Betrayed Chapter 05
Hank ran to the barracks. "Jon, George come with me! We have a runaway on our hands. Tim, you take first watch out front. The rest of you get this place cleaned up!"
They ran to the van and Hank glanced at the scanner. "Due South probably about two miles," he said. George started the van and headed out.
"Looks like she's gone to ground. She should be easy to get now," said Hank as he watched the signal slow and then stop. He left George in the van while he headed toward the trees with Jon.
* * * * *
Cindy hadn't intended to run. When Hank left her at the front door, she watched as he ran back to the barracks and went inside. She couldn't ever remember her body hurting so much, but she didn't want to again face Master Samuel's anger and more punishment. She turned and fled toward the open gate, through and down the road.
She had often observed her Masters leaving and turning right onto the road, so she choose to go left instead. After a mile, she started to slow as her body was almost at the end of its endurance. She knew she needed cover in case they came looking for her and spotted a grove of dense brush and trees in the distance. She headed towards it, hoping that it might also contain some water.
Cindy pushed through the brush, scratching her already bruised body. There wasn't any water, but, by then, she was completely exhausted. She lay on the grass and closed her eyes. The next thing she felt was strong hands grasping her arms and forcing her to stand.
"Come on, slut, your Masters want to see you," laughed Hank as he hauled her to her feet. Jon came from behind and bound her wrists in ties while Cindy cried. They walked her back to the road and waiting vehicle.
"Okay. Let's get her back so I can get something to eat," said Hank. George did a u-turn and headed back to the house. They pulled up in front of the house; Hank got out and dragged Cindy out of the side door.
"You two go back. Tell Earl he's standing guard duty as of now. Tim can be his relief. They both owe for what they did," said Hank angrily. He walked Cindy to the front door and knocked.
* * * * *
Mike held Angela in his arms and kissed her forehead. His eyes once again scanned her bruised and beaten body with remorse. He thought of all he had been through and, now, all that she had endured as well. He closed his eyes and leaned his cheek against her head. 'I love her' he finally admitted to himself and, in doing, knew her punishment had come to an end. Now, he was only thinking of her recovering and furthering her training.
Sam watched his brother's tenderness. "What are you thinking, Mike?"
Mike opened his eyes and looked over at his brother. "It's over," he said with finality.
Sam rose from his chair with an angry scowl on his face. "You can't be serious! Not after what this bitch did to you! Have you lost your fucking mind?!"
"No," said Mike calmly. "I've found my heart. She's gone through enough while I was in as well as now. It's over," he said once again.
Sam started pacing the room his anger making his blood boil. He finally stopped and stared hard at his brother. "After all I've gone through, I can't believe you're doing this to me, for this slut!"
Mike cocked an eyebrow at his brother. "All you've been through? I thought you were doing it for me. What really was your motive, Sam? What exactly am I doing to you?"
Sam felt his heart pounding in his chest and then felt his anger dissipate. "I'm sorry Mike you've definitely been through more than me." He sat back down and ran his fingers through his hair.
"And?" asked Mike.
Sam sighed heavily, "I guess I thought we would keep her here indefinitely, punishing her for what she did to you."
Mike looked at his brother with sad eyes. "That was never my plan, Sam. 'Indefinitely' is a very long time to hate; it eats away at the soul. I don't hate her anymore. She has shown me loyalty and courage. I love her, Sam, and I forgive her. I'm proud of her."
Sam was quiet for a few minutes. "I'll give her that. Angela showed better sub behavior today than Cindy did for all of her, so called, training. She obeyed without question and submitted to their brutality. By the way, I'm sorry Mike. I didn't know they would do that to either one of them."
Mike felt the time was right to address his other concern. "Sam," he said gently, "can you find it within yourself to forgive Cindy or will you torture her again?"
Sam was silent for a long time, but never broke eye contact with Mike. Mike eased Angela down on the couch and walked over to his brother. Sam stood up and there was barely five inches between them. Mike laid a gentle hand on Sam's shoulder.
"I saw what you did to Cindy," he confessed. "While I was taking care of Angela, I took a break and passed the monitor room. I didn't touch her afterwards because of your cruel and, I believe, inhumane treatment. I was never treated that badly when I was in prison. What's happened to you, Sam?"
Sam's eyes started to tear. "I don't know. I -- I ...," and could get no further. Mike hugged his brother to his chest.
"If you ever feel like that again, I'm asking you to talk with me, Sam. You need to learn to back off and not let the darkness I saw take you over. Please Sam, for my sake as well as your's," Mike pleaded.
Sam got himself under control and looked into Mike's caring and compassionate eyes. He nodded his head. "I don't know when it started, Mike. It just seemed like the violence kept escalating beyond my control. The more and harder I punished, the more I wanted to."
"May I suggest then, that from now on either I'm present to help you back off or you leave all punishment to me? I'm sure that if I can help Angela with her problem, then I can help you with your's," Mike said soothingly. Sam, once again, nodded his head in agreement.
"Maybe planning, building and managing the resort will help in your recovery. Your mind needs another outlet besides torturing," Mike said firmly.
Sam sighed, "Maybe you're right. With you present to remind me to punish and not hurt, I should be able to control this and the resort is a good idea. I can always just lock them in the cage until the suitable punishment can be administered." Just then there was loud knocking at the front door.
They both went to the front door; Sam opened it.
"Got her," said Hank.
Cindy stood there crying and shaking. Sam felt another wave of anger hit, but turned to Mike. "I'll take Angela upstairs and put her to bed for you. You take care of Cindy." He left for the living room.
Mike smiled and nodded his head. He stepped out onto the porch and took Cindy by the elbow. "Thanks, Hank, I'll see to her." Hank smiled and left for the barracks.
Mike guided Cindy into the house and shut the door. He turned her around and released her wrists. "Follow me," he said and started towards the kitchen with a tearful Cindy trailing after him.
They entered the basement room and Cindy started the cry harder; she wasn't sure which Master had her and she was afraid off what would happen to her. Mike looked at her bruised breasts and body; he noted the scratches and some blood around her nipple rings.
"Come to the shower Cindy and let's get you clean," he said. He walked over to the shower, turned on the water and adjusted the temperature. Cindy followed, sniffling; she was almost certain that it was Master Michael now.
"I want you to wash thoroughly and shampoo your hair. I'll be waiting for you when you finish so I can treat your wounds," he said and left her in the shower.
Cindy stepped under the hot water and slowly cleaned herself as instructed. Mike busied himself with searching the cabinets for everything he needed and laying it on the counter. When all was set, he walked back to give Cindy a towel. She shut the water off and dried herself.
Mike walked her back and pulled the chair to the counter. "Sit here, Cindy."
Cindy carefully sat in the chair. Her eyes started tearing again when she saw that he held pliers in hand.
"Easy, Cindy," said Mike, "I'm going to remove your rings so that there's no more damage." He took gauze and poured some liquid onto and rubbed it over her nipples, causing numbness. He broke the lock on the rings and removed them from her nipples. He applied more liquid to ease her pain and then an ointment to prevent infection. After he treated all her cuts, he started to put the supplies away.
"Am I forgiven then, Master?" Cindy asked quietly.
"No, Cindy. What you did this afternoon was your final transgression and has sealed your fate. You are going to be returned and replaced," said Mike. "You will remain in the cage until that takes place."
"Please, Master Michael, I don't want to leave!" she cried.
Mike gently lifted her chin to look into his eyes. "Cindy, you disobeyed, questioned, showed disrespect and then ran. We're sending you back and they can retrain you for another Master. It's final."
"Everything was fine until that other slut, Master!" she yelled. She blanched when anger crossed Mike's face.
"And you back talk. In the cage," and he lifted her by the arm and walked her over to the cage. "I'll bring you something to eat and drink when Ellen gets it done." Mike walked out of the room and sealed the door.
Mike made his way up the stairs and into the kitchen. Ellen was just starting on dinner and turned to kneel at his feet.
"Ellen, can you fix sandwiches and other things for six hungry men?" he asked.
"When would you like it, Master?" she inquired.
"Before you start our dinner; let me know when they're ready and I'll take them over. I don't want you anywhere near the barracks," he said firmly.
"Yes, Master," Ellen said and started to unload what she needed from the refrigerators onto the kitchen table.
Mike left and went into the living room. Sam was in the lounger and sipping at his drink. He sat on the couch and picked up his own. "I've treated her, told her she was leaving and placed her in the cage."
Sam nodded his head. "I put Angela back into Cindy's room, but left the door unlocked. Thanks for taking care of Cindy, Mike."
"I told Ellen to prepare sandwiches and the like for the men. You or I can take it to them. I told her not to go near any of them," Mike said and then took a swallow of his drink.
"Thanks. I forgot they might be hungry. I think I'd better spend some quiet time in my study to start organizing better," admitted Sam. "I told Hank earlier to give me his preferences for four subs, but I don't think so now. Not after today."
"I agree. Why don't you help me take the meal over to them? You can tell Hank and then come back to start planning while Ellen is fixing dinner" said Mike as he finished his drink.
Sam finished his drink and they both went to the kitchen. Between the three of them, they loaded two boxes with an assortment of food. "Ellen, you need to open the front door for us," Sam said. She rushed ahead, first opening the kitchen door and then the front door.
Sam and Mike arrived at the barracks, placed the boxes against the wall and Sam knocked on the door. Hank opened it up and was surprised, but pleased to see them. "We were just discussing what to do for dinner since we're not supposed to go near the locals."
"You and your men can go into town to eat and whore," said Sam. "No subs after what happened here today. Just tell them to keep their mouths shut," he said sternly.
"Okay," said Hank. "Can't blame you; again, I'm sorry about what happened," said Hank. He turned his head and shouted, "George, Jon, come get this food!"
George was the first out the door and didn't know what hit him. He was suddenly on his back and his mouth hurt. He shook his head and tried to clear it when, suddenly, pain shoot through his ribs. More excruciating pain in his groin caused him to black out completely.
Sam and Hank stood stunned when Mike hauled back and hit George in the mouth, then kicked him in the ribs and winced when he smashed him in the groin. "Mike?" questioned Sam.
Mike fists were balled in rage. "He's one of the ones that raped me in prison," said Mike, barely controlling his own rage.
Sam turned to Hank, "All of them, out here, now. We'll see who stays and," he looked down at the man on the ground, "who goes."
Hank swallowed hard. "Sure thing," he turned to yell into the barracks again. "Everyone out here now!" Jon was already in the doorway and stepped over George's body. Two more faces appeared in the door.
"Where's the other man?" said Sam.
"Jon, go relieve Earl and tell him double-time!" shouted Hank.
Jon sprinted over to the guard shack and Earl ran to join the group of men. Mike looked into his face. "All stay, but this piece of filth," he said pointing to the body on the ground, but keeping his eyes on Hank. "I'll look at the rest when they arrive."
"He'll be out of here by morning. You have my word on it," said Hank and offered his hand. Mike took the hand and firmly shook it. Both brothers turned and walked back to the house, leaving Hank to deal with the mess.
Sam and Mike entered the house. Mike leaned up against the wall, examined his aching hand and flexed his fingers. "That felt good."
Sam put his arm around Mike's shoulder. "I bet it did. Why don't you check on Angela and I'll tell Ellen that I'll be in my study."
Mike nodded and crossed into the living room and up the stairs. He quietly opened the door and Angela was sitting up, propped against the headboard. He shut the door and sat on the bed. "How are you feeling?"
"I'll be fine, Master Michael. Just a little dizzy from whatever Master Samuel gave me," she said and smiled into his eyes.
Mike curled up next to her, placed his hand gently on her face and lightly kissed her lips. He broke the kiss and looked into her eyes then hugged her to his chest.
Angela looked into his eyes and could feel her heart beating faster. It was like looking into the eyes of her old Master Michael. "Master Michael ..." she began, but he gently placed his fingers against her lips.
"Angela, I forgive you," Mike said.
Angela started crying and hugged him back hard. "With your help, Master Michael, I know I can make it. I love you, Master Michael."
"I love you too, Angela," he said.
She sat up, stared into his eyes and smiled through her tears. "I'll work really hard to please you, Master Michael."
"I know you will, Angela. We've already made strides in your addiction. It'll be a long, hard struggle and you'll have to trust me."
"I do trust you, Master Michael," and she cast her eyes down.
His hand pushed her hair back and lifted her chin. He kissed her gently yet passionately while his hand caressed her body. She felt her body responding to his touch and moaned lightly into his mouth. He broke the kiss, rolled off the bed and removed his clothes, revealing that he was already hard.
Mike crawled in next to her and kissed along her neck while his hand traveled down to her mound. Her breathing picked up and her hips rose when his finger brushed against her clit. "Someone's already excited," he smiled as she continued to moan.
"Please, Master Michael, please fuck me," she pleaded. "I need to feel you in me so badly; it's been so long."
Mike gently rolled between her legs and slowly inserted his hard cock into her wet pussy. Angela started sucking in shallow quick breaths and moaning more. Mike smiled at her again, "Angela, you don't need my permission to cum tonight."
Angela nodded her head and he started to slowly stroke in and out of her. He pinned her bad arm on the bed to keep her from injuring it further. He avoided her bruised breasts entirely, but her nipples were hard and pointing upward. He kept pumping and looking at her reactions.
Mike smiled when he could tell she was close to an orgasm. He sped up faster and then she came, her juices covering his cock. His pace became even faster and he felt his balls tighten just before he shot his cum deep inside of her pussy. He withdrew and lay beside the panting woman and cuddled her next to his body.
"Angela, do you realize you just came without pain?" he asked.
"I'm sorry, Master Michael," said Angela, "but I am in pain already. I'll not lie ever again. Can we try it again once I'm not in pain?"
Mike laughed, "Yes, and many more times until you can orgasm both with and without some pain."
Angela laid her head in the crook of his arm and then placed her broken wrist on his chest, "Thank you, Master Michael. I won't let you down again. I love you." She yawned and then shut her eyes.
Mike stayed still until he felt and heard her deep sleep pattern. He eased off the bed, redressed and looked at her sprawled in the bed. He smiled, opened the door, and eased out. Then he shut it quietly and went downstairs.
Hank ran to the barracks. "Jon, George come with me! We have a runaway on our hands. Tim, you take first watch out front. The rest of you get this place cleaned up!"
They ran to the van and Hank glanced at the scanner. "Due South probably about two miles," he said. George started the van and headed out.
"Looks like she's gone to ground. She should be easy to get now," said Hank as he watched the signal slow and then stop. He left George in the van while he headed toward the trees with Jon.
* * * * *
Cindy hadn't intended to run. When Hank left her at the front door, she watched as he ran back to the barracks and went inside. She couldn't ever remember her body hurting so much, but she didn't want to again face Master Samuel's anger and more punishment. She turned and fled toward the open gate, through and down the road.
She had often observed her Masters leaving and turning right onto the road, so she choose to go left instead. After a mile, she started to slow as her body was almost at the end of its endurance. She knew she needed cover in case they came looking for her and spotted a grove of dense brush and trees in the distance. She headed towards it, hoping that it might also contain some water.
Cindy pushed through the brush, scratching her already bruised body. There wasn't any water, but, by then, she was completely exhausted. She lay on the grass and closed her eyes. The next thing she felt was strong hands grasping her arms and forcing her to stand.
"Come on, slut, your Masters want to see you," laughed Hank as he hauled her to her feet. Jon came from behind and bound her wrists in ties while Cindy cried. They walked her back to the road and waiting vehicle.
"Okay. Let's get her back so I can get something to eat," said Hank. George did a u-turn and headed back to the house. They pulled up in front of the house; Hank got out and dragged Cindy out of the side door.
"You two go back. Tell Earl he's standing guard duty as of now. Tim can be his relief. They both owe for what they did," said Hank angrily. He walked Cindy to the front door and knocked.
* * * * *
Mike held Angela in his arms and kissed her forehead. His eyes once again scanned her bruised and beaten body with remorse. He thought of all he had been through and, now, all that she had endured as well. He closed his eyes and leaned his cheek against her head. 'I love her' he finally admitted to himself and, in doing, knew her punishment had come to an end. Now, he was only thinking of her recovering and furthering her training.
Sam watched his brother's tenderness. "What are you thinking, Mike?"
Mike opened his eyes and looked over at his brother. "It's over," he said with finality.
Sam rose from his chair with an angry scowl on his face. "You can't be serious! Not after what this bitch did to you! Have you lost your fucking mind?!"
"No," said Mike calmly. "I've found my heart. She's gone through enough while I was in as well as now. It's over," he said once again.
Sam started pacing the room his anger making his blood boil. He finally stopped and stared hard at his brother. "After all I've gone through, I can't believe you're doing this to me, for this slut!"
Mike cocked an eyebrow at his brother. "All you've been through? I thought you were doing it for me. What really was your motive, Sam? What exactly am I doing to you?"
Sam felt his heart pounding in his chest and then felt his anger dissipate. "I'm sorry Mike you've definitely been through more than me." He sat back down and ran his fingers through his hair.
"And?" asked Mike.
Sam sighed heavily, "I guess I thought we would keep her here indefinitely, punishing her for what she did to you."
Mike looked at his brother with sad eyes. "That was never my plan, Sam. 'Indefinitely' is a very long time to hate; it eats away at the soul. I don't hate her anymore. She has shown me loyalty and courage. I love her, Sam, and I forgive her. I'm proud of her."
Sam was quiet for a few minutes. "I'll give her that. Angela showed better sub behavior today than Cindy did for all of her, so called, training. She obeyed without question and submitted to their brutality. By the way, I'm sorry Mike. I didn't know they would do that to either one of them."
Mike felt the time was right to address his other concern. "Sam," he said gently, "can you find it within yourself to forgive Cindy or will you torture her again?"
Sam was silent for a long time, but never broke eye contact with Mike. Mike eased Angela down on the couch and walked over to his brother. Sam stood up and there was barely five inches between them. Mike laid a gentle hand on Sam's shoulder.
"I saw what you did to Cindy," he confessed. "While I was taking care of Angela, I took a break and passed the monitor room. I didn't touch her afterwards because of your cruel and, I believe, inhumane treatment. I was never treated that badly when I was in prison. What's happened to you, Sam?"
Sam's eyes started to tear. "I don't know. I -- I ...," and could get no further. Mike hugged his brother to his chest.
"If you ever feel like that again, I'm asking you to talk with me, Sam. You need to learn to back off and not let the darkness I saw take you over. Please Sam, for my sake as well as your's," Mike pleaded.
Sam got himself under control and looked into Mike's caring and compassionate eyes. He nodded his head. "I don't know when it started, Mike. It just seemed like the violence kept escalating beyond my control. The more and harder I punished, the more I wanted to."
"May I suggest then, that from now on either I'm present to help you back off or you leave all punishment to me? I'm sure that if I can help Angela with her problem, then I can help you with your's," Mike said soothingly. Sam, once again, nodded his head in agreement.
"Maybe planning, building and managing the resort will help in your recovery. Your mind needs another outlet besides torturing," Mike said firmly.
Sam sighed, "Maybe you're right. With you present to remind me to punish and not hurt, I should be able to control this and the resort is a good idea. I can always just lock them in the cage until the suitable punishment can be administered." Just then there was loud knocking at the front door.
They both went to the front door; Sam opened it.
"Got her," said Hank.
Cindy stood there crying and shaking. Sam felt another wave of anger hit, but turned to Mike. "I'll take Angela upstairs and put her to bed for you. You take care of Cindy." He left for the living room.
Mike smiled and nodded his head. He stepped out onto the porch and took Cindy by the elbow. "Thanks, Hank, I'll see to her." Hank smiled and left for the barracks.
Mike guided Cindy into the house and shut the door. He turned her around and released her wrists. "Follow me," he said and started towards the kitchen with a tearful Cindy trailing after him.
They entered the basement room and Cindy started the cry harder; she wasn't sure which Master had her and she was afraid off what would happen to her. Mike looked at her bruised breasts and body; he noted the scratches and some blood around her nipple rings.
"Come to the shower Cindy and let's get you clean," he said. He walked over to the shower, turned on the water and adjusted the temperature. Cindy followed, sniffling; she was almost certain that it was Master Michael now.
"I want you to wash thoroughly and shampoo your hair. I'll be waiting for you when you finish so I can treat your wounds," he said and left her in the shower.
Cindy stepped under the hot water and slowly cleaned herself as instructed. Mike busied himself with searching the cabinets for everything he needed and laying it on the counter. When all was set, he walked back to give Cindy a towel. She shut the water off and dried herself.
Mike walked her back and pulled the chair to the counter. "Sit here, Cindy."
Cindy carefully sat in the chair. Her eyes started tearing again when she saw that he held pliers in hand.
"Easy, Cindy," said Mike, "I'm going to remove your rings so that there's no more damage." He took gauze and poured some liquid onto and rubbed it over her nipples, causing numbness. He broke the lock on the rings and removed them from her nipples. He applied more liquid to ease her pain and then an ointment to prevent infection. After he treated all her cuts, he started to put the supplies away.
"Am I forgiven then, Master?" Cindy asked quietly.
"No, Cindy. What you did this afternoon was your final transgression and has sealed your fate. You are going to be returned and replaced," said Mike. "You will remain in the cage until that takes place."
"Please, Master Michael, I don't want to leave!" she cried.
Mike gently lifted her chin to look into his eyes. "Cindy, you disobeyed, questioned, showed disrespect and then ran. We're sending you back and they can retrain you for another Master. It's final."
"Everything was fine until that other slut, Master!" she yelled. She blanched when anger crossed Mike's face.
"And you back talk. In the cage," and he lifted her by the arm and walked her over to the cage. "I'll bring you something to eat and drink when Ellen gets it done." Mike walked out of the room and sealed the door.
Mike made his way up the stairs and into the kitchen. Ellen was just starting on dinner and turned to kneel at his feet.
"Ellen, can you fix sandwiches and other things for six hungry men?" he asked.
"When would you like it, Master?" she inquired.
"Before you start our dinner; let me know when they're ready and I'll take them over. I don't want you anywhere near the barracks," he said firmly.
"Yes, Master," Ellen said and started to unload what she needed from the refrigerators onto the kitchen table.
Mike left and went into the living room. Sam was in the lounger and sipping at his drink. He sat on the couch and picked up his own. "I've treated her, told her she was leaving and placed her in the cage."
Sam nodded his head. "I put Angela back into Cindy's room, but left the door unlocked. Thanks for taking care of Cindy, Mike."
"I told Ellen to prepare sandwiches and the like for the men. You or I can take it to them. I told her not to go near any of them," Mike said and then took a swallow of his drink.
"Thanks. I forgot they might be hungry. I think I'd better spend some quiet time in my study to start organizing better," admitted Sam. "I told Hank earlier to give me his preferences for four subs, but I don't think so now. Not after today."
"I agree. Why don't you help me take the meal over to them? You can tell Hank and then come back to start planning while Ellen is fixing dinner" said Mike as he finished his drink.
Sam finished his drink and they both went to the kitchen. Between the three of them, they loaded two boxes with an assortment of food. "Ellen, you need to open the front door for us," Sam said. She rushed ahead, first opening the kitchen door and then the front door.
Sam and Mike arrived at the barracks, placed the boxes against the wall and Sam knocked on the door. Hank opened it up and was surprised, but pleased to see them. "We were just discussing what to do for dinner since we're not supposed to go near the locals."
"You and your men can go into town to eat and whore," said Sam. "No subs after what happened here today. Just tell them to keep their mouths shut," he said sternly.
"Okay," said Hank. "Can't blame you; again, I'm sorry about what happened," said Hank. He turned his head and shouted, "George, Jon, come get this food!"
George was the first out the door and didn't know what hit him. He was suddenly on his back and his mouth hurt. He shook his head and tried to clear it when, suddenly, pain shoot through his ribs. More excruciating pain in his groin caused him to black out completely.
Sam and Hank stood stunned when Mike hauled back and hit George in the mouth, then kicked him in the ribs and winced when he smashed him in the groin. "Mike?" questioned Sam.
Mike fists were balled in rage. "He's one of the ones that raped me in prison," said Mike, barely controlling his own rage.
Sam turned to Hank, "All of them, out here, now. We'll see who stays and," he looked down at the man on the ground, "who goes."
Hank swallowed hard. "Sure thing," he turned to yell into the barracks again. "Everyone out here now!" Jon was already in the doorway and stepped over George's body. Two more faces appeared in the door.
"Where's the other man?" said Sam.
"Jon, go relieve Earl and tell him double-time!" shouted Hank.
Jon sprinted over to the guard shack and Earl ran to join the group of men. Mike looked into his face. "All stay, but this piece of filth," he said pointing to the body on the ground, but keeping his eyes on Hank. "I'll look at the rest when they arrive."
"He'll be out of here by morning. You have my word on it," said Hank and offered his hand. Mike took the hand and firmly shook it. Both brothers turned and walked back to the house, leaving Hank to deal with the mess.
Sam and Mike entered the house. Mike leaned up against the wall, examined his aching hand and flexed his fingers. "That felt good."
Sam put his arm around Mike's shoulder. "I bet it did. Why don't you check on Angela and I'll tell Ellen that I'll be in my study."
Mike nodded and crossed into the living room and up the stairs. He quietly opened the door and Angela was sitting up, propped against the headboard. He shut the door and sat on the bed. "How are you feeling?"
"I'll be fine, Master Michael. Just a little dizzy from whatever Master Samuel gave me," she said and smiled into his eyes.
Mike curled up next to her, placed his hand gently on her face and lightly kissed her lips. He broke the kiss and looked into her eyes then hugged her to his chest.
Angela looked into his eyes and could feel her heart beating faster. It was like looking into the eyes of her old Master Michael. "Master Michael ..." she began, but he gently placed his fingers against her lips.
"Angela, I forgive you," Mike said.
Angela started crying and hugged him back hard. "With your help, Master Michael, I know I can make it. I love you, Master Michael."
"I love you too, Angela," he said.
She sat up, stared into his eyes and smiled through her tears. "I'll work really hard to please you, Master Michael."
"I know you will, Angela. We've already made strides in your addiction. It'll be a long, hard struggle and you'll have to trust me."
"I do trust you, Master Michael," and she cast her eyes down.
His hand pushed her hair back and lifted her chin. He kissed her gently yet passionately while his hand caressed her body. She felt her body responding to his touch and moaned lightly into his mouth. He broke the kiss, rolled off the bed and removed his clothes, revealing that he was already hard.
Mike crawled in next to her and kissed along her neck while his hand traveled down to her mound. Her breathing picked up and her hips rose when his finger brushed against her clit. "Someone's already excited," he smiled as she continued to moan.
"Please, Master Michael, please fuck me," she pleaded. "I need to feel you in me so badly; it's been so long."
Mike gently rolled between her legs and slowly inserted his hard cock into her wet pussy. Angela started sucking in shallow quick breaths and moaning more. Mike smiled at her again, "Angela, you don't need my permission to cum tonight."
Angela nodded her head and he started to slowly stroke in and out of her. He pinned her bad arm on the bed to keep her from injuring it further. He avoided her bruised breasts entirely, but her nipples were hard and pointing upward. He kept pumping and looking at her reactions.
Mike smiled when he could tell she was close to an orgasm. He sped up faster and then she came, her juices covering his cock. His pace became even faster and he felt his balls tighten just before he shot his cum deep inside of her pussy. He withdrew and lay beside the panting woman and cuddled her next to his body.
"Angela, do you realize you just came without pain?" he asked.
"I'm sorry, Master Michael," said Angela, "but I am in pain already. I'll not lie ever again. Can we try it again once I'm not in pain?"
Mike laughed, "Yes, and many more times until you can orgasm both with and without some pain."
Angela laid her head in the crook of his arm and then placed her broken wrist on his chest, "Thank you, Master Michael. I won't let you down again. I love you." She yawned and then shut her eyes.
Mike stayed still until he felt and heard her deep sleep pattern. He eased off the bed, redressed and looked at her sprawled in the bed. He smiled, opened the door, and eased out. Then he shut it quietly and went downstairs.
Rating: , Votes: %0 | like or dislike | Add To Favourites | Published by: biker78 3981 days ago | Categories: BDSM
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