
"Whoa," she gasped, sitting up in her bed and slamming her hand over the alarm clock that had interrupted her erotic dream. Glaring at it angrily, she tried to remember why she had set it for so early. She could feel her heart pounding and the flesh between her legs pulsed insistently, desperate for release.

She yanked her covers up to her chin and pulled her shirt up and her panties off below the blanket. She slowly trailed her fingers down to her breasts, toying with the tips as they became hard and erect. She pinched and rubbed them lightly, feeling her pussy spasm in response. Leaving one hand toying with her breasts, she ran the other hand over her flat stomach and down to her thighs, drawing her hand a little farther up to spread her lips, feeling the moisture there.

She drew one finger over her slick flesh, from her opening to her clit, poking out insistently from under its hood. She rubbed it for several moments, spreading her legs, feeling them shake as she became more and more aroused, her juices pouring out of her body. She drew her finger down to her entrance, spreading the moisture around as she returned to her clit. Her lips parted in a silent scream, feeling herself drawing closer and closer to the edge. Her fingers rubbed faster and faster as she tried to pull herself over.

Just then, an insistent knock sounded at the door and her doorknob twisted alarmingly. Panicked, Talitha quickly removed her hands from her body and pulled her shirt back down, sitting up in bed as the door opened.

"Good morning Tali!" her mother said cheerfully, moving across the room to open her blinds. Talitha blinked as sunlight flooded the room, looking dazedly at her mother as she opened the last window. "Why aren't you up already? You said you'd set your alarm because you needed a ride to the mall. I'm leaving with your brother in fifteen minutes."

Oh right, Talitha thought to herself, slinking down in bed as she remembered. She had asked her mother to drop her off at the mall on her way to work. She had a few clothes she wanted to pick up before she returned to university for her second semester sophomore year.

"Right," she replied. "I'll be down in a few minutes. Just give me a 10 minutes to take a shower." Her mother nodded, leaving her room as Talitha hopped out of bed, fixing her long t-shirt so it came down to mid-thigh. She walked into her bathroom and quickly pulled off her shirt, stepping into the warm water. Enjoying the way the hard stream hit her nipples, she stood that way for several minutes, absorbed in the pleasure. Shaking her head, she remembered that this was supposed to be a fast shower and quickly lathered up her long, light brown hair. She rubbed the soap between her palms, skimming her hands over her body, careful to avoid the still sensitive flesh between her thighs. She knew if she got distracted, she wouldn't want to get out of the shower.

Rinsing off, she jumped out of the shower and quickly dressed, pulling on her sexiest bra and the matching lace boyshorts before putting on jeans and a tee-shirt. She ran down the stairs to the kitchen, where her 13-year-old brother was eating breakfast as her mother looked over papers for work.

"You ready to leave, Tali?" her mother asked, not looking up from her papers. "I figured I could drop your brother off at school, then take you to the mall before I have to go to work. You can call one of your friends to pick you up, right?"

"Umm, yeah, Mom," Talitha replied, fidgeting with her damp hair as she stood in the kitchen doorframe. "Actually, I don't need to go to the mall today. I'll go some other time. Today I'm just going to hang out around the house, unpack my suitcase, and relax. I don't go back to school for three weeks." Her mother nodded her agreement as Tali dashed back up the stairs.

Knowing that her family was still in the kitchen, she went into her bathroom to dry her hair. When the long, silky strands lay smoothly down her back, she went over to the window and watched as her mom and brother got in the car and left. She waited five minutes to make sure they weren't coming back, then quickly stripped off her clothes until she stood in only her bra and panties. She paused in her bedroom mirror, stopping to look at herself.

Without conceit, Talitha knew she was attractive. She was tall and slender, with a few curves. Her breasts were exactly the right size for her frame at 32B, and she had a narrow waist and slim hips. Her hair fell halfway down her back, thick hair with a tiny bit of wave to it. Her skin was clear and pale, and her large light green eyes stood out in her striking face.

She knew that back at school she was considered a bit of an ice princess. She very rarely dated, preferring to focus on her classes instead, and the guys that she did date never lasted very long. As soon as they realized she wasn't an easy lay, they moved on to other girls. Consequently, at age 19, Talitha was still a virgin.

Still, that didn't mean that she didn't have sexual needs, she thought to herself, walking across her room and pulling out a few items from the back of her nightstand drawer. A few months earlier, she had visited a sex store with her friends at school as a joke. While she giggled along with the rest of them at all the different and often bizarre items, as soon as she got the chance, she had gone back by herself, picking up a few things. The whole way back to school, she had clutched the plain bag tightly to herself, convinced that everyone knew what was inside.

She considered the items now, placing them on her bed. At school, she hadn't gotten a chance to use them, with her two roommates always around. Finally, her entire family was gone for the day, and she was ready for a little experimentation. At the store, she had picked up a small vibrating silver bullet, a tube of lubricant, and against the advice of the salesperson, a fairly large vibrator. He had told her that it would be too large for a beginner, and dying to get out of there, she had nodded then bought it anyway.

She lay down on her bed, pulling off the nearly sheer panties but leaving on her bra. She turned on the bullet to its highest level, then, startled by the intense vibrations, turned it down to low. She placed the controller by her side as she trailed the vibrator down to her pussy, still wet from her earlier ministrations. She spread her pussy lips with one hand and used to other to lightly hold the bullet against her clit.

It felt good, but not strong enough, so she removed it and turned it up to a higher level. Placing it back on her clit, her legs shook from the sudden, intense pleasure. She squirmed on her bed, removing it from her clit and trailing it down to her entrance. The sensations there were not nearly as intense, and she bent her knees up on the bed and aimed the bullet at her hole.

It was small, and she was wet enough that it went in easily. She rubbed her clit with one hand and pushed the bullet in farther with the other one. Enjoying the sensations, she writhed on the bed as she rubbed her clit faster. Turning the bullet up to its highest level, stars danced in her eyes, as she almost built herself up to the peak.

Finding that she couldn't bring herself over, she gently tugged on the bullet's cord and pulled it out of her pussy, immediately moving it up to place on her clit. Instantly, she screamed loudly as she shattered, the orgasm washing over her in waves. She held the bullet to her clit as it continued, finally removing it as the sensations became too intense. She lay on her bed, gasping for air as the flesh between her legs tingled in the afterglow of her orgasm.

She lay still for almost 10 minutes, finally propping herself up on her elbows to turn off the bullet and look thoughtfully at the vibrator she had bought. It was 7 inches long, but the component that the salesperson had warned her about was the thickness; it was almost 4 ½ inches around. She reached down to gently push one finger inside her hole, then squeezed in a second finger. She was very wet.

Slowly she fucked herself with two fingers, as her body produced more moisture. She withdrew her fingers, then reached for the vibrator and placed the tip of it at her hole. She had to admit that it looked very large next to her tiny entrance. Taking a deep breath, she aimed the head of the vibrator at her hole, then pushed it insistently inside her. She had gotten one inch in when she felt it start to painfully stretch her.

Wincing, she pulled in out and reached for the tube of lubricant. She ran the tube over her body and squirted some onto her pussy, trying the get it in her entrance. She then squirted some into her hand and ran it over the vibrator, turning the vibrator onto its lowest speed.

Determined to try again, she ran the vibrator down over her body, closing her eyes as she let it briefly tease her clit. She pulled it down to her entrance, pressing it once again at the small hole. This time, she managed to push it two inches in before it stopped. She paused, considering. She pressed her hand against the vibrator, trying to work it further in, and gasped in pain. Leaving the two inches in, she twisted it inside her body, attempting to stretch the narrow passage.

It didn't work, and she pulled the vibrator out as frustrated tears filled her eyes. She tossed it aside and reached for the bullet again. Turning it all the way up, she pressed it against her clitoris, still swollen and sensitive from her earlier orgasm. Holding it firmly against her, she gasped she felt the sensations start to build, the pain from the large vibrator quickly disappearing.

She rubbed the bullet against her, moaning as she felt her orgasm quickly approaching. It was even more intense this time, and she screamed, twisting on the bed as it became so intense as to be almost painful. She quickly pulled away the bullet, allowing the pleasure to envelop her.

When it ended, she ran a finger over her clitoris and jumped. Her clit was super-sensitive, and she quickly withdrew her hand. She sat up on her bed, her hair falling over her breasts as she propped herself up on her pillows, completely satisfied.

She leaned back as she put her toys back in the drawer, looking around her room. She allowed her breathing to slow down as she looked across the room to the window that looked across to her neighbor's house. Startled, she sat up straight on the bed. From her viewpoint, she had a clear view of their 22-year-old son's window. She blinked, but she still saw the same thing. Matt, her teenage crush, sat at the window stroking his cock with one hand, watching her.

She screamed and dashed into her bathroom, mortified. Had he been watching all this time?

From his room, Matt grinned as he slowly stroked himself. Who would have guessed that sweet little Tali would be so adventurous? Tomorrow, he had the entire day free. He was definitely going over to her house to renew their acquaintance.
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