the sides of my chest. I looked Charlie directly in the eyes. "Charlie, You are a wonderful man. I would love to be your friend, conspirator, partner-in-life. Can you live with the fact that so many have put themselves in me? How would you react if I allowed another to have me? Charlie?"
"Kissing me on the forehead, Charlie answered, "Dear Rita. I would have a woman who gives me sex whenever I desire it. You may enjoy others, if I may watch once in a while. Please marry me?"
"Yes, Charlie, I will be your wife."
The next day, I told Jimmy. "Jimmy, I have some very wonderful news. President Ross. Charlie, has asked me to marry him."
I will never forget what Jimmy said next. "I figured that if I talked Reggie, Frank, Walter, and Lew into fucking you that it would get you out of your funk. Good things would happen."
I'm Softly
Rating: , Votes: %1 | like or dislike | Add To Favourites | Published by: Alunja 3967 days ago | Categories: Lesbian
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