Stroking With Jan
I have always loved to masturbate since I first found out how when I was about twelve years old. I found out how after reading an article in my Mum's copy of Cosmopolitan, and, having learnt how to do it, I became quite an avid practitioner, doing it at least once a day, normally in bed before going to sleep. Although the article had said how normal it was, I always felt naughty when I did it, knowing that it was not something I should let on to anyone else that I did. I eventually realised that this factor actually had the effect of increasing the pleasure.
As I got older I found out about the "one-handed reading" books published by the likes of Black Lace, again through the pages of Cosmo. I used to love going in to a bookshop in the knowledge that anyone noticing what I was buying might suspect that I was going home to read it with one hand, while the other would be fiddling away in my nether regions until I gave myself one shuddering orgasm after another. I ended up with quite a library of these books, all of which would fall open at my favourite spots. As time went on my self-pleasuring didn't diminish - if anything I was doing it more, but of course (despite what might happen in some of my fantasies) always strictly in private.
It has always made me shiver when I think of someone else knowing that I masturbate, and even more at the thought of someone watching me do it, but sadly, although our sex life isn't too bad, my husband of a few years is just not interested in masturbation - either mine, or even, it appears, his. But we get on very well in all other ways so I would certainly describe us as happily married. Our sex life is fine but a bit prosaic, so since we have been married I have always taken as many opportunities as I can to get some "time off" to myself with my fingers and my books - which are now well hidden in my closet behind my clothes.
We had a lovely new baby nearly three years ago and as a result I got to know lots of new woman friends through playgroup, and now through nursery school. This has been great and has had the effect of broadening our social life a lot. As I got to know these new woman friends better we progressed from the early days of stilted conversation and started talking about life and more personal matters like relationships and so on.
Our kids have all recently started pre-school together so we now suddenly have some free time during the day and we get together at each other's houses for the occasional coffee mornings. I've got to know one girl (Jan) better than the others - she's vivacious and attractive, about 5ft 8ins tall with shoulder-length auburn hair, a nice figure and a very likeable personality. In fact she's quite like me except that I'm about an inch shorter and have my blonde hair in a short bob.
Now that we've started having coffee together by ourselves we have quickly became very much at ease with each other, laughing away at the smallest things, and surprisingly soon we started talking about even more personal matters(!), quickly getting onto the subject of sex. We've discovered that we're both quite keen on sex, and we both feel we aren't getting enough with our husbands.
It's no great surprise that pretty soon, for the first time in my life, I admitted to someone else that I loved masturbating, having already guessed that she might share my enthusiasm. As you can imagine, this admission gave me a real thrill, and while I was intensely turned on by the fact that she now knew my greatest secret, I was desperate to know that I hadn't made a big mistake. However my hunch was right, and Jan readily admitted that she was an enthusiastic and frequent masturbator too, and always had been! We then gabbled away, both confessing how much we had loved being able to finally admit to our naughty secret habit - and how much it was turning us on!
Well, we were definitely now onto a different level of conversation! We started talking about our solo practices and Jan soon asked me if I had ever used a vibrator. I had to admit that despite my enthusiasm for our shared practice I hadn't dared to purchase one yet (you can't get one in the average bookshop!), and so she promised to lend me one of hers. In return I went and got a few of my best books to lend her, and told her that she could guess what I had been doing when reading the pages that they fell open to. We parted with a quick peck on the cheek and an arrangement to meet up again very soon.
As soon as she had left I had to go straight up to the bedroom and quickly strip off before giving myself a fantastic session. I had been so turned on during our chat that my pants were sopping and my fingers slipped easily up and down my clit until I erupted into one of my best ever self-induced climaxes.
Although we weren't able to get together for a proper chat for a week or so after that occasion, she did manage to pop in a couple of days later with a little package for me. She opened it up to reveal a medium sized pink coloured vibrator - quite a straightforward model, she told me, but one that had given her a good ration of orgasms in the past - so she knew it worked! She showed me how to turn it on with the knurled knob on the end but in truth I knew how they worked already. I hadn't experienced one in the flesh (so to speak) before but I pretty much knew what to expect.
On the way out she told me with thanks that she had already devoured to great effect a couple of my books during the previous afternoon when she had managed to get some time to herself, and that they had performed the required task to perfection. She said that part of the thrill had been knowing which passages had also done the job for me, and she said she was surprised how much it had turned her on to visualise me pleasuring myself to those passages in the same books that she was now reading.
Again she gave me a quick peck on the cheek as she left, but this time she whispered "Have fun!" to me with a smile as she did. I smiled broadly in return and said "You bet - what else do you think I'll be doing for the next half hour" before she walked out to her car.
Once again, the instant she had left I dashed up the stairs to the bedroom, this time clutching her present. I stripped off my clothes as I went through the door to the room, leaving them lying on the floor as I dived onto the bed. As I reached down to my clit, my fingers quickly found their favourite spot. With the other hand I turned the vibrator on and it leapt into buzzing life. The thought that Jan had been using it previously added a spice to the thrill as it joined my rubbing fingers at their familiar task.
The sensation it added to my own efforts was quite exquisite and I very quickly had not one, but two orgasms in rapid succession. "Wow!" I said to myself as I lay there trying to recover my breath. It had been even better than I'd been expecting, and I couldn't wait for the next chance I would have to try it out. Unfortunately I had to get up and out quickly as I was due to pick up our daughter from school in twenty minutes, something I managed only by the skin of my teeth.
I found a couple more chances to get "some time to myself" over the next few days, and eventually I discovered that my favourite method was to sit on the sofa reading a sexy story while gently "teasing" my clit with the vibrator over a period of half an hour or so. Then, when I was well and truly warmed up and hovering on the edge I would turn to one of my favourite "trigger" passages in the book, push the vibrator (on a "nice and gentle" slow setting) inside myself while I went to town on my clit with my fingers in time-honoured fashion.
This would invariably give me a stunning climax, which would easily last for a minute or so and leave me stretched out and truly sated. The only problem with this technique was managing to keep the vibrator inside me through the orgasm with all the lubrication that was coming out of me. Good practice for the vaginal muscles, though!
About a week later we managed to find a spare morning to get together again, at her house this time. I have to admit to feeling very shivery and immensely turned on during the day before the visit at the thought that once again we would be confessing our secret habits to each other. I even had a couple of quick wanks while thinking about it and fantasising whether anything more "interesting" might happen.
On the morning I dressed in fairly loose clothing - a wraparound dress that ties at the front. I was really turned on as I walked up the drive to her front door, and I briefly thought that she might even be able to smell how turned on I was. Yet another thrill at that thought! She answered the door, dressed in a simple white blouse and a shortish blue skirt, and gave me her customary quick peck on the cheek as she welcomed me in and showed me through to her lounge.
We sat down facing each other across a low coffee table with our cups of coffee, and almost her first question was how I'd got on with her present. I then told her at great length how much pleasure I'd had from it over the past week, as she listened avidly to my confessions. I was really turned on by this stage, and I could guess from her questioning and the way that she was squirming her hips as she listened to me that she was too.
Eventually, when I had finished telling all she came right out with it - she said she was now "horny as hell", and that she needed to do something about it pretty promptly! I'd been half expecting her to say something like this, so I was ready with my response. "Me too! Do you think we should go into separate rooms to do it, or shall we both do it here...?"
"We could go into different rooms," she replied, "but if you don't mind I think I'd rather share it with you," she said. "Besides, we might be able to give each other some tips!"
She had obviously hoped that I would respond positively, and judging by the broad smile on her face as she said this she had been secretly hoping to be able to do something together as much as I had. To move within a few weeks from never having told anyone about my secret habits to the prospect of actually sharing it with someone else in the same room was beyond my wildest fantasies, but here it was, happening in reality!
We were, not surprisingly, both mildly embarrassed at first, but we readily took the first steps in this adventure. I untied and slipped open my dress, moving my hand down into my panties which already had a big damp patch at the crotch. I watched as she lifted her skirt with her left hand, revealing the fact that she wasn't wearing any panties (good anticipation on her part!), and dropping her right hand straight to her clit, she started to slowly circle it with her forefinger. She looked me straight in the eyes and smiled, and then our eyes dropped as one to where the other's fingers were already busy at their task, and we quickly started to really get into the matter at hand.
I slipped off my shoes and lifted my feet up onto the coffee table to get better access and feel more comfortable, which had the side effect of presenting my activities even more clearly to Jan. I started to feel really lewd as I realised what I was doing, lying here with my dress wide open, my legs wide apart, and my hand stroking away at my clit and pussy - while Jan was watching in rapt attention just across from me, and doing the same thing herself.
Then she suddenly got up and told me that she was going to pop upstairs to get some towels and "other useful items!", and darted off while I lay back and slowed down my activities a bit to keep myself pleasurably on the boil but no more. I stood up briefly to take off my dress, getting a further thrill as I realised I was now naked in someone else's house and that really brought it home to me what I was about to do. Then, as I lay there, gently stroking away at myself, I took in my surroundings and luxuriated in the situation. Her lounge was very tastefully decorated, and I reassured myself that the net curtains at the front window meant that no-one else would be able to view our shared activities.
Pretty soon she was back down, having taken her clothes off while upstairs, with two towels, one of which she gave to me, and a small and interesting looking bag. She proceeded to empty the bag onto the table and this revealed that the contents were three vibrators. "I thought you might want to add to the pleasure with one of these - and I must admit that I can't wait to see you using it in front of me," she said, as she passed me one that was very similar to the one that she had lent to me.
I started rubbing it gently backwards and forwards alongside my clit, which was extremely sensitive by this stage. She picked the other two up for herself, and, after spreading her towel out and lying back on her seat, she proceeded to turn them on to a slow speed before easing one of them into her pussy while she slowly introduced the other one to her clit.
So now we were both lying nakedly in front of each other with our legs spread wide, resting on the low coffee table which was sitting between us, pussies totally exposed to the other's view, and watching each other masturbating away. We were both concentrating on our sensations and watching the other at work, so we didn't say anything for a short while apart from the odd intake of breath or groan as one or other of us hit a particularly sensitive spot.
Then, after a few minutes of this mutual self-pleasuring, Jan said, between gasps, "I'm so turned on now - I'm going to come soon - how about you?" This wasn't a question that really needed answering, as my movements and the noises coming from my pussy told their own story. "Me too, I can't hold on much longer" I blurted out, and at that we both exploded into our first mutual solo orgasm.
When we had both recovered we looked at each other, lying with our legs spread, juices dripping from our pussies, and, in Jan's case, the vibrator that had been in her pussy lying on the towel where it had been expelled during her orgasm. "Wow!" we said at the same time. "That was stunning!" I added "I've never come so strongly before." The smell of sex in the room was almost overpowering by now.
Almost as one we both moved a hand straight back to our clits as we lay there, and slowly and delicately started stroking away again in front of each other. It didn't take long before we both exploded into another self-induced orgasm - I thrust the vibrator into my pussy as I came this time and the feeling of fullness as I jerked away in the throes of my orgasm was exactly what I wanted.
We managed to each give ourselves another couple of orgasms over the course of the next twenty minutes, but by that stage we were pretty much finished for that session - any more and I wouldn't have been able to walk! When we had finished we both got up and Jan then came round the coffee table and gave me a quick hug. The feel of her bare breasts against mine, and the brief contact between our wet pussies, was a surprising turn-on, and I quickly filed the sensation away for future use when I was next by myself.
As we got dressed we agreed that it had been an altogether brilliant experience, and was definitely to be repeated. Jan told me that she and her husband had some videos that I might like to see next time, and I told her that I was "in her hands". She then said "Steady, Tiger - I'm not sure I'm up for that yet!" at which we both laughed - but I felt that behind the laughter a thought had been triggered for both of us which might in time lead to something even more interesting...
As I got older I found out about the "one-handed reading" books published by the likes of Black Lace, again through the pages of Cosmo. I used to love going in to a bookshop in the knowledge that anyone noticing what I was buying might suspect that I was going home to read it with one hand, while the other would be fiddling away in my nether regions until I gave myself one shuddering orgasm after another. I ended up with quite a library of these books, all of which would fall open at my favourite spots. As time went on my self-pleasuring didn't diminish - if anything I was doing it more, but of course (despite what might happen in some of my fantasies) always strictly in private.
It has always made me shiver when I think of someone else knowing that I masturbate, and even more at the thought of someone watching me do it, but sadly, although our sex life isn't too bad, my husband of a few years is just not interested in masturbation - either mine, or even, it appears, his. But we get on very well in all other ways so I would certainly describe us as happily married. Our sex life is fine but a bit prosaic, so since we have been married I have always taken as many opportunities as I can to get some "time off" to myself with my fingers and my books - which are now well hidden in my closet behind my clothes.
We had a lovely new baby nearly three years ago and as a result I got to know lots of new woman friends through playgroup, and now through nursery school. This has been great and has had the effect of broadening our social life a lot. As I got to know these new woman friends better we progressed from the early days of stilted conversation and started talking about life and more personal matters like relationships and so on.
Our kids have all recently started pre-school together so we now suddenly have some free time during the day and we get together at each other's houses for the occasional coffee mornings. I've got to know one girl (Jan) better than the others - she's vivacious and attractive, about 5ft 8ins tall with shoulder-length auburn hair, a nice figure and a very likeable personality. In fact she's quite like me except that I'm about an inch shorter and have my blonde hair in a short bob.
Now that we've started having coffee together by ourselves we have quickly became very much at ease with each other, laughing away at the smallest things, and surprisingly soon we started talking about even more personal matters(!), quickly getting onto the subject of sex. We've discovered that we're both quite keen on sex, and we both feel we aren't getting enough with our husbands.
It's no great surprise that pretty soon, for the first time in my life, I admitted to someone else that I loved masturbating, having already guessed that she might share my enthusiasm. As you can imagine, this admission gave me a real thrill, and while I was intensely turned on by the fact that she now knew my greatest secret, I was desperate to know that I hadn't made a big mistake. However my hunch was right, and Jan readily admitted that she was an enthusiastic and frequent masturbator too, and always had been! We then gabbled away, both confessing how much we had loved being able to finally admit to our naughty secret habit - and how much it was turning us on!
Well, we were definitely now onto a different level of conversation! We started talking about our solo practices and Jan soon asked me if I had ever used a vibrator. I had to admit that despite my enthusiasm for our shared practice I hadn't dared to purchase one yet (you can't get one in the average bookshop!), and so she promised to lend me one of hers. In return I went and got a few of my best books to lend her, and told her that she could guess what I had been doing when reading the pages that they fell open to. We parted with a quick peck on the cheek and an arrangement to meet up again very soon.
As soon as she had left I had to go straight up to the bedroom and quickly strip off before giving myself a fantastic session. I had been so turned on during our chat that my pants were sopping and my fingers slipped easily up and down my clit until I erupted into one of my best ever self-induced climaxes.
Although we weren't able to get together for a proper chat for a week or so after that occasion, she did manage to pop in a couple of days later with a little package for me. She opened it up to reveal a medium sized pink coloured vibrator - quite a straightforward model, she told me, but one that had given her a good ration of orgasms in the past - so she knew it worked! She showed me how to turn it on with the knurled knob on the end but in truth I knew how they worked already. I hadn't experienced one in the flesh (so to speak) before but I pretty much knew what to expect.
On the way out she told me with thanks that she had already devoured to great effect a couple of my books during the previous afternoon when she had managed to get some time to herself, and that they had performed the required task to perfection. She said that part of the thrill had been knowing which passages had also done the job for me, and she said she was surprised how much it had turned her on to visualise me pleasuring myself to those passages in the same books that she was now reading.
Again she gave me a quick peck on the cheek as she left, but this time she whispered "Have fun!" to me with a smile as she did. I smiled broadly in return and said "You bet - what else do you think I'll be doing for the next half hour" before she walked out to her car.
Once again, the instant she had left I dashed up the stairs to the bedroom, this time clutching her present. I stripped off my clothes as I went through the door to the room, leaving them lying on the floor as I dived onto the bed. As I reached down to my clit, my fingers quickly found their favourite spot. With the other hand I turned the vibrator on and it leapt into buzzing life. The thought that Jan had been using it previously added a spice to the thrill as it joined my rubbing fingers at their familiar task.
The sensation it added to my own efforts was quite exquisite and I very quickly had not one, but two orgasms in rapid succession. "Wow!" I said to myself as I lay there trying to recover my breath. It had been even better than I'd been expecting, and I couldn't wait for the next chance I would have to try it out. Unfortunately I had to get up and out quickly as I was due to pick up our daughter from school in twenty minutes, something I managed only by the skin of my teeth.
I found a couple more chances to get "some time to myself" over the next few days, and eventually I discovered that my favourite method was to sit on the sofa reading a sexy story while gently "teasing" my clit with the vibrator over a period of half an hour or so. Then, when I was well and truly warmed up and hovering on the edge I would turn to one of my favourite "trigger" passages in the book, push the vibrator (on a "nice and gentle" slow setting) inside myself while I went to town on my clit with my fingers in time-honoured fashion.
This would invariably give me a stunning climax, which would easily last for a minute or so and leave me stretched out and truly sated. The only problem with this technique was managing to keep the vibrator inside me through the orgasm with all the lubrication that was coming out of me. Good practice for the vaginal muscles, though!
About a week later we managed to find a spare morning to get together again, at her house this time. I have to admit to feeling very shivery and immensely turned on during the day before the visit at the thought that once again we would be confessing our secret habits to each other. I even had a couple of quick wanks while thinking about it and fantasising whether anything more "interesting" might happen.
On the morning I dressed in fairly loose clothing - a wraparound dress that ties at the front. I was really turned on as I walked up the drive to her front door, and I briefly thought that she might even be able to smell how turned on I was. Yet another thrill at that thought! She answered the door, dressed in a simple white blouse and a shortish blue skirt, and gave me her customary quick peck on the cheek as she welcomed me in and showed me through to her lounge.
We sat down facing each other across a low coffee table with our cups of coffee, and almost her first question was how I'd got on with her present. I then told her at great length how much pleasure I'd had from it over the past week, as she listened avidly to my confessions. I was really turned on by this stage, and I could guess from her questioning and the way that she was squirming her hips as she listened to me that she was too.
Eventually, when I had finished telling all she came right out with it - she said she was now "horny as hell", and that she needed to do something about it pretty promptly! I'd been half expecting her to say something like this, so I was ready with my response. "Me too! Do you think we should go into separate rooms to do it, or shall we both do it here...?"
"We could go into different rooms," she replied, "but if you don't mind I think I'd rather share it with you," she said. "Besides, we might be able to give each other some tips!"
She had obviously hoped that I would respond positively, and judging by the broad smile on her face as she said this she had been secretly hoping to be able to do something together as much as I had. To move within a few weeks from never having told anyone about my secret habits to the prospect of actually sharing it with someone else in the same room was beyond my wildest fantasies, but here it was, happening in reality!
We were, not surprisingly, both mildly embarrassed at first, but we readily took the first steps in this adventure. I untied and slipped open my dress, moving my hand down into my panties which already had a big damp patch at the crotch. I watched as she lifted her skirt with her left hand, revealing the fact that she wasn't wearing any panties (good anticipation on her part!), and dropping her right hand straight to her clit, she started to slowly circle it with her forefinger. She looked me straight in the eyes and smiled, and then our eyes dropped as one to where the other's fingers were already busy at their task, and we quickly started to really get into the matter at hand.
I slipped off my shoes and lifted my feet up onto the coffee table to get better access and feel more comfortable, which had the side effect of presenting my activities even more clearly to Jan. I started to feel really lewd as I realised what I was doing, lying here with my dress wide open, my legs wide apart, and my hand stroking away at my clit and pussy - while Jan was watching in rapt attention just across from me, and doing the same thing herself.
Then she suddenly got up and told me that she was going to pop upstairs to get some towels and "other useful items!", and darted off while I lay back and slowed down my activities a bit to keep myself pleasurably on the boil but no more. I stood up briefly to take off my dress, getting a further thrill as I realised I was now naked in someone else's house and that really brought it home to me what I was about to do. Then, as I lay there, gently stroking away at myself, I took in my surroundings and luxuriated in the situation. Her lounge was very tastefully decorated, and I reassured myself that the net curtains at the front window meant that no-one else would be able to view our shared activities.
Pretty soon she was back down, having taken her clothes off while upstairs, with two towels, one of which she gave to me, and a small and interesting looking bag. She proceeded to empty the bag onto the table and this revealed that the contents were three vibrators. "I thought you might want to add to the pleasure with one of these - and I must admit that I can't wait to see you using it in front of me," she said, as she passed me one that was very similar to the one that she had lent to me.
I started rubbing it gently backwards and forwards alongside my clit, which was extremely sensitive by this stage. She picked the other two up for herself, and, after spreading her towel out and lying back on her seat, she proceeded to turn them on to a slow speed before easing one of them into her pussy while she slowly introduced the other one to her clit.
So now we were both lying nakedly in front of each other with our legs spread wide, resting on the low coffee table which was sitting between us, pussies totally exposed to the other's view, and watching each other masturbating away. We were both concentrating on our sensations and watching the other at work, so we didn't say anything for a short while apart from the odd intake of breath or groan as one or other of us hit a particularly sensitive spot.
Then, after a few minutes of this mutual self-pleasuring, Jan said, between gasps, "I'm so turned on now - I'm going to come soon - how about you?" This wasn't a question that really needed answering, as my movements and the noises coming from my pussy told their own story. "Me too, I can't hold on much longer" I blurted out, and at that we both exploded into our first mutual solo orgasm.
When we had both recovered we looked at each other, lying with our legs spread, juices dripping from our pussies, and, in Jan's case, the vibrator that had been in her pussy lying on the towel where it had been expelled during her orgasm. "Wow!" we said at the same time. "That was stunning!" I added "I've never come so strongly before." The smell of sex in the room was almost overpowering by now.
Almost as one we both moved a hand straight back to our clits as we lay there, and slowly and delicately started stroking away again in front of each other. It didn't take long before we both exploded into another self-induced orgasm - I thrust the vibrator into my pussy as I came this time and the feeling of fullness as I jerked away in the throes of my orgasm was exactly what I wanted.
We managed to each give ourselves another couple of orgasms over the course of the next twenty minutes, but by that stage we were pretty much finished for that session - any more and I wouldn't have been able to walk! When we had finished we both got up and Jan then came round the coffee table and gave me a quick hug. The feel of her bare breasts against mine, and the brief contact between our wet pussies, was a surprising turn-on, and I quickly filed the sensation away for future use when I was next by myself.
As we got dressed we agreed that it had been an altogether brilliant experience, and was definitely to be repeated. Jan told me that she and her husband had some videos that I might like to see next time, and I told her that I was "in her hands". She then said "Steady, Tiger - I'm not sure I'm up for that yet!" at which we both laughed - but I felt that behind the laughter a thought had been triggered for both of us which might in time lead to something even more interesting...
Rating: , Votes: %1 | like or dislike | Add To Favourites | Published by: Sakuralove 3979 days ago | Categories: Masturbation
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