When I Travel
When I travel, be it for business or pleasure, I like to continue my program of running as often as possible. This allows me to remain in reasonable shape. Running also allows me to get out and get some fresh air, as we know hotels and convention centres can have stale air.
Some business trips allow for more 'down time' than others. Meetings during the day but then everyone goes home to their families while I retreat to my hotel. I need something to pass the time. There are occasions to attend planned evening events, but not always.
When I run, I will either leave from my room or if available a fitness centre within the hotel. The fitness centre allows me to stretch before and after, as well as taking advantage of a hot tub or sauna if available. It is nice to be able to take a few minutes and soak in a tub after a hard day.
It's Tuesday evening and I have completed my run and am stretching. I'm observing others, what they are doing, just to pass the time. I do this often as I find it interesting to just watch people.
I had seen some of the same individuals on Monday night, going through their same routines. As we recognize each other from the previous night some of us will acknowledge each other with a slight nod of the head or a smile. Some do not always respond. As a courtesy, I nodded to one fellow and he responded back. He was of similar build and appeared to be in reasonable shape.
Tonight our routines seemed to place us in the locker room and then the showers at the same time.
Now I don't make a habit of checking out other guys in the shower but as we were both standing there washing and rinsing ourselves it seemed only natural to look at him. Some guys wouldn't even have gotten a second glance. I didn't really pay attention to whether he was watching me or not as I made a few casual glances.
I did note that he seemed to be in reasonable shape, appeared to work out regularly, either that or he had a naturally slim physic but not a defined body as someone who lifts weights might appear. He had what I would consider to be a normal endowment, some body hair but not excessive. OK, a lot of detail for a few casual glances but you can pick up a lot of information very quickly, especially if you have a reason to think back about it at a later time.
Having gotten out of the shower, dried off and back into my street clothes, I was ready to leave. As I left the locker room I once again acknowledged him and casually said, "Have a good evening'.
He responded with, "Thanks".
After returning to my room I put my running stuff to dry and decided that I could use something to eat so I wandered down to the lounge.
I ordered a glass of wine and a light supper. Besides exercising, I try to eat sensibly. I was enjoying my second glass of wine, having finished dinner, and the fellow from the health club came into the lounge and sat at the bar. I am not sure whether he noticed me or not at the time. I saw him order a drink. He had a sip of his drink and then looked around the bar. As the bar was relatively empty he noticed me sitting by myself and nodded an acknowledgement. Normally I would have tried to divert my eyes before he could make eye contact, but not tonight. I nodded back. A moment later he got off his stool and came over to my table.
Extending his hand he said, "Hi, my name is Thomas, would you mind if I joined you for a few minutes?"
Responding with a firm handshake I replied, "No problem at all. Have a seat. My name is Malcolm".
"Nice to meet you Malcolm"
Thomas appeared to be a bit younger than me, probably mid 30's. He was around 5'8". He had no real distinguishing features but he was well dressed.
We talked about our businesses and what brought us to this city, about Monday night football, and the weather. From time to time Thomas would change positions or cross his legs and brush up against my leg. The first time he said, "Sorry". I just smiled and replied, "no problem". I didn't make any attempt to move my legs. After that he did not say anything, as if he didn't notice what he was doing.
The lounge seemed quiet tonight; there was no entertainment, at least not yet, although it looked like they might have a pianist on some evenings.
Having finished our drinks, Thomas asked if I would like to join him in his suite, as we might be able to catch something on the TV.
Having nothing better to do I said, "Sure".
He responded, "Great, …….. shall we go then?"
Getting up, I said, "I just want to drop my coat off in my room, I had planned on going for a walk but I won't need it now. What is you room number and I will join you there in a few minutes?"
"1703", he responded.
"See you in a few minutes."
I returned to my room and dropped off my coat, checked to see if there were any messages and then headed to 1703.
He greeted me warmly and invited me in. I had butterflies and was somewhat nervous.
For some reason I sensed that Thomas had other than TV on his mind when he invited me. And for that reason I knew why I was here.
Thomas' expense account was obviously better than mine. He did not have a standard room but a suite with sitting area. He gestured that I should have a seat.
"What would you like to drink Malcolm?"
"I think that I will continue with wine, thanks".
He brought our drinks and then had a seat in a chair. Light music was playing off in the background. We continued our discussion from earlier and as he had mentioned that designing bridges was his line of business, I asked if he had any examples of his work.
He got up and proceeded to pull some papers from a brief case by the desk.
He brought them over and sat beside me on the couch. We cleared off some of the books and I moved my drink to the side table so that he could layout his papers.
Once again his leg would brush up against mine and again I did not make an effort to move it.
At this point I was feeling comfortable, my nervousness had gone away.
We continued to converse and from time to time his hand would rest on my knee as he turned to describe some aspect of a picture or his work in designing them.
At one point his hand remained on my leg just above my knee. It felt good. He then gave a light squeeze as he was looking at me. I smiled.
He then rubbed his hand up and down my thigh as he asked how my drink was. I had temporarily forgotten about it but looked over at it.
"My drink is fine at the moment thanks." It was about ½ full.
His hand was part way up my thigh and I could feel some stirring in my crotch. I had relaxed some and was now leaning back against the couch.
"Are you comfortable?", he asked.
"Yes", I replied.
He continued to rub and squeeze my thigh as he said that I was an attractive looking man.
"I noticed you the other evening in the health club. You seemed to be in pretty good shape and I was attracted to you. Then I had an opportunity to see you in the showers and it confirmed my desire to meet you. I hope that I am not being too forward for you."
"Well no." When Thomas had extended an invitation for a drink in his room I had an idea that he might be leading to this.
Once again he asked, "Are you still comfortable with this?"
Again I replied, "Yes", but with a bit of nervousness.
With that he reached up and squeezed my now hardening cock and smiled.
I smiled.
He leaned into me and kissed me on the lips. Lightly at first and when I made no effort to pull away he pressed harder. I just relaxed, letting my head lean back on the couch. I just took this all in as he continued to massage my cock. It continued to get harder.
His tongue started to separate my lips, again I didn't resist, and his hand went from my cock to massage my chest. I was in heaven.
I moved my hand to his thigh, rubbing it to let him know that I was willing to participate.
Thomas started to unbutton my shirt and then stopped. He got up off the couch, offered his hand to me and said, "I would like to you come with me."
At this point I was committed and excited about the possibility of what would happen next. I let him lead me to the bedroom.
Standing close to the bed, Thomas completed the unbuttoning of my shirt, removed it and put it on a chair. He then began to gently rub my chest and nipples.
I reached up to his shirt but he stopped me. He then wrapped his arms around me and whispered in my ear that I should relax and let him continue.
Looking me in the eye, he reached down and undid my belt and the button on my pants. He then lowered the zipper and without removing my pants he reached inside and began to feel and massage my throbbing cock.
We both sighed.
He then proceeded to slowly remove the rest of my clothes, setting them on the chair. He suggested that I might want to sit on the edge of the bed, which I did.
He dropped to his knees and began to rub my lower legs.
He proceeded to kiss my legs and worked up to my inner thighs. My cock stirred at his touch. I was fully erect when his mouth was just inches away from my balls. He pushed his tongue out and let it slide over my balls and the base of my cock. I fell back on the bed and groaned in pleasure. Then he let it slide into his mouth holding the base with a hand. He ran is tongue along the underside as it slid deeper into his throat. I was in heaven! His fingertips were now gently rubbing across my chest, my sides and my legs. I just lay there thoroughly enjoying these sensations. He continued sucking for a long time. I felt like I was going to cum soon. I thought about warning him, but he must have already known because he started sucking even harder. It seemed like he really wanted me to cum in his mouth. It wasn't long before I was shooting warm cum down his throat. He swallowed it all down and continued to clean up after my orgasm had subsided. He finally let my softening meat slip from his mouth.
He climbed up on the bed beside me and once again brought his lips to mine, his tongue searching for mine. He pressed his body close to mine, putting his one leg over and between mine. I could feel his stiff rod against my leg. I could taste myself in his mouth. Our tongues continued to explore each other.
He raised himself up and supported his head on one arm. With his other hand he gently traced his fingers over my chest and stomach.
My breathing had returned to normal. After a minute or so, and looking at me he said, "You haven't done this much before, have you?
"Not a lot", I replied. "I have had a few men do what you have just done."
"Are you still OK with this? Am I moving too fast?"
"Yes, I am OK and no it is not too fast. I have only done to one other what I am about to do for you".
And with that I kissed him lightly on the lips, asked him to stand up beside the bed. I now undressed him and neatly placed his clothes on the same chair as mine. I then asked him to lie on the bed. I then also got on the bed, and then worked my way up between his legs.
It was now my turn to bring pleasure to him.
I started by massaging his legs from his feet up. I worked one then the other, working my way up to his crotch and gently grazing his now stiff member. I worked up to his stomach and then down, occasionally encircling his cock. He was watching me. Then I took it in my hands and pumped it. Finally I was ready.
I felt like it was my first time all over again. I gingerly reached up to touch it again and then put both hands around it. It grew a little more. I licked the tip to get a little taste. I leaned forward and took it in my mouth, not all at once but a little. Then some more and finally as much as I thought I could handle.
Not having a lot of experience with this I did not want to cause myself to gag. The feel and texture was as I had remembered it from my first time. I was enjoying myself. I was pumping it up and down. I would pull my mouth up with my teeth rubbing along the underside. I would nibble on the end. It seemed like a long time but then Thomas started to twitch and he said that he was going to cum soon. I released his cock just long enough to say OK. I continued to work his cock and he started to cum. I tried to swallow it but was not as good as him and so some of it ran from my mouth and down his cock. He stopped cumming.
Finally he reached down and pulled me up to him. Rolling me onto my back he proceeded to lick the cum from around my mouth and once again share it with me. He pressed his body close to mine, putting his leg over and between mine. I could feel his now softened rod against my body. I could feel the wetness of the cum that I had missed.
We relaxed for a few minutes, not moving or saying anything. Finally, raising his head up he said, "Thank you".
"No thank you, that was something that I wanted to experience again!", I responded.
"It was great", he said.
"Well I don't know about that but I achieved what I set out to do."
"Do you have to leave now?"
Looking over at the bedside clock and noting that it was only about 9:30, I replied, "No not yet, unless you want me to!"
"Oh no, I was hoping you could stay for awhile longer. Can I freshen up your drink, or get you something else?"
"I don't like to mix my drinks, you never know what that will lead to so I will continue with wine if you still have some", I said with a smile.
"Great! I have plenty of wine", he said and then he rolled over and got off the bed. He handed me a white robe.
"Here, put this on", he said. He also put one on. They must have been sitting on one of the chairs but I hadn't seen them before. He must have planned for this.
The robes were heavy cotton, just like a large bath towel. They were your typical bathrobes with a tie front. I put mine on and tied it loosely. It felt nice, certainly a nice touch in the room. I followed Thomas out into the other room and wandered over to the windows.
I was standing by the windows, looking at the nighttime view when Thomas came over with my drink. He handed it to me and put his other hand on my shoulder.
"How are you feeling?", he asked.
"Fine, ....... really."
"How do you feel about what we have done?"
"I'm OK, I don't think I would have accepted your invitation if I had any qualms about what I thought might happen here tonight. I guess in my mind I came up here hoping that this would happen, that you wanted me. "
"I certainly did. I meant every word I said earlier and I am glad you accepted my invitation", he replied.
As he turned to go back and get his drink his hand slipped from my shoulder and slide down to my ass where he rubbed it and gave it a gentle squeeze. I stood looking out the window as I sipped my drink.
He got his drink and then settled himself on the couch.
"Come and have a seat", he said.
I continued to stare out the window for a few more seconds and then wandered over and sat on the couch beside him.
We talked about some of our experiences, Thomas being gay and me still somewhat bi-curious. I asked him about his lifestyle. We would rub each others leg through the robe and then under the robe as it separated. We could both sense a stirring of our manhood; the gentle rubbing and talk were having an effect.
Thomas got up and excused himself for a moment.
I got up and wandered back to the window, the view was great, especially with all the lights. I was sporting a bit of an erection.
Thomas came over to where I was standing, smiled and without saying a word he pulled on the cord holding my robe closed. It parted exposing my cock and he dropped to his knees. He took my now growing manhood into his mouth. I closed my eyes and leaned back against the window frame. He lovingly bobbed up and down on my manhood while he let his hands explore the rest of my body. My hands dropped to his head, holding it gently, feeling the motion as it moved. His right hand cupped my balls and squeezed them gently while his other hand went to caress my ass cheeks. I was surprised at how sensitive they were. Then his fingers spread my cheeks and the tip of one finger lightly brushed up against my hole. The presence of his finger made me jump.
"Everything OK?"
"YES!", I said as I took a breath of air.
His mouth went back over my cock.
Here I was in front of a large window, in full view of the world, with another man sucking on my now growing cock. It seemed a bit exhibitionist but there were really no other buildings in sight, no one to see us.
He continued working my cock while his hands rubbed my legs. He stopped and stood up. His hands went inside my robe, grabbed my ass cheeks and gentle pulled me into him. My arms instinctively went around him.
Once again his fingers spread my cheeks and the tip of one finger brushed up against my hole. This time I did not jump and he did not move it; I only pressed my body closer to his. He kissed me on the neck. Our cocks were pressed tightly together as his robe had somehow come open.
He said quietly to me that he wanted to take this to the next level. I was certain I knew what he meant.
Taking my cock in his hand he lead me into the bedroom. At some point he had come back into the bedroom and turned the bed down.
Still with my robe on, he laid me down so that my ass was at the edge. He leaned over and began kissing me again. He took my legs and put them on his shoulders. All of a sudden I felt one of his hands on my ass. Then I felt a finger slide in my hole a bit, and stop, then a bit further, and stop, and then wiggle around. This was all new to me, a strange but exciting feeling. I started to enjoy it. He removed his finger and it felt like he replaced it with another bigger one. He started to move it around more and put it in further. That's when it began to hurt a little. I tensed up. He said to relax and I did and it felt better. The pain didn't last long though. He then moved his finger in and out, a little more each time until it felt like it was in as far as it could go.
He removed his finger and stood up for a while. The light was subdued but I could just make out him squeezing something into his hand and rubbing it on his cock. My heart jumped up into my throat.
He could sense anxiety when he leaned back down over me. "Relax," he said. "I need and want to make love to you. I'll go slow because I don't want to hurt you."
Then I felt the head of his cock press against my puckered ass. My whole body tensed up and my heart started to pound. He pushed until just the head was inside. I jerked as it was uncomfortable and I tensed up even more. I wanted to stop him but I also needed to try and relax.
He held on to me and said to relax. I took a couple of deep breaths and I started to relax. My breathing slowed and he started to slowly push in. He would push in a little and then stop, push in a little and stop. He did this for what seemed like several minutes but I am sure was much less time. Finally I could feel his balls on my cheeks, he was in. There was some pain. He did not move.
The pain subsided a little after a few minutes. He began to slowly pull out. He pulled out until only the head remained inside. Now I felt empty. After a few moments he slowly shoved back in and filled me up again. This time it felt better.
He started a slow rhythm pumping in and out while his tongue and hands roamed around the rest of my body. The pain wasn't as bad now and I was feeling an odd pleasure spreading through me. I started to relax and enjoy. He sensed that I was relaxing and he increased his pace. I was beginning to understand why a man might want another to be filling him with his manhood. I moaned in spite of myself and could feel my body naturally reacting to his thrusts.
Soon I felt his pace quicken. I could tell that he would cum soon. Now was the moment that I had thought about, one of the reasons that I had accepted his invitation, I'd wondered what it would feel like. Well I was about to find out. His breathing quickened and then I felt a warm liquid squirt deep inside of me. He continued to pump as his cum spurted out but not with the same intensity. They slowed and then he stopped.
My legs slipped from his shoulders and he fell on top of me warm and breathing heavily. I could still feel his slowly softening cock deep inside me. I just lay there and enjoyed the feeling of his body touching mine. I relaxed.
After a minute or 2 he got up and pulled his now limp cock from my hole. I just lay there, I was sore. He looked at me and I smiled back at him. He left the room.
I lay still for a few minutes, gathering my thoughts. Thomas came back into the room and sat on the bed beside me. He put his hand on my thigh and began to caress it lightly. I was semi-hard and this had an affect on me. I didn't think that I could still be horny. He leaned over and kissed the tip of it. Then he took it in his mouth and sucked on it, moving up and down on it. It continued to grow.
He sat up and said, "Would you like to fuck me?"
"Is that what you would like me to do?"
"Well it is something that I have thought about."
"I will guide you through it but I think you will know what to do." Still stroking my manhood, he leaned down and kissed me hard. His tongue immediately entered my mouth, searching out mine.
Thomas broke away and moved up the bed. "Take your robe off and come up here please."
I sat up, stood up, turned around and then let my robe fall to the floor. There he was, flat on his back. He had brought his feet up close to his cheeks so that his knees were in the air. I climbed up between his legs.
He handed me a tub of gel and said to put some on my cock. I put some on my hand and then took my manhood in my hand and rubbed it up and down. It felt good.
"Rub the rest around my hole", he said. So I did.
He put a pillow under his back to raise his ass off the bed.
"Now move in close to me. Good. Now take your cock and rub it around my hole. Great. You can push it in anytime you feel comfortable."
I did as he suggested and pushed it in a bit. It was tight so I pushed a bit harder. The head slipped in. I looked up to see Thomas' reaction.
"How does that feel", he asked.
"Fine, and you?"
"Good, now come here", and with that he extended his arms beaconing me to lean forward and over him.
I put my arms out and started to lean forward. I could feel my cock begin to slide into him deeper. I leaned further forward slowly and my cock entered more. I put my arms just above his shoulders on either side of his head. I looked down at him and he smiled.
"Everything OK", I asked.
"Oh yes", he replied.
I started to move my hips in to him. My balls rested up against his cheeks. I then moved them back to pull it out slowly. His eyes were now closed. I began a slow in and out motion. He began to meet my thrusts. I increased my speed. His hole seemed firm around my cock and this was providing an unbelievable sensation on my cock, something that I had not experienced before. I knew that I would not last long. Thomas was meeting my thrusts.
"I'm going to cum", I said.
He moved his legs so that they were up and around me, pulling me into him.
I felt myself cumming. I pumped for a few more seconds until I was done. He reached up and pulled me down on top of him. I was thankful for that as my arms were starting to give out. I was still firmly implanted in him. We were both warm. Neither of us moved until our breathing and heart rates returned to normal.
I felt myself shrinking in him. I pushed myself up and looked down at him.
"All I can say is WOW!"
He smiled. I leaned back and my limp cock slipped from his hole. I rubbed his legs and then he stretched them out. I climbed off the bed. He sat up and slipped off the side.
"Come on and let's get cleaned up", he said.
I followed him into the bathroom; it was more like an ensuite. Jacuzzi tub and large shower, plus the other amenities. He turned on the shower and motioned me in, and then he followed. The warm water felt good. Picking up some soap, I began to wash myself. Thomas turned his attention to helping me, doing my back and squatting down to do my legs. He paid particular attention to my mid section.
First he gently washed my ass cheeks taking great care around my hole, as it was still sore. He then moved to my cock, lathering it and the surrounding area. He then did my chest and back. I in turn did the same for him, at one point staring directly at his cock. I gently took it in my hand and brought it to my mouth. I licked it and then put it in my mouth. It seemed to grow a bit.
Thomas reached down and said, "I don't think that we should start that again right away here".
I stood up. We had both finished washing so Thomas turned off the water and stepped out. He handed me a towel and I dried myself off. He did the same. Then he handed me another robe.
"Here put this on", he said.
I thought that I should be getting dressed. I had lost track of time but I put the robe on and followed him out to the other room.
"Can I offer you a night cap? Cognac or Drambuie perhaps?"
I debated about saying no but then decided to have one and then leave.
We sat on the couch and had our drinks.
Resting his hand on my leg, Thomas said, "Would you like to stay the night?"
I thought about it for a moment and then replied, "Thank you for the offer but I have some early morning meetings and I really need to think about tonight."
"I understand, I don't want to pressure you into anything that you are not comfortable with."
I finished my drink.
"Your clothes are in the bedroom, you can get dressed there if you like."
I got up and went to the bedroom and got dressed. As I came out Thomas met me and showed me to the door.
I turned to him and said, "Thomas, thank you for this evening. It is something that I have thought about for quite some time but did not envision I would ever get a chance to experience. I am glad that I met you and accepted your invitation."
"Me too. Will you be around tomorrow?"
"Yes, I don't have to leave until Thursday."
"Great, the health club has a nice hot tub that you might want to try out." He smiled.
I smiled and left.
Some business trips allow for more 'down time' than others. Meetings during the day but then everyone goes home to their families while I retreat to my hotel. I need something to pass the time. There are occasions to attend planned evening events, but not always.
When I run, I will either leave from my room or if available a fitness centre within the hotel. The fitness centre allows me to stretch before and after, as well as taking advantage of a hot tub or sauna if available. It is nice to be able to take a few minutes and soak in a tub after a hard day.
It's Tuesday evening and I have completed my run and am stretching. I'm observing others, what they are doing, just to pass the time. I do this often as I find it interesting to just watch people.
I had seen some of the same individuals on Monday night, going through their same routines. As we recognize each other from the previous night some of us will acknowledge each other with a slight nod of the head or a smile. Some do not always respond. As a courtesy, I nodded to one fellow and he responded back. He was of similar build and appeared to be in reasonable shape.
Tonight our routines seemed to place us in the locker room and then the showers at the same time.
Now I don't make a habit of checking out other guys in the shower but as we were both standing there washing and rinsing ourselves it seemed only natural to look at him. Some guys wouldn't even have gotten a second glance. I didn't really pay attention to whether he was watching me or not as I made a few casual glances.
I did note that he seemed to be in reasonable shape, appeared to work out regularly, either that or he had a naturally slim physic but not a defined body as someone who lifts weights might appear. He had what I would consider to be a normal endowment, some body hair but not excessive. OK, a lot of detail for a few casual glances but you can pick up a lot of information very quickly, especially if you have a reason to think back about it at a later time.
Having gotten out of the shower, dried off and back into my street clothes, I was ready to leave. As I left the locker room I once again acknowledged him and casually said, "Have a good evening'.
He responded with, "Thanks".
After returning to my room I put my running stuff to dry and decided that I could use something to eat so I wandered down to the lounge.
I ordered a glass of wine and a light supper. Besides exercising, I try to eat sensibly. I was enjoying my second glass of wine, having finished dinner, and the fellow from the health club came into the lounge and sat at the bar. I am not sure whether he noticed me or not at the time. I saw him order a drink. He had a sip of his drink and then looked around the bar. As the bar was relatively empty he noticed me sitting by myself and nodded an acknowledgement. Normally I would have tried to divert my eyes before he could make eye contact, but not tonight. I nodded back. A moment later he got off his stool and came over to my table.
Extending his hand he said, "Hi, my name is Thomas, would you mind if I joined you for a few minutes?"
Responding with a firm handshake I replied, "No problem at all. Have a seat. My name is Malcolm".
"Nice to meet you Malcolm"
Thomas appeared to be a bit younger than me, probably mid 30's. He was around 5'8". He had no real distinguishing features but he was well dressed.
We talked about our businesses and what brought us to this city, about Monday night football, and the weather. From time to time Thomas would change positions or cross his legs and brush up against my leg. The first time he said, "Sorry". I just smiled and replied, "no problem". I didn't make any attempt to move my legs. After that he did not say anything, as if he didn't notice what he was doing.
The lounge seemed quiet tonight; there was no entertainment, at least not yet, although it looked like they might have a pianist on some evenings.
Having finished our drinks, Thomas asked if I would like to join him in his suite, as we might be able to catch something on the TV.
Having nothing better to do I said, "Sure".
He responded, "Great, …….. shall we go then?"
Getting up, I said, "I just want to drop my coat off in my room, I had planned on going for a walk but I won't need it now. What is you room number and I will join you there in a few minutes?"
"1703", he responded.
"See you in a few minutes."
I returned to my room and dropped off my coat, checked to see if there were any messages and then headed to 1703.
He greeted me warmly and invited me in. I had butterflies and was somewhat nervous.
For some reason I sensed that Thomas had other than TV on his mind when he invited me. And for that reason I knew why I was here.
Thomas' expense account was obviously better than mine. He did not have a standard room but a suite with sitting area. He gestured that I should have a seat.
"What would you like to drink Malcolm?"
"I think that I will continue with wine, thanks".
He brought our drinks and then had a seat in a chair. Light music was playing off in the background. We continued our discussion from earlier and as he had mentioned that designing bridges was his line of business, I asked if he had any examples of his work.
He got up and proceeded to pull some papers from a brief case by the desk.
He brought them over and sat beside me on the couch. We cleared off some of the books and I moved my drink to the side table so that he could layout his papers.
Once again his leg would brush up against mine and again I did not make an effort to move it.
At this point I was feeling comfortable, my nervousness had gone away.
We continued to converse and from time to time his hand would rest on my knee as he turned to describe some aspect of a picture or his work in designing them.
At one point his hand remained on my leg just above my knee. It felt good. He then gave a light squeeze as he was looking at me. I smiled.
He then rubbed his hand up and down my thigh as he asked how my drink was. I had temporarily forgotten about it but looked over at it.
"My drink is fine at the moment thanks." It was about ½ full.
His hand was part way up my thigh and I could feel some stirring in my crotch. I had relaxed some and was now leaning back against the couch.
"Are you comfortable?", he asked.
"Yes", I replied.
He continued to rub and squeeze my thigh as he said that I was an attractive looking man.
"I noticed you the other evening in the health club. You seemed to be in pretty good shape and I was attracted to you. Then I had an opportunity to see you in the showers and it confirmed my desire to meet you. I hope that I am not being too forward for you."
"Well no." When Thomas had extended an invitation for a drink in his room I had an idea that he might be leading to this.
Once again he asked, "Are you still comfortable with this?"
Again I replied, "Yes", but with a bit of nervousness.
With that he reached up and squeezed my now hardening cock and smiled.
I smiled.
He leaned into me and kissed me on the lips. Lightly at first and when I made no effort to pull away he pressed harder. I just relaxed, letting my head lean back on the couch. I just took this all in as he continued to massage my cock. It continued to get harder.
His tongue started to separate my lips, again I didn't resist, and his hand went from my cock to massage my chest. I was in heaven.
I moved my hand to his thigh, rubbing it to let him know that I was willing to participate.
Thomas started to unbutton my shirt and then stopped. He got up off the couch, offered his hand to me and said, "I would like to you come with me."
At this point I was committed and excited about the possibility of what would happen next. I let him lead me to the bedroom.
Standing close to the bed, Thomas completed the unbuttoning of my shirt, removed it and put it on a chair. He then began to gently rub my chest and nipples.
I reached up to his shirt but he stopped me. He then wrapped his arms around me and whispered in my ear that I should relax and let him continue.
Looking me in the eye, he reached down and undid my belt and the button on my pants. He then lowered the zipper and without removing my pants he reached inside and began to feel and massage my throbbing cock.
We both sighed.
He then proceeded to slowly remove the rest of my clothes, setting them on the chair. He suggested that I might want to sit on the edge of the bed, which I did.
He dropped to his knees and began to rub my lower legs.
He proceeded to kiss my legs and worked up to my inner thighs. My cock stirred at his touch. I was fully erect when his mouth was just inches away from my balls. He pushed his tongue out and let it slide over my balls and the base of my cock. I fell back on the bed and groaned in pleasure. Then he let it slide into his mouth holding the base with a hand. He ran is tongue along the underside as it slid deeper into his throat. I was in heaven! His fingertips were now gently rubbing across my chest, my sides and my legs. I just lay there thoroughly enjoying these sensations. He continued sucking for a long time. I felt like I was going to cum soon. I thought about warning him, but he must have already known because he started sucking even harder. It seemed like he really wanted me to cum in his mouth. It wasn't long before I was shooting warm cum down his throat. He swallowed it all down and continued to clean up after my orgasm had subsided. He finally let my softening meat slip from his mouth.
He climbed up on the bed beside me and once again brought his lips to mine, his tongue searching for mine. He pressed his body close to mine, putting his one leg over and between mine. I could feel his stiff rod against my leg. I could taste myself in his mouth. Our tongues continued to explore each other.
He raised himself up and supported his head on one arm. With his other hand he gently traced his fingers over my chest and stomach.
My breathing had returned to normal. After a minute or so, and looking at me he said, "You haven't done this much before, have you?
"Not a lot", I replied. "I have had a few men do what you have just done."
"Are you still OK with this? Am I moving too fast?"
"Yes, I am OK and no it is not too fast. I have only done to one other what I am about to do for you".
And with that I kissed him lightly on the lips, asked him to stand up beside the bed. I now undressed him and neatly placed his clothes on the same chair as mine. I then asked him to lie on the bed. I then also got on the bed, and then worked my way up between his legs.
It was now my turn to bring pleasure to him.
I started by massaging his legs from his feet up. I worked one then the other, working my way up to his crotch and gently grazing his now stiff member. I worked up to his stomach and then down, occasionally encircling his cock. He was watching me. Then I took it in my hands and pumped it. Finally I was ready.
I felt like it was my first time all over again. I gingerly reached up to touch it again and then put both hands around it. It grew a little more. I licked the tip to get a little taste. I leaned forward and took it in my mouth, not all at once but a little. Then some more and finally as much as I thought I could handle.
Not having a lot of experience with this I did not want to cause myself to gag. The feel and texture was as I had remembered it from my first time. I was enjoying myself. I was pumping it up and down. I would pull my mouth up with my teeth rubbing along the underside. I would nibble on the end. It seemed like a long time but then Thomas started to twitch and he said that he was going to cum soon. I released his cock just long enough to say OK. I continued to work his cock and he started to cum. I tried to swallow it but was not as good as him and so some of it ran from my mouth and down his cock. He stopped cumming.
Finally he reached down and pulled me up to him. Rolling me onto my back he proceeded to lick the cum from around my mouth and once again share it with me. He pressed his body close to mine, putting his leg over and between mine. I could feel his now softened rod against my body. I could feel the wetness of the cum that I had missed.
We relaxed for a few minutes, not moving or saying anything. Finally, raising his head up he said, "Thank you".
"No thank you, that was something that I wanted to experience again!", I responded.
"It was great", he said.
"Well I don't know about that but I achieved what I set out to do."
"Do you have to leave now?"
Looking over at the bedside clock and noting that it was only about 9:30, I replied, "No not yet, unless you want me to!"
"Oh no, I was hoping you could stay for awhile longer. Can I freshen up your drink, or get you something else?"
"I don't like to mix my drinks, you never know what that will lead to so I will continue with wine if you still have some", I said with a smile.
"Great! I have plenty of wine", he said and then he rolled over and got off the bed. He handed me a white robe.
"Here, put this on", he said. He also put one on. They must have been sitting on one of the chairs but I hadn't seen them before. He must have planned for this.
The robes were heavy cotton, just like a large bath towel. They were your typical bathrobes with a tie front. I put mine on and tied it loosely. It felt nice, certainly a nice touch in the room. I followed Thomas out into the other room and wandered over to the windows.
I was standing by the windows, looking at the nighttime view when Thomas came over with my drink. He handed it to me and put his other hand on my shoulder.
"How are you feeling?", he asked.
"Fine, ....... really."
"How do you feel about what we have done?"
"I'm OK, I don't think I would have accepted your invitation if I had any qualms about what I thought might happen here tonight. I guess in my mind I came up here hoping that this would happen, that you wanted me. "
"I certainly did. I meant every word I said earlier and I am glad you accepted my invitation", he replied.
As he turned to go back and get his drink his hand slipped from my shoulder and slide down to my ass where he rubbed it and gave it a gentle squeeze. I stood looking out the window as I sipped my drink.
He got his drink and then settled himself on the couch.
"Come and have a seat", he said.
I continued to stare out the window for a few more seconds and then wandered over and sat on the couch beside him.
We talked about some of our experiences, Thomas being gay and me still somewhat bi-curious. I asked him about his lifestyle. We would rub each others leg through the robe and then under the robe as it separated. We could both sense a stirring of our manhood; the gentle rubbing and talk were having an effect.
Thomas got up and excused himself for a moment.
I got up and wandered back to the window, the view was great, especially with all the lights. I was sporting a bit of an erection.
Thomas came over to where I was standing, smiled and without saying a word he pulled on the cord holding my robe closed. It parted exposing my cock and he dropped to his knees. He took my now growing manhood into his mouth. I closed my eyes and leaned back against the window frame. He lovingly bobbed up and down on my manhood while he let his hands explore the rest of my body. My hands dropped to his head, holding it gently, feeling the motion as it moved. His right hand cupped my balls and squeezed them gently while his other hand went to caress my ass cheeks. I was surprised at how sensitive they were. Then his fingers spread my cheeks and the tip of one finger lightly brushed up against my hole. The presence of his finger made me jump.
"Everything OK?"
"YES!", I said as I took a breath of air.
His mouth went back over my cock.
Here I was in front of a large window, in full view of the world, with another man sucking on my now growing cock. It seemed a bit exhibitionist but there were really no other buildings in sight, no one to see us.
He continued working my cock while his hands rubbed my legs. He stopped and stood up. His hands went inside my robe, grabbed my ass cheeks and gentle pulled me into him. My arms instinctively went around him.
Once again his fingers spread my cheeks and the tip of one finger brushed up against my hole. This time I did not jump and he did not move it; I only pressed my body closer to his. He kissed me on the neck. Our cocks were pressed tightly together as his robe had somehow come open.
He said quietly to me that he wanted to take this to the next level. I was certain I knew what he meant.
Taking my cock in his hand he lead me into the bedroom. At some point he had come back into the bedroom and turned the bed down.
Still with my robe on, he laid me down so that my ass was at the edge. He leaned over and began kissing me again. He took my legs and put them on his shoulders. All of a sudden I felt one of his hands on my ass. Then I felt a finger slide in my hole a bit, and stop, then a bit further, and stop, and then wiggle around. This was all new to me, a strange but exciting feeling. I started to enjoy it. He removed his finger and it felt like he replaced it with another bigger one. He started to move it around more and put it in further. That's when it began to hurt a little. I tensed up. He said to relax and I did and it felt better. The pain didn't last long though. He then moved his finger in and out, a little more each time until it felt like it was in as far as it could go.
He removed his finger and stood up for a while. The light was subdued but I could just make out him squeezing something into his hand and rubbing it on his cock. My heart jumped up into my throat.
He could sense anxiety when he leaned back down over me. "Relax," he said. "I need and want to make love to you. I'll go slow because I don't want to hurt you."
Then I felt the head of his cock press against my puckered ass. My whole body tensed up and my heart started to pound. He pushed until just the head was inside. I jerked as it was uncomfortable and I tensed up even more. I wanted to stop him but I also needed to try and relax.
He held on to me and said to relax. I took a couple of deep breaths and I started to relax. My breathing slowed and he started to slowly push in. He would push in a little and then stop, push in a little and stop. He did this for what seemed like several minutes but I am sure was much less time. Finally I could feel his balls on my cheeks, he was in. There was some pain. He did not move.
The pain subsided a little after a few minutes. He began to slowly pull out. He pulled out until only the head remained inside. Now I felt empty. After a few moments he slowly shoved back in and filled me up again. This time it felt better.
He started a slow rhythm pumping in and out while his tongue and hands roamed around the rest of my body. The pain wasn't as bad now and I was feeling an odd pleasure spreading through me. I started to relax and enjoy. He sensed that I was relaxing and he increased his pace. I was beginning to understand why a man might want another to be filling him with his manhood. I moaned in spite of myself and could feel my body naturally reacting to his thrusts.
Soon I felt his pace quicken. I could tell that he would cum soon. Now was the moment that I had thought about, one of the reasons that I had accepted his invitation, I'd wondered what it would feel like. Well I was about to find out. His breathing quickened and then I felt a warm liquid squirt deep inside of me. He continued to pump as his cum spurted out but not with the same intensity. They slowed and then he stopped.
My legs slipped from his shoulders and he fell on top of me warm and breathing heavily. I could still feel his slowly softening cock deep inside me. I just lay there and enjoyed the feeling of his body touching mine. I relaxed.
After a minute or 2 he got up and pulled his now limp cock from my hole. I just lay there, I was sore. He looked at me and I smiled back at him. He left the room.
I lay still for a few minutes, gathering my thoughts. Thomas came back into the room and sat on the bed beside me. He put his hand on my thigh and began to caress it lightly. I was semi-hard and this had an affect on me. I didn't think that I could still be horny. He leaned over and kissed the tip of it. Then he took it in his mouth and sucked on it, moving up and down on it. It continued to grow.
He sat up and said, "Would you like to fuck me?"
"Is that what you would like me to do?"
"Well it is something that I have thought about."
"I will guide you through it but I think you will know what to do." Still stroking my manhood, he leaned down and kissed me hard. His tongue immediately entered my mouth, searching out mine.
Thomas broke away and moved up the bed. "Take your robe off and come up here please."
I sat up, stood up, turned around and then let my robe fall to the floor. There he was, flat on his back. He had brought his feet up close to his cheeks so that his knees were in the air. I climbed up between his legs.
He handed me a tub of gel and said to put some on my cock. I put some on my hand and then took my manhood in my hand and rubbed it up and down. It felt good.
"Rub the rest around my hole", he said. So I did.
He put a pillow under his back to raise his ass off the bed.
"Now move in close to me. Good. Now take your cock and rub it around my hole. Great. You can push it in anytime you feel comfortable."
I did as he suggested and pushed it in a bit. It was tight so I pushed a bit harder. The head slipped in. I looked up to see Thomas' reaction.
"How does that feel", he asked.
"Fine, and you?"
"Good, now come here", and with that he extended his arms beaconing me to lean forward and over him.
I put my arms out and started to lean forward. I could feel my cock begin to slide into him deeper. I leaned further forward slowly and my cock entered more. I put my arms just above his shoulders on either side of his head. I looked down at him and he smiled.
"Everything OK", I asked.
"Oh yes", he replied.
I started to move my hips in to him. My balls rested up against his cheeks. I then moved them back to pull it out slowly. His eyes were now closed. I began a slow in and out motion. He began to meet my thrusts. I increased my speed. His hole seemed firm around my cock and this was providing an unbelievable sensation on my cock, something that I had not experienced before. I knew that I would not last long. Thomas was meeting my thrusts.
"I'm going to cum", I said.
He moved his legs so that they were up and around me, pulling me into him.
I felt myself cumming. I pumped for a few more seconds until I was done. He reached up and pulled me down on top of him. I was thankful for that as my arms were starting to give out. I was still firmly implanted in him. We were both warm. Neither of us moved until our breathing and heart rates returned to normal.
I felt myself shrinking in him. I pushed myself up and looked down at him.
"All I can say is WOW!"
He smiled. I leaned back and my limp cock slipped from his hole. I rubbed his legs and then he stretched them out. I climbed off the bed. He sat up and slipped off the side.
"Come on and let's get cleaned up", he said.
I followed him into the bathroom; it was more like an ensuite. Jacuzzi tub and large shower, plus the other amenities. He turned on the shower and motioned me in, and then he followed. The warm water felt good. Picking up some soap, I began to wash myself. Thomas turned his attention to helping me, doing my back and squatting down to do my legs. He paid particular attention to my mid section.
First he gently washed my ass cheeks taking great care around my hole, as it was still sore. He then moved to my cock, lathering it and the surrounding area. He then did my chest and back. I in turn did the same for him, at one point staring directly at his cock. I gently took it in my hand and brought it to my mouth. I licked it and then put it in my mouth. It seemed to grow a bit.
Thomas reached down and said, "I don't think that we should start that again right away here".
I stood up. We had both finished washing so Thomas turned off the water and stepped out. He handed me a towel and I dried myself off. He did the same. Then he handed me another robe.
"Here put this on", he said.
I thought that I should be getting dressed. I had lost track of time but I put the robe on and followed him out to the other room.
"Can I offer you a night cap? Cognac or Drambuie perhaps?"
I debated about saying no but then decided to have one and then leave.
We sat on the couch and had our drinks.
Resting his hand on my leg, Thomas said, "Would you like to stay the night?"
I thought about it for a moment and then replied, "Thank you for the offer but I have some early morning meetings and I really need to think about tonight."
"I understand, I don't want to pressure you into anything that you are not comfortable with."
I finished my drink.
"Your clothes are in the bedroom, you can get dressed there if you like."
I got up and went to the bedroom and got dressed. As I came out Thomas met me and showed me to the door.
I turned to him and said, "Thomas, thank you for this evening. It is something that I have thought about for quite some time but did not envision I would ever get a chance to experience. I am glad that I met you and accepted your invitation."
"Me too. Will you be around tomorrow?"
"Yes, I don't have to leave until Thursday."
"Great, the health club has a nice hot tub that you might want to try out." He smiled.
I smiled and left.
Rating: , Votes: %1 | like or dislike | Add To Favourites | Published by: Cody22 3977 days ago | Categories: Gay
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