Writing erotic stories and posting them on, has been one of the most rewarding and constructive pastimes I have taken up over the past few years.
My first story, 'Magic Medicine', received its first feedback e-mail within a couple of days, and from that first feedback e-mail, the character Ann was born and a rewarding symbiotic relationship developed. (But that is another story.)
However the receiving of feedback is a fickle and rare occurrence. I have stories with 100000 downloads plus and good numbers of votes and in my opinion good scores (over 4.6) for nearly half my submissions.
Not so long ago I received this feedback message via I always reply to these messages; it takes a lot to write a story and if someone did really enjoy, the story the last thing on their mind is to thank the writer.
The message read:
I just read Earl Grey and Two Sugars and find myself breathless. Ooooo to be a character in your stories. Very exciting; I practically held my breath anticipating your next move.
Can't wait to read more. Thanks for posting.
So being polite I wrote back...
Dear Danielle
Thank you for the feedback on my story.
I would like to know in more detail please, what you found 'so sexy' about the story.
Also, where are you on this tiny planet? So I can put a mark on my Google earth.
Respect and Honour
Normally one doesn't get a reply to the response so when a reply did comeback I was pleased and even a little excited with the content.
Dear Hitchhiker
I shouldn't tell you but I live in the UK very near Oxbridge in the little village called Chillington I hope you can find it. How many thousands of miles away do you live?
What did I find sexy about your story? I have now read several more of your stories, Ann and the looking Glass, is very, very sexy. I have fantasised about my own mirror having an invisible lover inside. Last night I lay on my bed and fucked myself with my vibe and imagined it was the man from the mirror. I also very much liked, 'By a mountain stream' I bet you enjoyed yourself with those two.
You might want to know about me. Well, I'm 20 I have mousy shoulder length hair. I'm 5ft 10ins tall lightly built, but not skinny. My breasts are C-cup my best bits are my legs which are very long. I have never been with a man but have had lots of sex with girls.
Whoa this girl is a little firecracker I thought, and she fucked herself with her vibe! Reading, one of my stories. I could not resist in writing back somewhat aroused and even a little nervous.
Dear Danielle,
The picture you put in my head of you thrusting your vibe into your hot little quim was nearly too much. Why? Because you don't live thousands of miles away from me but less than 25 miles, so beware you might even find me appear behind you in your room as you stare at your naked reflection in the mirror, wrap my arms around your waist and nuzzle your neck nibbling the lobes of each ear in turn. Sending shivers down your spine as your body pushes back into my embrace. You turn your head allowing our lips to meet.
My hands slip gently up your sides cupping the outside of your breasts, then pushing you gently around I pull you into a full embrace cupping your left breast in my right hand and kneading the hot firm flesh.
As my fingers feel your nipple become aroused and harden, the finger and thumb pinch the little bud and begin to massage it gently back and forth increasing the pressure to almost the point of pain.
Our kiss has become intense with my left hand behind your head holding tight so our tongues can explore and taste each other.
You are becoming breathless, your body is trembling, shaking, beginning to perspire you don't know if you should scream or surrender to this entity that appeared behind you only seconds ago.
Is it real or is it just a dream??
A dream? Then surrender, to your imagination and let your passions grow.
As you surrender to emotions, desire and lust, you become aware of something new, you feel, a wonderful hardness pushing into your tummy. You respond by lifting yourself on tiptoe so you can feel the hardness against your vulva.
Little flashes of lightning course through your pussy and your quim starts to yearn to be filled to receive penetration, fulfilment.
My mouth breaks free of yours and chases my hand over your shoulder nipping at the flesh. But my mouth desires those globes of delight my hands grasp a breast each and push them together allowing my mouth to devour each nipple while my tongue simultaneously licks each nipple wetly and my teeth nip. You want to feel the hardness of my erection and reach and grasp it in you right hand, it feels so hot almost throbbing with lust, a yearning that has been generated by your own naked body.
Should I continue? Or would you like to take up narrative?
Respect and Honour
Well we shall see what sort of reply that gets, I thought as the bits flew out into the ether.
I got a reply the next Day.
Opening the e-mail I saw the text in big bold letters
"CONTINUE please, please, pretty, pretty, pretty please."
Oh my, I hope that you never stop.
As your mouth covers my breast, I can only gasp in pleasure
I feel your tongue as you circle the hardened nipple and my hand reaches to your shirt impatiently I begin to unbutton your shirt but my hands are to clumsy and in need of more flesh I rip at the shirt, buttons fly everywhere, but they are of little concern to us now my back again arches as you nip my nipple with your teeth; and my hands reach to undo your belt and Trousers. My fingers grasp the waistband of both your trousers and pants and push down, sliding them over your hips; I can feel your manhood and am both nervous and excited by what I feel.
Your hand reaches down to grab my crotch and a wave of excitement washes over me, my body in one quick moment has become yours to take and use as you wish.
The text then dropped to a normal font,
"My dearest Adam
What you wrote was so sexy I nearly fainted when the message stopped. I tore my knickers aside and read and re read your words. I wanted you there and then. But I couldn't reply straight away because my bloody computer crashed, my brother was out and I couldn't fix the problem.
Instead all I could do was lay in bed naked and reread Ann and the looking Glass over and over again.
If you can make love as you write my dear wonderful eloquent Adam I want you to come and visit me. Call me on 07777 676869.
In lust for you
Dingdong...., carry on...., what a girl? To good to be true was my first thought. Could it be that at long last I had found a woman close by, that was different?
I reread her writing and thought how subtle and clever she was to stop, as I had done, to return the tease, so to speak. This was fun, but there could be problems ahead.
In somewhat of a dilemma I pondered on what I should do next. Phoning her was fairly safe. She wouldn't be able to know where I was and distance would still be on my side.
Nervously my fingers dialled the number on the screen, Brrrrr, Brrrrr.
"Can I speak to Danielle please?"
"Who? Is that you Adam?" Asked a tremulous young sweet voice who spoke with an educated and refined accent.
"Danielle it is I. I don't know if this is the wisest move I have made. But I had to speak with you, to find out if you are for real. Sorry to sound so doubtful." I had broken the ice, what happened next, I would play by the seat of my pants.
"Oh... You.. Ah.. You sound as sexy on the phone as your writing. When can you come and see me?"
Her voice was full of girlish excitement, and I felt I had to calm the situation down, to make sure she understood what we could be getting into. I know I sound like an old killjoy but I wanted to get everything clear from the start.
"Danielle you too sound as sexy as you write. But I would like to talk to you first. Set ground rules, find out what we both expect and want from this relationship. It is no longer an Internet cyber fantasy. We are real and real close too. You have seen my picture on my member's page so you are aware that I am very much older than you in years. 30, to be precise!"
I finished my statement and waited with baited breath for her response.
"I like your picture I have printed a copy. I hope you don't mind? You look kind and thoughtful, as the characters in your stories are. So the age doesn't matter and you are hopefully what I'm looking for. A man to teach me, I don't want a husband I want a real lover. So one day when I do get married I will know what I want and what I should do to make my husband happy."
Well she certainly knew what she wanted from me. This was one canny girl I had found or rather she had found me.
"What can I say?" I replied in somewhat of a stunned tone. This young lady had worked the situation out.
"Danielle this sounds too good to be true, I must admit. You want to be shown the delights of the flesh, so you want me to show you how to please a man and how to enjoy your own body."
Silence filled the air space, and for a moment I thought I might have gone too far. She was, just a moment ago, very sure of herself, but now she had heard what it was that I was suggesting and on hearing it stated in the cold light of day. I was sure she was rethinking what she wanted.
"Adam," she said nervously. "I am in need of a teacher, and am hoping that you are the kind man who can take me to places that I desire. I like the way you write and if you are as passionate in the flesh as you are in your writing, then I would like for us to get together. I am looking to learn how to pleasure a man and at the same time I hope to learn how to pleasure myself with a man."
Again silence, as I considered my words carefully. I have in the past taught several girls the path to womanhood. Simply because I have had some very good teachers of my own, older women that found me cute and so taught me how to love and to make love to women.
"Danielle, Thank you for your trust and confidence in me I will do my best to teach you. But really I'm still only learning myself for I'm sure I am by no means a Casanova or even a Byron in the ways of love." Oh boy did that last statement sound crass? I grimaced to myself and waited for the knock down. Casanova or Byron hell's bells what will the girl think, I thought!!
"Adam, Adam. I don't want a Casanova or Byron I want someone who knows himself, has kindness and sincerity. I have read your stories you don't come across, as some big headed know it all. If you want me as your pupil I want you as my teacher... Please... Sir?"
"Then Danielle I agree to consider the idea in principal. But first I want to know all about you. If that's OK?"
And so for the next 30 minutes Danielle told me about herself. How she had, had a wonderful childhood, her father was rich and successful, her mother beautiful loving and clever. She told me all about her older brother who was a computer guru working for both a very large computer company and one the universities in near by Oxbridge.
At the age of 11 Danielle had been sent to boarding school on the south coast just outside Brighton only coming home on the holidays to be with her family.
Now though she lived at home because she was at university in Oxbridge studying oriental arts. She had been given the best in all things material but she felt she had missed a lot by not going to the local school.
"Well Danielle I have not been educated formerly I went to an ordinary school and as you can hear I speak with a common English accent."
"You are not ordinary Adam. That is so clear to me. Please say you will be my teacher. I promise to do anything you ask of me, I mean anything."
Her voice quavered in a tone of begging and anxiety. How could I refuse?
"Well Danielle I'm sure we can at least meet and see how we strike it off face to face. Do you drive?" I said hoping she said yes.
"Yes I drive, and I have my own car. Where shall we meet?" She asked excitedly. "This weekend would be good, can you make it?" Her voice had now become a little more relaxed and I could tell she was smiling. I was to; I was also becoming aroused at the thought of meeting this young lady in the next few Days.
"Danielle do you know the Red Lion at Great Whetting?"
"Yes" She replied excitement in her voice.
"Can you be there at 10:30 on Saturday morning we can park there and go for a walk in Whetting woods the weather is forecast fine and I don't know about you but walking in the woods is a rather romantic thing to do." The plan had been made, would she accept it or ask to meet in a more public place?
"Adam I will be there; I drive a green Mazda M3."
"Well then my dear little lady the date is set. An M3, I bet it is just you. And I drive a Dark Grey Fiat with decals on the side. Wait in your car I'll come and find you." Now I was the one to be excited.
"What shall I wear? What would you like me to wear or shall I surprise you?" Danielle said giggling at the idea.
"Mmmm what shall she wear for our first lesson?" I mussed out loud. "You will wear something light and feminine a loose blouse a longish skirt. You may wear under wear if you wish, but I would be most pleased if you did not."
Saturday dawned clear and bright it was forecast warm and still.
I had told my wife about my meeting with Danielle and how she had found me on the net. The first thing she had said was "It sounds like this young woman wants my husband to be her teacher."
"What would you do if I became her teacher?"
Mia had put her arms around my neck and kissed me saying
"Kita and I would trust you to be kind to her and you know we will still love you. She might even want to meet us and you never know what might happen then." The smile on her face and glint in her eye confirmed her sincerity. (Yes, I know, lucky bastard!)
With my wife's approval I drove along country lanes on a fine warm summer's morn to meet with Danielle. I didn't know how the meeting would go she might see me in person and become cold and withdrawn, but I thought this unlikely, chemistry though is a fickle thing.
I turned off the road into the pub car park there was only one car, a green M3. I pulled up along side turned my head and looked. My jaw must have dropped half a yard. Danielle was absolutely, gorgeous. She turned and smiled at me. I couldn't wait to be near her in person. But she was out of her car before me.
By the time I had opened my door she was there flinging her arms around me.
"Thank you, thank you for coming. I thought you would think better of the whole idea and not come." She was crying into my shoulder.
"Hey, hey come on now." I cooed wiping away her tears with my thumbs. I held her head in my hands and kissed her tenderly on the mouth. She pulled me tighter and I enveloped her mouth forcing a mirrored response from her. Danielle's lips parted and my tongue found its way inside it snaked up under her top lip and slithered across her teeth and gums, as I sucked her into my passion.
Being slightly taller than me, Danielle pushed me sideways against the rear window of my car. I don't normally push a lust filled woman off me. But in this situation I had too.
"Hang on there girl. " I drawled in a mock southern states accent; trying to cool things down. Danielle lifted her body off me and smiled down into my eyes.
"You are smaller than me." She giggled. "You didn't tell me how tall you were and I just presumed for some reason you would be taller."
"Well I hope you aren't too disappointed. You on the other hand are just drop dead gorgeous and how the hell you have remained such an innocent defies belief." I must admit I was a little taken aback at her initial enthusiasm, and so I must have seemed a little aggressive in my reaction.
"Come on lets go for our walk. For one thing your teacher needs to calm himself down." I opened the tailgate of my car and removed the Daypack I had prepared for our meeting.
Danielle was stunned by my outburst, and was silent for a moment. She was clearly considering her response, which was equally curt.
"I shall tell you, how I have remained innocent! I don't like boys I prefer girls or think I prefer girls." She said tentatively, "I went to an all girl's school, it was very well protected and no boys were allowed within the walls. So we spent a great deal of our free time experimenting with each other. At the age of fourteen one of the girls smuggled a dildo into school. We thought we had all died and gone to heaven. From that point forward, we all played together. We never thought about boys, and this was okay by me. All my friends and I were on the gymnastics team. It was a slice of heaven for me. When I was at school all there was, were girls. Being on the gymnastic team was just wonderful.
"Sorry sweetness. I didn't mean to be nasty I was just a little shocked and now I must admit much chuffed at your reaction on our first meeting." I turned and pulled her into my arms. "Come here and let's start again." I kissed her holding her for a few seconds just letting our bodies feel the contact. My dick was hard and pressed against her vulva, I must admit I was as randy as hell and couldn't wait to get into the classroom. Breaking the embrace I took her hand and guided her toward the gate leading off into the cool green woods. We walked without speaking just letting the closeness develop between us. Danielle had dressed herself in a lacy gypsy top and a knee length scarlet coloured skirt in the same style. I could see she had not worn a bra so I guessed she was without knickers as well.
My mind was in turmoil not only at the start to our meeting, but also at what she had said about preferring girls. Questions formed in my mind, I was curious and wanted to know what made Danielle tick.
"So.. Why and how did you pick me to be your teacher, when it would have been far more natural for you to choose someone nearer your own age?" I looked at her as we walked and she just glanced at me clearly considering her answer.
"Mmmm why not pick someone nearer to home? Answer there isn't anyone I fancy. Plus I was only looking at the stories on literotica when I came across your stories by accident in the mature section. The stories there are so much more romantic. From there it is history I sent you feedback and here we are." She stopped walking and looked at me.
"Next question," she said with an impatient tone for Danielle was clearly baiting me. We continued on our walk deeper into the woods. I knew where I was leading her and turned us off the main path.
"You said you were on the gymnastics team and it was heaven for you. Why was that?"
"For a start we all wore very little clothing whilst we practised. We could touch one another as we bent and pushed our bodies in ever more contorted positions."
"You are a contortionist?" I asked a grin like a Cheshire cat right across my face. "I have always wanted to meet a contortionist. How supple are you?"
"I thought you were the teacher." Danielle laughed. "I think you will be impressed when you see what I can do. Let's put it this way I can watch a dildo go into my pussy."
After walking for nearly a quarter of an hour we arrived at our destination I led the way through the thick hedge of Rhododendrons and out into the small circular arena in their midst, at the centre of this natural circus there is an ancient stump of an Oak tree it's about 4ft high and 6ft across it is not solid the wood having decayed long before the tree was felled to form a horse shoe shaped wall of wood. The site always reminds me of a Druid temple deep in the forest hidden away out of the sight of disapproving eyes. What better place to bring Danielle for her first lessons in the delights of procreation.
Danielle stood in awe of this natural stage. She was visibly enraptured by the whole space she ran toward the Oak's stump and leapt upon it in one fluent feline bound, the sun shone down on her like a spot light.
"Oh wow this is just magic, what a place to bring me, and this old tree!"
Danielle stood facing me and looking down at me, she began to raise her left foot up the inside of her right leg when the toes of her foot became level the her right knee she turned her left leg pushing it straight out at 90 degree's to her body and the then on up until her foot was above her head and her calve next to her ear. This had made her gypsy skirt ride up her leg first exposing her thigh and then to my delight her quim which was shaven quite smooth and was glistening with her arousal. She stood on one leg her sex visible and fully open to my admiring eye.
"Danielle that is so sexy please continue; and you look good enough to eat."
"As they say, you ain't seen nothing, yet." Lowering her leg she stood and stared down at me. Danielle pulled of her top off and tossed it to me she then pushed down her skirt and her body followed the waistband to her ankles. She then stood on her hands and ever so slowly lifted her feet off the stump pushing then up and out as she did this Danielle moved her hands turning her body round so she could look at me, and I could marvel at her.
She then performed the splits with her legs out spread perfectly straight.
I was nearly shaking myself to pieces with the eroticism of her performance Danielle twisted and bent her legs up and down and around several times. She then bought her feet back down to stand next to her hands her body was bent double then she pushed head between her legs and her arms grabbed the back of her calves.
"Oh yes I see. I am wet." She grinned looking at her puffy sex.
I was entranced. I again was wondering who, was the teacher! Danielle then stood up and turned around to look down on me again.
"Adam strip for me I want see what a real naked man looks like."
"Well this one is getting close to his sell by date, but I am not to ashamed of my looks." I quickly removed my shirt, shorts and pants.
"TA DA..." I said and struck a pose then I walked into the centre of the horseshoe and gazed up at this supple naked woman. She was doing a handstand above me and with perfect control.
"I dare say you have had your pussy licked many times. But I haven't eaten yours and from where I'm standing I think you should bring it down here and let me have a taste." I turned my face up toward her. "Feed me!"
Danielle swung herself down into the splits holding her bottom clear of the wood placing her quim right in front of my slavering mouth. I grabbed hold of her thighs and buried my face into her. She tasted so sweet and even though I was rather rough sucking and thrusting my tongue into her willing cunt, she was clearly enjoying her first moustache ride.
"Oh my.. Easy, easy that is too good. Oh not so quick Oh oh... Yessss. No don't stop please don't stop. Fuck, fuck me. Fuck me with your tongue." Her body weight on my arms and shoulders was becoming too much. So I pushed her backward until her bottom rested on the back edge of the stump. Now I could really get down to munching muff, sucking gently on her clit Danielle held my shaven head between her hands.
"Ooooo this is so good don't stop. Please don't stop." Danielle was taking to man loving like a fish to water. So I thought some teasing would be good and pulled my face away from her sopping quim.
"Hold that pose I want to record how you look." I said walking back to my pack and removing my digital camera. Danielle held the pose and let me take her picture in fact she was rather keen to pose for the cameras all seeing eye.
"Do you like what you see?"
"Yes very much. Do you like showing off to me and the camera?"
"Oh yes, very much! I always have." She cooed. But I'm so very, very horny I would like you back here."
Danielle pointed at her glistening slit still wide open and begging for attention. I had taken some very nice pictures and was also ready for me to get back and eat her, this time I would make her cum.
Putting the camera back in my bag I walked over to Danielle and holding her around the waist plunged my mouth onto her slit. But I needed her to lie back more and as she was sitting on the back edge of the stump this was impossible.
"Put your legs over my shoulders and lean forward." I instructed. "I want to move over the other edge of the stump so you can lie back for me."
Danielle didn't need telling twice so with her tummy button touching my nose I lifted her over to the other side of the stump putting her bottom right on the edge she tilted her body back allowing me to now get a finger inside her quim.
Bending the invading digit up I found the ridged area of her G-spot and began to twiddle the tip of my finger on her inner place. I now leant forward and began eating peaches.
Opening my mouth wide I covered her quim and sucked gently to create a tiny vacuum. Then with my tongue I probed every fold and crevice of Danielle's slit noting ever little shudder and contraction to learn what she needed most.
It was too much for her if licked her clit full on. But running my tongue in tiny circles around and around was just what she wanted.
Danielle held my head and moaned "Don't, don't please, don't stop, don't stop...."
I felt the contractions start and then she began to buck her hips forward as her orgasm swept over her. I kept sucking and licking and moved away from her clit and thrust my tongue deep onto slit tasting, sweet pussy juice as it flooded out and ran down my chin.
Danielle lifted my head from her pulsing pussy and smiled at me "Mmmm that was very nice, different to a woman. Not better or worse but very different. Thank you."
Wiping her juices from my bearded chin with the back of my hand, I gave her vulva a gentle kiss and moved up to her face and kissed her deeply so she could taste her sex in my mouth. We nearly ate each other with the longing passion of this kiss filled of hormones and lust.
Come I said and picked her up in my arms taking her from the tree I carried her to the blanket I'd laid out a few steps away. I was kneeling beside her my cock throbbing with my desire.
"Now tell me what you like best." She said as she sat up a little and bent toward my crotch and swallowed the glands. I was so aroused it was like an electric shock of pleasure and I thrust my hips forward into her soft hot mouth.
"Phwoar, that's rather good for starters." I exclaimed breathlessly.
"Starting off with a tease of the tongue is always good, and hold the top of the shaft between finger and thumb and then starting at the base of my cock lick slowly with a very wet tongue all the way to the tip. Yes like that and repeat that action several times.
Danielle did as instructed slowly running her tongue and lips up and down the length of my shaft.
"Is that Ok?"
"I have practised with dildos before but the real thing tastes and feels a whole lot nicer."
She finished this statement and took the glands again into her mouth then the shaft all the way to the root.
"Phwoar that too, you have to have practised with a dildo." I murmured my eyes rolling with ecstasy.
A muffled "Ah huh" was all the reply I got. Danielle pulled my cock from her mouth and smiled at me with pure mischief. My cock was coated with thick layer of saliva and held firmly at the base by her hand,
"Like that?"
"Err yes... again please."
And with no more ado Danielle took a deep breath and swallowed the whole shaft to the root, this time though she began to pump her head back and forth flexing her throat around the glands, her nostrils flaring each time she sucked air into her body when the head of my cock was not in her wind pipe.
I could feel wonderful sensations in my shaft as the start of orgasm began to build.
"Careful or you'll make me cum too quickly." I panted, my breathing starting to get shorter as I tried keeping the wonderful sensations this nubile yet not so innocent virgin was giving me.
With gasp and great intake of breath Danielle withdrew my shaft from her mouth and I was able to suppress the urge to shoot my seed.
"Would you like to cum in my mouth?"
"Yes of course, but I would also like to make it last a little longer. For a start I'd like to eat your lovely little pussy again. I would also like to make love to you and feel my cock in your quim."
"OK, but you must cum in my mouth. I want to feel you sperm slide down my throat. Like some of the girls at school claim to have done. Can I suck it just a little more it feels so nice."
"Alright but be gentle the sensation is very nice and your technique doesn't need much improvement, if any."
Danielle began again to suck lick and swallow my cock. I turned my self around and manoeuvred my head in between her naked thighs and in 69 began to eat her pussy. She held onto my hips and pumped her head up and down my rampant shaft.
But slowly the attention I was giving her quim with my mouth began to distract her from fellatio to cunnilingus. Danielle bent her legs and began to push her crotch up off the ground. This made my job even easier as I was able to get at all of her slit with my mouth tongue and fingers. Holding her tight buttocks in my hands I was able to pull her pussy lips wide open and bury my face even further, lapping and sucking her nectar sweet juices.
She had all but stopped sucking on my cock and I knew she was near coming again.
Quickly I moved from over her body and still holding her hips off the blanket positioned myself between her wide open thighs. I knew she was ready for me and I pulled her quim onto my rampant cock and revelled in the wonderful sensation of entering a young virgin pussy.
"Oooh it's so warm hard yet soft more please more."
Pulling her fully onto my cock I let us both enjoy the feeling of intimacy, before I slowly started to move my hips back and forth allowing my penis to slide in and out becoming coated with her milky white juices.
Getting into my rhythm I began to fuck Danielle getting faster and faster, then stopping for a moment, before beginning the cycle all over again. Danielle moaned and writhed with pleasure and I pulled her forward to crouch astride my thrusting hips allowing her to control the penetration. As our bodies touched we embraced and kissed letting natural passion take over.
Danielle pushed me back until I was lying on the blanket and she sat astride me rolling her hips back and forth pushing her pubic bone down onto mine. The head of my cock rubbed deep within her and I held back waiting for orgasm to subside.
"No don't stop cum in me." She urged breathlessly
I thrust up to meet her ever faster gyrations as her orgasm came and came. I grabbed her hips and began to pull her body ever faster until I could hold back no longer.
"I'mmm" I moaned.
Danielle pulled her body off my cock and dropped backward toward my feet as she bent her head forward and opened her mouth my hot seed shot into her mouth. She didn't stop for a split second taking the whole twitching length deep into her throat and began to pump her head up and down until I signalled for her to stop.
We were both drenched in sweat, breathless totally spent and extremely content.
This girl didn't need teaching, she was a fucking natural.
"How did I do?" She asked smiling down at me as she laid her hot glowing body onto mine.
"Not bad, but I think a few more lessons are called for, just to make sure."
With that she cuffed me playfully.
"I think I might be bi-sexual." She grinned laying her head on my chest as I began to dose in the midday sun.
My first story, 'Magic Medicine', received its first feedback e-mail within a couple of days, and from that first feedback e-mail, the character Ann was born and a rewarding symbiotic relationship developed. (But that is another story.)
However the receiving of feedback is a fickle and rare occurrence. I have stories with 100000 downloads plus and good numbers of votes and in my opinion good scores (over 4.6) for nearly half my submissions.
Not so long ago I received this feedback message via I always reply to these messages; it takes a lot to write a story and if someone did really enjoy, the story the last thing on their mind is to thank the writer.
The message read:
I just read Earl Grey and Two Sugars and find myself breathless. Ooooo to be a character in your stories. Very exciting; I practically held my breath anticipating your next move.
Can't wait to read more. Thanks for posting.
So being polite I wrote back...
Dear Danielle
Thank you for the feedback on my story.
I would like to know in more detail please, what you found 'so sexy' about the story.
Also, where are you on this tiny planet? So I can put a mark on my Google earth.
Respect and Honour
Normally one doesn't get a reply to the response so when a reply did comeback I was pleased and even a little excited with the content.
Dear Hitchhiker
I shouldn't tell you but I live in the UK very near Oxbridge in the little village called Chillington I hope you can find it. How many thousands of miles away do you live?
What did I find sexy about your story? I have now read several more of your stories, Ann and the looking Glass, is very, very sexy. I have fantasised about my own mirror having an invisible lover inside. Last night I lay on my bed and fucked myself with my vibe and imagined it was the man from the mirror. I also very much liked, 'By a mountain stream' I bet you enjoyed yourself with those two.
You might want to know about me. Well, I'm 20 I have mousy shoulder length hair. I'm 5ft 10ins tall lightly built, but not skinny. My breasts are C-cup my best bits are my legs which are very long. I have never been with a man but have had lots of sex with girls.
Whoa this girl is a little firecracker I thought, and she fucked herself with her vibe! Reading, one of my stories. I could not resist in writing back somewhat aroused and even a little nervous.
Dear Danielle,
The picture you put in my head of you thrusting your vibe into your hot little quim was nearly too much. Why? Because you don't live thousands of miles away from me but less than 25 miles, so beware you might even find me appear behind you in your room as you stare at your naked reflection in the mirror, wrap my arms around your waist and nuzzle your neck nibbling the lobes of each ear in turn. Sending shivers down your spine as your body pushes back into my embrace. You turn your head allowing our lips to meet.
My hands slip gently up your sides cupping the outside of your breasts, then pushing you gently around I pull you into a full embrace cupping your left breast in my right hand and kneading the hot firm flesh.
As my fingers feel your nipple become aroused and harden, the finger and thumb pinch the little bud and begin to massage it gently back and forth increasing the pressure to almost the point of pain.
Our kiss has become intense with my left hand behind your head holding tight so our tongues can explore and taste each other.
You are becoming breathless, your body is trembling, shaking, beginning to perspire you don't know if you should scream or surrender to this entity that appeared behind you only seconds ago.
Is it real or is it just a dream??
A dream? Then surrender, to your imagination and let your passions grow.
As you surrender to emotions, desire and lust, you become aware of something new, you feel, a wonderful hardness pushing into your tummy. You respond by lifting yourself on tiptoe so you can feel the hardness against your vulva.
Little flashes of lightning course through your pussy and your quim starts to yearn to be filled to receive penetration, fulfilment.
My mouth breaks free of yours and chases my hand over your shoulder nipping at the flesh. But my mouth desires those globes of delight my hands grasp a breast each and push them together allowing my mouth to devour each nipple while my tongue simultaneously licks each nipple wetly and my teeth nip. You want to feel the hardness of my erection and reach and grasp it in you right hand, it feels so hot almost throbbing with lust, a yearning that has been generated by your own naked body.
Should I continue? Or would you like to take up narrative?
Respect and Honour
Well we shall see what sort of reply that gets, I thought as the bits flew out into the ether.
I got a reply the next Day.
Opening the e-mail I saw the text in big bold letters
"CONTINUE please, please, pretty, pretty, pretty please."
Oh my, I hope that you never stop.
As your mouth covers my breast, I can only gasp in pleasure
I feel your tongue as you circle the hardened nipple and my hand reaches to your shirt impatiently I begin to unbutton your shirt but my hands are to clumsy and in need of more flesh I rip at the shirt, buttons fly everywhere, but they are of little concern to us now my back again arches as you nip my nipple with your teeth; and my hands reach to undo your belt and Trousers. My fingers grasp the waistband of both your trousers and pants and push down, sliding them over your hips; I can feel your manhood and am both nervous and excited by what I feel.
Your hand reaches down to grab my crotch and a wave of excitement washes over me, my body in one quick moment has become yours to take and use as you wish.
The text then dropped to a normal font,
"My dearest Adam
What you wrote was so sexy I nearly fainted when the message stopped. I tore my knickers aside and read and re read your words. I wanted you there and then. But I couldn't reply straight away because my bloody computer crashed, my brother was out and I couldn't fix the problem.
Instead all I could do was lay in bed naked and reread Ann and the looking Glass over and over again.
If you can make love as you write my dear wonderful eloquent Adam I want you to come and visit me. Call me on 07777 676869.
In lust for you
Dingdong...., carry on...., what a girl? To good to be true was my first thought. Could it be that at long last I had found a woman close by, that was different?
I reread her writing and thought how subtle and clever she was to stop, as I had done, to return the tease, so to speak. This was fun, but there could be problems ahead.
In somewhat of a dilemma I pondered on what I should do next. Phoning her was fairly safe. She wouldn't be able to know where I was and distance would still be on my side.
Nervously my fingers dialled the number on the screen, Brrrrr, Brrrrr.
"Can I speak to Danielle please?"
"Who? Is that you Adam?" Asked a tremulous young sweet voice who spoke with an educated and refined accent.
"Danielle it is I. I don't know if this is the wisest move I have made. But I had to speak with you, to find out if you are for real. Sorry to sound so doubtful." I had broken the ice, what happened next, I would play by the seat of my pants.
"Oh... You.. Ah.. You sound as sexy on the phone as your writing. When can you come and see me?"
Her voice was full of girlish excitement, and I felt I had to calm the situation down, to make sure she understood what we could be getting into. I know I sound like an old killjoy but I wanted to get everything clear from the start.
"Danielle you too sound as sexy as you write. But I would like to talk to you first. Set ground rules, find out what we both expect and want from this relationship. It is no longer an Internet cyber fantasy. We are real and real close too. You have seen my picture on my member's page so you are aware that I am very much older than you in years. 30, to be precise!"
I finished my statement and waited with baited breath for her response.
"I like your picture I have printed a copy. I hope you don't mind? You look kind and thoughtful, as the characters in your stories are. So the age doesn't matter and you are hopefully what I'm looking for. A man to teach me, I don't want a husband I want a real lover. So one day when I do get married I will know what I want and what I should do to make my husband happy."
Well she certainly knew what she wanted from me. This was one canny girl I had found or rather she had found me.
"What can I say?" I replied in somewhat of a stunned tone. This young lady had worked the situation out.
"Danielle this sounds too good to be true, I must admit. You want to be shown the delights of the flesh, so you want me to show you how to please a man and how to enjoy your own body."
Silence filled the air space, and for a moment I thought I might have gone too far. She was, just a moment ago, very sure of herself, but now she had heard what it was that I was suggesting and on hearing it stated in the cold light of day. I was sure she was rethinking what she wanted.
"Adam," she said nervously. "I am in need of a teacher, and am hoping that you are the kind man who can take me to places that I desire. I like the way you write and if you are as passionate in the flesh as you are in your writing, then I would like for us to get together. I am looking to learn how to pleasure a man and at the same time I hope to learn how to pleasure myself with a man."
Again silence, as I considered my words carefully. I have in the past taught several girls the path to womanhood. Simply because I have had some very good teachers of my own, older women that found me cute and so taught me how to love and to make love to women.
"Danielle, Thank you for your trust and confidence in me I will do my best to teach you. But really I'm still only learning myself for I'm sure I am by no means a Casanova or even a Byron in the ways of love." Oh boy did that last statement sound crass? I grimaced to myself and waited for the knock down. Casanova or Byron hell's bells what will the girl think, I thought!!
"Adam, Adam. I don't want a Casanova or Byron I want someone who knows himself, has kindness and sincerity. I have read your stories you don't come across, as some big headed know it all. If you want me as your pupil I want you as my teacher... Please... Sir?"
"Then Danielle I agree to consider the idea in principal. But first I want to know all about you. If that's OK?"
And so for the next 30 minutes Danielle told me about herself. How she had, had a wonderful childhood, her father was rich and successful, her mother beautiful loving and clever. She told me all about her older brother who was a computer guru working for both a very large computer company and one the universities in near by Oxbridge.
At the age of 11 Danielle had been sent to boarding school on the south coast just outside Brighton only coming home on the holidays to be with her family.
Now though she lived at home because she was at university in Oxbridge studying oriental arts. She had been given the best in all things material but she felt she had missed a lot by not going to the local school.
"Well Danielle I have not been educated formerly I went to an ordinary school and as you can hear I speak with a common English accent."
"You are not ordinary Adam. That is so clear to me. Please say you will be my teacher. I promise to do anything you ask of me, I mean anything."
Her voice quavered in a tone of begging and anxiety. How could I refuse?
"Well Danielle I'm sure we can at least meet and see how we strike it off face to face. Do you drive?" I said hoping she said yes.
"Yes I drive, and I have my own car. Where shall we meet?" She asked excitedly. "This weekend would be good, can you make it?" Her voice had now become a little more relaxed and I could tell she was smiling. I was to; I was also becoming aroused at the thought of meeting this young lady in the next few Days.
"Danielle do you know the Red Lion at Great Whetting?"
"Yes" She replied excitement in her voice.
"Can you be there at 10:30 on Saturday morning we can park there and go for a walk in Whetting woods the weather is forecast fine and I don't know about you but walking in the woods is a rather romantic thing to do." The plan had been made, would she accept it or ask to meet in a more public place?
"Adam I will be there; I drive a green Mazda M3."
"Well then my dear little lady the date is set. An M3, I bet it is just you. And I drive a Dark Grey Fiat with decals on the side. Wait in your car I'll come and find you." Now I was the one to be excited.
"What shall I wear? What would you like me to wear or shall I surprise you?" Danielle said giggling at the idea.
"Mmmm what shall she wear for our first lesson?" I mussed out loud. "You will wear something light and feminine a loose blouse a longish skirt. You may wear under wear if you wish, but I would be most pleased if you did not."
Saturday dawned clear and bright it was forecast warm and still.
I had told my wife about my meeting with Danielle and how she had found me on the net. The first thing she had said was "It sounds like this young woman wants my husband to be her teacher."
"What would you do if I became her teacher?"
Mia had put her arms around my neck and kissed me saying
"Kita and I would trust you to be kind to her and you know we will still love you. She might even want to meet us and you never know what might happen then." The smile on her face and glint in her eye confirmed her sincerity. (Yes, I know, lucky bastard!)
With my wife's approval I drove along country lanes on a fine warm summer's morn to meet with Danielle. I didn't know how the meeting would go she might see me in person and become cold and withdrawn, but I thought this unlikely, chemistry though is a fickle thing.
I turned off the road into the pub car park there was only one car, a green M3. I pulled up along side turned my head and looked. My jaw must have dropped half a yard. Danielle was absolutely, gorgeous. She turned and smiled at me. I couldn't wait to be near her in person. But she was out of her car before me.
By the time I had opened my door she was there flinging her arms around me.
"Thank you, thank you for coming. I thought you would think better of the whole idea and not come." She was crying into my shoulder.
"Hey, hey come on now." I cooed wiping away her tears with my thumbs. I held her head in my hands and kissed her tenderly on the mouth. She pulled me tighter and I enveloped her mouth forcing a mirrored response from her. Danielle's lips parted and my tongue found its way inside it snaked up under her top lip and slithered across her teeth and gums, as I sucked her into my passion.
Being slightly taller than me, Danielle pushed me sideways against the rear window of my car. I don't normally push a lust filled woman off me. But in this situation I had too.
"Hang on there girl. " I drawled in a mock southern states accent; trying to cool things down. Danielle lifted her body off me and smiled down into my eyes.
"You are smaller than me." She giggled. "You didn't tell me how tall you were and I just presumed for some reason you would be taller."
"Well I hope you aren't too disappointed. You on the other hand are just drop dead gorgeous and how the hell you have remained such an innocent defies belief." I must admit I was a little taken aback at her initial enthusiasm, and so I must have seemed a little aggressive in my reaction.
"Come on lets go for our walk. For one thing your teacher needs to calm himself down." I opened the tailgate of my car and removed the Daypack I had prepared for our meeting.
Danielle was stunned by my outburst, and was silent for a moment. She was clearly considering her response, which was equally curt.
"I shall tell you, how I have remained innocent! I don't like boys I prefer girls or think I prefer girls." She said tentatively, "I went to an all girl's school, it was very well protected and no boys were allowed within the walls. So we spent a great deal of our free time experimenting with each other. At the age of fourteen one of the girls smuggled a dildo into school. We thought we had all died and gone to heaven. From that point forward, we all played together. We never thought about boys, and this was okay by me. All my friends and I were on the gymnastics team. It was a slice of heaven for me. When I was at school all there was, were girls. Being on the gymnastic team was just wonderful.
"Sorry sweetness. I didn't mean to be nasty I was just a little shocked and now I must admit much chuffed at your reaction on our first meeting." I turned and pulled her into my arms. "Come here and let's start again." I kissed her holding her for a few seconds just letting our bodies feel the contact. My dick was hard and pressed against her vulva, I must admit I was as randy as hell and couldn't wait to get into the classroom. Breaking the embrace I took her hand and guided her toward the gate leading off into the cool green woods. We walked without speaking just letting the closeness develop between us. Danielle had dressed herself in a lacy gypsy top and a knee length scarlet coloured skirt in the same style. I could see she had not worn a bra so I guessed she was without knickers as well.
My mind was in turmoil not only at the start to our meeting, but also at what she had said about preferring girls. Questions formed in my mind, I was curious and wanted to know what made Danielle tick.
"So.. Why and how did you pick me to be your teacher, when it would have been far more natural for you to choose someone nearer your own age?" I looked at her as we walked and she just glanced at me clearly considering her answer.
"Mmmm why not pick someone nearer to home? Answer there isn't anyone I fancy. Plus I was only looking at the stories on literotica when I came across your stories by accident in the mature section. The stories there are so much more romantic. From there it is history I sent you feedback and here we are." She stopped walking and looked at me.
"Next question," she said with an impatient tone for Danielle was clearly baiting me. We continued on our walk deeper into the woods. I knew where I was leading her and turned us off the main path.
"You said you were on the gymnastics team and it was heaven for you. Why was that?"
"For a start we all wore very little clothing whilst we practised. We could touch one another as we bent and pushed our bodies in ever more contorted positions."
"You are a contortionist?" I asked a grin like a Cheshire cat right across my face. "I have always wanted to meet a contortionist. How supple are you?"
"I thought you were the teacher." Danielle laughed. "I think you will be impressed when you see what I can do. Let's put it this way I can watch a dildo go into my pussy."
After walking for nearly a quarter of an hour we arrived at our destination I led the way through the thick hedge of Rhododendrons and out into the small circular arena in their midst, at the centre of this natural circus there is an ancient stump of an Oak tree it's about 4ft high and 6ft across it is not solid the wood having decayed long before the tree was felled to form a horse shoe shaped wall of wood. The site always reminds me of a Druid temple deep in the forest hidden away out of the sight of disapproving eyes. What better place to bring Danielle for her first lessons in the delights of procreation.
Danielle stood in awe of this natural stage. She was visibly enraptured by the whole space she ran toward the Oak's stump and leapt upon it in one fluent feline bound, the sun shone down on her like a spot light.
"Oh wow this is just magic, what a place to bring me, and this old tree!"
Danielle stood facing me and looking down at me, she began to raise her left foot up the inside of her right leg when the toes of her foot became level the her right knee she turned her left leg pushing it straight out at 90 degree's to her body and the then on up until her foot was above her head and her calve next to her ear. This had made her gypsy skirt ride up her leg first exposing her thigh and then to my delight her quim which was shaven quite smooth and was glistening with her arousal. She stood on one leg her sex visible and fully open to my admiring eye.
"Danielle that is so sexy please continue; and you look good enough to eat."
"As they say, you ain't seen nothing, yet." Lowering her leg she stood and stared down at me. Danielle pulled of her top off and tossed it to me she then pushed down her skirt and her body followed the waistband to her ankles. She then stood on her hands and ever so slowly lifted her feet off the stump pushing then up and out as she did this Danielle moved her hands turning her body round so she could look at me, and I could marvel at her.
She then performed the splits with her legs out spread perfectly straight.
I was nearly shaking myself to pieces with the eroticism of her performance Danielle twisted and bent her legs up and down and around several times. She then bought her feet back down to stand next to her hands her body was bent double then she pushed head between her legs and her arms grabbed the back of her calves.
"Oh yes I see. I am wet." She grinned looking at her puffy sex.
I was entranced. I again was wondering who, was the teacher! Danielle then stood up and turned around to look down on me again.
"Adam strip for me I want see what a real naked man looks like."
"Well this one is getting close to his sell by date, but I am not to ashamed of my looks." I quickly removed my shirt, shorts and pants.
"TA DA..." I said and struck a pose then I walked into the centre of the horseshoe and gazed up at this supple naked woman. She was doing a handstand above me and with perfect control.
"I dare say you have had your pussy licked many times. But I haven't eaten yours and from where I'm standing I think you should bring it down here and let me have a taste." I turned my face up toward her. "Feed me!"
Danielle swung herself down into the splits holding her bottom clear of the wood placing her quim right in front of my slavering mouth. I grabbed hold of her thighs and buried my face into her. She tasted so sweet and even though I was rather rough sucking and thrusting my tongue into her willing cunt, she was clearly enjoying her first moustache ride.
"Oh my.. Easy, easy that is too good. Oh not so quick Oh oh... Yessss. No don't stop please don't stop. Fuck, fuck me. Fuck me with your tongue." Her body weight on my arms and shoulders was becoming too much. So I pushed her backward until her bottom rested on the back edge of the stump. Now I could really get down to munching muff, sucking gently on her clit Danielle held my shaven head between her hands.
"Ooooo this is so good don't stop. Please don't stop." Danielle was taking to man loving like a fish to water. So I thought some teasing would be good and pulled my face away from her sopping quim.
"Hold that pose I want to record how you look." I said walking back to my pack and removing my digital camera. Danielle held the pose and let me take her picture in fact she was rather keen to pose for the cameras all seeing eye.
"Do you like what you see?"
"Yes very much. Do you like showing off to me and the camera?"
"Oh yes, very much! I always have." She cooed. But I'm so very, very horny I would like you back here."
Danielle pointed at her glistening slit still wide open and begging for attention. I had taken some very nice pictures and was also ready for me to get back and eat her, this time I would make her cum.
Putting the camera back in my bag I walked over to Danielle and holding her around the waist plunged my mouth onto her slit. But I needed her to lie back more and as she was sitting on the back edge of the stump this was impossible.
"Put your legs over my shoulders and lean forward." I instructed. "I want to move over the other edge of the stump so you can lie back for me."
Danielle didn't need telling twice so with her tummy button touching my nose I lifted her over to the other side of the stump putting her bottom right on the edge she tilted her body back allowing me to now get a finger inside her quim.
Bending the invading digit up I found the ridged area of her G-spot and began to twiddle the tip of my finger on her inner place. I now leant forward and began eating peaches.
Opening my mouth wide I covered her quim and sucked gently to create a tiny vacuum. Then with my tongue I probed every fold and crevice of Danielle's slit noting ever little shudder and contraction to learn what she needed most.
It was too much for her if licked her clit full on. But running my tongue in tiny circles around and around was just what she wanted.
Danielle held my head and moaned "Don't, don't please, don't stop, don't stop...."
I felt the contractions start and then she began to buck her hips forward as her orgasm swept over her. I kept sucking and licking and moved away from her clit and thrust my tongue deep onto slit tasting, sweet pussy juice as it flooded out and ran down my chin.
Danielle lifted my head from her pulsing pussy and smiled at me "Mmmm that was very nice, different to a woman. Not better or worse but very different. Thank you."
Wiping her juices from my bearded chin with the back of my hand, I gave her vulva a gentle kiss and moved up to her face and kissed her deeply so she could taste her sex in my mouth. We nearly ate each other with the longing passion of this kiss filled of hormones and lust.
Come I said and picked her up in my arms taking her from the tree I carried her to the blanket I'd laid out a few steps away. I was kneeling beside her my cock throbbing with my desire.
"Now tell me what you like best." She said as she sat up a little and bent toward my crotch and swallowed the glands. I was so aroused it was like an electric shock of pleasure and I thrust my hips forward into her soft hot mouth.
"Phwoar, that's rather good for starters." I exclaimed breathlessly.
"Starting off with a tease of the tongue is always good, and hold the top of the shaft between finger and thumb and then starting at the base of my cock lick slowly with a very wet tongue all the way to the tip. Yes like that and repeat that action several times.
Danielle did as instructed slowly running her tongue and lips up and down the length of my shaft.
"Is that Ok?"
"I have practised with dildos before but the real thing tastes and feels a whole lot nicer."
She finished this statement and took the glands again into her mouth then the shaft all the way to the root.
"Phwoar that too, you have to have practised with a dildo." I murmured my eyes rolling with ecstasy.
A muffled "Ah huh" was all the reply I got. Danielle pulled my cock from her mouth and smiled at me with pure mischief. My cock was coated with thick layer of saliva and held firmly at the base by her hand,
"Like that?"
"Err yes... again please."
And with no more ado Danielle took a deep breath and swallowed the whole shaft to the root, this time though she began to pump her head back and forth flexing her throat around the glands, her nostrils flaring each time she sucked air into her body when the head of my cock was not in her wind pipe.
I could feel wonderful sensations in my shaft as the start of orgasm began to build.
"Careful or you'll make me cum too quickly." I panted, my breathing starting to get shorter as I tried keeping the wonderful sensations this nubile yet not so innocent virgin was giving me.
With gasp and great intake of breath Danielle withdrew my shaft from her mouth and I was able to suppress the urge to shoot my seed.
"Would you like to cum in my mouth?"
"Yes of course, but I would also like to make it last a little longer. For a start I'd like to eat your lovely little pussy again. I would also like to make love to you and feel my cock in your quim."
"OK, but you must cum in my mouth. I want to feel you sperm slide down my throat. Like some of the girls at school claim to have done. Can I suck it just a little more it feels so nice."
"Alright but be gentle the sensation is very nice and your technique doesn't need much improvement, if any."
Danielle began again to suck lick and swallow my cock. I turned my self around and manoeuvred my head in between her naked thighs and in 69 began to eat her pussy. She held onto my hips and pumped her head up and down my rampant shaft.
But slowly the attention I was giving her quim with my mouth began to distract her from fellatio to cunnilingus. Danielle bent her legs and began to push her crotch up off the ground. This made my job even easier as I was able to get at all of her slit with my mouth tongue and fingers. Holding her tight buttocks in my hands I was able to pull her pussy lips wide open and bury my face even further, lapping and sucking her nectar sweet juices.
She had all but stopped sucking on my cock and I knew she was near coming again.
Quickly I moved from over her body and still holding her hips off the blanket positioned myself between her wide open thighs. I knew she was ready for me and I pulled her quim onto my rampant cock and revelled in the wonderful sensation of entering a young virgin pussy.
"Oooh it's so warm hard yet soft more please more."
Pulling her fully onto my cock I let us both enjoy the feeling of intimacy, before I slowly started to move my hips back and forth allowing my penis to slide in and out becoming coated with her milky white juices.
Getting into my rhythm I began to fuck Danielle getting faster and faster, then stopping for a moment, before beginning the cycle all over again. Danielle moaned and writhed with pleasure and I pulled her forward to crouch astride my thrusting hips allowing her to control the penetration. As our bodies touched we embraced and kissed letting natural passion take over.
Danielle pushed me back until I was lying on the blanket and she sat astride me rolling her hips back and forth pushing her pubic bone down onto mine. The head of my cock rubbed deep within her and I held back waiting for orgasm to subside.
"No don't stop cum in me." She urged breathlessly
I thrust up to meet her ever faster gyrations as her orgasm came and came. I grabbed her hips and began to pull her body ever faster until I could hold back no longer.
"I'mmm" I moaned.
Danielle pulled her body off my cock and dropped backward toward my feet as she bent her head forward and opened her mouth my hot seed shot into her mouth. She didn't stop for a split second taking the whole twitching length deep into her throat and began to pump her head up and down until I signalled for her to stop.
We were both drenched in sweat, breathless totally spent and extremely content.
This girl didn't need teaching, she was a fucking natural.
"How did I do?" She asked smiling down at me as she laid her hot glowing body onto mine.
"Not bad, but I think a few more lessons are called for, just to make sure."
With that she cuffed me playfully.
"I think I might be bi-sexual." She grinned laying her head on my chest as I began to dose in the midday sun.
Rating: , Votes: %3 | like or dislike | Add To Favourites | Published by: Luke11 3989 days ago | Categories: Mature
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