I pulled my pants on barely paying any mind to the girl in my bed. "Yea that was good." I glanced at her as I plucked my wallet up off the nightstand and pulled a dollar out. "Here's a buck for your time; you know where the door is when you get dressed." I threw the bill in her lap and left the room not caring whether I hurt her feelings or not. "I'll call ya later." I knew later would never come it never did.
"You used me!"
I waved a dismissive hand though the air. "You were the one that kept calling me. I never said we were in a relationship." I didn't bother taking my eyes off the TV as I continued; I got what I wanted from her and that was enough. "I figured since you were hanging on I might as well get something for the trouble so I did." I shrugged. "Though if you want to keep a man you better learn to be a better lover then that." I stared at her with a mocking smirk. "A rock would have been a better sex partner."
I looked back at the television. "Now if you don't mind you're distracting me from my show. The door is that way." I gave a curt nod in the general direction of the door.
I could see from the corner of my eye her mouth opening and closing trying to put together a cohesive sentence.
"You sorry son of a bitch! I'm not some fucking whore you can just use because you feel like it!" She balled up the bill in her hand and flung it at my head.
I snorted and smirked as I looked over at her. "Apparently you are and I did. Now get the fuck outta my house." I again jerked my head towards the door.
Her shrill voice once again rattled my brain just having to have the last word. "You WILL pay!" With that she stormed out of my house slamming the door behind her.
I barely paid much mind to the girl storming out of my house my attention was more focused on the TV. "Dumb cunt." I mumbled and dismissed the whole event to quickly be forgotten.
It was some weeks later when I was working my next hook up or more specifically my next steady fuck that my life suddenly took a dramatic turn. I had just left the girl's house debating on whether or not to go to the bar and get a quick one night stand when just as I opened the door to my truck someone placed something over my face.
I tried to fight them off but the chemicals coating the rag were quickly draining me of my strength and consciousness then everything went black.
I don't know how long I was out but when I awoke I found myself in a dark room with a single bare bulb hanging overhead. Of course the first thing though my head was 'Uhhh what happened?' followed by actually repeating the question out loud or did I? It felt like my mouth moved but I couldn't tell if I made a sound or not.
As the cobwebs in my head cleared and my vision became more focused I quickly noted that several things were wrong with my current situation. One; I was tied to a small metal twin bed covered in a thin sheet from neck to knees, and completely naked underneath. Two; I definitely wasn't at home, and three; the small room, the blinding light bulb dangling above me, and the darkness outside the circle of light meant things weren't boding well for me.
"Let me the fuck up!" I yelled with a struggle against my bonds only to be met with silence. "I mean it let me up right now who ever you are or you'll be fucking sorry!"
Still nothing. Where was I? Who did this to me? What was going to happen? Was I being held for ransom? If so who were they trying to ransom me to? My family didn't have a lot of money nor did I.
"I'm going to beat your ass to a bloody pulp when I see your ugly face!" I bellowed getting more and more frustrated as the seconds ticked by and no one answered. Granted it was only a mere second between one rant to the next but that didn't matter to me. What mattered was that I was bound against my will and that was illegal!
"I will see you rot in prison for the rest of your miserable fucking life for this!" I jerked hard against the bonds feeling my flesh become tender around my wrists and ankles.
I tilted my head back and noted I was bound with a coarse rope which with every movement I made it rubbed another layer of skin away. Much more movement and I wouldn't only be rubbed raw but bloody as well. I didn't care though I just wanted untied and out of here wherever here was.
"LET ME THE FUCK UP!" I screamed as loud as I could which finally brought someone into the room I was in.
I looked in the direction where I heard the door open and close but couldn't see anything beyond the small circle of light surrounding me. "You sorry bastard let me go!" I demanded when the being was standing just out of sight beyond the circle of light. I gave another struggle against my bonds and felt a small trickle of blood roll across my wrist.
"Silence" The obviously male voice ordered darkly and laid a belt across my midsection sharply.
The suddenness of the action caught me off guard causing me to yelp against the sharp sting. "I'm going to kick your..." I began to yell when I regained my senses from the shock only to be hit again.
I arched my back off the bed against the pain with a hiss. "You fucking..." I started only to have another hit followed by the sheet being jerked off my naked body.
"Fifty lashes for fifty words spoken without permission." The voice from the darkness ordered.
"What?" I questioned wide eyed as I looked in the being's direction and was only able to make out a dark figure that looked to be dressed in a black robe.
"Fifty-one." The voice had said then brought the belt down across my stomach in smooth quick motion to draw out the maximum amount of pain. "Every word spoken without permission will result in a lash." The voice said darkly then brought down the belt across me a second time cutting across my chest and biting at my nipples.
This time I did let out a cry of pain and before I could finish I felt the belt across my torso three more times.
"You will only speak when TOLD to do so." The voice ordered then whipped me three more times while counting down each strike.
"You are never allowed to look anyone in the face." He said then three lashes. "Eyes always on the floor." Three strikes.
He had only given me fourteen strikes across my body and my entire midsection felt like it was on fire. "Please" I pleaded.
"That's thirty-eight." He ground out in irritation and gave me three more strikes. "You will only speak when TOLD to do so." He repeated again followed by the belt lying across my body three more times.
I could feel hot tears seeping from the corner of my eyes along with the blood trickling from the open skin on my wrists and ankles from my struggles to get away from the pain.
"Now repeat everything I say." The voice ordered and gave me three more lashes.
He didn't wait for me to respond before he continued. "I will never speak unless told to do so."
Apparently I wasn't quick enough to respond as he brought the belt down across my hips and thighs cutting across the top of my dick causing me to scream as loud as I possibly could. Granted I like most men in the world have been hit in my crotch and more then once but this... I had never felt such pain.
"Now say it." The voice ordered when my scream finally died down.
"I will never speak unless told to do so." I whimpered in a whispered voice.
"Good" He growled and whipped me three more times. "I will never look anyone in the face."
"I will never look anyone in the face." I repeated his words and again I felt the sting of the belt three more times. I could feel the hot welts building up on my chest and I was sure by the time he was done I was going to be bloody.
"I will obey any command given."
"I will obey any command given." I repeated and though the haze of the pain from the lashes I could only wonder what this was about. Maybe I was kidnapped for the purposes of slavery since there wasn't much money to be had for my life; who was there to pay for it?
"I am never allowed to speak unless told to do so." I repeated followed by my lashes. "I will never look anyone in the face." Three lashes. "I will obey." Three lashes and I kept repeating it until the last lash fell.
I was in so much pain; the ropes were rubbing my opened raw skin and the burning, stinging, opened, welted chest was trying to out shine the pains from the ropes. It was a contest between the two to see which one could hurt worse and me caught in the middle.
"You will continue to repeat the rules until you are told to stop or you will feel the sting of the belt another fifty times or until you are dead."
The threat rang loud and clear through my ears and I continued to repeat the rules. "I will obey." I answered and could practically hear the man smirking at me.
"I will never speak unless told to do so." I watched from the corner of my eye as the man turned and left the room and was sorely tempted to disobey but all the pain shooting through my body kept my mouth working properly.
"I will never look anyone in the face."
I don't know how long I lay there repeating the three sentences but before I knew it I could feel my eyes feeling heavy as exhaustion pulled at my mind and body. I tried to keep awake and continue to repeat the words for fear of another beating but it was a losing battle and before long I was out cold.
The next time I awoke I was no longer tied to the bed and I heard myself mutter that I would never speak unless told to do so. I looked down at myself and noted that my wrists and ankles had been bandaged and my burning red welted chest was covered in a Vaseline like substance.
I gently touched my chest and hissed against the stinging pain the contact caused. I decided after a thorough examination of my body that I would live for the time being anyway. I still didn't know where I was, who had me, or what they planned on doing with me. So I opted to look around the room beyond the lighted portion of me and the bed I was sitting on.
As I turned to put my feet on the floor and stand up I spotted a bowl of salad with another bowl of water sitting next to the bed. The thought that there was no silverware to eat the salad with struck and I had to wonder why that of all things would cross my mind.
Why wouldn't I be more concerned with the salad and the water and the possibility that it might contain poison or drugs or something? With that thought I decided against eating or drinking the stuff on the tray for now and opted for exploring my surroundings like I initially planned on doing.
The concrete of the room's floor was cold against my bared feet but I paid no mind to it as I stood up and moved to the edge of the circle of light around me. Beyond the light and in the darkness could be anything, the man with the belt, a rabid dog, a bottomless pit... that last one was ridiculous and snorted I at myself for being so stupid.
I tentatively stepped into the darkness with my hands held up in front of me to feel for anything and make sure I didn't crash into a wall or trip over something. It wasn't long maybe seven or eight feet until I felt my hands land against a concrete wall.
I kept the number of steps in my head from the bed to this wall then moved to the side following the shape of the wall while trying to keep count in my head. It was at about the fifteenth step that I realized I hadn't found a corner in the wall and with a glance back at the bed sitting under the light I realized that this room was round.
However that didn't stop me from following the wall feeling for a door or a crack that indicated a door. Yet as I circled the room I couldn't find a single thing other than the wall, no cracks, no hinges, no door knobs or handles, nothing.
I looked back at the bed and realized I was right back where I started from when I found the wall. I knew there had to be a door in here somewhere that man that had beat me came though one I saw him; but where was it?
I sighed deeply knowing that if I hadn't found it I wasn't likely going to and with it being so dark in the room beyond the single light there was nothing I could do. With a deep sigh of defeat I slowly shuffled back to my bed and sat down heavily.
What was I going to do? Was anyone looking for me? Most likely but the question was would they know were to begin looking? No one knew where I went the night I was kidnapped and no one would notice I was missing until Monday morning that I was missing. Which made me wonder what day was it? How long had I been unconscious? Were people out there looking for me right now?
Better yet when was my kidnapper going to let me know what was going on? Wasn't that proper kidnapping protocol? Not that I've ever been kidnapped before but from all the movies I've seen on the matter the person always either knew their kidnapper or at least knew WHY they were kidnapped.
As I pondered on why I was here my stomach grumbled loudly causing my eyes to cut to the bowl on the floor. I really didn't want to eat it but there was nothing else and it was that or starve. I picked the bowl up and stared at the contents trying to see if there was something wrong with it but couldn't see any signs of poison; not that I knew what I was looking for anyway.
I took a deep nerve calming sigh and plucked a lettuce leaf out and stared at it for a second covered in what looked to be bleu cheese... ranch maybe? I didn't know I just knew I was hungry and this was all there was to be had.
With a quick sniff to make sure there wasn't something whatever that something would be I didn't know laced in the dressing I popped the lettuce in my mouth.
As I sat there chewing I realized that something was off about the dressing and I couldn't quite put my finger on what it was. I furrowed my brows deeply, picked up another piece of dressing covered lettuce, popped it in my mouth, and chewed it slowly trying to pull the flavors out of it. What was it?
I knew it was salad dressing; it was bitter, kind of salty, and a small after taste that I couldn't put a name to. I grabbed the bowl water off the floor, rinsed my mouth after giving the water a thorough examination, and took another bite of my salad trying with all my might to figure out what it was I was eating.
"Are you enjoying your dinner?" The voice echoed through the room.
I startled slightly nearly dropping the bowl to the floor and looked around trying to find the man. "Who are you?" I questioned demandingly.
"That's three." The voice responded and I knew instantly what he was saying. "I will ask you again; are you enjoying your dinner?"
I looked around nervously but the darkness beyond my little circle of light revealed nothing of the secrets it hid. "Yes?" I answered with a flinch expecting the lash of a belt.
"Are you asking me or telling me?" The voice demanded and I could hear the irritation in his voice.
I nodded my head and answered again. "Yes."
"Yes what?"
I looked down at the bowl in my hand and took a deep breath through my nose. "Yes I'm enjoying my dinner." I answered just above a whisper keeping my eyes locked on the bowl.
"Good then you will eat it all and lick the bowl clean then if you are a good little bitch I will give you desert after your three lashes."
I snapped my head up and looked around the room wanting to ask so many questions and demand to be let go but I knew if I said anything those three lashes would climb much higher.
"Oh and one more thing." The voice surrounded me. "You will put the bowl on the floor and eat your dinner like the bitch you are. You will lick your bowl clean and lap your water like a dog. You've seen dogs eat and drink haven't you?"
I slowly nodded my head not believing what I was hearing. He wanted me to eat and drink like a dog? Was he kidding?
"I will obey." The voice ordered coldly.
That triggered my memory to the lashes; I already had three waiting for me and I certainly did not want more. "I will obey." I repeated then set the bowl on the floor, got down on my hands and knees, and began eating my salad like a proper dog would.
"Good little bitch." The voice echoed around me. "Eat all your dinner and you shall be rewarded with a treat."
I did not like the sound of that. What ever this treat was I was sure I wasn't going to want it.
I plucked the last bit of lettuce out of the bowl with my teeth and chewed it still trying to figure out what this dressing was. As near as I could figure it wasn't actual salad dressing for it was lacking the spices needed; actually it was rather bland in comparison.
I swallowed the last bite then licked the bowl clean as instructed and began to get up only to stop when I heard the man's voice.
"No you will stay down and keep your eyes on the floor!" He ordered.
I remained where I was and cut my eyes to the floor. I felt a being coming up behind me and nearly turned to see who it was only to stop; my stinging chest reminded me of what happens when I disobey.
"Three lashes for disobedience." I heard him say followed by the sharp sting of the belt across my bared ass.
I hissed sharply through my teeth but kept still and quiet not wanting to add to the number.
"Good girl." He purred after the third lash and patted my stinging bottom. "Now did you enjoy your dinner?"
"I guess." I whispered as I kept my eyes focused on a small chip in the concrete.
"Yes" He growled and slapped my ass with his hand. "You will answer with a 'yes' no matter what is asked." He gave me another hard slap. "Do you understand?"
"Yes" I answered not wanting another slap.
"You're learning quick." I could hear him grinning with his words and a cold chill shot up my spine. "Now did you enjoy your dinner?"
"Yes" As soon as I answered I felt his hand pat my stinging cheek gently.
"I was told you loved eating cum."
My eyes snapped wide as my head tilted up. Cum?! I was eating cum?! I opened my mouth to respond to that and get up and kick this man's ass when I felt the sharp sting of a slap on my ass.
"Eyes on the floor!"
I immediately looked back at the crack on the floor knowing what was in store if I didn't.
"Now bitch it's time for your desert. Get on the bed, hands and knees, and keep your eyes down. You move and you will regret it." He bit out from behind me and I knew he was granting me a warning the first one since I awoke and in a sick way I was grateful for it.
As I kneeled on the bed keeping my focus on the bed he came up beside me just out of my peripheral view and slipped a leather collar around my neck. My eyes widened when he buckled it just tight enough to make me feel like I was choking then twisted it around my neck so the buckle was to the front.
I watched as a glove covered hand appeared in my vision with a padlock and a chain. He hooked the last link of the chain to the padlock then locked the chain to the buckle of the collar around my neck. With that in place he led the chain to the frame of the bed and with another padlock chained me to the bed.
"This is your kennel bitch you can not go beyond the light." He wiggled the chain in my face then dropped it to the bed and moved back down behind me. "Here is where you will remain until properly broken." I could hear the smirk in his voice as he patted my ass. "If you misbehave you will be corrected and when you are good you will be rewarded."
I felt him moving around behind me and could only think that none of this was rewarding. I was in hell; I didn't know where I was, who had me, and what his plans for me were. I knew if I asked I would be beat so I had no choice but to wait and hope someone would find me and find me soon.
I suddenly felt another leather like collar wrapped around my thigh just above my knee on my left leg then another one placed on my right thigh.
He moved up beside me with another piece of leather with a small bar attached and wrapped the leather band around my wrist with a padlock; he then repeated the process with my other wrist. I could feel the pull of the two bars between my wrists and my thighs and easily figured the point. It was to make me crawl or force me to constantly be bent over or squatting if standing up.
Once that was done he placed another set of leather collars on my ankles. I could hear him chaining something to the foot of the bed and easily figured it was my feet to keep me from going anywhere for the time being.
It was at this point that I really began to feel my stress and panic levels rise and was partly shocked that it took this long for the panic to start.
However when I felt him slide something between my ass cheeks seeking out my little hole I could in no way keep my mouth shut.
"What the fuck do you think you are doing?! Stop that!" I jerked trying to break free but found with my feet bound to the bed and my wrists to my thighs I was very limited in my movements. "Let me go you perverted son of a bitch!"
A scream tore from my throat when I felt the leather laid across my ass buckle side down followed by at least a hundred more hits. Though I knew it was only twenty based on him counting each one off but to me it felt like a hundred.
I could feel the blood trickling down the backs of my legs flowing nearly as fast as the tears streaming down my cheeks.
"Do you have anything else to say?" He questioned mockingly.
I shook my head keeping silent wanting to prevent him from hitting me further and causing more pain.
"Good girl." He purred and wiped down my bloody ass in a none to gentle fashion. "If you were a good bitch I wouldn't have to punish you." He sighed in mock disappointment though I could hear it in his voice that he enjoyed beating me.
I again felt him pressing the thing against my hole until my muscles which I was squeezing tight were forced apart and the thing slid right in. I heard a click and felt the warm water begin to trickle in filling my insides. I gave a small squirm with a clench of my muscles trying to dislodge the thing only for it to remain right where it was.
I suddenly gasped when I felt his large hand wrap around my flaccid cock with a cool jelly in his palm and begin to stroke me slowly up and down. I could feel the warming sensation from the jelly and along with the movement of his hand I could in no way prevent my body from responding.
Before I knew it I was as hard as a rock, trying to thrust against the hand working me over, and moaning lightly in pleasure. I was so close to spilling my seed all over the bed that a moan of pain passed my lips when he stopped jerking me off.
I squirmed miserably against the burning need in my gut along with the filling of my bowels only to be forced to suffer further when he slipped a cock ring on me. I whimpered pleadingly only to be ignored.
"Don't worry girl you'll get yours." He purred from behind me then stabbed a needle deep into my hip.
It didn't hurt as much as being beat with a belt but it did sting like a bitch. I don't know what he injected me with and was tempted to ask but knew better. Besides I wasn't feeling any effects from it so whatever it was it wasn't a concern at the moment anyway.
"I'll be back to change your bottle." He chuckled and gave a flick to the tube sticking out of my ass then left the room leaving me to wonder what he was going to do to me next.
"You used me!"
I waved a dismissive hand though the air. "You were the one that kept calling me. I never said we were in a relationship." I didn't bother taking my eyes off the TV as I continued; I got what I wanted from her and that was enough. "I figured since you were hanging on I might as well get something for the trouble so I did." I shrugged. "Though if you want to keep a man you better learn to be a better lover then that." I stared at her with a mocking smirk. "A rock would have been a better sex partner."
I looked back at the television. "Now if you don't mind you're distracting me from my show. The door is that way." I gave a curt nod in the general direction of the door.
I could see from the corner of my eye her mouth opening and closing trying to put together a cohesive sentence.
"You sorry son of a bitch! I'm not some fucking whore you can just use because you feel like it!" She balled up the bill in her hand and flung it at my head.
I snorted and smirked as I looked over at her. "Apparently you are and I did. Now get the fuck outta my house." I again jerked my head towards the door.
Her shrill voice once again rattled my brain just having to have the last word. "You WILL pay!" With that she stormed out of my house slamming the door behind her.
I barely paid much mind to the girl storming out of my house my attention was more focused on the TV. "Dumb cunt." I mumbled and dismissed the whole event to quickly be forgotten.
It was some weeks later when I was working my next hook up or more specifically my next steady fuck that my life suddenly took a dramatic turn. I had just left the girl's house debating on whether or not to go to the bar and get a quick one night stand when just as I opened the door to my truck someone placed something over my face.
I tried to fight them off but the chemicals coating the rag were quickly draining me of my strength and consciousness then everything went black.
I don't know how long I was out but when I awoke I found myself in a dark room with a single bare bulb hanging overhead. Of course the first thing though my head was 'Uhhh what happened?' followed by actually repeating the question out loud or did I? It felt like my mouth moved but I couldn't tell if I made a sound or not.
As the cobwebs in my head cleared and my vision became more focused I quickly noted that several things were wrong with my current situation. One; I was tied to a small metal twin bed covered in a thin sheet from neck to knees, and completely naked underneath. Two; I definitely wasn't at home, and three; the small room, the blinding light bulb dangling above me, and the darkness outside the circle of light meant things weren't boding well for me.
"Let me the fuck up!" I yelled with a struggle against my bonds only to be met with silence. "I mean it let me up right now who ever you are or you'll be fucking sorry!"
Still nothing. Where was I? Who did this to me? What was going to happen? Was I being held for ransom? If so who were they trying to ransom me to? My family didn't have a lot of money nor did I.
"I'm going to beat your ass to a bloody pulp when I see your ugly face!" I bellowed getting more and more frustrated as the seconds ticked by and no one answered. Granted it was only a mere second between one rant to the next but that didn't matter to me. What mattered was that I was bound against my will and that was illegal!
"I will see you rot in prison for the rest of your miserable fucking life for this!" I jerked hard against the bonds feeling my flesh become tender around my wrists and ankles.
I tilted my head back and noted I was bound with a coarse rope which with every movement I made it rubbed another layer of skin away. Much more movement and I wouldn't only be rubbed raw but bloody as well. I didn't care though I just wanted untied and out of here wherever here was.
"LET ME THE FUCK UP!" I screamed as loud as I could which finally brought someone into the room I was in.
I looked in the direction where I heard the door open and close but couldn't see anything beyond the small circle of light surrounding me. "You sorry bastard let me go!" I demanded when the being was standing just out of sight beyond the circle of light. I gave another struggle against my bonds and felt a small trickle of blood roll across my wrist.
"Silence" The obviously male voice ordered darkly and laid a belt across my midsection sharply.
The suddenness of the action caught me off guard causing me to yelp against the sharp sting. "I'm going to kick your..." I began to yell when I regained my senses from the shock only to be hit again.
I arched my back off the bed against the pain with a hiss. "You fucking..." I started only to have another hit followed by the sheet being jerked off my naked body.
"Fifty lashes for fifty words spoken without permission." The voice from the darkness ordered.
"What?" I questioned wide eyed as I looked in the being's direction and was only able to make out a dark figure that looked to be dressed in a black robe.
"Fifty-one." The voice had said then brought the belt down across my stomach in smooth quick motion to draw out the maximum amount of pain. "Every word spoken without permission will result in a lash." The voice said darkly then brought down the belt across me a second time cutting across my chest and biting at my nipples.
This time I did let out a cry of pain and before I could finish I felt the belt across my torso three more times.
"You will only speak when TOLD to do so." The voice ordered then whipped me three more times while counting down each strike.
"You are never allowed to look anyone in the face." He said then three lashes. "Eyes always on the floor." Three strikes.
He had only given me fourteen strikes across my body and my entire midsection felt like it was on fire. "Please" I pleaded.
"That's thirty-eight." He ground out in irritation and gave me three more strikes. "You will only speak when TOLD to do so." He repeated again followed by the belt lying across my body three more times.
I could feel hot tears seeping from the corner of my eyes along with the blood trickling from the open skin on my wrists and ankles from my struggles to get away from the pain.
"Now repeat everything I say." The voice ordered and gave me three more lashes.
He didn't wait for me to respond before he continued. "I will never speak unless told to do so."
Apparently I wasn't quick enough to respond as he brought the belt down across my hips and thighs cutting across the top of my dick causing me to scream as loud as I possibly could. Granted I like most men in the world have been hit in my crotch and more then once but this... I had never felt such pain.
"Now say it." The voice ordered when my scream finally died down.
"I will never speak unless told to do so." I whimpered in a whispered voice.
"Good" He growled and whipped me three more times. "I will never look anyone in the face."
"I will never look anyone in the face." I repeated his words and again I felt the sting of the belt three more times. I could feel the hot welts building up on my chest and I was sure by the time he was done I was going to be bloody.
"I will obey any command given."
"I will obey any command given." I repeated and though the haze of the pain from the lashes I could only wonder what this was about. Maybe I was kidnapped for the purposes of slavery since there wasn't much money to be had for my life; who was there to pay for it?
"I am never allowed to speak unless told to do so." I repeated followed by my lashes. "I will never look anyone in the face." Three lashes. "I will obey." Three lashes and I kept repeating it until the last lash fell.
I was in so much pain; the ropes were rubbing my opened raw skin and the burning, stinging, opened, welted chest was trying to out shine the pains from the ropes. It was a contest between the two to see which one could hurt worse and me caught in the middle.
"You will continue to repeat the rules until you are told to stop or you will feel the sting of the belt another fifty times or until you are dead."
The threat rang loud and clear through my ears and I continued to repeat the rules. "I will obey." I answered and could practically hear the man smirking at me.
"I will never speak unless told to do so." I watched from the corner of my eye as the man turned and left the room and was sorely tempted to disobey but all the pain shooting through my body kept my mouth working properly.
"I will never look anyone in the face."
I don't know how long I lay there repeating the three sentences but before I knew it I could feel my eyes feeling heavy as exhaustion pulled at my mind and body. I tried to keep awake and continue to repeat the words for fear of another beating but it was a losing battle and before long I was out cold.
The next time I awoke I was no longer tied to the bed and I heard myself mutter that I would never speak unless told to do so. I looked down at myself and noted that my wrists and ankles had been bandaged and my burning red welted chest was covered in a Vaseline like substance.
I gently touched my chest and hissed against the stinging pain the contact caused. I decided after a thorough examination of my body that I would live for the time being anyway. I still didn't know where I was, who had me, or what they planned on doing with me. So I opted to look around the room beyond the lighted portion of me and the bed I was sitting on.
As I turned to put my feet on the floor and stand up I spotted a bowl of salad with another bowl of water sitting next to the bed. The thought that there was no silverware to eat the salad with struck and I had to wonder why that of all things would cross my mind.
Why wouldn't I be more concerned with the salad and the water and the possibility that it might contain poison or drugs or something? With that thought I decided against eating or drinking the stuff on the tray for now and opted for exploring my surroundings like I initially planned on doing.
The concrete of the room's floor was cold against my bared feet but I paid no mind to it as I stood up and moved to the edge of the circle of light around me. Beyond the light and in the darkness could be anything, the man with the belt, a rabid dog, a bottomless pit... that last one was ridiculous and snorted I at myself for being so stupid.
I tentatively stepped into the darkness with my hands held up in front of me to feel for anything and make sure I didn't crash into a wall or trip over something. It wasn't long maybe seven or eight feet until I felt my hands land against a concrete wall.
I kept the number of steps in my head from the bed to this wall then moved to the side following the shape of the wall while trying to keep count in my head. It was at about the fifteenth step that I realized I hadn't found a corner in the wall and with a glance back at the bed sitting under the light I realized that this room was round.
However that didn't stop me from following the wall feeling for a door or a crack that indicated a door. Yet as I circled the room I couldn't find a single thing other than the wall, no cracks, no hinges, no door knobs or handles, nothing.
I looked back at the bed and realized I was right back where I started from when I found the wall. I knew there had to be a door in here somewhere that man that had beat me came though one I saw him; but where was it?
I sighed deeply knowing that if I hadn't found it I wasn't likely going to and with it being so dark in the room beyond the single light there was nothing I could do. With a deep sigh of defeat I slowly shuffled back to my bed and sat down heavily.
What was I going to do? Was anyone looking for me? Most likely but the question was would they know were to begin looking? No one knew where I went the night I was kidnapped and no one would notice I was missing until Monday morning that I was missing. Which made me wonder what day was it? How long had I been unconscious? Were people out there looking for me right now?
Better yet when was my kidnapper going to let me know what was going on? Wasn't that proper kidnapping protocol? Not that I've ever been kidnapped before but from all the movies I've seen on the matter the person always either knew their kidnapper or at least knew WHY they were kidnapped.
As I pondered on why I was here my stomach grumbled loudly causing my eyes to cut to the bowl on the floor. I really didn't want to eat it but there was nothing else and it was that or starve. I picked the bowl up and stared at the contents trying to see if there was something wrong with it but couldn't see any signs of poison; not that I knew what I was looking for anyway.
I took a deep nerve calming sigh and plucked a lettuce leaf out and stared at it for a second covered in what looked to be bleu cheese... ranch maybe? I didn't know I just knew I was hungry and this was all there was to be had.
With a quick sniff to make sure there wasn't something whatever that something would be I didn't know laced in the dressing I popped the lettuce in my mouth.
As I sat there chewing I realized that something was off about the dressing and I couldn't quite put my finger on what it was. I furrowed my brows deeply, picked up another piece of dressing covered lettuce, popped it in my mouth, and chewed it slowly trying to pull the flavors out of it. What was it?
I knew it was salad dressing; it was bitter, kind of salty, and a small after taste that I couldn't put a name to. I grabbed the bowl water off the floor, rinsed my mouth after giving the water a thorough examination, and took another bite of my salad trying with all my might to figure out what it was I was eating.
"Are you enjoying your dinner?" The voice echoed through the room.
I startled slightly nearly dropping the bowl to the floor and looked around trying to find the man. "Who are you?" I questioned demandingly.
"That's three." The voice responded and I knew instantly what he was saying. "I will ask you again; are you enjoying your dinner?"
I looked around nervously but the darkness beyond my little circle of light revealed nothing of the secrets it hid. "Yes?" I answered with a flinch expecting the lash of a belt.
"Are you asking me or telling me?" The voice demanded and I could hear the irritation in his voice.
I nodded my head and answered again. "Yes."
"Yes what?"
I looked down at the bowl in my hand and took a deep breath through my nose. "Yes I'm enjoying my dinner." I answered just above a whisper keeping my eyes locked on the bowl.
"Good then you will eat it all and lick the bowl clean then if you are a good little bitch I will give you desert after your three lashes."
I snapped my head up and looked around the room wanting to ask so many questions and demand to be let go but I knew if I said anything those three lashes would climb much higher.
"Oh and one more thing." The voice surrounded me. "You will put the bowl on the floor and eat your dinner like the bitch you are. You will lick your bowl clean and lap your water like a dog. You've seen dogs eat and drink haven't you?"
I slowly nodded my head not believing what I was hearing. He wanted me to eat and drink like a dog? Was he kidding?
"I will obey." The voice ordered coldly.
That triggered my memory to the lashes; I already had three waiting for me and I certainly did not want more. "I will obey." I repeated then set the bowl on the floor, got down on my hands and knees, and began eating my salad like a proper dog would.
"Good little bitch." The voice echoed around me. "Eat all your dinner and you shall be rewarded with a treat."
I did not like the sound of that. What ever this treat was I was sure I wasn't going to want it.
I plucked the last bit of lettuce out of the bowl with my teeth and chewed it still trying to figure out what this dressing was. As near as I could figure it wasn't actual salad dressing for it was lacking the spices needed; actually it was rather bland in comparison.
I swallowed the last bite then licked the bowl clean as instructed and began to get up only to stop when I heard the man's voice.
"No you will stay down and keep your eyes on the floor!" He ordered.
I remained where I was and cut my eyes to the floor. I felt a being coming up behind me and nearly turned to see who it was only to stop; my stinging chest reminded me of what happens when I disobey.
"Three lashes for disobedience." I heard him say followed by the sharp sting of the belt across my bared ass.
I hissed sharply through my teeth but kept still and quiet not wanting to add to the number.
"Good girl." He purred after the third lash and patted my stinging bottom. "Now did you enjoy your dinner?"
"I guess." I whispered as I kept my eyes focused on a small chip in the concrete.
"Yes" He growled and slapped my ass with his hand. "You will answer with a 'yes' no matter what is asked." He gave me another hard slap. "Do you understand?"
"Yes" I answered not wanting another slap.
"You're learning quick." I could hear him grinning with his words and a cold chill shot up my spine. "Now did you enjoy your dinner?"
"Yes" As soon as I answered I felt his hand pat my stinging cheek gently.
"I was told you loved eating cum."
My eyes snapped wide as my head tilted up. Cum?! I was eating cum?! I opened my mouth to respond to that and get up and kick this man's ass when I felt the sharp sting of a slap on my ass.
"Eyes on the floor!"
I immediately looked back at the crack on the floor knowing what was in store if I didn't.
"Now bitch it's time for your desert. Get on the bed, hands and knees, and keep your eyes down. You move and you will regret it." He bit out from behind me and I knew he was granting me a warning the first one since I awoke and in a sick way I was grateful for it.
As I kneeled on the bed keeping my focus on the bed he came up beside me just out of my peripheral view and slipped a leather collar around my neck. My eyes widened when he buckled it just tight enough to make me feel like I was choking then twisted it around my neck so the buckle was to the front.
I watched as a glove covered hand appeared in my vision with a padlock and a chain. He hooked the last link of the chain to the padlock then locked the chain to the buckle of the collar around my neck. With that in place he led the chain to the frame of the bed and with another padlock chained me to the bed.
"This is your kennel bitch you can not go beyond the light." He wiggled the chain in my face then dropped it to the bed and moved back down behind me. "Here is where you will remain until properly broken." I could hear the smirk in his voice as he patted my ass. "If you misbehave you will be corrected and when you are good you will be rewarded."
I felt him moving around behind me and could only think that none of this was rewarding. I was in hell; I didn't know where I was, who had me, and what his plans for me were. I knew if I asked I would be beat so I had no choice but to wait and hope someone would find me and find me soon.
I suddenly felt another leather like collar wrapped around my thigh just above my knee on my left leg then another one placed on my right thigh.
He moved up beside me with another piece of leather with a small bar attached and wrapped the leather band around my wrist with a padlock; he then repeated the process with my other wrist. I could feel the pull of the two bars between my wrists and my thighs and easily figured the point. It was to make me crawl or force me to constantly be bent over or squatting if standing up.
Once that was done he placed another set of leather collars on my ankles. I could hear him chaining something to the foot of the bed and easily figured it was my feet to keep me from going anywhere for the time being.
It was at this point that I really began to feel my stress and panic levels rise and was partly shocked that it took this long for the panic to start.
However when I felt him slide something between my ass cheeks seeking out my little hole I could in no way keep my mouth shut.
"What the fuck do you think you are doing?! Stop that!" I jerked trying to break free but found with my feet bound to the bed and my wrists to my thighs I was very limited in my movements. "Let me go you perverted son of a bitch!"
A scream tore from my throat when I felt the leather laid across my ass buckle side down followed by at least a hundred more hits. Though I knew it was only twenty based on him counting each one off but to me it felt like a hundred.
I could feel the blood trickling down the backs of my legs flowing nearly as fast as the tears streaming down my cheeks.
"Do you have anything else to say?" He questioned mockingly.
I shook my head keeping silent wanting to prevent him from hitting me further and causing more pain.
"Good girl." He purred and wiped down my bloody ass in a none to gentle fashion. "If you were a good bitch I wouldn't have to punish you." He sighed in mock disappointment though I could hear it in his voice that he enjoyed beating me.
I again felt him pressing the thing against my hole until my muscles which I was squeezing tight were forced apart and the thing slid right in. I heard a click and felt the warm water begin to trickle in filling my insides. I gave a small squirm with a clench of my muscles trying to dislodge the thing only for it to remain right where it was.
I suddenly gasped when I felt his large hand wrap around my flaccid cock with a cool jelly in his palm and begin to stroke me slowly up and down. I could feel the warming sensation from the jelly and along with the movement of his hand I could in no way prevent my body from responding.
Before I knew it I was as hard as a rock, trying to thrust against the hand working me over, and moaning lightly in pleasure. I was so close to spilling my seed all over the bed that a moan of pain passed my lips when he stopped jerking me off.
I squirmed miserably against the burning need in my gut along with the filling of my bowels only to be forced to suffer further when he slipped a cock ring on me. I whimpered pleadingly only to be ignored.
"Don't worry girl you'll get yours." He purred from behind me then stabbed a needle deep into my hip.
It didn't hurt as much as being beat with a belt but it did sting like a bitch. I don't know what he injected me with and was tempted to ask but knew better. Besides I wasn't feeling any effects from it so whatever it was it wasn't a concern at the moment anyway.
"I'll be back to change your bottle." He chuckled and gave a flick to the tube sticking out of my ass then left the room leaving me to wonder what he was going to do to me next.
Rating: , Votes: %0 | like or dislike | Add To Favourites | Published by: Pimm 3978 days ago | Categories: Shemale
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