Chalk And Cheese Chapter 06
Three months, three whole months Greg and I had been seeing each other. He met my mother who adored him in every way, except for the fact that he was white, but she got over it pretty quickly. He met my nephew and niece who adored him respectively because he knew who the X men were and he fixed Barbie's Malibu townhouse when he went to visit. Frankly, he was a revelation to everyone who met him.
But more than anything, he was my revelation. He taught me the lesson that although shit can happen to people, it doesn't mean that it always has to happen to the same person. He taught me to love myself and thereby love him so completely and fully that there was no room for insecurity or any of that type of nonsense.
He persuaded me to decorate my flat and wipe out all traces of Luke. To make it my flat completely and to own it. We got rid of the boxes throughout and I finally bought furniture and paint. We went on lots of dates, we talked a lot and shared fears and hopes. He taught me that sex was meant to be fun and made me learn what I liked rather than what I thought I should like. He supported my decisions, but challenged me if he didn't agree. I had a partner and frankly couldn't have been more delighted.
And so on our three month anniversary, we were going to Roni and Mike's to celebrate Roni's birthday, but were not staying late because I had a whole host of new moves and new underwear that I needed to try out on my gentleman friend.
I watched him get ready, fixing his cufflinks and struggling like he always did. I loved to watch him. He was so big and strong and yet with me he was gentle as a butterfly. I bit my lip remembering how he had carried me with such ease to bed the night before, and how he had made love to me so gently that I felt adored.
Greg lifted his head and caught me staring at him. He smiled and made his way across to me, saying nothing but kissing me gently. I was wearing the same dress I wore on our first date and as he slid his hand down my back and placed a kiss on my shoulder, I came to terms with the fact that we were going to be late for my sister's party.
By the time Greg and Tori made it to Roni's doorstep, they were over an hour late but glowing with post coital happiness. They were so wrapped up in each other that they didn't notice that there was very little music playing and there was no hustle and bustle as was normal of a party. Mike opened the door looking ashen and immediately Tori realised something was wrong.
"What's wrong? Has there been an accident?"
Mike shook his head, "You better come in - I don't know how to tell, oh you just better come in."
Tori reached down to hold Greg's hand, scared of what was awaiting her. As she and Greg turned the corner into the large dining room, Tori was stunned to find Luke sitting at the dining table, with Roni standing opposite him holding onto the chair in front of her for dear life. Tori looked from Mike to Roni to Luke, knowing something was wrong but unable to connect the dots. Luke did it for her.
"Hey Tori," he slurred, "Great to see you again, my God you scrub up well don't you. Last time I saw you, you were all in white."
Tori looked at her sister, "What the fuck is he doing here?"
Roni wouldn't look at her,
"Ron? What's he doing here? Why haven't you thrown him out? Better still, why did you let him in in the first place?"
Tori looked at them all but no one was forthcoming with information. Unfortunately, Greg had picked up on the situation far quicker and made his way to hold his girlfriend knowing that this could not be good news. Misreading the situation, Tori took the opportunity to say to Luke what she had rehearsed many times in her head,
"Well Luke, as you can see I'm with someone now, you've missed your window and it's my sister's birthday. You're not welcome here."
Luke turned to her and said scathingly, "What in the name of fuck makes you think I'm here for you?"
Keeping his eyes on Tori, he turned his head to Roni, "So you never told her?"
Tori's heart started to race. Told her what? What was going on?
Through the steady beating Tori heard Roni say, "Please Luke, not like this. Let me talk to her but not like this."
Ignoring Roni, Luke got up from the table and wandered slowly towards Tori, noting Greg's strong arm wrapped around her waist. He sized Greg up,
"Blimey, he's a big one isn't he?"
Greg moved his hand from around Tori's waist and stepped forward to face Luke, but Tori's hand on his shoulder prevented him from doing anything further. He looked to her and she shook her head imperceptibly. Luke continued his perusal of her,
"Such a lovely thing, closeness between sisters. I always wondered what bonded you two so closely because you were so different. You looked at life differently, you dressed differently, you pretty much hated one another, and yet so very close. It was an interesting dynamic to watch."
Luke spoke to Tori, but nodded his head towards Roni,
"Look at her, look how scared she is. She has no idea what I'm about to say."
Turning back to face Tori he said,
"Does that worry you?"
Tori shook her head, "I have no interest in anything you have to say, and I reckon there's very little you could tell me about my sister that I don't already know."
Luke stroked his face looking to the ceiling as though giving Tori's comment some thought. He turned back to her,
"I don't know about that."
He turned back to Roni,
"I think it's time - don't you?"
Mike stepped in, "Look, this shit has gone on enough, Luke you're not welcome here so it's really time that you left before Greg and I make you leave"
Luke held his hands up in placation, "Woah there big boy, I reckon you'd be quite interested to hear this too."
Tori looked in puzzlement at Mike but saw that he had picked up on something that she obviously hadn't.
"Tori, you know when I told you that you weren't enough for me, I meant it. I'm sorry but that was the truth. You're nothing like your sister and I was quite happy fucking her once a week every week for the three years we were together. She'd promised that me getting married to you wouldn't make any difference and that we could continue and yet on the morning of the wedding she tells me that that's the last time. No more, and apparently I'm supposed to be happy with that. Happy with you. No, sorry, couldn't do it. You weren't a patch on your sister darling."
Relishing the silence in the room, Luke turned to Mike, "You must love it that your wife has no gag reflex. That was something I had only read about before I met her but fucking hell, it's worth the hype eh?"
I remember Mike's groan of disbelief and Roni's sob that was caught in her throat. I remember staring at my former fiance who was watching my sister's reaction closely and I realised that this whole performance had been completely for her benefit. I remember hearing Greg whispering to me over and over again that he loved me, that everything was ok and that we needed to get the hell out of there but his words were just distracting me. My former fiance had just told me that he had been sleeping with my sister. Not only that but that he had only wanted her and had settled second best for me so that he could be close to her. I pulled away from the safe yet stifling comfort of Greg's arms and made my way past Luke who was draining his glass of Scotch and looking for a refill and made my way to my sister who was staring at her husband.
"Not now Vic, not now. Mike, I can explain."
Mike wasn't having any of it and simply turned on his heel and jogged upstairs.
"Mike, please." But no response.
"Veronica, I need to understand."
My sister turned to me as though suddenly remembering that I was there. She shrugged her shoulders at me,
"What do you want me to say?"
"I want you to say you're sorry, that you didn't mean for it to happen, that you're mortified that this has happened and you want to explain it to me."
"Well of course I'm sorry, and of course I didn't mean for it to happen but in my defence, you managed to bag this amazing man, and you weren't even trying. You were just pottering around your life. I had married Mike and realised he wasn't quite as strong as I had thought despite the power and the wealth but that was ok because he was great and he loved me. And then you get Luke, somehow who was stronger and more powerful than Mike and so sexy and you couldn't see it. You wanted picnics in the park and DVDs on rainy afternoons, he wanted threesomes and hedonistic weekends to Monaco which he could have given you and you were too prudish to have it. So I wanted it and took it instead. I told you, you could have kept him if you had only changed yourself a little for him.
Look, it's not like we planned it or anything. He came to me one day, not sure what to do about you and we talked and had a few to drink and one thing led to another and then that was it. I was having the best sex of my life. I loved my husband, I still do, but Luke was something else completely. He said that you had gone off sex, that you didn't want to do it anymore. And any time I tried to talk to you about it, you would ignore me or tell me it was none of my business.
He never told me he was going to ask you to marry him though, and that annoyed me. So yes, I went to see him on the morning of the wedding, and yes after we fucked, I told him I wanted no more to do with him once you were married. So he cancelled the wedding, which frankly I didn't expect him to do, and I thought you would get over it. But you were so broken that I just couldn't see him any more so I sent him off with a flea in his ear and haven't seen him since. You see, I do love you, and although it took ages, I did the right thing eventually."
I looked at my sister and wondered if maybe she had developed a crack habit. As far as I could recollect there was no apology in that speech of hers and it was all about her. Jesus Christ, my world as far as I knew it was yet again imploding all because of Luke bloody Harris.
I looked around for something, I don't know what, and there was Greg solid and safe and coming to me with his arms open wide. I sank into his embrace gratefully and felt his big hands grip me tightly.
"Take me home? I can't stay around this shit for much longer,"
I felt his cheek nod against my head and we turned to leave, Roni's voice rang out,
"Tori, please don't go, we can talk about this."
She took a step towards me but Greg raised his hand, "Don't you take another step near her, what kind of a bitch are you?"
She bit her lip and I watched as a tear rolled down her face. My heart broke and yet I had no feeling. My best friend, my irritating and vain and arrogant sister had just wiped herself from my existence completely.
Greg opened Tori's door with her key and led her in by her hand. He didn't know what to say. The biggest drama he had ever seen in his family was when his Uncle Philip had drunk too much one Christmas and decided to tell the family just what he thought of everyone. But this, this was something from Ricki Lake. He watched Tori pass him into the almost decorated lounge and sit on the sofa staring into space. He made his way to her and sat next to her on the sofa.
"Wanna talk about it?"
She shook her head rapidly,
"Ok. Wanna go to bed, you probably need some sleep."
She shook her head again,
"Ok. Wanna just sit here?"
"I want you to fuck me."
Greg laughed thinking she was joking, but she turned her mahogany eyes to him, "Please."
He shrugged, always happy to help her and reached for her. She stopped him, "Don't make love to me, fuck me."
Greg frowned, he wasn't sure that he could. He loved her and wanted her to feel good but for him that was the way he expressed the way he felt about her.
She rolled her eyes, "Don't worry about it."
Greg looked at her, not recognising the woman he was in love with but wanting to give her what she wanted. He moved to her and gripped her hair in his hand pulling her head back and exposing her neck to him. He bit her none to gently and her guttural moan persuaded him that he would be able to do this as his dick had hardened beyond all recognition.
He kissed her, biting her lip and drawing blood and then licking it off gently and sealing the bite with a gentle and loving kiss. He felt her pull him closer to her and lie back on the sofa. He pulled down her dress, exposing her breasts and her hardened nipples and bit on them gently until she moaned and begged him not to stop. He slid his hand up her dress and into her knickers, rubbing her clit in time with his nips to her nipples and watching her arch her back into him and thrusting her pelvis into his hand.
He sat up suddenly pulling his hand and mouth away from her and leaving her a little distracted. She followed him and watched as he undid his trousers and took out his very hard cock. The head was angry and red with precum seeping out of it. She watched as he ran his thumb over it and then lifted his thumb to her mouth with the silent order to suck it which she did willingly.
Greg watched her eyes close as she sucked and wondered how he had managed so long in his life without her, but all coherent thought was wiped out as he watched her climb on to his lap to straddle him and pull her knickers aside and sink down onto his cock.
They both moaned as she started to move and he slid her dress up so he could see his cock entering her. She rode him hard and fast with her eyes closed and her bottom lip caught between her teeth. No matter how many times he whispered to her to look at him, she wouldn't.
Realising that Tori needed this, Greg did his best to fulfil her request. He held her by her tiny waist and lifted her as he thrust into her, fucking her as hard as she wanted. He was rewarded by her screams of pleasure and the feel of her nails sinking into his shoulders.
He moved her hands from his shoulders and pushed her back gently so that he could fuck her deeper. She lay back in his arms, holding onto his thighs and he watched her breasts bob with each thrust into her. He could feel her pussy tightening on him and her moans told him that her orgasm was approaching. He lifted one hand to grab a breast and squeeze a nipple and with that heard her moan, "Oh fuck!" and he watched her come apart in his arms. He followed not far behind her and buried his face in her breasts as he spurted into her again and again.
The silence between them was almost deafening as the only sound was that of them panting trying to regain their breath. Greg pulled Tori up so she was sitting up and facing him. He looked at her,
"I love you."
She looked back at him and nodded stroking his face. She got up from his lap and held out her hand. Struggling to his feet, trousers still undone, he took her hand and they shuffled together to bed.
It's amazing how quickly you can get used to something. Greg's snoring now lulled me to sleep rather than frightening me as it had on the first morning we spent together. And I had fallen asleep to the steady sound of it after our impromptu fuck on the sofa. I had hoped that this would be the anaesthesia that I would need to forget the night before and hopefully carry me into the next day without lying in bed in the middle of the night soul searching. But here I was at 2.24am, according to my digital clock, lying in the middle of the night soul searching.
So my sister had been sleeping with my fiance. If we're honest and look back at the facts and if I'm one hundred per cent honest with myself here in the dead of night, I would say that I already knew that. If I said that the devastation that I felt had absolutely nothing to do with Luke Harris and everything to do with the loyalty that my sister and I have, or rather, had for one another, then I would also be telling the truth. My problem was that there seemed to be a pattern with the people in my life. I wasn't good enough, not worth enough to be loyal to, not important enough to make a sacrifice for. And while Greg, right now, was just the best thing that had ever happened to me, law of averages dictated that within a certain time period (I'm not sure how long as yet), he would realise also that he needed something more than me and would skedaddle with a whistle and a wave.
I looked at him and couldn't help but smile. We had had some teething problems in the first few weeks of sleeping together, and I do mean sleeping. Because he was so big, he tended to take over the whole bed, and I had woken up on more than one occasion perched precariously on the side of my bed. We had agreed that the best place for me to sleep therefore would be on his chest, that way, we got enough space for the both of us. This had worked a treat and now his steady heartbeat was the best lullaby I had ever heard.
I loved Greg with every fibre of my being. I realised this now. And such was the strength of my love for him that I couldn't bear the idea that he may one day look at me the same way that Luke looked at me the night before. Like I didn't matter. Maybe it was best to just cut our losses now? Maybe the best thing to do would be to just save ourselves, or rather me, the heartache and be left with the amazing memories that we had built up in such a short time?
My thoughts were interrupted by Greg moaning in his sleep, "Tori?"
I looked down at him and realised that I couldn't let him go. Not for all the heartache in the world. It was time to man up and just take life on the chin,
"I'm here babe, go back to sleep."
Greg woke up the next morning alone in the bed. Scratching his head, he swung his legs and padded into the lounge hoping to find Tori preparing breakfast for them both or maybe, if he was lucky, in the shower.
The flat was quiet, unusual for the early morning as Tori normally had both the TV and the radio on but Greg thought nothing of this until he saw the note on the coffee table,
"I love you. But I'm not enough for you. I'm sorry to have done it this way but if I had tried to say it to you, I would have chickened out and not managed it at all. I've gone away for a while. Please take your things and post my key through the letter box. I know you deserve more and you really don't deserve this but I'm so messed up I would only bring pain into your life. Please know that I love you so very much and wish you all the happiness in the world."
He sank back on the sofa stunned, he rubbed his hands over his face and screwed the paper into a ball and threw it across the room. Not sure what his actions were going to be, but knowing he needed to do something, he made his way to the bedroom to get dressed. Over his dead body was he going to let her leave him without at least saying it to his face.
Three months, three whole months Greg and I had been seeing each other. He met my mother who adored him in every way, except for the fact that he was white, but she got over it pretty quickly. He met my nephew and niece who adored him respectively because he knew who the X men were and he fixed Barbie's Malibu townhouse when he went to visit. Frankly, he was a revelation to everyone who met him.
But more than anything, he was my revelation. He taught me the lesson that although shit can happen to people, it doesn't mean that it always has to happen to the same person. He taught me to love myself and thereby love him so completely and fully that there was no room for insecurity or any of that type of nonsense.
He persuaded me to decorate my flat and wipe out all traces of Luke. To make it my flat completely and to own it. We got rid of the boxes throughout and I finally bought furniture and paint. We went on lots of dates, we talked a lot and shared fears and hopes. He taught me that sex was meant to be fun and made me learn what I liked rather than what I thought I should like. He supported my decisions, but challenged me if he didn't agree. I had a partner and frankly couldn't have been more delighted.
And so on our three month anniversary, we were going to Roni and Mike's to celebrate Roni's birthday, but were not staying late because I had a whole host of new moves and new underwear that I needed to try out on my gentleman friend.
I watched him get ready, fixing his cufflinks and struggling like he always did. I loved to watch him. He was so big and strong and yet with me he was gentle as a butterfly. I bit my lip remembering how he had carried me with such ease to bed the night before, and how he had made love to me so gently that I felt adored.
Greg lifted his head and caught me staring at him. He smiled and made his way across to me, saying nothing but kissing me gently. I was wearing the same dress I wore on our first date and as he slid his hand down my back and placed a kiss on my shoulder, I came to terms with the fact that we were going to be late for my sister's party.
By the time Greg and Tori made it to Roni's doorstep, they were over an hour late but glowing with post coital happiness. They were so wrapped up in each other that they didn't notice that there was very little music playing and there was no hustle and bustle as was normal of a party. Mike opened the door looking ashen and immediately Tori realised something was wrong.
"What's wrong? Has there been an accident?"
Mike shook his head, "You better come in - I don't know how to tell, oh you just better come in."
Tori reached down to hold Greg's hand, scared of what was awaiting her. As she and Greg turned the corner into the large dining room, Tori was stunned to find Luke sitting at the dining table, with Roni standing opposite him holding onto the chair in front of her for dear life. Tori looked from Mike to Roni to Luke, knowing something was wrong but unable to connect the dots. Luke did it for her.
"Hey Tori," he slurred, "Great to see you again, my God you scrub up well don't you. Last time I saw you, you were all in white."
Tori looked at her sister, "What the fuck is he doing here?"
Roni wouldn't look at her,
"Ron? What's he doing here? Why haven't you thrown him out? Better still, why did you let him in in the first place?"
Tori looked at them all but no one was forthcoming with information. Unfortunately, Greg had picked up on the situation far quicker and made his way to hold his girlfriend knowing that this could not be good news. Misreading the situation, Tori took the opportunity to say to Luke what she had rehearsed many times in her head,
"Well Luke, as you can see I'm with someone now, you've missed your window and it's my sister's birthday. You're not welcome here."
Luke turned to her and said scathingly, "What in the name of fuck makes you think I'm here for you?"
Keeping his eyes on Tori, he turned his head to Roni, "So you never told her?"
Tori's heart started to race. Told her what? What was going on?
Through the steady beating Tori heard Roni say, "Please Luke, not like this. Let me talk to her but not like this."
Ignoring Roni, Luke got up from the table and wandered slowly towards Tori, noting Greg's strong arm wrapped around her waist. He sized Greg up,
"Blimey, he's a big one isn't he?"
Greg moved his hand from around Tori's waist and stepped forward to face Luke, but Tori's hand on his shoulder prevented him from doing anything further. He looked to her and she shook her head imperceptibly. Luke continued his perusal of her,
"Such a lovely thing, closeness between sisters. I always wondered what bonded you two so closely because you were so different. You looked at life differently, you dressed differently, you pretty much hated one another, and yet so very close. It was an interesting dynamic to watch."
Luke spoke to Tori, but nodded his head towards Roni,
"Look at her, look how scared she is. She has no idea what I'm about to say."
Turning back to face Tori he said,
"Does that worry you?"
Tori shook her head, "I have no interest in anything you have to say, and I reckon there's very little you could tell me about my sister that I don't already know."
Luke stroked his face looking to the ceiling as though giving Tori's comment some thought. He turned back to her,
"I don't know about that."
He turned back to Roni,
"I think it's time - don't you?"
Mike stepped in, "Look, this shit has gone on enough, Luke you're not welcome here so it's really time that you left before Greg and I make you leave"
Luke held his hands up in placation, "Woah there big boy, I reckon you'd be quite interested to hear this too."
Tori looked in puzzlement at Mike but saw that he had picked up on something that she obviously hadn't.
"Tori, you know when I told you that you weren't enough for me, I meant it. I'm sorry but that was the truth. You're nothing like your sister and I was quite happy fucking her once a week every week for the three years we were together. She'd promised that me getting married to you wouldn't make any difference and that we could continue and yet on the morning of the wedding she tells me that that's the last time. No more, and apparently I'm supposed to be happy with that. Happy with you. No, sorry, couldn't do it. You weren't a patch on your sister darling."
Relishing the silence in the room, Luke turned to Mike, "You must love it that your wife has no gag reflex. That was something I had only read about before I met her but fucking hell, it's worth the hype eh?"
I remember Mike's groan of disbelief and Roni's sob that was caught in her throat. I remember staring at my former fiance who was watching my sister's reaction closely and I realised that this whole performance had been completely for her benefit. I remember hearing Greg whispering to me over and over again that he loved me, that everything was ok and that we needed to get the hell out of there but his words were just distracting me. My former fiance had just told me that he had been sleeping with my sister. Not only that but that he had only wanted her and had settled second best for me so that he could be close to her. I pulled away from the safe yet stifling comfort of Greg's arms and made my way past Luke who was draining his glass of Scotch and looking for a refill and made my way to my sister who was staring at her husband.
"Not now Vic, not now. Mike, I can explain."
Mike wasn't having any of it and simply turned on his heel and jogged upstairs.
"Mike, please." But no response.
"Veronica, I need to understand."
My sister turned to me as though suddenly remembering that I was there. She shrugged her shoulders at me,
"What do you want me to say?"
"I want you to say you're sorry, that you didn't mean for it to happen, that you're mortified that this has happened and you want to explain it to me."
"Well of course I'm sorry, and of course I didn't mean for it to happen but in my defence, you managed to bag this amazing man, and you weren't even trying. You were just pottering around your life. I had married Mike and realised he wasn't quite as strong as I had thought despite the power and the wealth but that was ok because he was great and he loved me. And then you get Luke, somehow who was stronger and more powerful than Mike and so sexy and you couldn't see it. You wanted picnics in the park and DVDs on rainy afternoons, he wanted threesomes and hedonistic weekends to Monaco which he could have given you and you were too prudish to have it. So I wanted it and took it instead. I told you, you could have kept him if you had only changed yourself a little for him.
Look, it's not like we planned it or anything. He came to me one day, not sure what to do about you and we talked and had a few to drink and one thing led to another and then that was it. I was having the best sex of my life. I loved my husband, I still do, but Luke was something else completely. He said that you had gone off sex, that you didn't want to do it anymore. And any time I tried to talk to you about it, you would ignore me or tell me it was none of my business.
He never told me he was going to ask you to marry him though, and that annoyed me. So yes, I went to see him on the morning of the wedding, and yes after we fucked, I told him I wanted no more to do with him once you were married. So he cancelled the wedding, which frankly I didn't expect him to do, and I thought you would get over it. But you were so broken that I just couldn't see him any more so I sent him off with a flea in his ear and haven't seen him since. You see, I do love you, and although it took ages, I did the right thing eventually."
I looked at my sister and wondered if maybe she had developed a crack habit. As far as I could recollect there was no apology in that speech of hers and it was all about her. Jesus Christ, my world as far as I knew it was yet again imploding all because of Luke bloody Harris.
I looked around for something, I don't know what, and there was Greg solid and safe and coming to me with his arms open wide. I sank into his embrace gratefully and felt his big hands grip me tightly.
"Take me home? I can't stay around this shit for much longer,"
I felt his cheek nod against my head and we turned to leave, Roni's voice rang out,
"Tori, please don't go, we can talk about this."
She took a step towards me but Greg raised his hand, "Don't you take another step near her, what kind of a bitch are you?"
She bit her lip and I watched as a tear rolled down her face. My heart broke and yet I had no feeling. My best friend, my irritating and vain and arrogant sister had just wiped herself from my existence completely.
Greg opened Tori's door with her key and led her in by her hand. He didn't know what to say. The biggest drama he had ever seen in his family was when his Uncle Philip had drunk too much one Christmas and decided to tell the family just what he thought of everyone. But this, this was something from Ricki Lake. He watched Tori pass him into the almost decorated lounge and sit on the sofa staring into space. He made his way to her and sat next to her on the sofa.
"Wanna talk about it?"
She shook her head rapidly,
"Ok. Wanna go to bed, you probably need some sleep."
She shook her head again,
"Ok. Wanna just sit here?"
"I want you to fuck me."
Greg laughed thinking she was joking, but she turned her mahogany eyes to him, "Please."
He shrugged, always happy to help her and reached for her. She stopped him, "Don't make love to me, fuck me."
Greg frowned, he wasn't sure that he could. He loved her and wanted her to feel good but for him that was the way he expressed the way he felt about her.
She rolled her eyes, "Don't worry about it."
Greg looked at her, not recognising the woman he was in love with but wanting to give her what she wanted. He moved to her and gripped her hair in his hand pulling her head back and exposing her neck to him. He bit her none to gently and her guttural moan persuaded him that he would be able to do this as his dick had hardened beyond all recognition.
He kissed her, biting her lip and drawing blood and then licking it off gently and sealing the bite with a gentle and loving kiss. He felt her pull him closer to her and lie back on the sofa. He pulled down her dress, exposing her breasts and her hardened nipples and bit on them gently until she moaned and begged him not to stop. He slid his hand up her dress and into her knickers, rubbing her clit in time with his nips to her nipples and watching her arch her back into him and thrusting her pelvis into his hand.
He sat up suddenly pulling his hand and mouth away from her and leaving her a little distracted. She followed him and watched as he undid his trousers and took out his very hard cock. The head was angry and red with precum seeping out of it. She watched as he ran his thumb over it and then lifted his thumb to her mouth with the silent order to suck it which she did willingly.
Greg watched her eyes close as she sucked and wondered how he had managed so long in his life without her, but all coherent thought was wiped out as he watched her climb on to his lap to straddle him and pull her knickers aside and sink down onto his cock.
They both moaned as she started to move and he slid her dress up so he could see his cock entering her. She rode him hard and fast with her eyes closed and her bottom lip caught between her teeth. No matter how many times he whispered to her to look at him, she wouldn't.
Realising that Tori needed this, Greg did his best to fulfil her request. He held her by her tiny waist and lifted her as he thrust into her, fucking her as hard as she wanted. He was rewarded by her screams of pleasure and the feel of her nails sinking into his shoulders.
He moved her hands from his shoulders and pushed her back gently so that he could fuck her deeper. She lay back in his arms, holding onto his thighs and he watched her breasts bob with each thrust into her. He could feel her pussy tightening on him and her moans told him that her orgasm was approaching. He lifted one hand to grab a breast and squeeze a nipple and with that heard her moan, "Oh fuck!" and he watched her come apart in his arms. He followed not far behind her and buried his face in her breasts as he spurted into her again and again.
The silence between them was almost deafening as the only sound was that of them panting trying to regain their breath. Greg pulled Tori up so she was sitting up and facing him. He looked at her,
"I love you."
She looked back at him and nodded stroking his face. She got up from his lap and held out her hand. Struggling to his feet, trousers still undone, he took her hand and they shuffled together to bed.
It's amazing how quickly you can get used to something. Greg's snoring now lulled me to sleep rather than frightening me as it had on the first morning we spent together. And I had fallen asleep to the steady sound of it after our impromptu fuck on the sofa. I had hoped that this would be the anaesthesia that I would need to forget the night before and hopefully carry me into the next day without lying in bed in the middle of the night soul searching. But here I was at 2.24am, according to my digital clock, lying in the middle of the night soul searching.
So my sister had been sleeping with my fiance. If we're honest and look back at the facts and if I'm one hundred per cent honest with myself here in the dead of night, I would say that I already knew that. If I said that the devastation that I felt had absolutely nothing to do with Luke Harris and everything to do with the loyalty that my sister and I have, or rather, had for one another, then I would also be telling the truth. My problem was that there seemed to be a pattern with the people in my life. I wasn't good enough, not worth enough to be loyal to, not important enough to make a sacrifice for. And while Greg, right now, was just the best thing that had ever happened to me, law of averages dictated that within a certain time period (I'm not sure how long as yet), he would realise also that he needed something more than me and would skedaddle with a whistle and a wave.
I looked at him and couldn't help but smile. We had had some teething problems in the first few weeks of sleeping together, and I do mean sleeping. Because he was so big, he tended to take over the whole bed, and I had woken up on more than one occasion perched precariously on the side of my bed. We had agreed that the best place for me to sleep therefore would be on his chest, that way, we got enough space for the both of us. This had worked a treat and now his steady heartbeat was the best lullaby I had ever heard.
I loved Greg with every fibre of my being. I realised this now. And such was the strength of my love for him that I couldn't bear the idea that he may one day look at me the same way that Luke looked at me the night before. Like I didn't matter. Maybe it was best to just cut our losses now? Maybe the best thing to do would be to just save ourselves, or rather me, the heartache and be left with the amazing memories that we had built up in such a short time?
My thoughts were interrupted by Greg moaning in his sleep, "Tori?"
I looked down at him and realised that I couldn't let him go. Not for all the heartache in the world. It was time to man up and just take life on the chin,
"I'm here babe, go back to sleep."
Greg woke up the next morning alone in the bed. Scratching his head, he swung his legs and padded into the lounge hoping to find Tori preparing breakfast for them both or maybe, if he was lucky, in the shower.
The flat was quiet, unusual for the early morning as Tori normally had both the TV and the radio on but Greg thought nothing of this until he saw the note on the coffee table,
"I love you. But I'm not enough for you. I'm sorry to have done it this way but if I had tried to say it to you, I would have chickened out and not managed it at all. I've gone away for a while. Please take your things and post my key through the letter box. I know you deserve more and you really don't deserve this but I'm so messed up I would only bring pain into your life. Please know that I love you so very much and wish you all the happiness in the world."
He sank back on the sofa stunned, he rubbed his hands over his face and screwed the paper into a ball and threw it across the room. Not sure what his actions were going to be, but knowing he needed to do something, he made his way to the bedroom to get dressed. Over his dead body was he going to let her leave him without at least saying it to his face.
Rating: , Votes: %0 | like or dislike | Add To Favourites | Published by: woodsman 3973 days ago | Categories: Hardcore, Interracial
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