Black Christmas
* * * * *
It was close to Christmas and Andrea and her husband, Jeff, found themselves a little short of cash. Jeff had been off work for almost three months and the unemployment checks didn't leave much after the bills were paid. Andrea hadn't worked since college except for a few odd jobs. Her work, and it was work, consisted of taking care of the three children. Without the children, it wouldn't have been a problem. Christmas for the two of them could be sparse and it would be alright, but it was the kids they thought about. It's not that there had to be gifts under the tree for the kids to open Christmas morning. They would certainly understand. In fact, with the oldest being only six, it was difficult given their ages to conceive they wouldn't. Still, Santa was a reality to them and neither Andrea, nor Jeff, wanted to disappoint the kids. The matter was hashed over and rehashed and it was finally agreed Andrea would take a job during the Christmas season. It wouldn't be much money, but enough to get a tree, add some old decorations the couple had and provide a few gifts for Santa to bring for the kids.
Andrea took a job at a large clothing store at the mall. The pay was minimum wage and when she was lucky, she was able to get 20 hours a week in. She could have worked more but logistically it was difficult. They couldn't really afford a babysitter and expect to make any real money. If Jeff was truly unemployed it would have been easier. He could have stayed home and watched the kids. But, like so many people on unemployment, he picked up odd jobs to supplement the meager unemployment checks. Still, the couple agreed if Andrea could get six weeks of work in, even at the low wages, they would be able to have a Christmas and see the happy faces of the kids Christmas as they ripped the wrapping paper from the gifts from Santa.
Two nights before Christmas, the store, after closing, had a Christmas party. Andrea really hadn't developed friendships while working with the exception of the assistant manager, George. Jeff was invited to the party to politely declined knowing his wife deserved a party and someone had to stay home with the kids.
"You go," he told her. "Have a good time, we'll be fine."
"Yeah, but I really don't know anyone there and it would be nice to have a friendly face."
"Are other spouses going?" he queried.
"I don't know, Jeff." In one last attempt to get him to come along, she added, "Probably."
"Well, you'll know that George guy you've talked about from time to time. Maybe you can spend some time with him and his wife."
"I don't think he's married. He never talks about having a wife and he doesn't wear a wedding ring."
"Well," Jeff said, "You can still chat with him."
Andrea dressed for the evening choosing a black dress that clung to her curvy body. A pair of black heels she had worn but one time with her husband when they went to a club and things got a little out of hand completed her outfit. Her long blonde hair contrasted with the black dress nicely and her pale white skin only added to what Jeff felt was an alluring, sensual look.
"Hey, I remember that dress," he said. I also remember the party we went to when you wore it."
"Yep, that was an interesting night, honey."
"You know Andrea, we've never done anything like that before, but I enjoyed that night!"
Andrea knew exactly what he meant but had never heard him say he enjoyed it. They had a met a man at the party and with the drinking all of them did, she broke her wedding vow to remain faithful to her husband. Of course, Jeff had been there with her so he was a party to it. Andrea thought back to the party. "That was about 5 years ago, wasn't it?" she asked.
"About that. We were both around 23 or 24 then."
"You enjoyed it?" she asked, not sure if he was serious because the reaction at the time had indicated anything but that.
"Yeah, I was okay with it. Well, not at first but then...well-yeah!"
The party was in full swing when Andrea arrived. A buffet table stood off in the corner, some people stood around talking, maybe sharing a drink, while others danced. It seemed to her people were having a good time, but she didn't really know anyone. Then she saw George standing off in a corner talking to an employee but not for the long. Her fellow employee soon left and she walked over toward George. He was older than her, maybe by about 15 years, and she found him to be an attractive black man. The fact she did find him attractive bothered her at first when she found herself attracted to his looks. Andrea always felt she didn't suffer the prejudices of her parents she witnessed growing up in a small southern town. Still, some of it carried forward and it was difficult to completely break old thoughts and habits.
Walking up to George, she immediately said hello and sensed he had been drinking, not to the point of being drunk, but feeling good she guessed. A smile crossed his face as he looked at her.
"Love the dress," he said. "You into black," he added with a chuckle and a wink.
The innuendo was obvious and she wasn't sure how to react and didn't. "I love the dress, " she said simply. Still, Andrea couldn't help but smile. She knew instantly George was attracted to her. His eyes slowly moved from her face down the length of her body, stopping to gaze at the firm but small, perky breasts, and continuing down her shapely legs and then moving back up again. "I like the dress too," he said with a grin. "You and black seem to go together nicely."
She could see it in his eyes and sense it in his voice he was interested in her now. "You look very beautiful this evening," he told her. "So much different than what you usually wear to work."
Andrea was nervous, but in an excited, stimulated way. "Thank you, George," she stammered. She took a deep breath and told him she was going to get a drink.
"Let me get it for you," he said. "I need to freshen mine up. What'll it be?"
"Surprise me," she said, regaining her composure.
"One minute...don't go away," he said, trotting off to the makeshift bar.
George returned with two drinks in hand. "Damn, you look mighty fine," he whispered to her. One drink lead to another and then another. The compliments continued to flow her way. During their conversation she noticed his eyes continually drifting to her breasts. At first it made her nervous, but blatant attention he paid to them heightened the arousal she was beginning to feel. George moved closer to her, his face just inches from her's. Maybe it was him and the thoughts she had or the drinks, but she was beginning to feel giddy.
"What?" he asked, sensing her thoughts, or believing he did.
"Oh nothing, just wondering about something."
"Would you like to share?" he asked.
"Not right now."
"Tell me Andrea, why did you come to work at the store?" he asked, changing the subject as he sensed what he believed to be an uneasy feeling.
"Santa," he blurted.
"Santa," he said, puzzled by the response. "You came to work because of Santa?"
"Well, George, it's a long story, but yeah, that's pretty much it."
"Did you find Santa?" he asked, still not knowing what she was talking about.
Her eyes glanced quickly up and down his tall body wondering now what he would like naked. "I don't know, maybe I did!"
"Would you like to share?" he asked, the curiosity getting to him now.
"No...maybe later." She looked around the room. People were still standing, talking, drinking and dancing. "I love this song," she said.
"Well Andrea, would you do me the honor of a dance?"
"Well George, I'd be delighted," she said, extending her arm to be led to the small dance floor.
He held his arms out and she glided into them. He gave her a squeeze as they moved slowly to the music. Her thoughts of George and his black body were causing her to breathe deeply. Her thoughts drifted, wondering about black men and if they liked white women. They were thoughts she knew she shouldn't be having but couldn't help it. The answer to her question was evident though. As George pulled her tighter she could feel his hard cock pushing into her stomach. His hands dropped slowly from her shoulders to her firm butt, then gently pulled her tighter against him. Andrea knew she should have resisted. It was like trying not to eat a box of chocolates, she thought, laughing to herself at the reference that came to mind.
"What's so funny?" she asked.
"Nothing...just thinking." She laid her head on his shoulder and continued dancing until the song came to an end. "Should we wait for the next one?" she asked.
"I can't Andrea," he said. "Unfortunately it's the time of the evening where I have to put on my red suit and white beard and pass out gifts."
"You're the office party Santa," she asked.
"That would be me, although I can think of other things I'd like to do instead," he added with a sly grin. "Hey, you said you were here for Santa. Come with me!" he exclaimed.
Andrea had no clue what he meant but followed him quickly out of the room. "I have to get ready but I have a little time," he explained to her. In the supply room, Andrea saw the red suit and white beard hanging in the corner.
"So, you have to get ready?"
Donning the white beard he looked at her. "Yeah, I really do."
George unbuttoned his white shirt and pulled it off followed quickly by his pants, socks and shoes. He stood now in front of her, white beard and white underwear and of course noticing the stark contrast of each with his ebony body. Looking into her eyes, he said, "Santa is here for you if you want!"
She looked down at the hard cock straining against his underwear. Her face pushed against his massive chest, her open lips kissing it. "Yes, I want Santa...I want Santa right now!"
"Have you been a good girl?" he asked teasingly.
"Oh yes, Santa, very good."
"Are you going to continue to be a good girl?"
"I'm gonna be extra special good, Santa!"
Her hands dropped to his underwear pulling wildly to get them down. George's fingers pulled at the top of her dress pulling it down. In a matter of moments they stood naked in front of each other. He started to remove the beard but she stopped. "Leave it on," she said softly.
George didn't say a word. His lips pressed forward until they met her's and for the first time they kissed. She could feel his fingers on her swollen clit. Andrea's hand slid between their bodies and she feel his hard cock, swollen with excitement. She wanted to look, to really see it. Pushing away from him, she gazed down. Unexpectedly she laughed.
"What's so funny?" he asked.
"Remember earlier I laughed. I was thinking about chocolate and now here it is. My own chocolate candy bar waiting just for me to gobble it up," she giggled. Without waiting for a response, Andrea dropped to her knees. The palm of her left hand played lightly against the hanging balls and her right hand gripped the thick black shaft. Her lips wisped over the head. Sliding her mouth over the bulbous head, she could feel the rigid, dark veins of his cock with her tongue. Her mouth filled with the wetness of his precum dripping inside like a quickly melting ice cube from the small slit.
"Damn it," she cried out. Rolling away and over on her back, she looked up at him. "Fuck me! FUCK ME!" she yelled, oblivious to the people in the other room and the fact someone might hear them.
George didn't seem concerned about the people in the next room and moved quickly down and above her. Andrea grabbed the hard black cock positioned above her small pink pussy and pulled inside as he shoved forward and started thrusting his cock in and out of her. Her hips moved forward with each thrust. She could feel his arms move under her legs throwing them back and high. He slammed his cock into her harder and faster. Andrea's hands were on his back, her fingernails digging into his back. Sweat was pouring off his forehead now. Her pussy felt on fire as his black cock continued it's assault, driving as deeply into the small white cavity as he could. She could feel her body beginning to writhe on the floor and his body stiffen. Her orgasm was intense. She started to scream but he covered her mouth with his and pushed hard final time, his black cock buried deep inside of her. She felt his body jerk and was sure she felt his cock twitch inside of her, knowing he was shooting his hot cum in her pussy. As his throbbing cock emptied, the tension he had felt started to leave his body. He eased her legs down and laid on top of her kissing her on the mouth.
They relaxed for a few moments and then he stood. She raised up on her knees taking his flaccid cock in her mouth, tasting the cum, pussy juice cocktail they had made together. Her body was still tingling in the afterglow of her orgasm. She feel his cock start to harden, but he pushed her away. "I really have to get out there and do the Santa thing. Maybe later," he said apologetically. Yes, later she thought.
George quickly put on his Santa suit. "By the way, did you get a ticket for the drawing?" he asked her.
"What drawing?" she asked.
"The store gives a cash prize to three lucky winners every Christmas. To cheap to give a bonus to everyone I guess, " he added.
"No, I didn't know."
"Here, let me give you one," he said, looking quickly at it. "Now we better get out there. You go first so I can make my entrance."
She straightened herself up and walked out of the room expecting people to notice and maybe even point at her with knowing looks. No one did. They were still caught up in their own little worlds enjoying the party.
Santa arrived and greeted everyone at the party. He was friendly to all. One woman commented to Andrea she had never seen a black Santa before. "I have," Andrea said, almost laughing out loud.
"Ladies and gentlemen," Santa started saying to the gathering crowd, "I hope you all have your tickets for the drawing. Some lucky person is going to win Five Hundred Dollars and two others are going to win Two Hundred Fifty and One Hundred. Picking up a glass jar, Santa started to reach in. It was then Andrea realized she still had her ticket and the stub in her hand. "The lucky number for the One Hundred Dollar prize is number 23. A woman shrieked and ran up. George inspected the ticket and the lucky lady claimed her prize. Andrea looked down at her ticket checking the number, knowing it was all for naught. "Number 17!" his voice bellowed. She heard a man say he had it and stepped quickly to front of the room. After inspection of the ticket, the man claimed his Two Hundred Fifty Dollar cash prize.
It was fun even though it wasn't her. She enjoyed seeing people happy and excited. "Number 21!" the voice boomed again. No one moved. "Number 21...check your tickets folks, this is for Five Hundred. Going once, going twice..."
"Wait!" Andrea called out. "That's me!" Andrea ran forward handing Santa her ticket. George quickly folded the ticket in half and announced, "Ladies and gentlemen, we have our grand prize winner!" People cheered and applauded and the drawing was over.
"George," she whispered, "thank you so much." Tears streamed down her cheeks. "You don't know what this is going to mean to my family."
"I have an idea and I hope it means you believe in Santa," he smiled. "Would you like to join Santa for a little sleigh ride later?" he joked.
"George, I'd love to, but not tonight. I can't tonight but I want to and will again. I promise."
"I'd like that."
Santa made his rounds visiting guests and Andrea left the party. When she arrived home, it occurred to her her pussy was filled with the cum of another man. Maybe he would be tired from being with the kids and not notice. She didn't really want to replay the night of five years ago when her husband went down on her unexpectedly only to discover her pussy was wet because it filled with the cum of another man.
"Hi honey," he greeted her at the door. "Did you have fun?"
"Yeah, and guess what, I won Five Hundred Dollars in a drawing from Santa!" she suddenly shouted.
"Great Santa came too!"
Sheepishly she looked at her husband. "Yeah, as a matter of fact you might say he came twice."
He looked at her, not knowing for sure what she meant but not concerned about it enough to ask what she meant. "Let's say you and me go upstairs and celebrate!"
"Okay, but maybe I should clean up. It's been a long night."
"Nonsense, I love that dress, ever since the last party you wore it too. It makes me hot to think about that night. Let's go to bed right now. I've been waiting for a treat ever since you left."
"I can promise you one, honey, I can promise you a real treat," she said, her voice aggressive, but her mind wondering.
* * * * *
We hope you enjoyed the story and, as always, you have our continuing thanks!
It was close to Christmas and Andrea and her husband, Jeff, found themselves a little short of cash. Jeff had been off work for almost three months and the unemployment checks didn't leave much after the bills were paid. Andrea hadn't worked since college except for a few odd jobs. Her work, and it was work, consisted of taking care of the three children. Without the children, it wouldn't have been a problem. Christmas for the two of them could be sparse and it would be alright, but it was the kids they thought about. It's not that there had to be gifts under the tree for the kids to open Christmas morning. They would certainly understand. In fact, with the oldest being only six, it was difficult given their ages to conceive they wouldn't. Still, Santa was a reality to them and neither Andrea, nor Jeff, wanted to disappoint the kids. The matter was hashed over and rehashed and it was finally agreed Andrea would take a job during the Christmas season. It wouldn't be much money, but enough to get a tree, add some old decorations the couple had and provide a few gifts for Santa to bring for the kids.
Andrea took a job at a large clothing store at the mall. The pay was minimum wage and when she was lucky, she was able to get 20 hours a week in. She could have worked more but logistically it was difficult. They couldn't really afford a babysitter and expect to make any real money. If Jeff was truly unemployed it would have been easier. He could have stayed home and watched the kids. But, like so many people on unemployment, he picked up odd jobs to supplement the meager unemployment checks. Still, the couple agreed if Andrea could get six weeks of work in, even at the low wages, they would be able to have a Christmas and see the happy faces of the kids Christmas as they ripped the wrapping paper from the gifts from Santa.
Two nights before Christmas, the store, after closing, had a Christmas party. Andrea really hadn't developed friendships while working with the exception of the assistant manager, George. Jeff was invited to the party to politely declined knowing his wife deserved a party and someone had to stay home with the kids.
"You go," he told her. "Have a good time, we'll be fine."
"Yeah, but I really don't know anyone there and it would be nice to have a friendly face."
"Are other spouses going?" he queried.
"I don't know, Jeff." In one last attempt to get him to come along, she added, "Probably."
"Well, you'll know that George guy you've talked about from time to time. Maybe you can spend some time with him and his wife."
"I don't think he's married. He never talks about having a wife and he doesn't wear a wedding ring."
"Well," Jeff said, "You can still chat with him."
Andrea dressed for the evening choosing a black dress that clung to her curvy body. A pair of black heels she had worn but one time with her husband when they went to a club and things got a little out of hand completed her outfit. Her long blonde hair contrasted with the black dress nicely and her pale white skin only added to what Jeff felt was an alluring, sensual look.
"Hey, I remember that dress," he said. I also remember the party we went to when you wore it."
"Yep, that was an interesting night, honey."
"You know Andrea, we've never done anything like that before, but I enjoyed that night!"
Andrea knew exactly what he meant but had never heard him say he enjoyed it. They had a met a man at the party and with the drinking all of them did, she broke her wedding vow to remain faithful to her husband. Of course, Jeff had been there with her so he was a party to it. Andrea thought back to the party. "That was about 5 years ago, wasn't it?" she asked.
"About that. We were both around 23 or 24 then."
"You enjoyed it?" she asked, not sure if he was serious because the reaction at the time had indicated anything but that.
"Yeah, I was okay with it. Well, not at first but then...well-yeah!"
The party was in full swing when Andrea arrived. A buffet table stood off in the corner, some people stood around talking, maybe sharing a drink, while others danced. It seemed to her people were having a good time, but she didn't really know anyone. Then she saw George standing off in a corner talking to an employee but not for the long. Her fellow employee soon left and she walked over toward George. He was older than her, maybe by about 15 years, and she found him to be an attractive black man. The fact she did find him attractive bothered her at first when she found herself attracted to his looks. Andrea always felt she didn't suffer the prejudices of her parents she witnessed growing up in a small southern town. Still, some of it carried forward and it was difficult to completely break old thoughts and habits.
Walking up to George, she immediately said hello and sensed he had been drinking, not to the point of being drunk, but feeling good she guessed. A smile crossed his face as he looked at her.
"Love the dress," he said. "You into black," he added with a chuckle and a wink.
The innuendo was obvious and she wasn't sure how to react and didn't. "I love the dress, " she said simply. Still, Andrea couldn't help but smile. She knew instantly George was attracted to her. His eyes slowly moved from her face down the length of her body, stopping to gaze at the firm but small, perky breasts, and continuing down her shapely legs and then moving back up again. "I like the dress too," he said with a grin. "You and black seem to go together nicely."
She could see it in his eyes and sense it in his voice he was interested in her now. "You look very beautiful this evening," he told her. "So much different than what you usually wear to work."
Andrea was nervous, but in an excited, stimulated way. "Thank you, George," she stammered. She took a deep breath and told him she was going to get a drink.
"Let me get it for you," he said. "I need to freshen mine up. What'll it be?"
"Surprise me," she said, regaining her composure.
"One minute...don't go away," he said, trotting off to the makeshift bar.
George returned with two drinks in hand. "Damn, you look mighty fine," he whispered to her. One drink lead to another and then another. The compliments continued to flow her way. During their conversation she noticed his eyes continually drifting to her breasts. At first it made her nervous, but blatant attention he paid to them heightened the arousal she was beginning to feel. George moved closer to her, his face just inches from her's. Maybe it was him and the thoughts she had or the drinks, but she was beginning to feel giddy.
"What?" he asked, sensing her thoughts, or believing he did.
"Oh nothing, just wondering about something."
"Would you like to share?" he asked.
"Not right now."
"Tell me Andrea, why did you come to work at the store?" he asked, changing the subject as he sensed what he believed to be an uneasy feeling.
"Santa," he blurted.
"Santa," he said, puzzled by the response. "You came to work because of Santa?"
"Well, George, it's a long story, but yeah, that's pretty much it."
"Did you find Santa?" he asked, still not knowing what she was talking about.
Her eyes glanced quickly up and down his tall body wondering now what he would like naked. "I don't know, maybe I did!"
"Would you like to share?" he asked, the curiosity getting to him now.
"No...maybe later." She looked around the room. People were still standing, talking, drinking and dancing. "I love this song," she said.
"Well Andrea, would you do me the honor of a dance?"
"Well George, I'd be delighted," she said, extending her arm to be led to the small dance floor.
He held his arms out and she glided into them. He gave her a squeeze as they moved slowly to the music. Her thoughts of George and his black body were causing her to breathe deeply. Her thoughts drifted, wondering about black men and if they liked white women. They were thoughts she knew she shouldn't be having but couldn't help it. The answer to her question was evident though. As George pulled her tighter she could feel his hard cock pushing into her stomach. His hands dropped slowly from her shoulders to her firm butt, then gently pulled her tighter against him. Andrea knew she should have resisted. It was like trying not to eat a box of chocolates, she thought, laughing to herself at the reference that came to mind.
"What's so funny?" she asked.
"Nothing...just thinking." She laid her head on his shoulder and continued dancing until the song came to an end. "Should we wait for the next one?" she asked.
"I can't Andrea," he said. "Unfortunately it's the time of the evening where I have to put on my red suit and white beard and pass out gifts."
"You're the office party Santa," she asked.
"That would be me, although I can think of other things I'd like to do instead," he added with a sly grin. "Hey, you said you were here for Santa. Come with me!" he exclaimed.
Andrea had no clue what he meant but followed him quickly out of the room. "I have to get ready but I have a little time," he explained to her. In the supply room, Andrea saw the red suit and white beard hanging in the corner.
"So, you have to get ready?"
Donning the white beard he looked at her. "Yeah, I really do."
George unbuttoned his white shirt and pulled it off followed quickly by his pants, socks and shoes. He stood now in front of her, white beard and white underwear and of course noticing the stark contrast of each with his ebony body. Looking into her eyes, he said, "Santa is here for you if you want!"
She looked down at the hard cock straining against his underwear. Her face pushed against his massive chest, her open lips kissing it. "Yes, I want Santa...I want Santa right now!"
"Have you been a good girl?" he asked teasingly.
"Oh yes, Santa, very good."
"Are you going to continue to be a good girl?"
"I'm gonna be extra special good, Santa!"
Her hands dropped to his underwear pulling wildly to get them down. George's fingers pulled at the top of her dress pulling it down. In a matter of moments they stood naked in front of each other. He started to remove the beard but she stopped. "Leave it on," she said softly.
George didn't say a word. His lips pressed forward until they met her's and for the first time they kissed. She could feel his fingers on her swollen clit. Andrea's hand slid between their bodies and she feel his hard cock, swollen with excitement. She wanted to look, to really see it. Pushing away from him, she gazed down. Unexpectedly she laughed.
"What's so funny?" he asked.
"Remember earlier I laughed. I was thinking about chocolate and now here it is. My own chocolate candy bar waiting just for me to gobble it up," she giggled. Without waiting for a response, Andrea dropped to her knees. The palm of her left hand played lightly against the hanging balls and her right hand gripped the thick black shaft. Her lips wisped over the head. Sliding her mouth over the bulbous head, she could feel the rigid, dark veins of his cock with her tongue. Her mouth filled with the wetness of his precum dripping inside like a quickly melting ice cube from the small slit.
"Damn it," she cried out. Rolling away and over on her back, she looked up at him. "Fuck me! FUCK ME!" she yelled, oblivious to the people in the other room and the fact someone might hear them.
George didn't seem concerned about the people in the next room and moved quickly down and above her. Andrea grabbed the hard black cock positioned above her small pink pussy and pulled inside as he shoved forward and started thrusting his cock in and out of her. Her hips moved forward with each thrust. She could feel his arms move under her legs throwing them back and high. He slammed his cock into her harder and faster. Andrea's hands were on his back, her fingernails digging into his back. Sweat was pouring off his forehead now. Her pussy felt on fire as his black cock continued it's assault, driving as deeply into the small white cavity as he could. She could feel her body beginning to writhe on the floor and his body stiffen. Her orgasm was intense. She started to scream but he covered her mouth with his and pushed hard final time, his black cock buried deep inside of her. She felt his body jerk and was sure she felt his cock twitch inside of her, knowing he was shooting his hot cum in her pussy. As his throbbing cock emptied, the tension he had felt started to leave his body. He eased her legs down and laid on top of her kissing her on the mouth.
They relaxed for a few moments and then he stood. She raised up on her knees taking his flaccid cock in her mouth, tasting the cum, pussy juice cocktail they had made together. Her body was still tingling in the afterglow of her orgasm. She feel his cock start to harden, but he pushed her away. "I really have to get out there and do the Santa thing. Maybe later," he said apologetically. Yes, later she thought.
George quickly put on his Santa suit. "By the way, did you get a ticket for the drawing?" he asked her.
"What drawing?" she asked.
"The store gives a cash prize to three lucky winners every Christmas. To cheap to give a bonus to everyone I guess, " he added.
"No, I didn't know."
"Here, let me give you one," he said, looking quickly at it. "Now we better get out there. You go first so I can make my entrance."
She straightened herself up and walked out of the room expecting people to notice and maybe even point at her with knowing looks. No one did. They were still caught up in their own little worlds enjoying the party.
Santa arrived and greeted everyone at the party. He was friendly to all. One woman commented to Andrea she had never seen a black Santa before. "I have," Andrea said, almost laughing out loud.
"Ladies and gentlemen," Santa started saying to the gathering crowd, "I hope you all have your tickets for the drawing. Some lucky person is going to win Five Hundred Dollars and two others are going to win Two Hundred Fifty and One Hundred. Picking up a glass jar, Santa started to reach in. It was then Andrea realized she still had her ticket and the stub in her hand. "The lucky number for the One Hundred Dollar prize is number 23. A woman shrieked and ran up. George inspected the ticket and the lucky lady claimed her prize. Andrea looked down at her ticket checking the number, knowing it was all for naught. "Number 17!" his voice bellowed. She heard a man say he had it and stepped quickly to front of the room. After inspection of the ticket, the man claimed his Two Hundred Fifty Dollar cash prize.
It was fun even though it wasn't her. She enjoyed seeing people happy and excited. "Number 21!" the voice boomed again. No one moved. "Number 21...check your tickets folks, this is for Five Hundred. Going once, going twice..."
"Wait!" Andrea called out. "That's me!" Andrea ran forward handing Santa her ticket. George quickly folded the ticket in half and announced, "Ladies and gentlemen, we have our grand prize winner!" People cheered and applauded and the drawing was over.
"George," she whispered, "thank you so much." Tears streamed down her cheeks. "You don't know what this is going to mean to my family."
"I have an idea and I hope it means you believe in Santa," he smiled. "Would you like to join Santa for a little sleigh ride later?" he joked.
"George, I'd love to, but not tonight. I can't tonight but I want to and will again. I promise."
"I'd like that."
Santa made his rounds visiting guests and Andrea left the party. When she arrived home, it occurred to her her pussy was filled with the cum of another man. Maybe he would be tired from being with the kids and not notice. She didn't really want to replay the night of five years ago when her husband went down on her unexpectedly only to discover her pussy was wet because it filled with the cum of another man.
"Hi honey," he greeted her at the door. "Did you have fun?"
"Yeah, and guess what, I won Five Hundred Dollars in a drawing from Santa!" she suddenly shouted.
"Great Santa came too!"
Sheepishly she looked at her husband. "Yeah, as a matter of fact you might say he came twice."
He looked at her, not knowing for sure what she meant but not concerned about it enough to ask what she meant. "Let's say you and me go upstairs and celebrate!"
"Okay, but maybe I should clean up. It's been a long night."
"Nonsense, I love that dress, ever since the last party you wore it too. It makes me hot to think about that night. Let's go to bed right now. I've been waiting for a treat ever since you left."
"I can promise you one, honey, I can promise you a real treat," she said, her voice aggressive, but her mind wondering.
* * * * *
We hope you enjoyed the story and, as always, you have our continuing thanks!
Rating: , Votes: %0 | like or dislike | Add To Favourites | Published by: samson1 3978 days ago | Categories: Hardcore, Interracial
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