The Taming Of The Shrew Chapter 03
Madison sighed and rubbed her temples, ignoring the pointed look of the woman standing across from her. This was the fifth apartment she'd looked at today, and the third annoying, pushy landlady. Which, she supposed, was better than the two skuzzy, middle-aged landlords who had leered at her. This is not going well, Madison thought, turning on her heel and leaving the apartment without another word. Not well at all. How am I ever going to find a place?
"Wait a moment!" the landlady called. "You can't just leave!"
"This is not what I'm looking for," Madison told her, gritting her teeth and fighting to keep her patience.
"It's very well priced," the landlady wheeled.
Madison paused and turned to glare at her. "It's a worthless shithole!" she snapped, startling the landlady. "The shower is full of mold, the tiles in the kitchen are badly cracked, there are stains on the ceiling the indicate leaks, and I've no doubt you've got mice. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'll be leaving!"
She had reached her irritation limit for one day. All the apartments Madison had looked at had been completely run-down or hole-in-the-wall sized places. They were quite far from her parents' house, which had been the initial attraction, but apparently she wasn't going to have any luck here. I have to get as far from home as possible, she thought, biting her lip. Otherwise I just might... Well, Madison didn't want to think about what would happen if Seth had any more opportunities to "persuade" her.
She stepped out into the bright sunlight, blinking as the light momentarily blinded her. When her vision cleared, she noticed someone leaning against her car, waiting for her. Seth, Madison thought, swallowing hard. Her mouth was suddenly dry. Sunlight gleamed in his dark hair, bringing out bits of red in the blonde streaks. He smiled when he saw her; a boyish smile that was incredibly deceiving. She glanced around, but of course there was nowhere she could run.
"What are you doing here?" Madison demanded, trying to sound as though she wasn't afraid.
Seth chuckled. "I could ask you the same thing, Maddy. I thought I made it clear that I didn't want you moving."
"No, you didn't," Madison said stiffly, as she pulled her keys from purse. "Now get out of my way."
"I suppose I'll have to be clearer next time," Seth said quietly, catching hold of her wrist. "Get in the car, Madison. We're going to get some lunch."
Seth took the keys from her before she could protest. Something flashed in his dark eyes, warning her that disobedience would only make this worse. God, what's wrong with me? she thought, even as she headed around to the other side of the car. I should tell him to go away. Madison's nerves were humming, though. She was afraid she would lose this battle simply because curiosity would get the better of her.
It was worse than that, though. Seth had been doing this sort of thing to her for years. Throughout middle school and most of high school, he'd made it a point to taunt her with the rest of his gang. And yet there'd been other times when he'd protected her from bullies trying to hurt her physically. Sometimes, on weekends, he had brought over sandwiches or fast food and they would watch movies or play video games. For a couple of years Madison had lived in constant confusion, uncertain whether he was her friend or not.
Eventually she had managed to cut ties with him, burying her nose in books, studying constantly, and ignoring everyone. Yet Seth had been there the whole time and his presence always got to her. Whenever he smiled nicely, or said something kind, Madison's confusion came rushing back to her. Now she sat in the passenger seat of her own car, peering cautiously at Seth. He can't do anything in public, she thought. I'll play along for a little while, then ditch him.
Seth watched Madison browse her menu. She was scowling fiercely; he really wished she wouldn't, because she was so much prettier when she smiled. She must have noticed him watching her, because her cheeks were red and her eyes kept flicking upward. Finally she closed her menu and set it down on the table with a loud slapping sound. Madison made a grab for her keys, which sat on the table, but Seth quickly swept them out of her reach.
"Uh uh, Maddy," Seth taunted. "You're not leaving until you eat lunch with me."
Madison smiled savagely. "I'm not eating unless you're paying."
"Oh, that's fine," Seth assured her. "It's my treat, sweetheart. Get whatever you like."
And there it was. That wary, confused look she got whenever he treated her kindly. Seth supposed it was his own fault. He'd spent so much time taunting her, being cruel to her, and then he would do something to keep her wanting to please him. It was only when Madison had finally found the strength to get away from him that he'd realized he wasn't willing to let her go. Yet Seth suspected that despite her cold demeanor, she didn't really want to get away from him.
He'd grown up with a father who always told him to take what he wanted. Seth had watched his father treat his mother like shit and he'd always told himself he wouldn't grow up to be like that. As he got older and his parents' fighting became worse, his mother had begun taking it out on him, calling him the cause of his father's anger. And Seth had, in turn, taken it out on Madison. He'd been horribly cruel to her, but she would always be there, always welcome him back if he was just nice to her.
Then she'd stopped welcoming him back. Seth had gone from one extreme to another, first teasing her and embarrassing her in front of half the school, then sending her anonymous "secret admirer" notes. None of it worked. Every time Madison looked at him, he saw sadness in her eyes, and a dying hope that the boy she adored so much would come back to her. Seth could never again be that boy.
He hated it when the word "obsession" flitted on the edges of his conciousness. Yet he often found it hard not to think of Madison as his. Love had quickly become a twisted concept in Seth's life, which made it all the more difficult. Fear and desire mixed to create a fierce need, both to draw her close and to push her away. His father's attitude had eventually driven his mother to affairs. Madison needed to understand that she belonged to him and no one else was allowed to have her, no matter what.
"I guess I'll get the ribs," Madison said, setting aside her menu and smiling sweetly at him.
Seth chuckled. "Sweetheart, I'd pay quite a bit to see you eat something as messy as ribs."
"Oh, shut up," Madison grumbled, scowling. "Why can't you just leave me alone?"
"Because you don't want me to," Seth answered. She looked up at him, her eyes narrowing, and he smiled. "Just order your lunch, Maddy. There will be plenty of time later to show you just what I mean..."
Madison admitted to herself, albeit grudgingly, that lunch with Seth had been surprisingly pleasant. He was actually very intelligent and could hold quite an interesting conversation. And much to her relief, he'd allowed her to take her car and go home afterward. She wasn't sure how he'd gotten home, and she wasn't going to think about it. When he acted like that, Madison found it far too easy to forget the way he'd treated her.
What did he mean, anyway? she thought, as she stepped into her room. Of course I want him to leave me alone! Why wouldn't I? Because there was just something about Seth that drew her to him. Even now, Madison found herself glancing out the window, wondering. His window was directly across from hers and when they'd been little, they'd strung a line from one house to the other and sent things across in an old coffee can.
He could probably see me, she thought, biting her lip as she stared out the window. See me... Did he watch her? Madison set her glasses down on her night table, then reached up to loosen her hair. Maybe he was watching her now. That would be just like Seth, she thought, shaking out her hair. Looking at what he couldn't have until it drove him crazy. Now there was a thought, that she could be the desirable yet unobtainable to him.
Madison couldn't help but smile to herself. She unbuttoned the blouse she was wearing slowly, imagining him sitting in the dark room across the way, watching her every movement. Facing the window, she let the blouse slide off her shoulders and drop to the floor. She reached back and unhooked her bra, then let that fall too. Madison turned, shivering as her hair brushed along her bare back. She removed her skirt and kicked it aside.
God, I'm being such an idiot, she thought, shaking her head. She collected a pair of pajama bottoms and an old t-shirt and pulled them on. There was no way Seth was watching her. It was Saturday night. He'd be out partying and picking up girls. Madison paused long enough to put in her contacts and grabbed her book bag. She had homework she needed to get done.
The book bag fell to the floor with a loud thud when she opened the door. Standing in the doorway, mostly hidden in the darkness at the top of the stairs, was Seth. Madison backpedaled quickly, but not quickly enough. She struggled, trying to slip out of his hold as he turned her, bringing her back up against his chest. His breath was warm against her neck as he pushed her forward, across the room, until she was right up against the window.
"Lovely show, Maddy," Seth murmured, nipping lightly at her earlobe. "A little short, but then, it allowed me to get over here fairly quickly..."
His hands slid beneath her shirt and up to her breasts. She was pressed against the window too firmly to get away from him now. Madison went as still as a frightened deer, biting her lip as Seth fondled her breasts. He had such strong hands and his touch was firm, slightly rough, and terribly arousing.
"S-stop..." Madison panted.
"You can't get away from me," Seth told her. "You won't be moving anywhere until you give in to me. Do you understand?"
"You're crazy," Madison groaned. His hands were still on her breasts.
"Perhaps I am," Seth agreed, chuckling softly. "But you belong to me. And if you're going to tease me like that, you're going to have to accept the consequences."
For the moment Madison was silent, struggling through her inner conflict. Seth dragged her away from the window and over to the bed. Her little fantasy as she'd undressed seemed to be coming to life. She shrieked, snapping out of her thoughts as Seth pulled her t-shirt off. Madison felt the cold, rough metal of the zipper on the light jacket he was wearing and she finally began to struggle, getting her hands on his shoulders and trying to push him away.
"I came much better prepared this time," Seth told her, ignoring her attempts to push her off.
He got his hands around her waist and flipped her onto her stomach, pressing her down on the bed. Madison found herself gasping for breath, barely able to breathe with her face against the pillow. Seth got hold of her wrists, slipping a soft rope around them, then binding them to the frame of the bed. When she got her head up, it was only to have a piece of cloth pulled into her mouth and tied behind her head. Madison's heart hammered in her chest and panic made her mouth dry.
Seth pulled her pajama bottoms and panties down and then off. His hands braced her hips, pushing them up. She shivered as he pushed her thighs apart, but he didn't touch her. Madison heard the rustling of cloth, and other sounds she didn't quite recognize. She yelped into gag when she felt something cool and liquid on her skin. Seth's soft, mocking laughter made her grit her teeth.
"Can you guess what this is, Maddy?" Seth taunted. "Probably not...I doubt you've ever had a reason to use it..."
Use what? Madison wondered, curious despite herself. She heard more rustling and the soft clank of the metal on his belt. Tugging at the rope binding her wrists, she tried to turn her head enough to see what he was doing, but couldn't. Something hard pressed against her thigh, drawing another yelp from her. Madison tugged frantically at her bindings, but she couldn't get them loose.
White hot pain shot through her, but not the way she expected. She screamed into the gag as he pushed the tip of his cock into her ass. Tears spilled down her cheeks. Seth entered her, slow and careful, but steadily, until every hard inch of him was inside of her. Madison choked on her sobs. She wanted to fight him, to get away, but moving even a little hurt.
"I know that hurts, Maddy," Seth murmured, his fingers stroking through her hair. "It has to hurt. That will teach you that you belong to me."
Still moving slowly and carefully, he withdrew most of the way. It hurt, and yet... Madison shuddered and shook her head. She would not pay attention to the pleasure beneath the pain. As Seth began to slide back inside her, she closed her eyes and forced her tears to stop falling. She would simply find a safe place inside her mind and ignore the pain.
Madison got no such reprieve. As Seth began to find a slow rhythm, moving in and out, she struggled with what could be accurately described as "excruciating pleasure". It hurt and felt good at the same time. When he slid in it was mostly pain with a bit of pleasure. When he pulled out it was the opposite. Madison bit down on her gag, stifling a soft moan as he withdrew.
"That's it, Maddy," Seth crooned. Of course he'd heard her. "Relax and you'll enjoy it more..."
His voice was soft, rough, and slightly husky. It had an almost hypnotic effect on her. Focusing on his voice, on his soothing murmurs so at odds with what he was doing to her, Madison forgot for a moment to be afraid. She was relaxed, and didn't realize at first that the soft moaning sounds she heard were coming from her. The pain was nothing; she could deal with the pain.
This was such a frustrating sensation. It felt good, made her body ache, but for some reason she stayed on the edge of release, not quite reaching climax. Even the increased pace of Seth's thrusts was not enough. He leaned against her, and Madison could feel his breath against the back of her neck. He made a small sound, a little groan, then withdrew suddenly, allowing hot cum to spill down between her thighs.
Madison was trembling. Within moments Seth had pushed himself up off the bed and pulled his clothing back into place. He came around to the front of the bed and crouched to untie the rope around her wrists. How can he be so nonchalant? she wondered, frustrated by the bland expression on his face. Madison groaned with relief when her hands were freed and reached up to pull the gag from her mouth.
"Now then," Seth said, reaching out and winding his fingers through her hair. "Let's see if Maddy learned her lesson."
She opened her mouth to give him a scathing retort, but never got the chance. Seth slid his hand between her thighs, causing her to gasp loudly. Oh god, Madison thought, squeezing her eyes shut. Her body felt like it was on fire. His fingers barely touched her, but she was shaking with the sensation of it.
"Mmm...nice and wet..." Seth purred. "If you promise to behave, I'll help you..."
Madison's eyes flew open. "I'm not promising you anything!"
Seth pulled his hand away and stepped back. She expected him to be angry, but his expression was simply thoughtful. I can't let him get away with this, Madison thought, biting her lip. But it was hard to maintain her anger when her body was still aching with arousal. Worse, she knew that if she asked, he would give her what she needed. But I won't ask, she thought firmly. I will not.
"Well, I guess you'll be going to bed wet again, Maddy," Seth said, sighing in mock sadness. "Perhaps next time you'll be able to admit to what you want, and then we can take care of this little problem, hmm?"
Madison glared at him. She wanted to hit him, but she sat stock still on the bed until he had left her room and, hopefully, her house. When she decided that he must be gone, she groaned and dropped her head into her hands. This is not good, she thought, chewing fretfully on her lower lip. What am I supposed to do? Madison was frightened of this side of herself; the side that wanted to give in.
I'm not an obedient plaything, she thought firmly. Well, at least not all the time. As it turned out, part of her didn't seem to mind being obedient or a plaything. She didn't want to give him full control of her. But maybe just a little bit, a voice in the back of her mind whispered. Madison supposed she could admit to herself, albeit grudgingly, that she wanted to give in to his persuit of her.
She turned her head and stared out her window to the dark room across the way. If Seth was in there now, he could see her. He'd come tonight because she'd teased him, even if it wasn't quite knowingly. And Madison had enjoyed the thought of teasing him. Two can play at this game, she thought, smiling to herself. I mean, if you can't beat 'em, join 'em, right?
She lay back on her bed, stretching out, and sliding her hand between her thighs. Her body was still wet and aroused, sensitive almost to the point of pain. Madison closed her eyes and teased her clit, unable to hold back soft moans and cries. She lifted her hips, moving them in a rhythm matching the stroking of her fingers. This time, at least, she managed to keep from crying his name when she came.
Groaning, Madison rolled onto her stomach and pressed her face against the pillow. She was sticky, covered in sweat, and aching slightly, this time a painful ache. She needed to get up and take a shower, or at least a bath, but for the moment she couldn't move. That wasn't nearly enough, Madison thought, sighing inwardly. Not even close to as satisfying as what he did to me that first night...
This was going to be one heck of a tug o' war, she realized. If she gave in to this side of her once, then it would happen again. And Madison had given in the other day, for a time. She had a feeling that Seth wouldn't come tomorrow, and maybe not even the day after that, leaving her to wonder. He'd wait until she was so frustrated that she would give in easily. At least Madison would have a bit of time to examine this newly realized side of herself before she had to deal with it again.
Seth groaned. Yuck, he thought, shaking cum off his hand. Guess I'm definitely going to need a shower now. He'd only wanted to take a peek at Madison before getting in the shower. When he'd seen her stretched out on her bed, touching herself, he'd almost lost his cool...again. Instead Seth had sat down on his bed and watched her. He'd gotten so hard from it that he'd had to give himself some relief.
The game was getting more interesting now. Madison had a wonderfully switching nature; sometimes obedient and docile, other times fiery and tempting. I can use that to my advantage, Seth thought, smiling to himself. Her stubborn nature will work against her this time. He would have to see how much will to fight Madison had left after oh, say...two weeks. To keep himself from going to her for that long was going to take some serious willpower on his part, but the reward would be more than worth it.
Madison sighed and rubbed her temples, ignoring the pointed look of the woman standing across from her. This was the fifth apartment she'd looked at today, and the third annoying, pushy landlady. Which, she supposed, was better than the two skuzzy, middle-aged landlords who had leered at her. This is not going well, Madison thought, turning on her heel and leaving the apartment without another word. Not well at all. How am I ever going to find a place?
"Wait a moment!" the landlady called. "You can't just leave!"
"This is not what I'm looking for," Madison told her, gritting her teeth and fighting to keep her patience.
"It's very well priced," the landlady wheeled.
Madison paused and turned to glare at her. "It's a worthless shithole!" she snapped, startling the landlady. "The shower is full of mold, the tiles in the kitchen are badly cracked, there are stains on the ceiling the indicate leaks, and I've no doubt you've got mice. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'll be leaving!"
She had reached her irritation limit for one day. All the apartments Madison had looked at had been completely run-down or hole-in-the-wall sized places. They were quite far from her parents' house, which had been the initial attraction, but apparently she wasn't going to have any luck here. I have to get as far from home as possible, she thought, biting her lip. Otherwise I just might... Well, Madison didn't want to think about what would happen if Seth had any more opportunities to "persuade" her.
She stepped out into the bright sunlight, blinking as the light momentarily blinded her. When her vision cleared, she noticed someone leaning against her car, waiting for her. Seth, Madison thought, swallowing hard. Her mouth was suddenly dry. Sunlight gleamed in his dark hair, bringing out bits of red in the blonde streaks. He smiled when he saw her; a boyish smile that was incredibly deceiving. She glanced around, but of course there was nowhere she could run.
"What are you doing here?" Madison demanded, trying to sound as though she wasn't afraid.
Seth chuckled. "I could ask you the same thing, Maddy. I thought I made it clear that I didn't want you moving."
"No, you didn't," Madison said stiffly, as she pulled her keys from purse. "Now get out of my way."
"I suppose I'll have to be clearer next time," Seth said quietly, catching hold of her wrist. "Get in the car, Madison. We're going to get some lunch."
Seth took the keys from her before she could protest. Something flashed in his dark eyes, warning her that disobedience would only make this worse. God, what's wrong with me? she thought, even as she headed around to the other side of the car. I should tell him to go away. Madison's nerves were humming, though. She was afraid she would lose this battle simply because curiosity would get the better of her.
It was worse than that, though. Seth had been doing this sort of thing to her for years. Throughout middle school and most of high school, he'd made it a point to taunt her with the rest of his gang. And yet there'd been other times when he'd protected her from bullies trying to hurt her physically. Sometimes, on weekends, he had brought over sandwiches or fast food and they would watch movies or play video games. For a couple of years Madison had lived in constant confusion, uncertain whether he was her friend or not.
Eventually she had managed to cut ties with him, burying her nose in books, studying constantly, and ignoring everyone. Yet Seth had been there the whole time and his presence always got to her. Whenever he smiled nicely, or said something kind, Madison's confusion came rushing back to her. Now she sat in the passenger seat of her own car, peering cautiously at Seth. He can't do anything in public, she thought. I'll play along for a little while, then ditch him.
Seth watched Madison browse her menu. She was scowling fiercely; he really wished she wouldn't, because she was so much prettier when she smiled. She must have noticed him watching her, because her cheeks were red and her eyes kept flicking upward. Finally she closed her menu and set it down on the table with a loud slapping sound. Madison made a grab for her keys, which sat on the table, but Seth quickly swept them out of her reach.
"Uh uh, Maddy," Seth taunted. "You're not leaving until you eat lunch with me."
Madison smiled savagely. "I'm not eating unless you're paying."
"Oh, that's fine," Seth assured her. "It's my treat, sweetheart. Get whatever you like."
And there it was. That wary, confused look she got whenever he treated her kindly. Seth supposed it was his own fault. He'd spent so much time taunting her, being cruel to her, and then he would do something to keep her wanting to please him. It was only when Madison had finally found the strength to get away from him that he'd realized he wasn't willing to let her go. Yet Seth suspected that despite her cold demeanor, she didn't really want to get away from him.
He'd grown up with a father who always told him to take what he wanted. Seth had watched his father treat his mother like shit and he'd always told himself he wouldn't grow up to be like that. As he got older and his parents' fighting became worse, his mother had begun taking it out on him, calling him the cause of his father's anger. And Seth had, in turn, taken it out on Madison. He'd been horribly cruel to her, but she would always be there, always welcome him back if he was just nice to her.
Then she'd stopped welcoming him back. Seth had gone from one extreme to another, first teasing her and embarrassing her in front of half the school, then sending her anonymous "secret admirer" notes. None of it worked. Every time Madison looked at him, he saw sadness in her eyes, and a dying hope that the boy she adored so much would come back to her. Seth could never again be that boy.
He hated it when the word "obsession" flitted on the edges of his conciousness. Yet he often found it hard not to think of Madison as his. Love had quickly become a twisted concept in Seth's life, which made it all the more difficult. Fear and desire mixed to create a fierce need, both to draw her close and to push her away. His father's attitude had eventually driven his mother to affairs. Madison needed to understand that she belonged to him and no one else was allowed to have her, no matter what.
"I guess I'll get the ribs," Madison said, setting aside her menu and smiling sweetly at him.
Seth chuckled. "Sweetheart, I'd pay quite a bit to see you eat something as messy as ribs."
"Oh, shut up," Madison grumbled, scowling. "Why can't you just leave me alone?"
"Because you don't want me to," Seth answered. She looked up at him, her eyes narrowing, and he smiled. "Just order your lunch, Maddy. There will be plenty of time later to show you just what I mean..."
Madison admitted to herself, albeit grudgingly, that lunch with Seth had been surprisingly pleasant. He was actually very intelligent and could hold quite an interesting conversation. And much to her relief, he'd allowed her to take her car and go home afterward. She wasn't sure how he'd gotten home, and she wasn't going to think about it. When he acted like that, Madison found it far too easy to forget the way he'd treated her.
What did he mean, anyway? she thought, as she stepped into her room. Of course I want him to leave me alone! Why wouldn't I? Because there was just something about Seth that drew her to him. Even now, Madison found herself glancing out the window, wondering. His window was directly across from hers and when they'd been little, they'd strung a line from one house to the other and sent things across in an old coffee can.
He could probably see me, she thought, biting her lip as she stared out the window. See me... Did he watch her? Madison set her glasses down on her night table, then reached up to loosen her hair. Maybe he was watching her now. That would be just like Seth, she thought, shaking out her hair. Looking at what he couldn't have until it drove him crazy. Now there was a thought, that she could be the desirable yet unobtainable to him.
Madison couldn't help but smile to herself. She unbuttoned the blouse she was wearing slowly, imagining him sitting in the dark room across the way, watching her every movement. Facing the window, she let the blouse slide off her shoulders and drop to the floor. She reached back and unhooked her bra, then let that fall too. Madison turned, shivering as her hair brushed along her bare back. She removed her skirt and kicked it aside.
God, I'm being such an idiot, she thought, shaking her head. She collected a pair of pajama bottoms and an old t-shirt and pulled them on. There was no way Seth was watching her. It was Saturday night. He'd be out partying and picking up girls. Madison paused long enough to put in her contacts and grabbed her book bag. She had homework she needed to get done.
The book bag fell to the floor with a loud thud when she opened the door. Standing in the doorway, mostly hidden in the darkness at the top of the stairs, was Seth. Madison backpedaled quickly, but not quickly enough. She struggled, trying to slip out of his hold as he turned her, bringing her back up against his chest. His breath was warm against her neck as he pushed her forward, across the room, until she was right up against the window.
"Lovely show, Maddy," Seth murmured, nipping lightly at her earlobe. "A little short, but then, it allowed me to get over here fairly quickly..."
His hands slid beneath her shirt and up to her breasts. She was pressed against the window too firmly to get away from him now. Madison went as still as a frightened deer, biting her lip as Seth fondled her breasts. He had such strong hands and his touch was firm, slightly rough, and terribly arousing.
"S-stop..." Madison panted.
"You can't get away from me," Seth told her. "You won't be moving anywhere until you give in to me. Do you understand?"
"You're crazy," Madison groaned. His hands were still on her breasts.
"Perhaps I am," Seth agreed, chuckling softly. "But you belong to me. And if you're going to tease me like that, you're going to have to accept the consequences."
For the moment Madison was silent, struggling through her inner conflict. Seth dragged her away from the window and over to the bed. Her little fantasy as she'd undressed seemed to be coming to life. She shrieked, snapping out of her thoughts as Seth pulled her t-shirt off. Madison felt the cold, rough metal of the zipper on the light jacket he was wearing and she finally began to struggle, getting her hands on his shoulders and trying to push him away.
"I came much better prepared this time," Seth told her, ignoring her attempts to push her off.
He got his hands around her waist and flipped her onto her stomach, pressing her down on the bed. Madison found herself gasping for breath, barely able to breathe with her face against the pillow. Seth got hold of her wrists, slipping a soft rope around them, then binding them to the frame of the bed. When she got her head up, it was only to have a piece of cloth pulled into her mouth and tied behind her head. Madison's heart hammered in her chest and panic made her mouth dry.
Seth pulled her pajama bottoms and panties down and then off. His hands braced her hips, pushing them up. She shivered as he pushed her thighs apart, but he didn't touch her. Madison heard the rustling of cloth, and other sounds she didn't quite recognize. She yelped into gag when she felt something cool and liquid on her skin. Seth's soft, mocking laughter made her grit her teeth.
"Can you guess what this is, Maddy?" Seth taunted. "Probably not...I doubt you've ever had a reason to use it..."
Use what? Madison wondered, curious despite herself. She heard more rustling and the soft clank of the metal on his belt. Tugging at the rope binding her wrists, she tried to turn her head enough to see what he was doing, but couldn't. Something hard pressed against her thigh, drawing another yelp from her. Madison tugged frantically at her bindings, but she couldn't get them loose.
White hot pain shot through her, but not the way she expected. She screamed into the gag as he pushed the tip of his cock into her ass. Tears spilled down her cheeks. Seth entered her, slow and careful, but steadily, until every hard inch of him was inside of her. Madison choked on her sobs. She wanted to fight him, to get away, but moving even a little hurt.
"I know that hurts, Maddy," Seth murmured, his fingers stroking through her hair. "It has to hurt. That will teach you that you belong to me."
Still moving slowly and carefully, he withdrew most of the way. It hurt, and yet... Madison shuddered and shook her head. She would not pay attention to the pleasure beneath the pain. As Seth began to slide back inside her, she closed her eyes and forced her tears to stop falling. She would simply find a safe place inside her mind and ignore the pain.
Madison got no such reprieve. As Seth began to find a slow rhythm, moving in and out, she struggled with what could be accurately described as "excruciating pleasure". It hurt and felt good at the same time. When he slid in it was mostly pain with a bit of pleasure. When he pulled out it was the opposite. Madison bit down on her gag, stifling a soft moan as he withdrew.
"That's it, Maddy," Seth crooned. Of course he'd heard her. "Relax and you'll enjoy it more..."
His voice was soft, rough, and slightly husky. It had an almost hypnotic effect on her. Focusing on his voice, on his soothing murmurs so at odds with what he was doing to her, Madison forgot for a moment to be afraid. She was relaxed, and didn't realize at first that the soft moaning sounds she heard were coming from her. The pain was nothing; she could deal with the pain.
This was such a frustrating sensation. It felt good, made her body ache, but for some reason she stayed on the edge of release, not quite reaching climax. Even the increased pace of Seth's thrusts was not enough. He leaned against her, and Madison could feel his breath against the back of her neck. He made a small sound, a little groan, then withdrew suddenly, allowing hot cum to spill down between her thighs.
Madison was trembling. Within moments Seth had pushed himself up off the bed and pulled his clothing back into place. He came around to the front of the bed and crouched to untie the rope around her wrists. How can he be so nonchalant? she wondered, frustrated by the bland expression on his face. Madison groaned with relief when her hands were freed and reached up to pull the gag from her mouth.
"Now then," Seth said, reaching out and winding his fingers through her hair. "Let's see if Maddy learned her lesson."
She opened her mouth to give him a scathing retort, but never got the chance. Seth slid his hand between her thighs, causing her to gasp loudly. Oh god, Madison thought, squeezing her eyes shut. Her body felt like it was on fire. His fingers barely touched her, but she was shaking with the sensation of it.
"Mmm...nice and wet..." Seth purred. "If you promise to behave, I'll help you..."
Madison's eyes flew open. "I'm not promising you anything!"
Seth pulled his hand away and stepped back. She expected him to be angry, but his expression was simply thoughtful. I can't let him get away with this, Madison thought, biting her lip. But it was hard to maintain her anger when her body was still aching with arousal. Worse, she knew that if she asked, he would give her what she needed. But I won't ask, she thought firmly. I will not.
"Well, I guess you'll be going to bed wet again, Maddy," Seth said, sighing in mock sadness. "Perhaps next time you'll be able to admit to what you want, and then we can take care of this little problem, hmm?"
Madison glared at him. She wanted to hit him, but she sat stock still on the bed until he had left her room and, hopefully, her house. When she decided that he must be gone, she groaned and dropped her head into her hands. This is not good, she thought, chewing fretfully on her lower lip. What am I supposed to do? Madison was frightened of this side of herself; the side that wanted to give in.
I'm not an obedient plaything, she thought firmly. Well, at least not all the time. As it turned out, part of her didn't seem to mind being obedient or a plaything. She didn't want to give him full control of her. But maybe just a little bit, a voice in the back of her mind whispered. Madison supposed she could admit to herself, albeit grudgingly, that she wanted to give in to his persuit of her.
She turned her head and stared out her window to the dark room across the way. If Seth was in there now, he could see her. He'd come tonight because she'd teased him, even if it wasn't quite knowingly. And Madison had enjoyed the thought of teasing him. Two can play at this game, she thought, smiling to herself. I mean, if you can't beat 'em, join 'em, right?
She lay back on her bed, stretching out, and sliding her hand between her thighs. Her body was still wet and aroused, sensitive almost to the point of pain. Madison closed her eyes and teased her clit, unable to hold back soft moans and cries. She lifted her hips, moving them in a rhythm matching the stroking of her fingers. This time, at least, she managed to keep from crying his name when she came.
Groaning, Madison rolled onto her stomach and pressed her face against the pillow. She was sticky, covered in sweat, and aching slightly, this time a painful ache. She needed to get up and take a shower, or at least a bath, but for the moment she couldn't move. That wasn't nearly enough, Madison thought, sighing inwardly. Not even close to as satisfying as what he did to me that first night...
This was going to be one heck of a tug o' war, she realized. If she gave in to this side of her once, then it would happen again. And Madison had given in the other day, for a time. She had a feeling that Seth wouldn't come tomorrow, and maybe not even the day after that, leaving her to wonder. He'd wait until she was so frustrated that she would give in easily. At least Madison would have a bit of time to examine this newly realized side of herself before she had to deal with it again.
Seth groaned. Yuck, he thought, shaking cum off his hand. Guess I'm definitely going to need a shower now. He'd only wanted to take a peek at Madison before getting in the shower. When he'd seen her stretched out on her bed, touching herself, he'd almost lost his cool...again. Instead Seth had sat down on his bed and watched her. He'd gotten so hard from it that he'd had to give himself some relief.
The game was getting more interesting now. Madison had a wonderfully switching nature; sometimes obedient and docile, other times fiery and tempting. I can use that to my advantage, Seth thought, smiling to himself. Her stubborn nature will work against her this time. He would have to see how much will to fight Madison had left after oh, say...two weeks. To keep himself from going to her for that long was going to take some serious willpower on his part, but the reward would be more than worth it.
Rating: , Votes: %0 | like or dislike | Add To Favourites | Published by: FreeX 3977 days ago | Categories: Anal
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