Colin looked through the glass partition as Julie bent across her desk to make a connection to her computer. Her skirt rose up high enough for him to catch a glance of her panties and crutch, god she beautifull. Colins mind began to wander, he could see her now without a stitch on, laying across a padded trestle, her body spreadeagled and tied tightly in position. Her sex would be agape and he could just imagine the pink of her inner labia. She would struggle of course but she would just have to endure and like it.It was the cane thing that was the trouble, he could just imagine it landing with the most"stingy" swish-thwapp across her buttocks, she wouldnt like that.As Colin daydreamed his office door burst open, Julie stood there glaring at him, " you pervert, you looked up my skirt, I saw your reflection in the glass", she said angrily.Colin showed no emotion, " yes I did and what a damn fine piece of "fanny" you got there. Julie`s mouth dropped open in shock, and before she could think how to reply, Colin said " and if I had my way I would tie you tight and scoop you up and have you away to the nearest log cabin high in them thar hills, and I would probably throw in a damn good arse slapping for good measure".Julie was too stunned to reply, she just turned around and left slamming his door behind her.Throughout the afternoon Colin became aware that Julie was very agitated and more than once he caught her looking at him in a very strange way.Five o`clock came and went, Colin carried on working as the clerical staff left for home. About ten minutes later a knock came on his door and slowly it opened to reveal Julie. She walked in and closed the door behind her. "Ok, I dont know how you found out but I cant wait any longer, please, for fuck sake tie me up and take me, thats what you`ve been wanting to do all afternoon isnt it ?"Colin didnt know what it was that he was supposed to have found out, but he didnt care and he certainly was nt going to stare a gift horse in the mouth.Colin, his mind working overtime, took a chance and walked around his desk and without warning slapped her hard across her face, "kneel bitch and dont make a sound".Julie almost fell to the floor but managed to hold up and then with a scared look upon her face she knelt down and hung her head.Colin was ecstatic, he hadn`t expected that his silly daydream would come to this. A few minutes later Colin exited the lift at garage level, checked the coast was clear and ducked back into the lift. He picked up his neatly tied and gagged package and placed her in the boot of his car, as he did so he put his hand between her legs and squeezed, Julie moaned and squirmed in her bondage but Colins hand had come away wet, so he knew that she was in fact enjoying this.Colin drove away, he had just the place to take her, as he drove, he dreamed of what he had in store for her and oh boy was she in for a shock.When the car stopped Julies heart began to race, she had never allowed this sort of thing before, she had never been tied or gagged before. Then the boot opened and she found herself being lifted out. Julies eyes nearly popped out of her head, she caught her breath, no this couldnt be happening, this wasnt real. They were in a clearing in some woodland and in front of her were six full size crucifixes, hanging on four of them were naked women, only they werent just naked, they had been fixed in such a way that they were unable to close there legs and their sex gaped open, it was disgusting, as she looked at them she could see them moving and hear them moaning and calling out, their arms were tied outstretched and they hung from their wrists, it was obvious that they were in agony.Colin looked at her and smiled, "yep this is where you will be hanging out for a while, hope you like it." Julie found herself being propelled towards a cabin, once inside she realised then that she wasn`t alone.The other woman was tied down to the floor on her back, two men were fucking her one using her face and the other her fanny, her whole body shook as she was being pounded from both ends at once.Another man came forward, "oh boy what a "dish", where did you get her, he didnt wait for Colin to answer. Julie wanted to run and get away. The mans hand was in her panties and he was forcing his fingers into her, then she felt her clothes being pulled off of her.Ten minutes later Julie was on her back with a large black man thrusting into her, as someone tried to use her mouth she turned away but it was no good, soon she too was beong fucked both ends at once, choking and gagging as seamen "jetted" down her throat.Julie had been given no choice and had not had a chance to protest but now as they lifted her and walked her outside and she remembered the crucifixes and she caught sight of them she "quaked" inside and held back. "No please not that , Ive been good havent I , no.oooooo . It didn`t take long and Julie found herself tied and spread on a cross just like the others, her feet pulled back behind the upright , forcing her knees apart, leaving her sex gaping, fluids running out and down her legs and just like the others she cried and moaned and begged to be taken down.Julie hadnt been on the cross for very long before she realised the true meaning of being crucified, quite apart from the fact of being naked and tied in such a pornographic way , her arms and shoulders burned with tension, her breathing was becoming much harder and she was having to try and lift herself up in order to breath. The strain upon her arms and her legs was causing her muscles to spasm and cramp, which made it worse. Tears burned down her cheeks, God this was awfull. Julie pleaded with them to be taken down, but no one listened, they all just waited and watched.Julie forced herself up just one last time, she knew that this would be her last, her strength was failing, her whole body racked with pain, she could go no longer. The blackness closed around her.To be continued...............Julie saw the video cameras and knew that there was more to this than she first thought
Rating: , Votes: %0 | like or dislike | Add To Favourites | Published by: Master4U 3981 days ago | Categories: BDSM
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