My Greek Goddess
I'm Caroline. I'm 27 years old and I work as a solicitor in the West End of Edinburgh. I'm generally considered quite attractive, five-feet-five tall with dark blonde shoulder length hair and a pretty face, featuring big green eyes and pouty lips, and a nice figure with C-cup boobs. I've been blissfully married for three years to Rab, a successful self-employed builder and general tradesman. In that time I've never so much as looked at another man, let alone a woman...until that day at the gym.
It's actually a small private health club, in the shadow of Calton Hill. I'd done my usual workout and had just emerged from the showers. The place had been quiet – it usually is just after lunchtime – but one other user had caught my eye: a tall woman, probably six feet, working up a real sweat on the stepper machine, giving it laldy as we say here. She was about 30 I guessed, with long black hair which flew as she pounded the steps, making her difficult not to notice. As I passed I had vaguely taken in that, despite rather a prominent nose, she was quite attractive, with a swarthy Mediterranean complexion and huge knockers.
Anyway, as I towelled myself down and began to dress, the dark woman emerged from the shower area as well. Her locker was a couple of feet from mine, and she opened it, pulled her clothes out and dropped them pm the bench. Nothing unusual there – until she dropped her towel. Her tits were even bigger than I'd realised, but that wasn't what caught my eye – hanging from between her thighs was the most enormous cock! I didn't mean to stare, but I couldn't quite believe what I was seeing. I think I must have uttered an involuntary gasp too, because she tensed slightly, and noticed me gaping at her. She didn't seem that concerned by my interest, just grinned and gave me quite a lascivious wink! Feeling my face burning with embarrassment I turned away, quickly pulled on my T-shirt over my bra and scuttled out of the changing room with still damp hair.
All the way up the stairs though, I couldn't get the image out of my mind of that strikingly attractive woman standing there, stark naked, a huge penis poking out from her groin. I reckoned it had to be something like nine inches long, and thick too – about twice the size of Rab's all round. I couldn't have told you why, but I felt an itch to learn more about this strange, exotic creature. Feeling like a peeping tom I hunched myself into a nearby doorway where I thought I was concealed, and watched the door of the club. The woman emerged about five minutes later, dressed in a cream knee length raincoat, sheer black stockings, and a shiny black pair of shoes with four-inch stiletto heels. Her hair hung loose as she sashayed down the street, hips swinging, apparently entirely oblivious of me.
I followed her at a distance as she entered Princes Street, then went into Jenner's, Edinburgh's grandest department store. I followed her in but lost her among the milling shoppers and display stands. Feeling frustrated I started looking at the range of tights on display; then jumped as , very close to my ear, a voice hissed "Got you!"
I whirled round and standing there, grinning triumphantly at having outwitted me, was my quarry. As if our encounter was the most normal thing in the world she said, in a rich, accented voice, "Hi, I'm Maroula. And you are...?"
I was too surprised not to respond, and she nodded and said, "It's nice to meet you Caroline." Then she reached out a hand adorned with sharp red painted nails and stroked my cheek with her palm. I shivered at her soft touch, and she smiled and said, "You're cute. My flat's near here; d'you wanna come back for, erm, coffee?"
I was taken aback by her boldness. I honestly don't know what I was thinking as I dumbly nodded. Maybe I did think we would really just have coffee, and my prurient curiosity would be satisfied; but judging by the way my heart started racing, and my nipples tingled, I don't think so.
I was silent as Maroula led me towards a quiet street in the New Town, but she did enough talking for both of us. Linking her arm through mine, she explained that she was from a small village in Greece, but she had come to Britain because "this country is more tolerant of people who choose, well, different lifestyles like mine." She said that she used the ladies changing room at the gym, because "I can hardly go in the men's room with these," flicking her hand across her ample chest, "and usually I find a quiet corner where nobody's going to notice my little surprise". I finally found my voice and began to mumble a halting apology for my rudeness in staring, but she waved it away. "That's okay honey; I don't mind, and maybe we'll both find a new friend out of it."
She took me to a Georgian terrace house converted into apartments, and up to the first floor. Maroula took my jacket from me and I sat on a scarlet fabric couch in an elegant, cream-walled lounge while she made coffee. After bringing it, she said "Excuse me baby, I'll just be a minute," and disappeared. She was as good as her word, and re-emerged just a minute later; I had assumed she'd gone to the loo, but I gasped again when she returned: she had changed into a knee-length silk bed jacket, beneath which she was very obviously naked. Oh God, I knew at that point I should get up and run from there, but I felt rooted to the spot. As Maroula sat opposite me I made a conscious effort not to stare at her cock, peeping out from the jacket, but instead my eyes simply focussed on her massive boobs. The jacket had slipped slightly off one shoulder, revealing most of one breast and a generous portion of dark brown areola.
Maroula noticed where my gaze was resting and, easing the jacket apart to reveal her chest, said, "You like these? Why don't you see how they feel?" I watched in helpless astonishment as she reached out took one of my hands and pressed it to one of her breasts. It was firm but pliant, a big hard nipple pressing into the centre of my palm. Her smile broadening, she shuffled along the couch until our knees were touching and took my coffee cup from my limp hand, placing it on an adjacent coffee table. Then she husked, "From what I saw at the club your boobs are very nice too, but I'd like to get a better look."
I felt completely in her power; as she reached either side of me and tugged my T-shirt from my jogging pants waistband I meekly raised my arms and let her slip it over my head and off. Even as I did it, a small part of my brain was screaming at me to get out of there. I'm usually a very in control person, I loved Rab, and I didn't want to have an affair, certainly not with some strange man-woman. But my legs wouldn't move, my voice wouldn't work and I sat frozen, my mouth slightly open, almost panting as I watched to see what Maroula would do next. As she leant close to reach around me and unclip my bra I felt her soft, warm breath on my cheek, and her bare leg slipped between my knees. I felt my breasts drop slightly as the bra opened, and she slipped it down my arms. She sighed at the sight of my breasts, and whispered, "Oh my, they really are beautiful." Then, one of her hands resting on my shoulder, she ducked her head and took one of my boobs into her mouth.
Any last shreds of resistance to what was happening flooded out of me, and I sighed with pleasure as her mouth engulfed almost my entire breast, her tongue playing with my very stiff nipple. My chest rising and falling with deep breaths I cradled her head, my eyes tightly closed. I felt Maroula take one of my hands and, a moment later, she curled my fingers around her burning hot, rock-hard cock. It felt gorgeous and, of its own accord, my hand started to stroke up and down it. Through the haze of my mounting arousal a thought occurred to me, and I managed to gasp, "I thought...people like you went with men."
She chuckled and, speaking around my boob, mumbled, "I'm entirely bi honey, and you're gorgeous. I was going to take you to bed, but I wanna fuck you right here." She put heavy emphasis on the key word, and I knew that was exactly what she would do: we wouldn't make love, she was going to fuck me, and I was completely powerless to stop her. When she started to tug at my jogging pants I helped her push them down, lifted my bum, kicked off my shoes. My panties went with the pants and Maroula stood, I lifted my legs, the I was naked before her, my sopping wet pussy fully exposed to her. She shrugged off the bed jacket and stood over me, her enormous cock rising up before my eyes. Greedily I reached for it, pulled it to my mouth and slipped my lips over the tip, cradling my new lover's balls in one hand.
After a few seconds Maroula eased me onto my back on the couch, rolled a condom she'd got from somewhere onto her prick and knelt between my legs. As her tip touched my pussy lips another thing I'd heard about she-males occurred to me. My breath shuddering I asked, "Can you...."
She chuckled again at that and murmured, "Uh-huh baby, I'm fully functional. Let me show you." And with that she thrust into me, slowly, inch by inch, as I accommodated myself to her huge length. When she was fully inside me, stretching my cunt wonderfully, she leant forward and kissed me, her tongue slipping briefly into my mouth. Then she sat up, took one of my boob s in each hand, and began to hump me. Oh my God, I'd never been fucked like that before. I swear Maroula must have lasted 15 minutes, whereas I was lucky to get five out of Rab. I squealed with delight as she buried her monster prick inside me, over and over, her balls slapping against my bum. She teased me, varying the depth and power of her thrusts, sometimes pausing for seconds on end as I giggled, anticipating the next deep penetration. As she fucked me her long hair hung down, tickling me as she moved. I'm not sure whether I had multiple orgasms or one long continuous climax, but by the time I felt her gush into the condom I felt completely drained of energy, and completely satisfied.
I stayed for another two hours, during which we did a lot of kissing and hugging, licking and sucking, and Maroula screwed me again, from behind this time, one hand squeezing a boob, the other flicking my clit. When I finally left I felt as if I was drunk, and my legs shook like Bambi's.
I've seen Maroula three times since then, over a period of two weeks. We meet at the club and go back to her place, where she gives me a wonderful massage, which ends with her eating me out. Then we snog and I suck her boobs and cock, and she fucks me. The last couple of times I've screwed her too, in the arse, with a massive strap-on cock that she adores. I know that she works as a prostitute, and probably fucks a dozen men a week, but I don't care; she practices safe sex and, after all, I go home to Rab every night. I'm finding it increasingly difficult to get aroused when Rab and I have sex; I think he's beginning to notice, and the scariest part is, I'm beginning not to care. I just know that, now I've found Maroula, there's no going back, and I'll keep on fucking with her as long as she wants me.
It's actually a small private health club, in the shadow of Calton Hill. I'd done my usual workout and had just emerged from the showers. The place had been quiet – it usually is just after lunchtime – but one other user had caught my eye: a tall woman, probably six feet, working up a real sweat on the stepper machine, giving it laldy as we say here. She was about 30 I guessed, with long black hair which flew as she pounded the steps, making her difficult not to notice. As I passed I had vaguely taken in that, despite rather a prominent nose, she was quite attractive, with a swarthy Mediterranean complexion and huge knockers.
Anyway, as I towelled myself down and began to dress, the dark woman emerged from the shower area as well. Her locker was a couple of feet from mine, and she opened it, pulled her clothes out and dropped them pm the bench. Nothing unusual there – until she dropped her towel. Her tits were even bigger than I'd realised, but that wasn't what caught my eye – hanging from between her thighs was the most enormous cock! I didn't mean to stare, but I couldn't quite believe what I was seeing. I think I must have uttered an involuntary gasp too, because she tensed slightly, and noticed me gaping at her. She didn't seem that concerned by my interest, just grinned and gave me quite a lascivious wink! Feeling my face burning with embarrassment I turned away, quickly pulled on my T-shirt over my bra and scuttled out of the changing room with still damp hair.
All the way up the stairs though, I couldn't get the image out of my mind of that strikingly attractive woman standing there, stark naked, a huge penis poking out from her groin. I reckoned it had to be something like nine inches long, and thick too – about twice the size of Rab's all round. I couldn't have told you why, but I felt an itch to learn more about this strange, exotic creature. Feeling like a peeping tom I hunched myself into a nearby doorway where I thought I was concealed, and watched the door of the club. The woman emerged about five minutes later, dressed in a cream knee length raincoat, sheer black stockings, and a shiny black pair of shoes with four-inch stiletto heels. Her hair hung loose as she sashayed down the street, hips swinging, apparently entirely oblivious of me.
I followed her at a distance as she entered Princes Street, then went into Jenner's, Edinburgh's grandest department store. I followed her in but lost her among the milling shoppers and display stands. Feeling frustrated I started looking at the range of tights on display; then jumped as , very close to my ear, a voice hissed "Got you!"
I whirled round and standing there, grinning triumphantly at having outwitted me, was my quarry. As if our encounter was the most normal thing in the world she said, in a rich, accented voice, "Hi, I'm Maroula. And you are...?"
I was too surprised not to respond, and she nodded and said, "It's nice to meet you Caroline." Then she reached out a hand adorned with sharp red painted nails and stroked my cheek with her palm. I shivered at her soft touch, and she smiled and said, "You're cute. My flat's near here; d'you wanna come back for, erm, coffee?"
I was taken aback by her boldness. I honestly don't know what I was thinking as I dumbly nodded. Maybe I did think we would really just have coffee, and my prurient curiosity would be satisfied; but judging by the way my heart started racing, and my nipples tingled, I don't think so.
I was silent as Maroula led me towards a quiet street in the New Town, but she did enough talking for both of us. Linking her arm through mine, she explained that she was from a small village in Greece, but she had come to Britain because "this country is more tolerant of people who choose, well, different lifestyles like mine." She said that she used the ladies changing room at the gym, because "I can hardly go in the men's room with these," flicking her hand across her ample chest, "and usually I find a quiet corner where nobody's going to notice my little surprise". I finally found my voice and began to mumble a halting apology for my rudeness in staring, but she waved it away. "That's okay honey; I don't mind, and maybe we'll both find a new friend out of it."
She took me to a Georgian terrace house converted into apartments, and up to the first floor. Maroula took my jacket from me and I sat on a scarlet fabric couch in an elegant, cream-walled lounge while she made coffee. After bringing it, she said "Excuse me baby, I'll just be a minute," and disappeared. She was as good as her word, and re-emerged just a minute later; I had assumed she'd gone to the loo, but I gasped again when she returned: she had changed into a knee-length silk bed jacket, beneath which she was very obviously naked. Oh God, I knew at that point I should get up and run from there, but I felt rooted to the spot. As Maroula sat opposite me I made a conscious effort not to stare at her cock, peeping out from the jacket, but instead my eyes simply focussed on her massive boobs. The jacket had slipped slightly off one shoulder, revealing most of one breast and a generous portion of dark brown areola.
Maroula noticed where my gaze was resting and, easing the jacket apart to reveal her chest, said, "You like these? Why don't you see how they feel?" I watched in helpless astonishment as she reached out took one of my hands and pressed it to one of her breasts. It was firm but pliant, a big hard nipple pressing into the centre of my palm. Her smile broadening, she shuffled along the couch until our knees were touching and took my coffee cup from my limp hand, placing it on an adjacent coffee table. Then she husked, "From what I saw at the club your boobs are very nice too, but I'd like to get a better look."
I felt completely in her power; as she reached either side of me and tugged my T-shirt from my jogging pants waistband I meekly raised my arms and let her slip it over my head and off. Even as I did it, a small part of my brain was screaming at me to get out of there. I'm usually a very in control person, I loved Rab, and I didn't want to have an affair, certainly not with some strange man-woman. But my legs wouldn't move, my voice wouldn't work and I sat frozen, my mouth slightly open, almost panting as I watched to see what Maroula would do next. As she leant close to reach around me and unclip my bra I felt her soft, warm breath on my cheek, and her bare leg slipped between my knees. I felt my breasts drop slightly as the bra opened, and she slipped it down my arms. She sighed at the sight of my breasts, and whispered, "Oh my, they really are beautiful." Then, one of her hands resting on my shoulder, she ducked her head and took one of my boobs into her mouth.
Any last shreds of resistance to what was happening flooded out of me, and I sighed with pleasure as her mouth engulfed almost my entire breast, her tongue playing with my very stiff nipple. My chest rising and falling with deep breaths I cradled her head, my eyes tightly closed. I felt Maroula take one of my hands and, a moment later, she curled my fingers around her burning hot, rock-hard cock. It felt gorgeous and, of its own accord, my hand started to stroke up and down it. Through the haze of my mounting arousal a thought occurred to me, and I managed to gasp, "I thought...people like you went with men."
She chuckled and, speaking around my boob, mumbled, "I'm entirely bi honey, and you're gorgeous. I was going to take you to bed, but I wanna fuck you right here." She put heavy emphasis on the key word, and I knew that was exactly what she would do: we wouldn't make love, she was going to fuck me, and I was completely powerless to stop her. When she started to tug at my jogging pants I helped her push them down, lifted my bum, kicked off my shoes. My panties went with the pants and Maroula stood, I lifted my legs, the I was naked before her, my sopping wet pussy fully exposed to her. She shrugged off the bed jacket and stood over me, her enormous cock rising up before my eyes. Greedily I reached for it, pulled it to my mouth and slipped my lips over the tip, cradling my new lover's balls in one hand.
After a few seconds Maroula eased me onto my back on the couch, rolled a condom she'd got from somewhere onto her prick and knelt between my legs. As her tip touched my pussy lips another thing I'd heard about she-males occurred to me. My breath shuddering I asked, "Can you...."
She chuckled again at that and murmured, "Uh-huh baby, I'm fully functional. Let me show you." And with that she thrust into me, slowly, inch by inch, as I accommodated myself to her huge length. When she was fully inside me, stretching my cunt wonderfully, she leant forward and kissed me, her tongue slipping briefly into my mouth. Then she sat up, took one of my boob s in each hand, and began to hump me. Oh my God, I'd never been fucked like that before. I swear Maroula must have lasted 15 minutes, whereas I was lucky to get five out of Rab. I squealed with delight as she buried her monster prick inside me, over and over, her balls slapping against my bum. She teased me, varying the depth and power of her thrusts, sometimes pausing for seconds on end as I giggled, anticipating the next deep penetration. As she fucked me her long hair hung down, tickling me as she moved. I'm not sure whether I had multiple orgasms or one long continuous climax, but by the time I felt her gush into the condom I felt completely drained of energy, and completely satisfied.
I stayed for another two hours, during which we did a lot of kissing and hugging, licking and sucking, and Maroula screwed me again, from behind this time, one hand squeezing a boob, the other flicking my clit. When I finally left I felt as if I was drunk, and my legs shook like Bambi's.
I've seen Maroula three times since then, over a period of two weeks. We meet at the club and go back to her place, where she gives me a wonderful massage, which ends with her eating me out. Then we snog and I suck her boobs and cock, and she fucks me. The last couple of times I've screwed her too, in the arse, with a massive strap-on cock that she adores. I know that she works as a prostitute, and probably fucks a dozen men a week, but I don't care; she practices safe sex and, after all, I go home to Rab every night. I'm finding it increasingly difficult to get aroused when Rab and I have sex; I think he's beginning to notice, and the scariest part is, I'm beginning not to care. I just know that, now I've found Maroula, there's no going back, and I'll keep on fucking with her as long as she wants me.
Rating: , Votes: %0 | like or dislike | Add To Favourites | Published by: Aerianna 3978 days ago | Categories: Shemale
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