CD And Trucker

At least four things went through my mind the moment I heard Hank ask me to go along with him.
- One my wife was gone for at least 2 weeks so that was no problem.
- Two, with wireless connection and my laptop I could take my job on the road.
- Three, I had hardly any clothes in my bag that I was carrying. All the clothes in the bag were girl
clothes; my boy clothes were in the back seat of my car.
- Four, my ass (oops, my pussy) was on fire and now stinging a bit from Hank's big cock taking my
virginity just moments earlier.
Who's Hank you ask...he's the trucker that just asked me, a somewhat passable CD, to go along with
him on a 'road trip'.
Spinning around to talk to him while thinking about those four situations, I turned right into him.
"I thought I better e****t you to your car, you never know what could happen to a pretty lady like you
all alone at night in a truck stop parking lot."
What a gentleman. He not only makes my first real fuck the best I could have ever hoped for. Now
he's being the perfect date offering to walk me to my car. It's not love I'm feeling here, but a strong
'like'. Could I have got luckier meeting him?
He must have seen the confusion on my face. He stepped back and put his big hands on my shoulders
and looked deeply in my eyes, quietly studying me as I looked up to him. "Baby, you look a little
strange, are you okay?" He asked softly.
Feeling his touch again brought my thoughts back to my tingling and also slightly sore pussy. Actually
thinking of my ass as my pussy, made my spent cock jump a little. 'Could this night get any better'?
Looking up into Hank's eyes reminded me why I wanted to try this 'public dressing thing' in the first
place. My ultimate goal had been to pull off a woman's appearance enough to get a big macho guy like
Hank to just smile at me.
But now, not only had I got that smile; I also got the chance to live out a bunch of my CD fantasies.
Fantasies I never thought possible; but that were turned into reality because I was lucky enough to
hook up with a true bi-sexual like Hank.
"Hank, were you serious?" I asked, staring directly in his deep brown eyes.
"About asking you to join me on my normal run, you bet." He said matter of factly.
"Can we talk about it first before I decide?" I asked.
"Sure, do you want to go back in the bar or what?"
He was dressed in his jeans and a T-shirt. God his arms and chest are huge I thought. I got a little
tingle in my pussy again, recounting the vision of his big body on top of me when we were fucking. "If
it's okay, can we just go back into your truck?"
As he was helping me into the cab on the passenger side, I felt his hand first on my butt, then trailing
down my leg as I got in. Sweet, I thought. I started to get excited all over again. As I settled into the
leather seat and looked down at my stocking covered legs and heels, and still feeling the touch of
Hank's fingers on my legs, I knew right then I was going to do this.
"Hank, I haven't thought this all through yet, but if I join you there's a few things I think we need to
talk about."
"No problem Baby, let's talk, but I gotta be honest, the moment you stop talking I'm going to do my
best to get you back in the sl**per." He smiled teasingly.
I couldn't tell if he was serious or not. By this time, what little makeup I had started the evening with
was almost gone. My wig probably needed some combing. I'm sure I looked half as pretty as when we
first met. But here he was, still making me feel like the most beautiful girl in the world. This guy was
Getting my thoughts together, "Alright let me ask a few questions just so I know what's what, okay?"
"Hank, if I do this, can you really get me back here in 5 days?"
"Okay," I said slowly, stalling to ask my next question correctly.
"We both know underneath all the wardrobe I'm a guy. During the 5 days, I think it's going to be
impossible to be a girl for you the whole time."
"That's no problem, if you haven't suspected by now, I'm kind of all over the board when it comes to
"I figured that." I said with a giggle, remembering the expert blowjob he had just given me,
swallowing as well.
I can't believe I just giggled. I guess it's the clothes and being around a bigger and more dominant
man that makes a guy like me think and act like a girl.
"I'll need to go home to get a few things for the trip."
"Are you really joining me?" Hank asked, looking at me like a little boy who's dad just said he could
have a puppy.
I smiled as big as I could and said, "Only if you promise to treat me like you did earlier tonight for the
whole trip." I giggled again when I said this, but on purpose.
"You gotta be k**ding me," he flatly stated. "Baby, you'll be lucky to see anything but the sl**per from
Portland to Bakersfield."
Then he pulled me to him in his driver's seat and kissed me, his tongue desperately seeking mine. My
arms just naturally just went up around his neck. I knew we were going to fuck again.
Some real sexy thoughts ran through my head as we kissed. I let my hand reach down to feel his big
hard cock in his jeans. I could tell it was cramped, but for some reason I wanted to tease Hank a little.
So I only gently trailed my fingers up and down his shaft. I could hear him moan. Our kisses were
getting hotter.
This kissing a guy was real new for me, Hank being my first. It really is something different and more
exciting than I thought it would be. Never before have I been kissed by a person who was so 'in
charge' and 'in control' of my body and mind when I've kissed. It's nothing like kissing a girl. There
have been times in my life when I've kissed aggressive women who were very d***k and horny, and
had nothing on their minds but sex. But even those experiences pale in comparison to kissing a very
large horny man who wants nothing but to fuck you.
While he's kissing you his hands are all over you. His nice caresses soon change into rough groping.
As the kisses get hotter his fingers start twisting your nipples (a personal favorite of mine). Soon he's
forcing his hand between your legs, which isn't really necessary because that's where I want them
My big, black, bisexual Hank, not only gets his hand between my legs, but continues all the way
underneath my balls and works a finger beneath my panties and snakes it into my pussy (way cool).
And all the time this is happening I'm being kissed by what seems like a 'starving man' foraging for
food somewhere in my mouth.
Author Side Note: This kissing thing is so cool you can't really describe it as a writer. My sophomoric
writing here is no comparison for the real thing. I can say this, if you're a CD and you have had
thoughts and desires to actually kiss a guy while you're dressed, don't sit at home masturbating about
it any longer...get out there and go for it.
Back to the truck cab...
Our kisses get more and more intense. Despite the fact that my pussy is still pretty sore from being
fucked by Hank earlier, I know I want to do it again. I know Hank wants to fuck me also.
Am I suppose to play the submissive chick here and wait until my man does the asking or am I
supposed to let him know verbally that I want to get fucked as bad as him?
This being a girl is a little more difficult than being the regular me. As a guy you just go with the flow,
almost always seeming in control of the situation. But I'm real aware that a girl can screw up a
relationship by injuring the sexual ego of her guy.
Whoa...did I just think 'relationship'? What the fuck is happening here?
Hank's finger fucking is starting to hurt a little because I don't have enough lube down there. I think
to myself, it's time to take charge myself. In the past, Kelli has masturbated many times lying on her
bed, dressed, thinking about similar moments just like this one. Sometimes I was the demure woman
being taken by her big strong guy; and other times Kelli was a true slut. I decided to try playing the
slut role, just a little, to see what kind of reaction I got.
I bit down hard, but not too hard, on Hank's big lower lip and also grabbed his 9" bulging cock as hard
as I could through his jeans.
"What the..?"
"Hank, stop for a second please."
He pulled back a little, and in doing so pulled his finger from my pussy.
"No you don't big guy, put that finger back." I said sternly.
As his finger slid back into me, I kissed him on the lips softly to let him know he'd done nothing
"Hank if I'm going on this trip, you need to understand a couple of things about me. First, I told you
before you don't have to treat me like some namby-pamby girlfriend. I want you to always think of
me as your sure-thing fuck. When you get horny and want to fuck then just take me, got it?"
"Got it." He answered slowly.
"Second if I don't please you for some reason, then just pull me over your knees and spank me silly
'til I get it right."
"Really," he said a little sheepishly.
"Yes really," I said directly so he knew I was serious. "I've never had the chance you're giving me to
live out my fantasy to actually be a trucker's woman. You'd ruin it for me if you treated me any
"I think I understand, but you need to know something about me."
"I always treat my lovers with respect. But I can play your game and act 'the big tough trucker' if you
want. I just want you to know it's not really me, but me trying to make it better for you. One thing's
for sure though, there will be times when I'm going to step out of this role you've concocted for me.
And when I do, I want to get what I was hoping for when I asked you to go along with me."
"What were you hoping for, Hank?" I asked curiously, never thinking there could be more than sex he
might want.
"I could tell the moment I saw you and also after our first few kisses you had a real passion inside you
to play the girl for a guy like me. Actually it's got me hot, thinking I was the one to unleash it. I also
know you're not the perfect-passable girl like some of the other girls I've played with."
That stung a little, but I didn't want to interrupt Hank, he seemed on a roll here.
"My hope is that over the next 5 days I get to experience all the passion you got stored up inside you.
But more than that, I'm always intrigued with guys that are bold enough to live out their fantasies to
be girls. It takes a lot of guts to not be the most perfect and walk into a public situation."
"What's your point Hank?"
"Kelli, most of the time I only play with TS's for a short time, never more than a few hours This is
tough to say, and I don't want to scare you off, but I always thought my next long-term relationship
would be with a girl like you. Who knows what can happen after 5 days together?"
Well I didn't see that coming. It was the first time he used my name so I knew he was being sincere. I
couldn't believe it though. Only a few hours ago I was just hoping to get some guy to smile at me;
now it seems all it would take would be a few drinks and a trip across the Nevada State Line and I
could become a bride.
I kissed Hank as nice as I could on the cheek. "Hank, I'm married, no I take that back, I'm happily
"Oh." He said surprised and a little disappointed.
"Yea sorry; maybe it's better if I just head on home."
I could see Hank's mind was working overtime after I laid my marriage status on him. "Kelli, I believe
things happen for a reason..." He started.
"...what if I promise to play the 'big tough trucker' for you for the next 5 days? And in return you
promise that during the trip you open up to me about why you're doing what you're doing.
"Maybe the reason we met tonight is so I can learn from you. Learn and understand what you're
about; which might help me if and when I ever meet the 'TS of my dreams' down the road sometime."
I just looked at him and realized I had a real sensitive guy here. A guy that was willing to help make
my fantasies a reality. And all he wanted in return was to learn what was locked in my CD head. I felt
that was the least I could do.
Without too much thought I answered, "Yes." And then I kissed him real hard to let him know I
thought his idea was going to be good for both of us.
His return kiss was nice, but I could tell this serious conversation had definitely killed our mood. Crap!
I could tell he felt it too.
Then he looked at me with a funny smile on his face, "Baby, would you reach back in the sl**per and
get my hat for me?"
A strange request; but I guess now that we had decided the trip was on, this seemed like as good a
time as any to prove I'd do whatever my man told me to do. So I started crawling back between the
seats and in an instant Hank shoved his meaty arm on the back of my neck and f***ed my face into
the mattress.
He was holding me down with one arm f***efully; and then I felt him lift my skirt and pull down my
'Oh shit I thought'
"Baby, I want you to know that you are never to bite my lip again."
SMACK, SMACK, SMACK..."ow, ow, ow"
My cries of protest were muffled in the mattress. I don't think Hank held back, his spanking really
hurt. After about 15 spanks I felt them. And I couldn't believe it.
Tears were running down my cheeks. Real ones. My man was giving me a spanking for something I
probably deserved. And not only were there tears, but I was also excited. My cock was rock hard.
Here I was, not just play-acting the submissive girl to a guy, I really was one. A dominant and much
bigger guy than me had chosen a spanking to arouse our passion again. But more important than
that, he was making sure I knew my place in our new relationship. And despite the pain and the girlytears
the spankings produced, I was more excited than I had ever been before; knowing I was
actually living out my dream to be a trucker's woman.
The spankings finally stopped, and I was still crying a little. Hank lifted his arm from my neck. I looked
over my shoulder. Shit, he was taking his jeans down and I could see his cock was huge, almost angry
looking. The look in Hank's face was not so much rage, but a ferocity that told me he was not playacting
the 'big tough trucker'. The spankings had got him as hot as they had got me. The look in his
eyes told me there was nothing I could do to stop what was going to happen next.
I quickly looked in the sl**per and found the tube of lube. I sort of tossed it back over my shoulder
and pleaded, "Please honey?"
"Nice ass Nice red ass you got there baby, perfect for fucking."
That's when it hit me. This was not going to be the nice pussy-fuck Hank had shown me before. This
was gong to be a hard ass-pounding that a man gives his naughty bitch when he wants to show her
who's boss.
A little scared, I reached up and grabbed a hold of the sheets and put my face in the mattress. The
phrase 'be careful what you wish for' was running though my head.
I felt a lubed finger being shoved hard in my ass hole; thank you Lord. But there was no tenderness to
it. It wasn't the slow gentle probing he had done earlier when he took my virginity. His pants were
just dropped down to his thighs. I could feel the rough material against the back of my own thighs as
he moved up to his target.
He pulled his finger out and I thought he might add one or two more fingers to stretch me out to
accommodate him, but I somehow knew that wasn't going to happen. That would have lessened my
pain. And causing me some pain was part of his plan and our game.
"Ow, ow, ow, SHIT!!!"
"That's right baby, that's the man cock you feel that's going to be fucking you for the next 5 days."
He pushed hard and bottomed out in seconds. It surprised me, there wasn't as much pain as I
thought. I mean there was pain, but not like a killer-pain. Most of the pain centered around my
He was pumping me hard. I could feel his big balls slapping my balls. His breathing became labored.
Receiving his pounding was almost an out-of-body experience for me. The entrance pain somehow
eventually subsided to just an ache, but the feeling deep inside my bowels went from an achy
weirdness to extreme pressure and then finally to a wonderful feeling of fullness with each added
Hank is a big guy and his hard fucking soon had his big heavy body squashing me against the
mattress. My now somewhat hard cock was being rubbed raw against the bed sheet. His whole weight
was on me. Never had I felt so little and submissive before.
The pounding just kept on and on. I could feel the tears now streaming down my face. I was starting
to get the same thoughts that many women must get when they're in the same situation; when is he
gonna cum so this can end?
He was really breathing hard now and grunting. And it came to me in an instant.
I started begging forgiveness, "Honey, I'm so sorry for biting your lip. Please, please, I promise I'll
never do it again. Please let me make it up to you."
That's all it took. He slowly came out of his 'tough guy' role and started kissing my ear. Thankfully,
the pounding of my ass stopped also.
Luckily, before my ass became mush, I figured out Hank was too sensitive to **** a person's ass and
have an orgasm doing it.
"Oh honey..."
Where did this 'honey thing' come from? I never call my wife honey. I think Hank liked it though, so I
laid it on thick.
"Oh honey, if you get off me, I know I can make it up to you."
He pulled out of me and pushed on his arms to give me some room. I turned over; oh was my ass
going to be sore tomorrow.
I pulled him down to me and we started kissing again. He could tell I had been crying.
"Oh Baby, I'm sorry for hurting you..."
"Hank stop, please don't blow it. It was perfect." And then we started kissing again. The same kind of
kisses that now instantly gets me hard.
"Honey, let me thank you for the spankings." I teased.
He seemed confused. I pulled him in the sl**per. His beautiful 9" cock was still rock hard. God, I can't
believe that whole thing was just inside me. I laid him on his back and admired the beauty of his
cock...long and smooth and as thick as my wrist. He has a mushroom head that has a flange that has
to extend at least a half-inch from his cock.
I laid completely down flat, my own cock rubbing on the scratchy bed sheet. Then I put my whole
mouth around the mushroom and used my tongue to bath the head. I could taste my ass.
I don't have a pierced tongue but I pretended I did and flicked the part right underneath the head
where the flange connects. I love when my wife pays attention to this part, so I focused on it until I
felt Hank push down on my head.
After all that fucking it only took me a few moments to get Hank on the verge of coming. He kept
saying, 'that's it baby...just like that...just like that'...
This was going to be a first for me. My first blowjob on a guy, and the first time I was going to taste a
guy's cum that wasn't mine.
Yea, I admit it, I've tasted my own cum before, lots of times really. There have been many times
when a girlfriend, and later my wife, gave me a blowjob and then kissed me. Also there've been a few
times I've gone down on my wife after I came and I could taste the residual.
But the most recent times have been when I was dressed as Kelli. I'd be lying on my bed after I came
to one fantasy or another. My cum pooling on my stomach. It's become a habit now that I try to
collect as much as I can on my fingers and then lick my fingers clean. I always close my eyes when I
do it, imagining I'm licking up some guy's cum. But this was going to be my first time ever with
another guy. Way cool.
I told myself that whatever happened I was going to swallow Hank's whole load. I could tell he was
close. He stopped talking and got real quiet. His hand was firmly pushing on my head, but not so
much that if I wanted to, I couldn't pull my mouth off. What a gentleman, huh?
It didn't matter. Hand or no hand, I was not letting go of my thick, black prize that my ass and mouth
had worked so hard to prepare. I was now using both my hands on his cock as well as my mouth.
Nine inches is really big.
It was sudden. No warning or 'I'm coming' from Hank. It was just a sudden jerking of Hank's cock and
the next instant a warm, no hot, stream of liquid was being ejected into my mouth. I tried to put my
mouth down further when the cum started coming out. Big mistake. I guess I didn't open my throat
enough and I started to gag. I pulled back a little and while breathing through my nose I just started
swallowing. I couldn't get it all. My cheeks were bulging from the copious amount of Hank's load. Jeez,
he'd cum less than an hour ago and his second load of the night was huge I thought.
I kept using my hands on him and just kept swallowing and swallowing. I remember in my fantasies
that I always looked up into my man's eyes when I gave my blowjob, but I forgot to do that part. No
worries, I knew I'd find myself in this same position a lot during the next five days. I had more time to
practice the perfect blowjob. After I had swallowed all that Hank had to give, I spent some more time
licking up and down his smooth cock, cleaning up any leftover cum slime. Even though I had my wig
on I could feel Hank caressing my head during this whole process. A couple of times his cock jerked
and a little more cum came out (way cool).
Afterwards Hank pulled me up and thanked me with a few more of his kisses as he held me. He
reached down between us, "Did you come Baby?"
Shit, I did? I came when I was giving the blowjob. Oops, at the bottom of the bed sheet there was a
little puddle.
Wow. I came giving a blowjob...too cool.
"Sorry, I'll clean that up." I said guiltily.
"Turn around Baby."
Oh fuck.
It was a light slap but it sill stung my tender-spanked ass.
"From now on all your cream's mine, you understand Baby." Hank said smiling.
"You bet honey." I said, as I reached for a towel and started rubbing the wet spot.
We hung out just holding each other for a while. I was wrong about Hank. After he took my virginity
earlier in the evening, I thought he'd be like most guys and want the girl to disappear right after they
came. When I'm with my wife I'm usually asl**p two minutes after I come.
But Hank I came to learn was different. He liked to hold onto you. Maybe it was because he was
bisexual. I know I loved the feeling also. Maybe I loved it because my girl-personality arose when I
was playing Kelli. No matter what the reason, it was just cool hanging around talking and occasionally
kissing and relaxing as we came down from our intense fuck.
We had a situation though that needed to be dealt with. I had to get home, pack and get back before
Hank had to leave the truck stop to pick up his load, which was only a few hours from now. Also Hank
needed some rest.
So I returned to my car, changed into my guy clothes and drove home. I told Hank rather than bother
his sl**p, I'd try to catch a few hours sl**p myself, and promised to return by 6:00am which gave him
enough time to pick up his load.
I packed two bags. One had all my girl stuff and also my shaving kit and all the makeup I could fit into
the little makeup bag. I took some of my wife's makeup and also some of her lingerie, knowing that I
could get replacements at VC if they got damaged (a lot of my wife's hot lingerie is the generic onesize
I also packed the laptop case and also my cell phone. I don't know why, but I also packed my
passport. Just before I went to bed I noticed the message light blinking on the phone system.
"Kelly, looks like Aunt Steph is going to need me longer than I thought. I already emailed the office
and my boss, who was working late, was great and said to take as long as I needed. Where are you
anyway? Hope you're not being a bad boy? Call me, I miss you."
Interesting. Maybe Hank was right, that all things do happen for a reason.
The next morning I arrived an hour early at the truck stop; I wanted to look the best I could for Hank.
Like the night before, I planned to change in the car before knocking on his cab.
I started with a pair of white, skin-tight Capri length pants. Before I did this though I had to do
something about my cock.
My cock is not a monster like Hank's. It's only 5 inches, but if I push the ruler hard enough at that
point between my stomach and cock when I'm measuring I almost gain another inch. Do all guys do
My problem was in the tight Capri's my cock would look too out of place, so I tucked it. I'd never done
this before. I was amazed at how easy it actually tucked. I didn't have a camel-toe or anything like
that, but even in the early morning light I could tell that it was going to pass.
For my top I chose a cute, cotton, shocking-pink belly shirt with short sleeves. On the front it said,
"He's mine", in the back it said, "Unless you're rich". Like I said, cute.
All CD's are different, I personally reside in the small-breast camp, I'm a size-B. Don't get me wrong I
love huge tits; but for me, a not-perfect CD, pretending to be a girl, who has a thin trim body, I feel
smaller is the better way to go.
I have a bunch of bras, some of them real thin and sexy, others are plainer but more secure. I also
have two types of breast forms. One is soft and squishy and the other is real firm. Depending on what
you wear dictates the combination. Both breast forms have little nipples on them. I've never had the
opportunity to dress for such an extended time. I was anxious to experiment; not only with the
combinations, but also I wanted to see which ones Hank liked the most.
My face was another matter.
I'm not the most proficient with makeup. I've secretly watched my wife put hers on the past few
years. All of my 'dressing' is done on the sly. Usually for only a few hours when I'm lucky to have the
house to myself. Using makeup during these times is not practical for an in-the-closet CD.
So in the car I did the best I could, using most everything I could find in the makeup case I had
packed. I wanted my lips to get there before me, so I chose a hot pink that almost matched my top.
I suddenly realized this was the first time I had ever put on lipstick. Looking in the visor mirror like
girls do, I wet my lips and then opened the lipstick case. I knew enough about it not to unwind the
tube all the way and just use the tip of the stick so you don't break it. Smearing it on was way cool. It
had a feminine smell to it, something I never knew they had until that moment.
I just slid the lipstick on my lower lip and then worked my lips together to cover them completely. This
particular tube of my wife's had sparkles mixed in and it made my lips real shiny. After I was done I
used a tissue to dab my lips a little so when I kissed Hank 'good morning' he wouldn't be wearing half
my lipstick.
I used my car mirror the whole time to get this part of my makeup perfect. I can now see why girls
use those little tiny mirrors when they do this job. The whole time I was applying it my eyes never left
my lips, what a cool focus point. I could feel the pressure in my Capri's. I made a mental note to
someday try masturbating while just applying lipstick. One hand for my cock and one for the lipstick,
all the time just looking at my lips 'til I come. (way cool)
I used the wrong stuff to attach my eyebrows. I didn't read the container until afterwards and
discovered I used a type of glue that was meant for a more permanent placement not temporary. I'd
address that issue when the time came. Makeup it was 'wig time'.
I'd packed 3 wigs. All the wigs I own are made from real hair, expensive but very natural feeling. I
had a Girl Next Door brunette, a California Surfer Girl blond and a sultry Jazz Singer coal black mane.
The brunette wig fell just to my shoulders, the blond wig fell about 3 inches on my back and the sultry
one went all the way to the middle of my back. The night before I went as a brunette.
My guy-side was no secret to Hank, so I saw no pretentiousness, trying to pretend I wasn't what I
really was. I thought the occasional wig change might spice up things. I decided Surfer Girl worked
perfect with the Capri's and pink top.
Swimming competitively has always been a part of my life, even before meeting my wife. I still swim
in an adult program at the Y, so being smooth never seemed weird to her. Using the right dilapitories
and a shaver has always kept me 'baby smooth'. Feeling my smooth calves and feet when I slipped on
my low-heeled sandals was quite the turn on.
The last touch was some perfume of my wife's. It was Paris Hilton's 'Just Me'. Another first for me and
I wasn't quite sure where to put it. I hate women who wear too much, so I gave myself a little squirt
in the air and just kind of moved forward into it. Nice.
Whoa...what a feeling, fully dressed with makeup and perfume about to go meet my new BF. As much
as this seemed too 'out of control', it also seemed like it was something I was supposed to be doing, if
only for a short time.
The whole process took almost the full hour. I told myself I'd never bitch at my wife again when her
getting ready process made us late.
The night before, knowing I was going into a dark bar, I didn't put this much time in making the
change to Kelli. It felt empowering to actually go this far with my transition.
But the sun was definitely on the rise and I didn't want anybody to see me in the light, so I grabbed
my bags and headed over to Hank's rig. Truck stops are always busy and there was a lot of activity
even this early. I just stared at the ground and used my laptop case to cover my face the best I could.
With head down I jogged as quick as I could to Hank's truck.
"Knock, knock Big Boy." I called in the sexiest voice I could imitate.
Hank emerged from the cab looking fresh from a shower. "Right on time." He said as he backed down
from the cab. Then he turned around and got his first glimpse of me...
"Wow, I say Wow!! Baby you are HOT!! I mean Smoking Hot!!" He exclaimed. Then scooped me into
his arms and kissed me like that 'starving man' person again. Nothing like your man's tongue for
breakfast I always
Talk about making my morning. The whole getting-ready process seemed so worth it now. I made a
mental check; from now on when my wife spends a lot of time getting ready I plan to treat her just
like Hank was treating me.
Breaking from each other, he looked at me with kind of a pained look. "I just got bad news Baby," he
said as he shook his head.
I instantly thought, damn, he wasn't going to take me with him. Had this whole thing been some
mean tease. I could feel a little tear forming.
"What's happened Hank?" I managed to say without my voice cracking.
I just got off the phone with my Travel Agent. My easy loop from here has turned into several drops
and picks in Salt Lake, Vegas, Phoenix then back to Bakersfield, before heading back to Portland on
my normal run.
"What that means Baby is that my normal run of 5 days has turned into at least 7 or 8 days before
I'm back in Portland." He said, looking as sad as I did a few minutes ago. It changed quickly though.
I spent the next few minutes telling him the whole 'Aunt Steph Story' and also about my wife's call
saying her time away needed to be extended.
After we both celebrated with a bunch of kisses, this time I definitely played the 'starving girl' role.
Now knowing I had more time with Hank made me so horny I was trying to steer him into the cab for
some hot trucker lovin'. Plus it was really starting to get light out and this 'somewhat passable' CD
was feeling a need for inside-security. Hank had other ideas though.
"Baby, I don't have to pick up my load for another 2 hours. What say I buy my darling breakfast."
('my darling' - way cool)
"Hank do they do take out?" I asked a little nervously.
"Take out, why?"
I spent the next few minutes explaining my nervousness about being seen in public. And how being
Kelli at night was fine, as long as the bar was dark and the patrons d***k. But once the sun came out,
this little CD planned to go into vampire-mode and hide out.
"Baby you gotta be k**ding me. Obviously you've never been in a truck stop diner before. To a trucker
even a half pretty-girl seems like a beauty queen as long as you smile at them." He continued, "But
that's not the situation here. You my darling (there it was again), are about the hottest thing I've ever
laid eyes on, TS or woman."
'Bullshit' I thought. But I liked that he said it.
It took another 5 minutes before Hank convinced me it was going to be okay.
"But before we go, we need to stash your gear. It's not all going to fit in the sl**per. You needed all
this for 5 days?"
"Well in this blue bag are my boy clothes and in the pink bag are my girl clothes. The little black bag is
my laptop and I really need that with me."
"Blue and pink, huh," he said chuckling.
"How about this; we put the laptop and pink bag in the cab and I stash the blue bag in my storage
compartment under the cab. Now don't look so concerned. I promise anytime you need to be a guy I'll
get it for you, okay?"
"Okay, thanks."
The walk across the parking lot as a girl for the first time 'in the light' with my trucker boyfriend was
pretty neat. My clicking low heels were only about 3 inches and I could tell my hips were swaying as I
walked. Every so often Hank's hand would drop down to my ass, but being the perfect gentleman he'd
only leave it there a short time. He has those big hands and he'd squeeze a cheek each time before he
moved it up, like he was showing everyone 'this one's mine, get your own'. I loved every minute of it.
An hour later...
"Oh Hank, keep fucking me..."
We'd left the restaurant and still had some time to kill before picking up the load. Hank, true to his
word, was going to take advantage of his sure-thing fuck slut whenever he could.
Getting into the cab, Hank's helping hand on my ass became a hot grope and he followed me in, easily
shoving me into the sl**per.
I turned around and pulled him in with me, kissing him the whole time. His hand slid down the front of
my skin-tight Capri's.
"Where you stashing that little thing, Baby?"
His hand slipped under my thong panties and his meaty fingers soon found my squashed cock tucked
between my ass and upper thighs. Underneath my tight pants he started stroking my hardening cock.
It was cool seeing the blackness of his hand and wrist next to my very white pants. While he stroked
me, he was also kissing me. I was enjoying the combination of the two to no end.
He finally worked my hard cock out of the confines of the tight Capri's.
Darling, as you know I've been with a few girls like you before, it seems each one has a different
name for this thing. We're going to be together for a while, what do want me to call this?" He said as
he continued to play with me.
Huh? I hadn't thought of this before; I always thought of it as a cock. I know I've read some CD
stories before in Literotica and he was right; there are a lot of names you can call it. I quickly ran
through some of the more popular ones in my head; cockette, girly-cock, and of course, clit. As I've
said before I don't have the biggest piece of equipment, five inches more or less.
Throwing caution to the wind I said, "Hank honey, I think I'll let you name it."
He smiled. "I'll think on it and let you know." Then he dropped his head down and started sucking me.
He'd managed to slip off his shirt by now and it turned me on to look at this giant man's back bent
over me. His blowjob was real gentle which I like, but that wasn't to say ineffective.
I got him to loosen his pants and I reached down his wide back and slipped my hand under the back
of his jeans. He didn't have any underwear on. His ass was as rock-hard as the rest of him. I stretched
as far as I could and trailed a finger down his crack. My arm wasn't long enough to find his hole but
the sweat in the crack was neat to feel as my fingers worked themselves up and down the deep
In no time he had me ready to come.
"Honey please, I don't want to come yet." I knew from personal experience that after I come I tend to
lose my submissive-girl frame of mind.
He backed off and pulled me on top of him. His jeans were open and our cocks were touching. I
moved my hips from side to side to joust our cocks and also tease him. His kisses got hungrier.
"Oh Baby, you're killing me here," he breathed.
His hand tried to slip underneath the back of my Capri's. I could tell he was having a hard time. These
pants are so tight you can't fit a credit card in them once I've got them on. I didn't want him to
stretch them out, so I lowered them and my panties to just under my ass. I could feel the tightness
under my ass cheeks.
Now our cocks were really playing with each other. I could feel the head of my cock slithering in our
pre-cum. WAY, WAY, WAY COOL!!
His hand quickly found my ass. And he slapped it a couple of times lightly, not like when he spanked
me the night before. "All mine for the next week," he said as he snaked a big finger into my pussy.
Man do I love this part, I thought.
"Oh Hank, keep fucking me like that, please."
I quickly learned that a full-time CD like I'd become, should always have her pussy lubed and ready,
because you never know when your BF might get the urge. Before we left the restaurant I made sure
to well lubricate my pussy in case we got to this part. I did it in the women's rest room - a story I'll
tell you about later.
Once he got his finger in me he knew he had me. I think this part is instinctive actually. Anytime a
dominant man gets his finger in your pussy and you don't fight him to get it out, then the Laws of
Nature pretty much says you're his, and you have to do whatever he says from that point on.
I don't know so much from the dominant side. But I can tell you from the submissive side, that once
his finger (or cock) is in me I'm totally like jelly, and being submissive to my man is all I can feel or
think about.
"Come on my cock Baby," he begged as he finger fucked my pussy.
His finger drove real deep and I jammed my tongue down his throat, thinking this could be the coolest
orgasm I've ever had in my life.
His finger was a staccato of motion, in and out, in and out; at such a fast speed it felt like some hound
dog was fucking me. My pussy was tingling from the all the attention.
Then I felt him jam a second meaty finger in my pussy and at the same time he f***ed my tongue
back and totally filled my mouth with his tongue.
Hank's other hand was digging into my ass cheeks and pulling us together hard. My cock rubbing and
sliding against his cock in our combined pre-cums was the neatest feeling. I'm not sure who was
getting the most out of this sensation. I couldn't hear if he was moaning or not because I could only
hear myself whining like a little girl letting him know I was so loving this.
I could feel the sensitive head of my cock riding up against the extended mushroom head of his cock,
and that took me over the top. I started to cum. It was one of those, that you can feel a hot-sensation
way down low and then involuntarily it just starts. Because we were so jammed together I could feel
the individual pumps as the cum came out between our two cocks.
I came almost screaming with the f***e of it, as I shivered through what I'm sure was one of the best
comes of my life. I could feel me bathing his and my cock with my hot cum; it felt like a sopping mess
down there. During my whole orgasm he never stopped fucking me with his fingers.
It took me a while to come down off the rush of the whole thing. Holding onto him, every few seconds,
my cock would emit a little more cum and my hips would grind against Hank's cock enjoying the
sudden sensation.
I wrapped my arms tightly around Hank and buried my face in the side of his neck, kissing him
tenderly. I'm sure I mumbled 'thank you' a few times but I don't remember, that's how out of it the
orgasm left me.
A little time after I'd calmed down, out of the blue, he said, "I think I'll call it Cindy."
"Cindy, I think I'll call that little cock of yours Cindy."
"Why Cindy?"
"Well we truckers always name our rigs after a woman that's special to us."
"Really, I didn't know that? What's the name of your truck Hank?"
"Who was Sheila?" I and asked with a little pang of jealously.
"And why Cindy for fuck sake!" I added sharply wanting to get to the bottom of all these women that
had suddenly entered the picture.
"Hey, watch your language, Baby." He said firmly.
Then he slapped my ass real hard and said, "Now its time to take care of Daddy. You aren't the only
one that gets to come this morning?"
'Daddy?', now it's Daddy I thought.
I knew Hank had dropped into that 'tough trucker' role I was looking for on this trip. I figured I had
the whole next week to get to the bottom of all this name nonsense. I also knew that questioning
Hank now could lead to more spankings. And as much as being spanked seemed cool in fantasy, they
actually hurt like hell in reality.
So I decided to do what was expected, and what I wanted so much to experience. Without any more
questions or conversation I submissively lowered my head like a woman, it was time to get my man
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