Jane and Elaine.

Jane was my ex-gf's mother who I was having great saturday morning sex with until we got caught! Elaine is Jane's downstair neighbour, friend and ex work-mate. On friday night two weeks ago I bumped into the two of them in a pub in Stirling, they were out to celebrate Jane's 60th birthday. I had just finished my work so I was still dressed in my manky working clothes, so after having a quick pint and a chat with them I left to go home, Elaine had mentioned what pubs they were heading to later and suggested I come back after getting washed and changed, I really could not be bothered but with the possible chance of getting my hole and it was my saturday off I made an effort to get ready to go meet them. After heading back into town and trailling round the pubs I met them in a bar called the Corn Exchange, they were tanked up on vodka by this stage and Jane had been talking about what had happened between us because Elaine kept calling me a naughty boy, so after having a couple of drinks with them and trying to divert the conversation to other things it always came back to Jane and Deborah! When Jane went to the toilet Elaine got into my ear saying Jane was wanting a shag for her birthday, Happy days I thought! When Jane came back we moved to another bar, after another couple of drinks and nearing closing time we headed to the taxi rank, we got out at their apartment block and went into Elaine's flat for a quick drink, I went to the toilet and could here them noisily chatting although not making out the subject, after giving my cock a quick wash I left the bog to find them both in the kitchen, when I entered they both stopped talking and stared at each other, I got the impression they had an argument but Jane said we could not go upstairs to her flat as Deborah may be in,so Elaine has agreed to let us use her bed providing she could watch and maybe join in!! Brilliant! now the two of them are bbw and my cock was starting to harden when we went to the bedroom, I undone my jeans and pulled my cock out, Jane sat on the bed and pulled me to her and slipped my cock between her lips and started to gently suck me, I tried to put my hands down to open her blouse but could not reach the buttons so Elaine climbed on the bed and sat behind Jane and starting undoing the buttons for me and removing Jane's blouse then undone her bra, Jane's tits are big and firm, and with Elaine now cupping and massaging them my cock seemed to get harder especially with the sucking. After a minute or so Jane stopped and motioned Elaine to suck me, while she took my cock in her mouth Jane got up dropped her skirt to the floor and slid her pants off, with Elaine still sucking my cock Jane lay down on the bed opened her legs and started to rub her pussy, I pulled out of Elaine's mouth, climbed on the bed raised Janes legs up and slipped my cock into her pussy, while I was pumping away Elaine was down, face inches away watching my cock fuck Janes pussy, after a wee while she got up, and started to undress, she had a large pair of saggy tits with huge nipples which helped keep my cock hard, once naked she the moved up next to Jane and started playing then sucking Janes nipples, this kept me hard while fucking away, Jane was ecstatic, after what seemed like hours but only minutes Jane told me to fuck Elaine, Elaine lay on her back opened her legs and I pulled out of one pussy straight into another. Great, while pumping Elaine I could feel my spunk rising I said I was coming, Jane went down I pulled my cock from Elaines pussy and straight into Janes mouth just when I shot my load, she sucked and swallowed the lot!! Knackered I lay down on the bed next to Elaine and watched Jane wipe her mouth. Still feeling a bit horny I asked if they would 69 each other, they gave each other a glance and Jane said maybe another time. Hopefully soon. I'm glad I went out now!!!
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