The Jerkoff Club Chapter 04
"Damn, it's almost 9. They'll be here in less than an hour. I better get going."
It was another Saturday night meeting at my house of the Jerk Off Club. My buddies Steve, Tom and David were on their way. When they got here the meeting would begin in no time flat. I raced down to the basement, where the entertainment was always held. I looked around the rec room making sure everything was ready.
Let's see - Comfy chairs facing the television? Check.
Porn DVD's to choose from? Check.
Baby oil and other assorted lubricants? Check..
Cum catcher towel, folded, ready to be spread out on the floor? Check.
Looks good, I thought. Everything necessary for another great evening with the guys. Fuck cards. This is the way to spend time male bonding. Can't beat big tits and big asses shaking for our stroking pleasure. With that final thought I headed upstairs to the shower. Got to get clean before I get dirty! As I walked from room to room, I stripped off my shirt and jeans. I padded into the bedroom and grabbed a set of sweats from my dresser as the shower heated up in the bathroom. No point in getting dressed again. I wasn't planning on wearing clothes too long this evening. Just as I was going to jump in the shower the phone rang.
"Hey buddy, it's Joe. What's poppin' tonight?"
Joe was a co-worker from the office where I worked. We had known each other about 6 months now. We had hung out a few times but this was the first time he had called me at home. If you only knew! I thought. "Not much. I got some of my buddies coming over in a few. We hang out every month or so and watch movies. What about you?" I asked.
"I'm in your neighborhood. The wife pissed me off something fierce and I'm just driving around, blowing off some steam. I had to get out of the house. I thought about maybe heading over to the strip club downtown and hoped you would come with me and have a few drinks. But, since you have plans, never mind. I'll go alone." Joe replied.
"Strip club huh?" I said thoughtfully. "You like that kind of stuff? ....Maybe I have a better idea.. Why don't you come over. I'll introduce you to my friends and we'll see what's up."
"Be there in 5 minutes. I'm only a few blocks away." Joe said happily. "I really didn't want to go alone. Looking at babes is always more fun with others."
I leaped into the shower and lathered up quickly. My cock got hard in an instant. I was tempted to stroke a load out then and there but restrained myself. I knew that waiting, keeping my balls full, would make it better later on. Two minutes later I got out and dried off. As I pulled on my sweats and a t-shirt, I thought of Joe. "I think the Club might have to open itself up to a new member."
The doorbell rang. Opening the door, I let Joe in with a flourish. He laughed and strolled into the living room. He looked around and asked where the others were. I told him they weren't here yet and offered him a beer. I had one too, and we sat down and had small talk bitching about married life and the wives while we waited. I came to learn that he liked looking at porn as much as I did. With out coming out and saying it, I got the impression he jerked off to it too. I mean I know all guys do, we just never talk about it. Joe was cracking jokes about hanging out with Senor Palms and beating the meat but not for cooking a steak and laughing up a storm. I could tell that he was an easy going guy. From what I gathered the sex life with the wife had decreased but his desire hadn't. So he was left to his own devices. Ten minutes later there was a pounding on my door.
"Open up and let us in! Time's awaistin!" I heard my best friend Steve bellow.
I opened the door and the fellas came in. Handshakes and smiles went all around as they took off their coats. Steve noticed someone else in the room and strode over.
"Hi there, I'm Steve. That's Tom and he's David. Mark didn't mention he was having someone else here tonight. And you are....?" Steve queried.
There were a few dubious looks in my direction. The Jerk Off Club had been meeting about once a month for a year now. We were careful not to arouse any suspicion about what we did together. The idea of straight men gathering to watch porn and circle jerk wasn't exactly normal suburban behavior. I hadn't mentioned having anyone else there or expanding the club and none of the others had either.
"Hi, I'm Joe. I hope I'm not intruding on anything. I called Mark out of the blue; he was nice enough to invite me over when I said I was in the area."
I spoke up then. "Joe was just telling me about going to the strip club. How he likes looking at the babes. He seems like our kind of guy."
With that information the others all began to talk to Joe. To try and feel him out. In just a few minutes it was obvious to Steve that Joe was cool. David and Tom really grilled him, trying to get him to say what was it about the club he liked. Joe hemmed and hawed, trying not to come out and be obvious. Then finally he said that he looked at them for a few hours then went out to his car and drove home and masturbated thinking of them. We all broke out into smiles. High fives were exchanged and Joe looked at us all as if we were crazy.
"What the hell are you guys going on about? If you find it so funny, I'm leaving!" he fumed and started to get up. David and Tom laughed even harder at that. They stood up and headed off for the basement. Steve grabbed Joe by the arm and yanked him back onto the couch.
"Dude, you don't understand! We aren't laughing at you, were laughing that you found us and the Club without even trying!" Steve said with a huge grin.
So I explained to him about the Club. How it started and how it worked, everything; and then offered him to sit in. As I went on, his eyes got bigger and bigger, and his jaw dropped open. He couldn't believe it. He swore we were playing some kind of joke on him. Or even worse that we were some kinda of gay orgy circle. He was about to head for the hills until we convinced him that it wasn't like that at all. To paraphrase Seinfield - there's nothing wrong with being gay, it just didn't apply to us. We are straight and proud of it. We just like to jerk off in front of others. To each his own right? Anyway I told him if he didn't want to join us he could leave, but if he was willing to abide by the rules to come on downstairs.
Steve and I got up and left him sitting there. I knew we would either hear my front door slam as he ran, or his footsteps on the stairs. It was a toss up. As we entered the basement rec room, Steve and I saw that David and Tom had already started with out us. They were both already in their underwear, watching one of my porn DVD's.
"Where's Joe?" Tom asked. "I hope he wasn't mad at us for laughing. It was just so fucking funny - a guy who admits to beating off, to a bunch of guys he just met no less - but, doing so to guys who came there to do just that!"
"I know" I chuckled. "He really had no idea what I was doing tonight. Steve and I gave him a crash course in the Club and the rules. I invited him to join us."
"He thinks were putting him on. We left him up there to think about it." Steve said as he pulled his sweater over his head. He unbuckled his belt and opened the fly to his jeans. His bulge was noticeable in his briefs as his jeans fell to the floor. He kicked his clothes into the corner and sat down on the sofa, his legs stretched out and crossed at the ankles.
I only had a t-shirt and sweats on. I decided to wait until we got to the stroking to take them off. I didn't want to be the only one completely naked. We watched in relative silence for the next 10 minutes. I say relative because even though we weren't talking, the broads on the DVD sure were. Moans and groans, pants and screams, "fuck me, fuck me" chants filled the room as we sat there getting hornier and hornier. I kept listening for the front door, and we all had one eye on the screen and the other eye on the stair case. Just when I was about to go upstairs, assuming he was gone and I just didn't hear him, Joe's footsteps could be heard. He came into the room and looked at us. There we were - four men in various states of undress, sitting together watching porn. I spun my easy chair around and met his gaze.
"I don't fucking believe it. You weren't kidding."
"You really watch and jerk off together."
With that I turned back to the screen and stuck my right hand into my sweats. I gave my cock a few pulls as it swelled up. David was rubbing his balls as usual, and Tom's briefs looked like a pup tent. Steve waved Joe over and patted the sofa next to him, inviting him to sit down. Joe slowly moved into the semi circle and sat. We all kind of ignored him, trying to ease him into the situation. We watched for about 5 minutes when I saw Joe relax and lean back. He had put his jacket on, but now took it off. I smiled and watched as two guys took turns sucking on some girls titties. She had nice hard nipples that just ached to be nibbled on.
"Man I love some big juggs. Don't you?" Tom asked Joe as his dick twitched in his briefs.
"Uh yeah, I do" Joe said warily. He couldn't help but stare at the hard-ons we were all sporting. Steve looked at Joe's pants and raised his eyebrows at him questioningly. Joe had the nerve to blush! As if we didn't know he was stiff from watching the fucking onscreen. The DVD ended and I stood up to change it. My cock led the way as I strutted to the TV and swapped discs. I looked at Joe and frowned a little, shaking my finger at him jokingly.
"Now Joe, I explained the rules. No one stays dressed if the others are not. I think we're about ready to really get into it. So you're going to have to decide. If this is too weird or uncomfortable, that's okay. No one is going to be offended if you don't stay, but if you do, you have go all the way. You have to get your dick out and jerk it. No hiding. The true enjoyment of the Club is the ability to be open about loving porn and jerking off without shame, and, combine it with the fun of hanging out with friends. But it's not for everyone. Some people can't handle being in the room with others or being watched. So what do you say - in or out?"
The movie started in the background. One of my personal favorites, it involved a little of everything - blacks, Asians, Latinas, threesomes, etc. Four hours of wall to wall hot sex. It never failed to entice me to cum. We all waited for Joe to decide. He looked at us, then at the screen and then back at us.
"What the hell. I'm in."
He stood up and started to undress. As he took of his clothes, the other guys started applauding.
"All right!"
"Way to go Joe."
"Welcome to the Club pal!"
I clapped him on the shoulder and said " Now the FUN begins. What your pleasure Joe - oil, Vaseline, Astroglide?" I showed him the stash of lubricants I keep as David, Tom and Steve got down to just their briefs and began to rub themselves. All of us had gotten a little soft as we had gotten distracted with trying to convince Joe. The movie soon had us raring to go again. One scene had two Latinas using a double headed dildo as they faced away from each other. They were on their hands and knees and pushed back towards each other, cramming the fake dong into their snatches. They were grunting and rubbing their slits, thrashing about.
Steve said "That's hot! Look at the ass on that bitch. I want to fuck that culo all night long!"
He pulled his briefs off and his dick bobbed free. He stroked himself softly, his eyes glued to the screen. At last, I thought and dropped my sweats. My cock was rock hard. I was dying to pop a load. Joe, to his credit, didn't hesitate. His boxers came off without any prompting. When he said he was in, he was in. He reached for some baby oil and poured it into his hand. He leaned back onto the sofa and lubed up. His cock was about 7 inches, nothing to be ashamed about, and he held it straight up proudly. I looked back to the guys and saw that David and Tom had also lost their briefs. Tom smeared Vaseline all over his dick and passed the tub to David. I went for the baby oil myself while Steve was an Astroglide man. In any case, soon the five of us were stroking happily, the original four of us making the usual comments about the on screen fucking.
I explained to Joe that part of the fun for us was talking about the women and what we liked to see. He soon joined in, saying what he would like to do to them. This went on for a short while. Then, I began to feel that old familiar feeling in my balls. Joe's breathing began to get heavy and I could see one of his feet begin to tremble.
"I ready to cum. What do I do? Do I just let it rip?" he asked, biting his lip.
"I think it's about that time." I replied.
I stood up, still holding my cock, and got the ceremonial cum catcher towel. I shook it open and laid it out on the floor right in front of the television. I knelt down and began to really work my cock over. I knew the others were watching, it actually turns me on even more, knowing that. I waved Joe to kneel next to me. As I felt him settle near me I closed my eyes and threw my head back and screamed "AAAHHHH!" and let myself go. I had a tremendous orgasm, spraying cum wetly onto the towel. A few shakes and quivers and I was done. My rod drooped as I walked back and sat down in my easy chair. David came next, a nice stream shooting onto the towel. Then Steve and Tom followed a minute later. It was not one of the rules but somehow we got into the habit of clapping and cheering for each other as we shot off. Joe had stayed were he was; each time one of us popped off, he stopped jerking himself and stopped looking at the screen, to watch. The stopping and starting enabled him to last longer than he expected; he ended up being the last.
"Don't worry about us." David told him. "Just watch and cum whenever you want."
Joe heeded his advice. He pounded his dick in earnest, eyes on the pussy on display. His hips began to pump on their own, fucking empty air. The rest of us played with our soft dicks as we waited. It didn't take long. Onscreen was a girl cupping her boobs for a guy to cum on. Apparently Joe really liked that, because he stopped pumping, stiffened and his ass cheeks clenched. With a cry of joy, Joe began to spurt. We applauded and shouted for him to keep going, keep spraying that cum. We congratulated him and told him he was a full member of the Jerk Off Club now. As he finished cumming, he began to giggle. He then fell on to his back whooping with laughter. The rest of us were puzzled.
"What's so funny?" I asked him.
"I just thought of my wife. After we fought tonight, as I left, she yelled at me to make some friends and take up a hobby!"
It was another Saturday night meeting at my house of the Jerk Off Club. My buddies Steve, Tom and David were on their way. When they got here the meeting would begin in no time flat. I raced down to the basement, where the entertainment was always held. I looked around the rec room making sure everything was ready.
Let's see - Comfy chairs facing the television? Check.
Porn DVD's to choose from? Check.
Baby oil and other assorted lubricants? Check..
Cum catcher towel, folded, ready to be spread out on the floor? Check.
Looks good, I thought. Everything necessary for another great evening with the guys. Fuck cards. This is the way to spend time male bonding. Can't beat big tits and big asses shaking for our stroking pleasure. With that final thought I headed upstairs to the shower. Got to get clean before I get dirty! As I walked from room to room, I stripped off my shirt and jeans. I padded into the bedroom and grabbed a set of sweats from my dresser as the shower heated up in the bathroom. No point in getting dressed again. I wasn't planning on wearing clothes too long this evening. Just as I was going to jump in the shower the phone rang.
"Hey buddy, it's Joe. What's poppin' tonight?"
Joe was a co-worker from the office where I worked. We had known each other about 6 months now. We had hung out a few times but this was the first time he had called me at home. If you only knew! I thought. "Not much. I got some of my buddies coming over in a few. We hang out every month or so and watch movies. What about you?" I asked.
"I'm in your neighborhood. The wife pissed me off something fierce and I'm just driving around, blowing off some steam. I had to get out of the house. I thought about maybe heading over to the strip club downtown and hoped you would come with me and have a few drinks. But, since you have plans, never mind. I'll go alone." Joe replied.
"Strip club huh?" I said thoughtfully. "You like that kind of stuff? ....Maybe I have a better idea.. Why don't you come over. I'll introduce you to my friends and we'll see what's up."
"Be there in 5 minutes. I'm only a few blocks away." Joe said happily. "I really didn't want to go alone. Looking at babes is always more fun with others."
I leaped into the shower and lathered up quickly. My cock got hard in an instant. I was tempted to stroke a load out then and there but restrained myself. I knew that waiting, keeping my balls full, would make it better later on. Two minutes later I got out and dried off. As I pulled on my sweats and a t-shirt, I thought of Joe. "I think the Club might have to open itself up to a new member."
The doorbell rang. Opening the door, I let Joe in with a flourish. He laughed and strolled into the living room. He looked around and asked where the others were. I told him they weren't here yet and offered him a beer. I had one too, and we sat down and had small talk bitching about married life and the wives while we waited. I came to learn that he liked looking at porn as much as I did. With out coming out and saying it, I got the impression he jerked off to it too. I mean I know all guys do, we just never talk about it. Joe was cracking jokes about hanging out with Senor Palms and beating the meat but not for cooking a steak and laughing up a storm. I could tell that he was an easy going guy. From what I gathered the sex life with the wife had decreased but his desire hadn't. So he was left to his own devices. Ten minutes later there was a pounding on my door.
"Open up and let us in! Time's awaistin!" I heard my best friend Steve bellow.
I opened the door and the fellas came in. Handshakes and smiles went all around as they took off their coats. Steve noticed someone else in the room and strode over.
"Hi there, I'm Steve. That's Tom and he's David. Mark didn't mention he was having someone else here tonight. And you are....?" Steve queried.
There were a few dubious looks in my direction. The Jerk Off Club had been meeting about once a month for a year now. We were careful not to arouse any suspicion about what we did together. The idea of straight men gathering to watch porn and circle jerk wasn't exactly normal suburban behavior. I hadn't mentioned having anyone else there or expanding the club and none of the others had either.
"Hi, I'm Joe. I hope I'm not intruding on anything. I called Mark out of the blue; he was nice enough to invite me over when I said I was in the area."
I spoke up then. "Joe was just telling me about going to the strip club. How he likes looking at the babes. He seems like our kind of guy."
With that information the others all began to talk to Joe. To try and feel him out. In just a few minutes it was obvious to Steve that Joe was cool. David and Tom really grilled him, trying to get him to say what was it about the club he liked. Joe hemmed and hawed, trying not to come out and be obvious. Then finally he said that he looked at them for a few hours then went out to his car and drove home and masturbated thinking of them. We all broke out into smiles. High fives were exchanged and Joe looked at us all as if we were crazy.
"What the hell are you guys going on about? If you find it so funny, I'm leaving!" he fumed and started to get up. David and Tom laughed even harder at that. They stood up and headed off for the basement. Steve grabbed Joe by the arm and yanked him back onto the couch.
"Dude, you don't understand! We aren't laughing at you, were laughing that you found us and the Club without even trying!" Steve said with a huge grin.
So I explained to him about the Club. How it started and how it worked, everything; and then offered him to sit in. As I went on, his eyes got bigger and bigger, and his jaw dropped open. He couldn't believe it. He swore we were playing some kind of joke on him. Or even worse that we were some kinda of gay orgy circle. He was about to head for the hills until we convinced him that it wasn't like that at all. To paraphrase Seinfield - there's nothing wrong with being gay, it just didn't apply to us. We are straight and proud of it. We just like to jerk off in front of others. To each his own right? Anyway I told him if he didn't want to join us he could leave, but if he was willing to abide by the rules to come on downstairs.
Steve and I got up and left him sitting there. I knew we would either hear my front door slam as he ran, or his footsteps on the stairs. It was a toss up. As we entered the basement rec room, Steve and I saw that David and Tom had already started with out us. They were both already in their underwear, watching one of my porn DVD's.
"Where's Joe?" Tom asked. "I hope he wasn't mad at us for laughing. It was just so fucking funny - a guy who admits to beating off, to a bunch of guys he just met no less - but, doing so to guys who came there to do just that!"
"I know" I chuckled. "He really had no idea what I was doing tonight. Steve and I gave him a crash course in the Club and the rules. I invited him to join us."
"He thinks were putting him on. We left him up there to think about it." Steve said as he pulled his sweater over his head. He unbuckled his belt and opened the fly to his jeans. His bulge was noticeable in his briefs as his jeans fell to the floor. He kicked his clothes into the corner and sat down on the sofa, his legs stretched out and crossed at the ankles.
I only had a t-shirt and sweats on. I decided to wait until we got to the stroking to take them off. I didn't want to be the only one completely naked. We watched in relative silence for the next 10 minutes. I say relative because even though we weren't talking, the broads on the DVD sure were. Moans and groans, pants and screams, "fuck me, fuck me" chants filled the room as we sat there getting hornier and hornier. I kept listening for the front door, and we all had one eye on the screen and the other eye on the stair case. Just when I was about to go upstairs, assuming he was gone and I just didn't hear him, Joe's footsteps could be heard. He came into the room and looked at us. There we were - four men in various states of undress, sitting together watching porn. I spun my easy chair around and met his gaze.
"I don't fucking believe it. You weren't kidding."
"You really watch and jerk off together."
With that I turned back to the screen and stuck my right hand into my sweats. I gave my cock a few pulls as it swelled up. David was rubbing his balls as usual, and Tom's briefs looked like a pup tent. Steve waved Joe over and patted the sofa next to him, inviting him to sit down. Joe slowly moved into the semi circle and sat. We all kind of ignored him, trying to ease him into the situation. We watched for about 5 minutes when I saw Joe relax and lean back. He had put his jacket on, but now took it off. I smiled and watched as two guys took turns sucking on some girls titties. She had nice hard nipples that just ached to be nibbled on.
"Man I love some big juggs. Don't you?" Tom asked Joe as his dick twitched in his briefs.
"Uh yeah, I do" Joe said warily. He couldn't help but stare at the hard-ons we were all sporting. Steve looked at Joe's pants and raised his eyebrows at him questioningly. Joe had the nerve to blush! As if we didn't know he was stiff from watching the fucking onscreen. The DVD ended and I stood up to change it. My cock led the way as I strutted to the TV and swapped discs. I looked at Joe and frowned a little, shaking my finger at him jokingly.
"Now Joe, I explained the rules. No one stays dressed if the others are not. I think we're about ready to really get into it. So you're going to have to decide. If this is too weird or uncomfortable, that's okay. No one is going to be offended if you don't stay, but if you do, you have go all the way. You have to get your dick out and jerk it. No hiding. The true enjoyment of the Club is the ability to be open about loving porn and jerking off without shame, and, combine it with the fun of hanging out with friends. But it's not for everyone. Some people can't handle being in the room with others or being watched. So what do you say - in or out?"
The movie started in the background. One of my personal favorites, it involved a little of everything - blacks, Asians, Latinas, threesomes, etc. Four hours of wall to wall hot sex. It never failed to entice me to cum. We all waited for Joe to decide. He looked at us, then at the screen and then back at us.
"What the hell. I'm in."
He stood up and started to undress. As he took of his clothes, the other guys started applauding.
"All right!"
"Way to go Joe."
"Welcome to the Club pal!"
I clapped him on the shoulder and said " Now the FUN begins. What your pleasure Joe - oil, Vaseline, Astroglide?" I showed him the stash of lubricants I keep as David, Tom and Steve got down to just their briefs and began to rub themselves. All of us had gotten a little soft as we had gotten distracted with trying to convince Joe. The movie soon had us raring to go again. One scene had two Latinas using a double headed dildo as they faced away from each other. They were on their hands and knees and pushed back towards each other, cramming the fake dong into their snatches. They were grunting and rubbing their slits, thrashing about.
Steve said "That's hot! Look at the ass on that bitch. I want to fuck that culo all night long!"
He pulled his briefs off and his dick bobbed free. He stroked himself softly, his eyes glued to the screen. At last, I thought and dropped my sweats. My cock was rock hard. I was dying to pop a load. Joe, to his credit, didn't hesitate. His boxers came off without any prompting. When he said he was in, he was in. He reached for some baby oil and poured it into his hand. He leaned back onto the sofa and lubed up. His cock was about 7 inches, nothing to be ashamed about, and he held it straight up proudly. I looked back to the guys and saw that David and Tom had also lost their briefs. Tom smeared Vaseline all over his dick and passed the tub to David. I went for the baby oil myself while Steve was an Astroglide man. In any case, soon the five of us were stroking happily, the original four of us making the usual comments about the on screen fucking.
I explained to Joe that part of the fun for us was talking about the women and what we liked to see. He soon joined in, saying what he would like to do to them. This went on for a short while. Then, I began to feel that old familiar feeling in my balls. Joe's breathing began to get heavy and I could see one of his feet begin to tremble.
"I ready to cum. What do I do? Do I just let it rip?" he asked, biting his lip.
"I think it's about that time." I replied.
I stood up, still holding my cock, and got the ceremonial cum catcher towel. I shook it open and laid it out on the floor right in front of the television. I knelt down and began to really work my cock over. I knew the others were watching, it actually turns me on even more, knowing that. I waved Joe to kneel next to me. As I felt him settle near me I closed my eyes and threw my head back and screamed "AAAHHHH!" and let myself go. I had a tremendous orgasm, spraying cum wetly onto the towel. A few shakes and quivers and I was done. My rod drooped as I walked back and sat down in my easy chair. David came next, a nice stream shooting onto the towel. Then Steve and Tom followed a minute later. It was not one of the rules but somehow we got into the habit of clapping and cheering for each other as we shot off. Joe had stayed were he was; each time one of us popped off, he stopped jerking himself and stopped looking at the screen, to watch. The stopping and starting enabled him to last longer than he expected; he ended up being the last.
"Don't worry about us." David told him. "Just watch and cum whenever you want."
Joe heeded his advice. He pounded his dick in earnest, eyes on the pussy on display. His hips began to pump on their own, fucking empty air. The rest of us played with our soft dicks as we waited. It didn't take long. Onscreen was a girl cupping her boobs for a guy to cum on. Apparently Joe really liked that, because he stopped pumping, stiffened and his ass cheeks clenched. With a cry of joy, Joe began to spurt. We applauded and shouted for him to keep going, keep spraying that cum. We congratulated him and told him he was a full member of the Jerk Off Club now. As he finished cumming, he began to giggle. He then fell on to his back whooping with laughter. The rest of us were puzzled.
"What's so funny?" I asked him.
"I just thought of my wife. After we fought tonight, as I left, she yelled at me to make some friends and take up a hobby!"
Rating: , Votes: %1 | like or dislike | Add To Favourites | Published by: KittyM 3968 days ago | Categories: Masturbation
There are different clubs with many fun activities. Well written and to the point!