Wedding Guests Can Also Be Horny
My youngest daughter married a small town guy who's never going to leave it. He's surrounded by parents, uncles, aunts, nieces, nephews and a bunch of friends he's had since grade school. I would hate to be in that spot with so many people involved with my life. I'm much more of a loner. But my daughter, now having lived there fifteen years, loves it, is very happy and her three children seem happy, too. So I'm happy. I visit on every special occasion but since the third child came, I have to stay in the town's only hotel, all of the bedrooms in her house are occupied. And that's o.k. because it lets me be a little more in charge of myself.
This trip was for my granddaughter's birthday but it coincided with a wedding. One of the nephews was getting married so the whole clan was gathered. In fact, the wedding activities were taking place in the hotel where I was staying -- not the actual wedding, that was in a church, but all the pre and post stuff. The result is that I'm standing in a room crammed with relatives and food and drink while the bridal couple gets toasted. I've met all of these people before and get along with them and since I'm now also family, I'm welcome.
By accident, I definitely had no plan, I'm next to Margaret. Margaret is my daughter's father-in--law's sister. I've heard stories about Margaret. She's sort of the black sheep of the family. She married, had two children (now grown) and then left her husband for another man. And then, apparently, left that one for another and then another. But she's attractive and friendly and I always get along with her. Actually I've seldom been around her but when I was we seemed to get along fine. I'm 62 and while I'm not sure of her exact age, she's from my generation so she's probably at least in her mid-fifties and maybe even older. At one time, Margaret was probably a willowy beauty. Slim, tall, blond, pretty. She's gained a little weight but it looks good on her, accentuates the curves. She's still blond but perhaps not honestly so. Still has a pretty face but now with some lines and a little sag here and there. But she's aged well.
Amidst the gaiety, she murmurs, really to herself but loud enough that I could hear, "There's nothing better than that first night, neither can ever get enough."
I grin and look at her, "Do you really think, the way things are today, that this will be their first time together?"
She then looks at me and also grins, "No, probably not. But it will probably be the first time they've got all night with no risk of being caught or interrupted. It'll likely be the first time they both can manage to do everything they've ever fantasized about with each other."
"I guess you're right. That first night can set the tone for the way you live the rest of your life."
"Oh God, I hope not. If he's like my first it means a dull, unimaginative life. I hope they do some things they've never tried before. If I had the nerve I'd tell him, 'For God's sake, Tom, eat her delicious little pussy, have fun. And then do everything over and over again until you're both sore.' I wish someone had told us that."
"From what you're saying, I guess you finally figured out how to have fun, how to be imaginative, and then keep it up until you're both sore."
"Oh, Hell yes. As often as I can manage it."
"If you're willing to recommend it to Tom, I guess you liked getting your pussy licked, your clit sucked."
"Where is this dirty talk leading, I wonder? But, yes, I love oral sex, both ways."
"You have a terrific body, I bet you still taste delicious."
"Oh, so it is leading somewhere. Are you offering to or are you doing what a lot of guys do, just talking?" She turns and faces me on that last remark and is looking me in the eyes.
I smile. "I'm definitely offering."
She smiles. "Well at my age, the offers are getting scarcer. It's been months. How shall we do this?"
"I'm staying here in the hotel with a room upstairs. That should do. Room 207."
"Give me a couple minutes to make sure I say hello to everyone. Room 207. I'll be there within ten minutes."
So I did the same. I talked a little with my daughter and her husband and then her in-laws, sort of checking in, then went up to my room. I wasn't there two minutes when I heard a knock at the door. I opened it and there was Margaret. With a big grin she hurried in and closed the door behind her.
"We're both going to have to go back down there so we may as well get naked and keep our clothes neat so we will look o.k.. Besides, it's always more fun naked." And she starts stripping everything off, hanging things on a chair back, folding other things. So I did the same, using a couple hangers in the closet.
Once we were both naked and I get a good look at her, I tell her, very honestly, "You have a terrific body, Margaret." Because she does. There's no pretending either of us are like teenagers, there just has to be some sags and wrinkles with age, but she started slim and still is. She probably hated her small breasts 30 years ago but today, they're great. No sags, firm looking, standing up there proud with large areolas aimed right at me. Large A cups or small B's, very attractive. And her legs could still be teenager's, well formed, slim and shapely. Her stomach had a little more than she would like, I'm sure, and her butt sagged slightly, but overall she's as sexy a fifty-five or sixty year old as there could be.
She smiles at me, staring right at my very erect cock. "I know I'm going to love this, Jerry," she tells me as she takes a couple steps over and wraps her hand around me, feeling my erection, gauging its size. She pushes up against me. In a practiced move, she aims my cock up and pushes her hips up against me, trapping it against her, then moves that hand to my butt, her other to my back, holding me close as we kiss. We swab each other's mouths out and she finally pulls her head back a little. "I better go first, Jerry. Partly because I just want to, it's been too long since I had a good erect cock to taste. But also because then you can get it up again while you do me and later you'll last longer when we fuck."
In no time, I'm on my back on the bed and she's leaning over me, one hand holding the base of my cock, the other fondling my balls, while she licks all around on the two-thirds of my erection that's above her hand. She then gets her lips over the head and starts swallowing it. I've never had a blow job just like this. Actually, I haven't had that many. My wife, that I spent a lot of years with, never wanted to. But others seemed to suck me because they felt they should, or because they wanted to please me. Margaret is sucking me because she wants to please herself. Of course she knows it will please me along the way but she's obviously enjoying herself.
Licking and sucking all the while, she takes in more of me, then pulls back up. Then back down, moving towards deep throating me. If she manages that, it'll be a first for me. By golly, she does. Her lips are down to my pubic hair and her eyes look up at me. She's proud of herself, I think. Then back to work, up and down, licking and sucking, getting me towards a climax but not hurrying anything, enjoying herself. It's been months, a lot of months, for me so I don't last as long as I'd like and I start shooting out. Her lips tighten around me, just holding the head in her mouth, as she takes everything I can load into her, swallowing a couple times. Then she looks up at me, grinning, grabs me with her lips to milk the last drops out, then licks and sucks me clean. She leans back, licking her lips and smiling at me.
"You're really good, Margaret," is all I can come up with. She leans up over me, lays on top of me and kisses me. She then lifts her head slightly.
"Your turn," she says, still grinning, and rolls off to my side.
Now this, I'm very experienced with. My wife may not have liked doing me but she loved for me to do her. I know better than just to dive into her pussy but to work my way down her body, loving every inch of it, and building up her desire to feel my tongue in her. Her breasts really are just as good as any teenager could be. Maybe not more than a handful but at least a handful. Her nipples got much harder with a little licking and sucking. Then down over her abdomen and stomach. Give her belly button a lick. Then down to her thighs. Inside one and then the other. Really very nice thighs. Still firm. I'll have to check around back but she may not have any cellulite, everything is so slim and firm.
She trims her pubic hair bit doesn't shave. She was a blond but the hair now is both darker and with a lot of gray in it. But her vaginal lips feel just like a youngsters. Except for getting a little looser with age, I've decided pussies age really well, feeling and tasting just like they did when I first started tasting them in my late teens. Hers does, too. She gets juicier and juicier as I get my tongue into her and then up to her clit and then back into her, over and over. Finally, I concentrate my mouth and tongue on her clit and get two fingers sliding into her. She's not real vocal. Lots of moans and grunts and some yes's but no loud screaming. Which is good as far as I'm concerned, I don't want to get anyone calling hotel security.
She finally cums, climaxes, with lots of body jerking, pushing my face tighter into her and trying to use her legs to suck me up into her. I get my fingers out of her and my mouth around her whole pussy and taste and swallow what I can of her emissions and then she relaxes with a great sigh. "Fuck, Jerry, you're just fine at that." She almost pulls me up over her to kiss some more. At the same time she's checking with one hand to see if I'm up hard enough to push into her. I am. She spreads her legs, moves herself slightly and aims my cock into her with her hand, then wraps her legs around me and darn me pulls me in, all on her own.
I can remember long ago taking a half dozen pushes and slight pull backs in order to finally shove my cock fully into a vagina so tight that I thought my foreskin would pull off. This one feels great enveloping my cock but I have no problem pushing all the way into her in one slow movement. My foreskin did get a little action and I have no complaints, but Margaret's a very long way from virginity. For that matter, so am I. It makes me realize that as I age, I think my cells age, too, and don't seem to accept as much blood or expand as much so my erections aren't as large as they once were. They're just as hard and I enjoy sex every bit as much. But it isn't the same. I suspect women's vaginas age, too. Perhaps sagging or stretching a little, not keeping quite the elasticity they once had. So smaller cocks are going into larger vaginas as we age. But with an enthusiastic partner that pushes back and enters into it all with verve, this sex right now is as good as any. Benjamin Franklin once recommended having sex with older ladies because they're so "grateful" and I suspect he was right.
We bang away. I pound into her as hard and as fast as I can manage. She grunts and moans and bounces her body around, entering into it all. I bet she would love being on top and taking charge of everything. We go on long enough that I'm actually starting to realize that I've been fucking for a while, almost like looking at it all with detachment. All of a sudden Margaret turns loose, really grunting and jerking, then wraps her legs up around me and pulls me tight and I can feel her leaking her juices all around where my cock is pistoning in her. Her insides actually grab me tighter. I don't cum right away but start to have that feeling that I know will lead to cumming. So I keep on pumping into her. She's making her sounds in rhythm with my strokes against her and then I feel it cumming, shove as far in as I can and just hold it for a second as I start shooting off into her. I'm aware that it's not a huge amount and doesn't take long. I look down and she's smiling and I know I'm smiling, so we just stay in position for a moment, her wrapped up around me.
Finally I pull back and out and move down slightly so I can get my mouth to hers and kiss. She wiggles her hips and I can feel her pubic hair rubbing against my stomach. We finally break the kiss, she relaxes and I roll off to the side.
"Jerry, that was just perfect," she tells me, then after a pause, "We better get dressed and back into the mob downstairs. Can we get together again after dinner?"
"Yeah, I'd love to," I reply, "I agree, this was very good. I'd like to experience it again."
So that's what we do. I let her go first then I follow by a couple minutes. I head for my daughter and talk. She says she didn't see me for awhile.
"I went out for a few minutes," I tell her, truthfully, "I don't want to hang around here and keep drinking. It's too early in the day to get drunk." I mean, she doesn't need every detail of the whole truth does she? It's then a couple hours until dinner. I think it's the rehearsal dinner. Apparently while I was fucking Margaret, the bridal party went to the church and walked through the ceremony. With toasts and everything, it's several hours, close to nine o'clock, as it all breaks up. There's another half hour or so of goodbyes. My daughter asks if I want to come to her place and I tell her it's getting close to my bed time, I might as well stay here. So, I get back to my room. I guess Margaret was watching because it's only two or three minutes and she's knocking at my door.
We basically repeat what we did earlier. Just as hungrily, she sucks me, gives me a terrific blow job. I eat her, giving her what sure sounds like a major orgasm. We fuck. I was right, she likes being on top. She rides me like I've seen people ride those mechanical bulls. If she had a cowboy hat, I think she could have been waving it, she seemed to be enjoying herself so much. Once she cums, we end up with me behind her as she kneels on the bed and I slide in from behind and pound away. It takes so long, she has another orgasm but I finally cum. I let her know, it's going to be a while before I'm up again and even then I'll probably need help.
So we relax next to one another on the bed. Without my asking, she starts into sort of a life story. "My husband should never have married me. I guess neither of us knew better. I was a virgin and he wasn't too far from one. His only experiences had been with prostitutes so all he knew to do was stick it in until he came and then roll off and go to sleep. We had a couple kids and lasted seven years. At first I didn't know any better but I gradually became more and more dissatisfied. I mean, just when I started to get a little interested, he'd cum and roll off and it was over. I talked to other women and one, who's still a friend, told me how great sex could be. She was married, to a guy with a lot of money, but had a lover on the side. Maybe lovers plural. I finally got up the nerve to do what I knew was wrong and spent a couple hours with her lover, Fred. Well, that changed my life. I knew immediately that sex with my husband couldn't stay as it was. I spent almost a year trying to get him to become a better lover but he wouldn't budge. He's really a nice man but he's just so dull and stubborn and unimaginative. I guess he's since found a wife that accepts that but I couldn't. I also couldn't continue cheating on him, I couldn't be false like that. So I've spent my life since chasing cock. And finding lots of it. I learned a word, priapic. That's what I need, a priapic man, a man with a permanent erection. I just love sex. I realize I can't do it 100% of the time. Some time off is needed in order to appreciate it when it happens but I think I could use an erect cock about 50% of the time very happily. Just have it in me one place or another, one way or another, all day long. In between, I'd have my pussy and clit licked and sucked. Which makes me wonder, even if you're not up yet, how would you like to give me another orgasm with that lovely mouth of yours?"
So I did. Earlier I mentioned how our bodies change, that her vagina was looser with age. I think that's true. But it's also true that in many ways it still is the same as ever. Licking her, getting her clit to pop out, sucking on her clit, getting her juicy and then lapping up her cum, all were just the same as the first time I ever tasted pussy near the end of high school. I liked it then and like it now. It's very sexy somehow. And it sure turns on the female. I purposely never finger fucked her, just used my lips and tongue, to make it last. But she orgasms fairly easy. It made me realize way back in time I knew a girl that fucked a lot because she never orgasmed and was trying to. Margaret is the opposite but with the same consequence; she fucks a lot because she orgasms easy. And often. And she does this time. After, we're laying there, her half on top of me, hugging and feeling and kissing. I'm sure she can taste herself on my lips. Likes it, probably. She finally starts tugging on my cock a little, wondering if I was any where near ready yet. She gets her mouth down there to work along with her hands, to try and get me up again and, after a while, succeeds. It might be every bit as enjoyable to have a woman wanting you so much that she sucks and licks and plays with your cock for five minutes or so as it does to get an actual blow job. She did keep sucking me for awhile after I was hard. Just because she likes, it, I think. But she finally climbs on and starts fucking herself with my cock.
There's sure something satisfying about watching a female body bouncing on your cock. Maybe just interacting with another human body and feeling each other's flesh and shapes is as much what's good about sex as the actual feelings of orgasms. Well, even as I'm thinking that, I realize that it's great foreplay and definitely part of sex but it doesn't count stronger than an orgasm. Which she finally has. So she gets on her hands and knees again and I attack her from the rear. My body is bouncing off her ass, my cock working inside her, she's turned on and grunting and pushing back. It takes longer but she orgasms again. She collapses, I pull out, she rolls over and I get between her legs and start into her again. She lifts her legs way back to her shoulders to help me get really into her.
"I'm not priapic, this isn't going to last forever, but I'm sure lasting pretty well, so you should be getting some idea of what it would be like to have a permanently erect cock available," I tell her in short bursts as I pound into her. I'm actually beginning to think this is all lasting too long.
"Jerry, I love the feel of your body moving on mine, of our stomachs rubbing against one another. I love the feel of you moving inside me. This has happened to me before and I'll tell you, just keep pumping away because I'll have another orgasm and would be happy if you last long enough to give me a couple more. Well, I do give her another one but no more because shortly after her next, I tell her that I'm about to have mine. So she has me pull out so she can finish me with her mouth. And she does. She doesn't get much of a mouthful but she seems happy with it.
I'm pooped. I couldn't fuck again for hours, maybe longer. I tell her so, so she leaves. Maybe to go home. Maybe to stop somewhere and try and find another cock, I don't know. I have a good night's sleep and drive South the next morning. Have to go to work. I'll see Margaret again in three or four months, when I next visit my daughter and grandkids.
This trip was for my granddaughter's birthday but it coincided with a wedding. One of the nephews was getting married so the whole clan was gathered. In fact, the wedding activities were taking place in the hotel where I was staying -- not the actual wedding, that was in a church, but all the pre and post stuff. The result is that I'm standing in a room crammed with relatives and food and drink while the bridal couple gets toasted. I've met all of these people before and get along with them and since I'm now also family, I'm welcome.
By accident, I definitely had no plan, I'm next to Margaret. Margaret is my daughter's father-in--law's sister. I've heard stories about Margaret. She's sort of the black sheep of the family. She married, had two children (now grown) and then left her husband for another man. And then, apparently, left that one for another and then another. But she's attractive and friendly and I always get along with her. Actually I've seldom been around her but when I was we seemed to get along fine. I'm 62 and while I'm not sure of her exact age, she's from my generation so she's probably at least in her mid-fifties and maybe even older. At one time, Margaret was probably a willowy beauty. Slim, tall, blond, pretty. She's gained a little weight but it looks good on her, accentuates the curves. She's still blond but perhaps not honestly so. Still has a pretty face but now with some lines and a little sag here and there. But she's aged well.
Amidst the gaiety, she murmurs, really to herself but loud enough that I could hear, "There's nothing better than that first night, neither can ever get enough."
I grin and look at her, "Do you really think, the way things are today, that this will be their first time together?"
She then looks at me and also grins, "No, probably not. But it will probably be the first time they've got all night with no risk of being caught or interrupted. It'll likely be the first time they both can manage to do everything they've ever fantasized about with each other."
"I guess you're right. That first night can set the tone for the way you live the rest of your life."
"Oh God, I hope not. If he's like my first it means a dull, unimaginative life. I hope they do some things they've never tried before. If I had the nerve I'd tell him, 'For God's sake, Tom, eat her delicious little pussy, have fun. And then do everything over and over again until you're both sore.' I wish someone had told us that."
"From what you're saying, I guess you finally figured out how to have fun, how to be imaginative, and then keep it up until you're both sore."
"Oh, Hell yes. As often as I can manage it."
"If you're willing to recommend it to Tom, I guess you liked getting your pussy licked, your clit sucked."
"Where is this dirty talk leading, I wonder? But, yes, I love oral sex, both ways."
"You have a terrific body, I bet you still taste delicious."
"Oh, so it is leading somewhere. Are you offering to or are you doing what a lot of guys do, just talking?" She turns and faces me on that last remark and is looking me in the eyes.
I smile. "I'm definitely offering."
She smiles. "Well at my age, the offers are getting scarcer. It's been months. How shall we do this?"
"I'm staying here in the hotel with a room upstairs. That should do. Room 207."
"Give me a couple minutes to make sure I say hello to everyone. Room 207. I'll be there within ten minutes."
So I did the same. I talked a little with my daughter and her husband and then her in-laws, sort of checking in, then went up to my room. I wasn't there two minutes when I heard a knock at the door. I opened it and there was Margaret. With a big grin she hurried in and closed the door behind her.
"We're both going to have to go back down there so we may as well get naked and keep our clothes neat so we will look o.k.. Besides, it's always more fun naked." And she starts stripping everything off, hanging things on a chair back, folding other things. So I did the same, using a couple hangers in the closet.
Once we were both naked and I get a good look at her, I tell her, very honestly, "You have a terrific body, Margaret." Because she does. There's no pretending either of us are like teenagers, there just has to be some sags and wrinkles with age, but she started slim and still is. She probably hated her small breasts 30 years ago but today, they're great. No sags, firm looking, standing up there proud with large areolas aimed right at me. Large A cups or small B's, very attractive. And her legs could still be teenager's, well formed, slim and shapely. Her stomach had a little more than she would like, I'm sure, and her butt sagged slightly, but overall she's as sexy a fifty-five or sixty year old as there could be.
She smiles at me, staring right at my very erect cock. "I know I'm going to love this, Jerry," she tells me as she takes a couple steps over and wraps her hand around me, feeling my erection, gauging its size. She pushes up against me. In a practiced move, she aims my cock up and pushes her hips up against me, trapping it against her, then moves that hand to my butt, her other to my back, holding me close as we kiss. We swab each other's mouths out and she finally pulls her head back a little. "I better go first, Jerry. Partly because I just want to, it's been too long since I had a good erect cock to taste. But also because then you can get it up again while you do me and later you'll last longer when we fuck."
In no time, I'm on my back on the bed and she's leaning over me, one hand holding the base of my cock, the other fondling my balls, while she licks all around on the two-thirds of my erection that's above her hand. She then gets her lips over the head and starts swallowing it. I've never had a blow job just like this. Actually, I haven't had that many. My wife, that I spent a lot of years with, never wanted to. But others seemed to suck me because they felt they should, or because they wanted to please me. Margaret is sucking me because she wants to please herself. Of course she knows it will please me along the way but she's obviously enjoying herself.
Licking and sucking all the while, she takes in more of me, then pulls back up. Then back down, moving towards deep throating me. If she manages that, it'll be a first for me. By golly, she does. Her lips are down to my pubic hair and her eyes look up at me. She's proud of herself, I think. Then back to work, up and down, licking and sucking, getting me towards a climax but not hurrying anything, enjoying herself. It's been months, a lot of months, for me so I don't last as long as I'd like and I start shooting out. Her lips tighten around me, just holding the head in her mouth, as she takes everything I can load into her, swallowing a couple times. Then she looks up at me, grinning, grabs me with her lips to milk the last drops out, then licks and sucks me clean. She leans back, licking her lips and smiling at me.
"You're really good, Margaret," is all I can come up with. She leans up over me, lays on top of me and kisses me. She then lifts her head slightly.
"Your turn," she says, still grinning, and rolls off to my side.
Now this, I'm very experienced with. My wife may not have liked doing me but she loved for me to do her. I know better than just to dive into her pussy but to work my way down her body, loving every inch of it, and building up her desire to feel my tongue in her. Her breasts really are just as good as any teenager could be. Maybe not more than a handful but at least a handful. Her nipples got much harder with a little licking and sucking. Then down over her abdomen and stomach. Give her belly button a lick. Then down to her thighs. Inside one and then the other. Really very nice thighs. Still firm. I'll have to check around back but she may not have any cellulite, everything is so slim and firm.
She trims her pubic hair bit doesn't shave. She was a blond but the hair now is both darker and with a lot of gray in it. But her vaginal lips feel just like a youngsters. Except for getting a little looser with age, I've decided pussies age really well, feeling and tasting just like they did when I first started tasting them in my late teens. Hers does, too. She gets juicier and juicier as I get my tongue into her and then up to her clit and then back into her, over and over. Finally, I concentrate my mouth and tongue on her clit and get two fingers sliding into her. She's not real vocal. Lots of moans and grunts and some yes's but no loud screaming. Which is good as far as I'm concerned, I don't want to get anyone calling hotel security.
She finally cums, climaxes, with lots of body jerking, pushing my face tighter into her and trying to use her legs to suck me up into her. I get my fingers out of her and my mouth around her whole pussy and taste and swallow what I can of her emissions and then she relaxes with a great sigh. "Fuck, Jerry, you're just fine at that." She almost pulls me up over her to kiss some more. At the same time she's checking with one hand to see if I'm up hard enough to push into her. I am. She spreads her legs, moves herself slightly and aims my cock into her with her hand, then wraps her legs around me and darn me pulls me in, all on her own.
I can remember long ago taking a half dozen pushes and slight pull backs in order to finally shove my cock fully into a vagina so tight that I thought my foreskin would pull off. This one feels great enveloping my cock but I have no problem pushing all the way into her in one slow movement. My foreskin did get a little action and I have no complaints, but Margaret's a very long way from virginity. For that matter, so am I. It makes me realize that as I age, I think my cells age, too, and don't seem to accept as much blood or expand as much so my erections aren't as large as they once were. They're just as hard and I enjoy sex every bit as much. But it isn't the same. I suspect women's vaginas age, too. Perhaps sagging or stretching a little, not keeping quite the elasticity they once had. So smaller cocks are going into larger vaginas as we age. But with an enthusiastic partner that pushes back and enters into it all with verve, this sex right now is as good as any. Benjamin Franklin once recommended having sex with older ladies because they're so "grateful" and I suspect he was right.
We bang away. I pound into her as hard and as fast as I can manage. She grunts and moans and bounces her body around, entering into it all. I bet she would love being on top and taking charge of everything. We go on long enough that I'm actually starting to realize that I've been fucking for a while, almost like looking at it all with detachment. All of a sudden Margaret turns loose, really grunting and jerking, then wraps her legs up around me and pulls me tight and I can feel her leaking her juices all around where my cock is pistoning in her. Her insides actually grab me tighter. I don't cum right away but start to have that feeling that I know will lead to cumming. So I keep on pumping into her. She's making her sounds in rhythm with my strokes against her and then I feel it cumming, shove as far in as I can and just hold it for a second as I start shooting off into her. I'm aware that it's not a huge amount and doesn't take long. I look down and she's smiling and I know I'm smiling, so we just stay in position for a moment, her wrapped up around me.
Finally I pull back and out and move down slightly so I can get my mouth to hers and kiss. She wiggles her hips and I can feel her pubic hair rubbing against my stomach. We finally break the kiss, she relaxes and I roll off to the side.
"Jerry, that was just perfect," she tells me, then after a pause, "We better get dressed and back into the mob downstairs. Can we get together again after dinner?"
"Yeah, I'd love to," I reply, "I agree, this was very good. I'd like to experience it again."
So that's what we do. I let her go first then I follow by a couple minutes. I head for my daughter and talk. She says she didn't see me for awhile.
"I went out for a few minutes," I tell her, truthfully, "I don't want to hang around here and keep drinking. It's too early in the day to get drunk." I mean, she doesn't need every detail of the whole truth does she? It's then a couple hours until dinner. I think it's the rehearsal dinner. Apparently while I was fucking Margaret, the bridal party went to the church and walked through the ceremony. With toasts and everything, it's several hours, close to nine o'clock, as it all breaks up. There's another half hour or so of goodbyes. My daughter asks if I want to come to her place and I tell her it's getting close to my bed time, I might as well stay here. So, I get back to my room. I guess Margaret was watching because it's only two or three minutes and she's knocking at my door.
We basically repeat what we did earlier. Just as hungrily, she sucks me, gives me a terrific blow job. I eat her, giving her what sure sounds like a major orgasm. We fuck. I was right, she likes being on top. She rides me like I've seen people ride those mechanical bulls. If she had a cowboy hat, I think she could have been waving it, she seemed to be enjoying herself so much. Once she cums, we end up with me behind her as she kneels on the bed and I slide in from behind and pound away. It takes so long, she has another orgasm but I finally cum. I let her know, it's going to be a while before I'm up again and even then I'll probably need help.
So we relax next to one another on the bed. Without my asking, she starts into sort of a life story. "My husband should never have married me. I guess neither of us knew better. I was a virgin and he wasn't too far from one. His only experiences had been with prostitutes so all he knew to do was stick it in until he came and then roll off and go to sleep. We had a couple kids and lasted seven years. At first I didn't know any better but I gradually became more and more dissatisfied. I mean, just when I started to get a little interested, he'd cum and roll off and it was over. I talked to other women and one, who's still a friend, told me how great sex could be. She was married, to a guy with a lot of money, but had a lover on the side. Maybe lovers plural. I finally got up the nerve to do what I knew was wrong and spent a couple hours with her lover, Fred. Well, that changed my life. I knew immediately that sex with my husband couldn't stay as it was. I spent almost a year trying to get him to become a better lover but he wouldn't budge. He's really a nice man but he's just so dull and stubborn and unimaginative. I guess he's since found a wife that accepts that but I couldn't. I also couldn't continue cheating on him, I couldn't be false like that. So I've spent my life since chasing cock. And finding lots of it. I learned a word, priapic. That's what I need, a priapic man, a man with a permanent erection. I just love sex. I realize I can't do it 100% of the time. Some time off is needed in order to appreciate it when it happens but I think I could use an erect cock about 50% of the time very happily. Just have it in me one place or another, one way or another, all day long. In between, I'd have my pussy and clit licked and sucked. Which makes me wonder, even if you're not up yet, how would you like to give me another orgasm with that lovely mouth of yours?"
So I did. Earlier I mentioned how our bodies change, that her vagina was looser with age. I think that's true. But it's also true that in many ways it still is the same as ever. Licking her, getting her clit to pop out, sucking on her clit, getting her juicy and then lapping up her cum, all were just the same as the first time I ever tasted pussy near the end of high school. I liked it then and like it now. It's very sexy somehow. And it sure turns on the female. I purposely never finger fucked her, just used my lips and tongue, to make it last. But she orgasms fairly easy. It made me realize way back in time I knew a girl that fucked a lot because she never orgasmed and was trying to. Margaret is the opposite but with the same consequence; she fucks a lot because she orgasms easy. And often. And she does this time. After, we're laying there, her half on top of me, hugging and feeling and kissing. I'm sure she can taste herself on my lips. Likes it, probably. She finally starts tugging on my cock a little, wondering if I was any where near ready yet. She gets her mouth down there to work along with her hands, to try and get me up again and, after a while, succeeds. It might be every bit as enjoyable to have a woman wanting you so much that she sucks and licks and plays with your cock for five minutes or so as it does to get an actual blow job. She did keep sucking me for awhile after I was hard. Just because she likes, it, I think. But she finally climbs on and starts fucking herself with my cock.
There's sure something satisfying about watching a female body bouncing on your cock. Maybe just interacting with another human body and feeling each other's flesh and shapes is as much what's good about sex as the actual feelings of orgasms. Well, even as I'm thinking that, I realize that it's great foreplay and definitely part of sex but it doesn't count stronger than an orgasm. Which she finally has. So she gets on her hands and knees again and I attack her from the rear. My body is bouncing off her ass, my cock working inside her, she's turned on and grunting and pushing back. It takes longer but she orgasms again. She collapses, I pull out, she rolls over and I get between her legs and start into her again. She lifts her legs way back to her shoulders to help me get really into her.
"I'm not priapic, this isn't going to last forever, but I'm sure lasting pretty well, so you should be getting some idea of what it would be like to have a permanently erect cock available," I tell her in short bursts as I pound into her. I'm actually beginning to think this is all lasting too long.
"Jerry, I love the feel of your body moving on mine, of our stomachs rubbing against one another. I love the feel of you moving inside me. This has happened to me before and I'll tell you, just keep pumping away because I'll have another orgasm and would be happy if you last long enough to give me a couple more. Well, I do give her another one but no more because shortly after her next, I tell her that I'm about to have mine. So she has me pull out so she can finish me with her mouth. And she does. She doesn't get much of a mouthful but she seems happy with it.
I'm pooped. I couldn't fuck again for hours, maybe longer. I tell her so, so she leaves. Maybe to go home. Maybe to stop somewhere and try and find another cock, I don't know. I have a good night's sleep and drive South the next morning. Have to go to work. I'll see Margaret again in three or four months, when I next visit my daughter and grandkids.
Rating: , Votes: %0 | like or dislike | Add To Favourites | Published by: Gambit 3983 days ago | Categories: Mature
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