Anchor Watch
So the fourth night we were out we were parked kind of close to some other boats. I found out (later on in the trip) that you could anchor a lot closer than that, under the right conditions, but this was early on , and we were overcautious, perhaps. The wind was flukey, and when it changed, our boat would swing Way around to a completely new direction, pivoting on the unseen anchor point way up ahead of our bow. Everyone else's boat would pirouette similarly, but there would be creaking sounds, and the moonlight slowly shifting around through huge arcs, sometimes shining right into my eyes, through the companionway hatch. This hatch, like everything else, was opened wide, because it was So Hot that unless you were dead tired, you wouldn't sleep until the small hours of the morning when it finally cooled off.
Our bedrooms or bunks or whatever were the same. Jago and I had a room in the middle of the boat with doors fore and aft, kept open to draw whatever breeze would blow through. I slept fitfully, trying not to keep everybody awake with my tossing around. It was worse for Guillermo, who was watching the anchor. I heard him go by once around midnight from his bunk up forward, past us and the kitchen (galley, they call it) and up the few stairs out into the cockpit. Then silence: sitting out there making sure we hadn't "pulled" the anchor to some alarming new geometry due to our swinging, and were out of danger of bumping into the other boats. It seemed mellow enough to me, but then it wasn't my responsibility, either.
Some minutes later, I was surprised by him coming back through the cabin: I must've drifted off a little at least, & didn't hear him until he was walking past my bunk. I was on a little bench of a bed made out of what was, in the daytime, the kitchen table, lowered down to fit level with the booth seats, and padded with vinyl covered foam pads. So I was laying a little below waist level when he walked by.
It was so dark, I wasn't sure, though he passed by practically inches away. But as he moved forward past one of the small portholes, his backside moved through a shaft of moonlight. No big deal, it was much too hot to wear clothes, really, and I was in just panties and a cut off t-shirt myself.
But somehow this was erotic for me. I angled my head so I could see him laying there in his bunk: I could make out the shape, but in darkness, couldn't see anything. It could be his ass, or a pillow, or just a darker pool of shade I was looking at. It was hot nontheless. I got fired up enough to decide to take off my top, which I did with some minor fanfare, sitting up on the edge of the bunk, throwing the shirt into the corner, and letting off an audible "whew" panting to show how hot I was, and so that he'd hear. Then I stretched, imagining he'd be watching through slitted eyes as I had been. Basically, I think this worked. I propped myself up on the pillows for good exposure and made sure to toss around enough to pull the sheet off myself while I "slept," and kept an eye out.
Within half an hour he got up and came by, (slower this time?) headed out to take another look around. This time he had a hard on. It waved silently by as he walked past, fanning the air, cantilevered impossibly up, like a surfacing submarine. I couldn't turn around and look without giving myself away, but I think he sat in the hatchway a long time on the way back down, looking at me. I was just a few feet away, and the moon was shining in then, so he got a good look. Later, after he went back to bed, I finally did fall asleep.
When I woke up it was near light and I could see he was gone. I lay there mostly naked, knowing he'd have gone by me again at least once and seen me laying there, and that felt good. Next I heard steps on the stern, probably Guillermo, and then, a splash! There was no cry out, and there had been no stumble, but, what the heck!? I was a little concerned after a minute when I didn't hear anything else, so I went up to just have a peek. Sticking my head up out of the cockpit, holding my t-shirt up to my chest, I saw he was far away and swimming off into the wide ocean, just one arm after another slapping softly into the almost flat water. NOBODY else was up, anywhere. There were about 4 other boats more or less nearby, but no one stirring there, or on our boat either. This was definitely the last good sleeping hour, but I'd got myself fully awakened now, so I climbed the rest of the way up and sat in the cockpit, waiting. In a few minutes, the sun started to come up, right where he swam and it was beautiful.
I went down and made a pot of coffee with a minimum of clanking. As it finished dripping, I heard a clunk and felt the boat surge very slightly as Gui got back on at the back, then silence again. After a minute I got curious and popped my head up again & saw him sitting on the swimstep in the back. (The swim step is like a cutout in the back of the boat, where you can literally walk down steps into the water, like in a pool.) I had just my head out, but I could see all of him, naked just as (I now realized) I'd been hoping. He was shaving and saw me.
"Uh, hi Anjin." he said in a near whisper.
Not sure what to say, and caught with an eyeful, I hoisted my coffee cup and said, "Hi, want some?"
"Yah, definitely... Thanks."
So I said ok and went back down for the pot and another cup and put my shirt back on.
Then I took it off again. This was what I wanted, to have him see me, and I sure wanted to see him some more, so why not. So, wearing just my bottoms, I went back on deck with two cups of coffee, and just walked back there and sat on the edge, one step higher than him, handing down his cup like he didn't have ¾ of an erection hanging out there, to greet me with. He was shaving, soap all over his face and hands busy, suds running down his chest, over his stomach and into his hair, so couldn't drink it right then, so I could only sit there, sipping and waiting to give him his coffee and watching his torso twist and tighten up in different places while he moved in small ways, changing the geometry of his face under the razor. He had plenty of chances to look at my tits too, and I felt warm under his quiet gaze.
When he finished I reached forward, offering his cup, but he shook his head "no" and levered himself off and into the water for a quick rinse, pressing back up almost as fast as he went in, using arms and a big kick with both legs to get back up onto the step, clean now, and salty and covered with goose bumps. We sat there and said little, watching the sun, and me watching all the hair on his body grow powdery highlights of salt crystals as he warmed and dried.
Finally, he stood up, penis now at eye level. "You should swim in the morning, it's great. ...a little scary." he said.
"I can't swim that good."
"Just wear fins and you'll be fine: it's pretty amazing. I could show you, Anjin.."
I stood and said, "Ok I'll try it, tomorrow?" and we walked back downstairs and the moment was over.
Our bedrooms or bunks or whatever were the same. Jago and I had a room in the middle of the boat with doors fore and aft, kept open to draw whatever breeze would blow through. I slept fitfully, trying not to keep everybody awake with my tossing around. It was worse for Guillermo, who was watching the anchor. I heard him go by once around midnight from his bunk up forward, past us and the kitchen (galley, they call it) and up the few stairs out into the cockpit. Then silence: sitting out there making sure we hadn't "pulled" the anchor to some alarming new geometry due to our swinging, and were out of danger of bumping into the other boats. It seemed mellow enough to me, but then it wasn't my responsibility, either.
Some minutes later, I was surprised by him coming back through the cabin: I must've drifted off a little at least, & didn't hear him until he was walking past my bunk. I was on a little bench of a bed made out of what was, in the daytime, the kitchen table, lowered down to fit level with the booth seats, and padded with vinyl covered foam pads. So I was laying a little below waist level when he walked by.
It was so dark, I wasn't sure, though he passed by practically inches away. But as he moved forward past one of the small portholes, his backside moved through a shaft of moonlight. No big deal, it was much too hot to wear clothes, really, and I was in just panties and a cut off t-shirt myself.
But somehow this was erotic for me. I angled my head so I could see him laying there in his bunk: I could make out the shape, but in darkness, couldn't see anything. It could be his ass, or a pillow, or just a darker pool of shade I was looking at. It was hot nontheless. I got fired up enough to decide to take off my top, which I did with some minor fanfare, sitting up on the edge of the bunk, throwing the shirt into the corner, and letting off an audible "whew" panting to show how hot I was, and so that he'd hear. Then I stretched, imagining he'd be watching through slitted eyes as I had been. Basically, I think this worked. I propped myself up on the pillows for good exposure and made sure to toss around enough to pull the sheet off myself while I "slept," and kept an eye out.
Within half an hour he got up and came by, (slower this time?) headed out to take another look around. This time he had a hard on. It waved silently by as he walked past, fanning the air, cantilevered impossibly up, like a surfacing submarine. I couldn't turn around and look without giving myself away, but I think he sat in the hatchway a long time on the way back down, looking at me. I was just a few feet away, and the moon was shining in then, so he got a good look. Later, after he went back to bed, I finally did fall asleep.
When I woke up it was near light and I could see he was gone. I lay there mostly naked, knowing he'd have gone by me again at least once and seen me laying there, and that felt good. Next I heard steps on the stern, probably Guillermo, and then, a splash! There was no cry out, and there had been no stumble, but, what the heck!? I was a little concerned after a minute when I didn't hear anything else, so I went up to just have a peek. Sticking my head up out of the cockpit, holding my t-shirt up to my chest, I saw he was far away and swimming off into the wide ocean, just one arm after another slapping softly into the almost flat water. NOBODY else was up, anywhere. There were about 4 other boats more or less nearby, but no one stirring there, or on our boat either. This was definitely the last good sleeping hour, but I'd got myself fully awakened now, so I climbed the rest of the way up and sat in the cockpit, waiting. In a few minutes, the sun started to come up, right where he swam and it was beautiful.
I went down and made a pot of coffee with a minimum of clanking. As it finished dripping, I heard a clunk and felt the boat surge very slightly as Gui got back on at the back, then silence again. After a minute I got curious and popped my head up again & saw him sitting on the swimstep in the back. (The swim step is like a cutout in the back of the boat, where you can literally walk down steps into the water, like in a pool.) I had just my head out, but I could see all of him, naked just as (I now realized) I'd been hoping. He was shaving and saw me.
"Uh, hi Anjin." he said in a near whisper.
Not sure what to say, and caught with an eyeful, I hoisted my coffee cup and said, "Hi, want some?"
"Yah, definitely... Thanks."
So I said ok and went back down for the pot and another cup and put my shirt back on.
Then I took it off again. This was what I wanted, to have him see me, and I sure wanted to see him some more, so why not. So, wearing just my bottoms, I went back on deck with two cups of coffee, and just walked back there and sat on the edge, one step higher than him, handing down his cup like he didn't have ¾ of an erection hanging out there, to greet me with. He was shaving, soap all over his face and hands busy, suds running down his chest, over his stomach and into his hair, so couldn't drink it right then, so I could only sit there, sipping and waiting to give him his coffee and watching his torso twist and tighten up in different places while he moved in small ways, changing the geometry of his face under the razor. He had plenty of chances to look at my tits too, and I felt warm under his quiet gaze.
When he finished I reached forward, offering his cup, but he shook his head "no" and levered himself off and into the water for a quick rinse, pressing back up almost as fast as he went in, using arms and a big kick with both legs to get back up onto the step, clean now, and salty and covered with goose bumps. We sat there and said little, watching the sun, and me watching all the hair on his body grow powdery highlights of salt crystals as he warmed and dried.
Finally, he stood up, penis now at eye level. "You should swim in the morning, it's great. ...a little scary." he said.
"I can't swim that good."
"Just wear fins and you'll be fine: it's pretty amazing. I could show you, Anjin.."
I stood and said, "Ok I'll try it, tomorrow?" and we walked back downstairs and the moment was over.
Rating: , Votes: %1 | like or dislike | Add To Favourites | Published by: Adamson 3968 days ago | Categories: Voyeur
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