Avalon Bound Chapter 04
Morgana lay on the floor, her orgasm over, she felt satiated somewhat, and yet, also humiliated. Especially when the Melissa person entered the room, glancing down at morgana, more out of disgust than anything it seemed. Morgana averted her eyes, and removed the flogger from her sex, unsure where to place it now, she looked around.
"Just drop it there on the floor slut, Melissa will see to it when she has served my lunch."
He turned to Melissa,
"You may put some food out for the slut, she will need all of her energy this next few days. Oh yes, and tell her to get dressed too"
While the food seemed meagre to morgana, it was wholesome, and she attacked it with relish, kneeling at Sir Guy's feet, and eating off the floor. To morgana`s great surprise, he placed a glass of red wine alongside her plate, some sort of reward? She wondered. Maybe she had indeed pleased him. She certainly hoped so. When Sir Guy had finished eating, Melissa was again summoned, and morgana was ordered to accompany her. She followed Melissa to the kitchen, maintaining the silence that she knew was required, and was surprised when, inside the kitchen, Melissa started to speak to her.
"What is your name child?"
"I am morgana Mistress."
Melissa smiled at her, before speaking softly.
"I am not a Mistress morgana, I too, like you am a slave. The kitchens are one of the few places where it is safe to talk. No microphones in here, it gets far too noisy. I see that you pleased My Master, he gave you wine, you must have done well morgana, that is unusual, wine for a trainee slave."
Morgana had no idea as to whether she had done well or not, she had just followed orders, or so it seemed. At last she could ask questions of someone who would not beat her, the relief that she felt was enormous.
"Can I ask you something Melissa? How long they will keep me here, when can I go home?"
"You can check out any time you like morgana, but don't forget the song, you can never leave."
"No, no that cannot be so, they cannot keep us here against our will, what if I run away?"
"Do you like dogs morgana?"
"Dogs? What do you mean do I like dogs?"
"Do you like large ferocious Doberman Pinschers, with razor sharp teeth, that chase after slaves who try to run away? Need I say more?"
"There must be a way, surely, they cant just keep us here, as if we never existed, there must be a way of leaving, there must Melissa."
"Oh there is, on very rare occasions, one of our members will purchase a slave, and take them into there homes. But it is very rare; they have to be sure of the slave, and the slaves devotion and commitment to them. That morgana, apart from the lake, is it. There is no other way out. Of course that only applies to slaves brought here by Lord Avalon, like you and I. The majority of the slaves here come by recommendation. Then they go through a long selection program. If they make it to the end, they sign a five, or ten-year contract, for which they are very well paid. And as there is nothing here to spend money on, as everything is provided, when their time to leave arrives, they are very rich people."
Now morgana felt even more deflated, she knew that when, or was that if, she got through her training; it would take ages to get that close to someone. She was probably looking at years here, not months as she had hoped, but many years. She groaned inwardly, and looked at Melissa, hoping for more information on this place. Before she could speak again, Melissa did.
"It is time for your piercing, follow me."
They went down another of the interminable corridors that seemed to populate this place, before finally entering a white room.
"This is Gudrun, who will be doing the piercing, take off your tunic, and stand here morgana."
Yet again she felt lost, and afraid, being certain that she was about to feel the most awful pain in her nipples. Gudrun smiled at her, before taking hold of a toothpick, and dipping it in gentian violet to make crosshatch marks around morgana`s nipples – lines running horizontally and vertically – and explained that the marks would make a grid so she could place each piercing symmetrically.
"I mark you while you stand, and now, please lie down for the piercing."
Hesitantly morgana lay on the table, where Gudrun had pointed too. She was surprised though, when Melissa took hold of her hand, smiling, and nodding her head in support, letting morgana know that all would be well. Morgana watched Gudrun, as she fitted the clamp to her nipple, lining it up, and adjusting it. Then she could watch no more, and closed her eyes, fearful of the coming moments. Gudrun spoke to morgana, telling her to take a long deep breath, and then to exhale slowly. Morgana did so, and was instructed to repeat this.
As she let the second breath go, she felt a sharp stinging pain, right through her nipple, then it was over, Gudrun told her to breathe slowly, and she opened her eyes. Looking down morgana could see the bar, through her nipple, with Gudrun expertly screwing on the ends. The process was quickly repeated with the other nipple, and Gudrun started to clean morgana up.
Morgana was given a bag by Gudrun, with some aftercare materials in it. A bottle of liquid Provon soap, some sea salt, and shot glasses for soaking the piercing. Morgana was told to make up a salt-water solution for soaking, and then wash with the soap. Cleaning off with cotton swabs. Morgana was instructed to wash them in the shower, last thing at night. She was also given two bras, to stop the bars moving around too much. They returned in silence to the kitchen, morgana secretly pleased at the piercing, but not about to admit that fact to anyone.
"You are to spend the afternoon with me morgana, resting" she heard Melissa saying to her.
"Before I deliver you back to Sir Guy after dinner, I believe that he has something planned for you."
"Planned? What? Even after I just got pierced, I hope you are kidding me Melissa?"
"I am only following orders, he wants you there at 8pm sharp were my instructions."
Now morgana was concerned, surely he wouldn't, not with her nipples so tender; he could do severe damage to her. Maybe it would just be more learning, about Avalon. She thought to herself, more in hope than anything else, but she was not confident, not at all.
At 8pm. On the dot, Melissa led her back into Sir Guy's chambers, as she now heard them called. There was a strange chair in the center of the room, with what looked like raised footrests and armrests on it. She looked apprehensively at Melissa, but she had her head bowed, in her Master's presence.
"Take off her tunic, and place her on the chair Melissa"
As Melissa helped morgana, Sir Guy picked up the phone.
"Send Jethro in now."
Morgana was scared, and desperate to ask what was happening, but from past experience here, she knew better. She tried to get comfortable in the chair, with her legs spread and raised, noting the similarities to a gynaecological chair, which only increased her concern. Melissa used the attached leather straps, to secure morgana`s wrists and ankles, taking care not to do them too tight morgana thought. Hearing the door open, she looked across, as a slave entered, a black man around 30 she guessed. Sir Guy told him to remove his tunic, and morgana gasped. This guy had the biggest cock that she had ever seen, and fat! It was like a frown mans arm she thought.
Sir Guy walked to stand in front of her.
"This is Jethro slave, he, and Melissa are about to prepare you for your initiation into fisting. Melissa, fetch the Liquid Silk, and the large dildo."
Morgana cringed, shifting in the chair, and pulling at the straps. She had seen fisting in porno movies; it didn't look that painful; the women seemed to enjoy it. But she doubted that, maybe it was all an act for the camera. Tears formed in her eyes, and slowly rolled down her cheeks. Melissa returned, with a small bottle, and a dark blue dildo, smiling at morgana, as if trying to reassure her, but not succeeding. Morgana could not stop her self, pleading to Melissa
"Please, no."
"Silence slave, or you will be gagged."
She looked at Sir Guy through the teary mists of her eye, seeing the stern look, and realising that he was very serious. She watched as Melissa opened the bottle, and tipped some of the cold liquid out, feeling it running freely on her smooth mound. Then she felt fingers, spreading the liquid, rubbing it on her pussy lips, and then parting them. Melissa was experienced at this, that was obvious to morgana, and if she was honest, it felt good, very good. Relaxing a little now, and feeling the bars in her nipples pressing against the bra that they had allowed her to keep on, she smiled, as best she could at her new friend.
"You are not supposed to be enjoying this Melissa, open the bitch up, and fuck her with the dildo, do it, now."
Melissa's finger slipped inside morgana, first two, and then three, stretching and spreading her, as she smeared the lubricant inside morgana`s pussy. Three times pouring a little liquid into morgana`s open pussy, and then using her fingers inside again. Picking up the dildo, she looked at morgana, mouthing the words "it's ok" before slowly inserting the fat jelly dildo, sliding it in deep. The action stretched morgana even more, making her wince slightly, as her pussy tried to accommodate the dildo. It was not a bad feeling, but all the time, morgana was visualising Sir Guy's arm, inside of her, and fucking her.
"OK, leave the dildo in her cunt now, and see to Jethro, get his cock ready to fuck her, on your knees Melissa, get him rigid."
Melissa did as her Master commanded, falling to her knees, taking hold of mammoth cock before her, and licking the tip. Her fingers could not encircle his girth, and she used both hands together to stroke him, while trying to fit the head into her mouth. Feeling much more comfortable now, even though her nipples ached, morgana watched Melissa. Wondering how much of that monster cock she would take in her mouth. She was even beginning to look forward to being fucked by Jethro; she had taken some big cocks in her days as a whore back home. But never one like this, "it is fucking huge" she thought to herself.
Noticing a movement to the side, she saw Sir Guy, slip off his robe, and start to stroke his own cock. He then moved to her chair, and taking hold of the dildo, started to fuck her with it, driving it into morgana as she grunted.
"You like that don't you slave, being fucked with a dildo?"
It made no difference to morgana what he said, she was not going to argue with him that would only bring severe pain she was sure.
"Yes Sir, I do"
"So slave, you will have no trouble taking Jethro and his fucking guided missile into your cunt then will you?"
"No Sir, not at all."
"Hmmm, maybe I will let him fuck your ass with it too then, what do you say to that slave?"
Her eyes opened wide in shock, she was on the verge of crying out to him, "God no", but held herself in check, remembering how vulnerable that she was right now.
"Whatever you desire Sir, so it shall be."
"My oh my slave, you are a fast learner are you not? OK Jethro, its time to earn your fun, come fuck this bitch, but remember, you don't come, not till I say, and certainly not in her cunt. You hear me boy?"
"Loud and clear Sir, fuck her but don't come, not a problem, not at all Sir."
Sir Guy pulled the dildo free, and stepped aside, giving Jethro access to morgana`s glistening sex. She watched as he approached her, a grin upon his face, and took a sharp intake of breath. Tensing her body, in anticipation of this invasion she was about to accept, regardless of whether or not she wanted it.
While he is seeing to our little fucktoy Melissa, you may pleasure me."
Sir Guy was saying, as Jethro rubbed his cock on morgana`s wet slit. Easing it in between her lips. He smiled at her, a kind smile she thought, as she braced her self. She felt herself stretched, and tried to relax, as the head of his cock entered her. He was in no hurry, a fact for which she was thankful. Waiting, letting her body adjust to his fat hard dick, before easing some more into her. All the time this was happening, she could hear Melissa, sucking on her Master, and his groans of appreciation. Morgana wanted to look, but could not take her eyes of this "thing" that was starting to fuck her wet sex now.
It felt good, much better than she had expected, her body relaxing, taking him in, and loving the feeling of being filled to the brim. She was enjoying it now, being fucked by this man, her cunt accepting all he had, and gripping on it. Morgana pulled at her bonds, desperately wanting to twist and pull at her nipples. Even though she knew she could not, after the piercing, but that did not stop her wanting. She could hear Sir Guy, grunting loudly now, saying that he was going to come in his bitches mouth. Morgana also wanted to come now, to explode on Jethro, to flood her cunt, and his dick.
"Stop now Jethro, the slut is ready, stand back and watch, and wait for your reward."
She felt him pull out, feeling empty, and needful, wanting him, the dildo, anything inside of her, filling her, and her need. Sir Guy moved back to her, as Melissa stood by her head, smiling down at her. Looking back at Sir Guy, she saw him pouring the lube, onto his hand, and his wrist. Then his fingers were opening her up, pushing inside, three of them. She took them with ease, being open and wanting. Then a fourth finger entered her, his hand fucking her cunt, in and out. She closed her eyes, not seeing as he folded his thumb into his hand, and bent his fingers over.
The pain was less than she had expected, but nonetheless, it was there. She could feel his hand, moving deeper, her lips stretched taut against his wrist. Trying desperately to relax, and not to cry out, as Melissa held both of her hands. He picked up the pace, fucking her with his fist, faster, going as deep as she could. Morgana was sweating from the effort, and, to her surprise, she did not want him to stop. Conversely, she wanted more, thrusting her hips towards him as best she could.
"I am going to stop soon slave, and when I do, when my fist leaves you, I want you to squirt. You will come for me, squirt all over my hand. Do you hear me, you WILL do it."
"Fuck yes Sir, please Sir, and let me come, fuck me yesssss please."
He pulled free, no warning, he just ripped his hand from her cunt. She was out of control, her spasms monumental, as she squirted hard, jets of her honey wine streaming forth. Covering his hand, and arm, as well as splashing onto the floor. Melissa clapped her hands in joy, laughing and telling morgana how well she had done, before a stern look silenced her.
"You may release her now, and tend to her Melissa. Jethro, you did well slave, and your reward? Melissa will return the slut morgana to her room, and then accompany you to yours. She is to be your reward, to do with as you will, until the dawn."
Morgana saw the look of surprise on Melissa's face, a look that quickly turned to one of pleasure.
Later, alone in her room, after showering, morgana wondered how Melissa was getting on with Jethro. Very well indeed she had no doubt, feeling just the smallest pang of jealousy.
"Just drop it there on the floor slut, Melissa will see to it when she has served my lunch."
He turned to Melissa,
"You may put some food out for the slut, she will need all of her energy this next few days. Oh yes, and tell her to get dressed too"
While the food seemed meagre to morgana, it was wholesome, and she attacked it with relish, kneeling at Sir Guy's feet, and eating off the floor. To morgana`s great surprise, he placed a glass of red wine alongside her plate, some sort of reward? She wondered. Maybe she had indeed pleased him. She certainly hoped so. When Sir Guy had finished eating, Melissa was again summoned, and morgana was ordered to accompany her. She followed Melissa to the kitchen, maintaining the silence that she knew was required, and was surprised when, inside the kitchen, Melissa started to speak to her.
"What is your name child?"
"I am morgana Mistress."
Melissa smiled at her, before speaking softly.
"I am not a Mistress morgana, I too, like you am a slave. The kitchens are one of the few places where it is safe to talk. No microphones in here, it gets far too noisy. I see that you pleased My Master, he gave you wine, you must have done well morgana, that is unusual, wine for a trainee slave."
Morgana had no idea as to whether she had done well or not, she had just followed orders, or so it seemed. At last she could ask questions of someone who would not beat her, the relief that she felt was enormous.
"Can I ask you something Melissa? How long they will keep me here, when can I go home?"
"You can check out any time you like morgana, but don't forget the song, you can never leave."
"No, no that cannot be so, they cannot keep us here against our will, what if I run away?"
"Do you like dogs morgana?"
"Dogs? What do you mean do I like dogs?"
"Do you like large ferocious Doberman Pinschers, with razor sharp teeth, that chase after slaves who try to run away? Need I say more?"
"There must be a way, surely, they cant just keep us here, as if we never existed, there must be a way of leaving, there must Melissa."
"Oh there is, on very rare occasions, one of our members will purchase a slave, and take them into there homes. But it is very rare; they have to be sure of the slave, and the slaves devotion and commitment to them. That morgana, apart from the lake, is it. There is no other way out. Of course that only applies to slaves brought here by Lord Avalon, like you and I. The majority of the slaves here come by recommendation. Then they go through a long selection program. If they make it to the end, they sign a five, or ten-year contract, for which they are very well paid. And as there is nothing here to spend money on, as everything is provided, when their time to leave arrives, they are very rich people."
Now morgana felt even more deflated, she knew that when, or was that if, she got through her training; it would take ages to get that close to someone. She was probably looking at years here, not months as she had hoped, but many years. She groaned inwardly, and looked at Melissa, hoping for more information on this place. Before she could speak again, Melissa did.
"It is time for your piercing, follow me."
They went down another of the interminable corridors that seemed to populate this place, before finally entering a white room.
"This is Gudrun, who will be doing the piercing, take off your tunic, and stand here morgana."
Yet again she felt lost, and afraid, being certain that she was about to feel the most awful pain in her nipples. Gudrun smiled at her, before taking hold of a toothpick, and dipping it in gentian violet to make crosshatch marks around morgana`s nipples – lines running horizontally and vertically – and explained that the marks would make a grid so she could place each piercing symmetrically.
"I mark you while you stand, and now, please lie down for the piercing."
Hesitantly morgana lay on the table, where Gudrun had pointed too. She was surprised though, when Melissa took hold of her hand, smiling, and nodding her head in support, letting morgana know that all would be well. Morgana watched Gudrun, as she fitted the clamp to her nipple, lining it up, and adjusting it. Then she could watch no more, and closed her eyes, fearful of the coming moments. Gudrun spoke to morgana, telling her to take a long deep breath, and then to exhale slowly. Morgana did so, and was instructed to repeat this.
As she let the second breath go, she felt a sharp stinging pain, right through her nipple, then it was over, Gudrun told her to breathe slowly, and she opened her eyes. Looking down morgana could see the bar, through her nipple, with Gudrun expertly screwing on the ends. The process was quickly repeated with the other nipple, and Gudrun started to clean morgana up.
Morgana was given a bag by Gudrun, with some aftercare materials in it. A bottle of liquid Provon soap, some sea salt, and shot glasses for soaking the piercing. Morgana was told to make up a salt-water solution for soaking, and then wash with the soap. Cleaning off with cotton swabs. Morgana was instructed to wash them in the shower, last thing at night. She was also given two bras, to stop the bars moving around too much. They returned in silence to the kitchen, morgana secretly pleased at the piercing, but not about to admit that fact to anyone.
"You are to spend the afternoon with me morgana, resting" she heard Melissa saying to her.
"Before I deliver you back to Sir Guy after dinner, I believe that he has something planned for you."
"Planned? What? Even after I just got pierced, I hope you are kidding me Melissa?"
"I am only following orders, he wants you there at 8pm sharp were my instructions."
Now morgana was concerned, surely he wouldn't, not with her nipples so tender; he could do severe damage to her. Maybe it would just be more learning, about Avalon. She thought to herself, more in hope than anything else, but she was not confident, not at all.
At 8pm. On the dot, Melissa led her back into Sir Guy's chambers, as she now heard them called. There was a strange chair in the center of the room, with what looked like raised footrests and armrests on it. She looked apprehensively at Melissa, but she had her head bowed, in her Master's presence.
"Take off her tunic, and place her on the chair Melissa"
As Melissa helped morgana, Sir Guy picked up the phone.
"Send Jethro in now."
Morgana was scared, and desperate to ask what was happening, but from past experience here, she knew better. She tried to get comfortable in the chair, with her legs spread and raised, noting the similarities to a gynaecological chair, which only increased her concern. Melissa used the attached leather straps, to secure morgana`s wrists and ankles, taking care not to do them too tight morgana thought. Hearing the door open, she looked across, as a slave entered, a black man around 30 she guessed. Sir Guy told him to remove his tunic, and morgana gasped. This guy had the biggest cock that she had ever seen, and fat! It was like a frown mans arm she thought.
Sir Guy walked to stand in front of her.
"This is Jethro slave, he, and Melissa are about to prepare you for your initiation into fisting. Melissa, fetch the Liquid Silk, and the large dildo."
Morgana cringed, shifting in the chair, and pulling at the straps. She had seen fisting in porno movies; it didn't look that painful; the women seemed to enjoy it. But she doubted that, maybe it was all an act for the camera. Tears formed in her eyes, and slowly rolled down her cheeks. Melissa returned, with a small bottle, and a dark blue dildo, smiling at morgana, as if trying to reassure her, but not succeeding. Morgana could not stop her self, pleading to Melissa
"Please, no."
"Silence slave, or you will be gagged."
She looked at Sir Guy through the teary mists of her eye, seeing the stern look, and realising that he was very serious. She watched as Melissa opened the bottle, and tipped some of the cold liquid out, feeling it running freely on her smooth mound. Then she felt fingers, spreading the liquid, rubbing it on her pussy lips, and then parting them. Melissa was experienced at this, that was obvious to morgana, and if she was honest, it felt good, very good. Relaxing a little now, and feeling the bars in her nipples pressing against the bra that they had allowed her to keep on, she smiled, as best she could at her new friend.
"You are not supposed to be enjoying this Melissa, open the bitch up, and fuck her with the dildo, do it, now."
Melissa's finger slipped inside morgana, first two, and then three, stretching and spreading her, as she smeared the lubricant inside morgana`s pussy. Three times pouring a little liquid into morgana`s open pussy, and then using her fingers inside again. Picking up the dildo, she looked at morgana, mouthing the words "it's ok" before slowly inserting the fat jelly dildo, sliding it in deep. The action stretched morgana even more, making her wince slightly, as her pussy tried to accommodate the dildo. It was not a bad feeling, but all the time, morgana was visualising Sir Guy's arm, inside of her, and fucking her.
"OK, leave the dildo in her cunt now, and see to Jethro, get his cock ready to fuck her, on your knees Melissa, get him rigid."
Melissa did as her Master commanded, falling to her knees, taking hold of mammoth cock before her, and licking the tip. Her fingers could not encircle his girth, and she used both hands together to stroke him, while trying to fit the head into her mouth. Feeling much more comfortable now, even though her nipples ached, morgana watched Melissa. Wondering how much of that monster cock she would take in her mouth. She was even beginning to look forward to being fucked by Jethro; she had taken some big cocks in her days as a whore back home. But never one like this, "it is fucking huge" she thought to herself.
Noticing a movement to the side, she saw Sir Guy, slip off his robe, and start to stroke his own cock. He then moved to her chair, and taking hold of the dildo, started to fuck her with it, driving it into morgana as she grunted.
"You like that don't you slave, being fucked with a dildo?"
It made no difference to morgana what he said, she was not going to argue with him that would only bring severe pain she was sure.
"Yes Sir, I do"
"So slave, you will have no trouble taking Jethro and his fucking guided missile into your cunt then will you?"
"No Sir, not at all."
"Hmmm, maybe I will let him fuck your ass with it too then, what do you say to that slave?"
Her eyes opened wide in shock, she was on the verge of crying out to him, "God no", but held herself in check, remembering how vulnerable that she was right now.
"Whatever you desire Sir, so it shall be."
"My oh my slave, you are a fast learner are you not? OK Jethro, its time to earn your fun, come fuck this bitch, but remember, you don't come, not till I say, and certainly not in her cunt. You hear me boy?"
"Loud and clear Sir, fuck her but don't come, not a problem, not at all Sir."
Sir Guy pulled the dildo free, and stepped aside, giving Jethro access to morgana`s glistening sex. She watched as he approached her, a grin upon his face, and took a sharp intake of breath. Tensing her body, in anticipation of this invasion she was about to accept, regardless of whether or not she wanted it.
While he is seeing to our little fucktoy Melissa, you may pleasure me."
Sir Guy was saying, as Jethro rubbed his cock on morgana`s wet slit. Easing it in between her lips. He smiled at her, a kind smile she thought, as she braced her self. She felt herself stretched, and tried to relax, as the head of his cock entered her. He was in no hurry, a fact for which she was thankful. Waiting, letting her body adjust to his fat hard dick, before easing some more into her. All the time this was happening, she could hear Melissa, sucking on her Master, and his groans of appreciation. Morgana wanted to look, but could not take her eyes of this "thing" that was starting to fuck her wet sex now.
It felt good, much better than she had expected, her body relaxing, taking him in, and loving the feeling of being filled to the brim. She was enjoying it now, being fucked by this man, her cunt accepting all he had, and gripping on it. Morgana pulled at her bonds, desperately wanting to twist and pull at her nipples. Even though she knew she could not, after the piercing, but that did not stop her wanting. She could hear Sir Guy, grunting loudly now, saying that he was going to come in his bitches mouth. Morgana also wanted to come now, to explode on Jethro, to flood her cunt, and his dick.
"Stop now Jethro, the slut is ready, stand back and watch, and wait for your reward."
She felt him pull out, feeling empty, and needful, wanting him, the dildo, anything inside of her, filling her, and her need. Sir Guy moved back to her, as Melissa stood by her head, smiling down at her. Looking back at Sir Guy, she saw him pouring the lube, onto his hand, and his wrist. Then his fingers were opening her up, pushing inside, three of them. She took them with ease, being open and wanting. Then a fourth finger entered her, his hand fucking her cunt, in and out. She closed her eyes, not seeing as he folded his thumb into his hand, and bent his fingers over.
The pain was less than she had expected, but nonetheless, it was there. She could feel his hand, moving deeper, her lips stretched taut against his wrist. Trying desperately to relax, and not to cry out, as Melissa held both of her hands. He picked up the pace, fucking her with his fist, faster, going as deep as she could. Morgana was sweating from the effort, and, to her surprise, she did not want him to stop. Conversely, she wanted more, thrusting her hips towards him as best she could.
"I am going to stop soon slave, and when I do, when my fist leaves you, I want you to squirt. You will come for me, squirt all over my hand. Do you hear me, you WILL do it."
"Fuck yes Sir, please Sir, and let me come, fuck me yesssss please."
He pulled free, no warning, he just ripped his hand from her cunt. She was out of control, her spasms monumental, as she squirted hard, jets of her honey wine streaming forth. Covering his hand, and arm, as well as splashing onto the floor. Melissa clapped her hands in joy, laughing and telling morgana how well she had done, before a stern look silenced her.
"You may release her now, and tend to her Melissa. Jethro, you did well slave, and your reward? Melissa will return the slut morgana to her room, and then accompany you to yours. She is to be your reward, to do with as you will, until the dawn."
Morgana saw the look of surprise on Melissa's face, a look that quickly turned to one of pleasure.
Later, alone in her room, after showering, morgana wondered how Melissa was getting on with Jethro. Very well indeed she had no doubt, feeling just the smallest pang of jealousy.
Rating: , Votes: %0 | like or dislike | Add To Favourites | Published by: cockring 3967 days ago | Categories: BDSM
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