An Unexpected Journey Chapter 03
Kira waited until approximately three-thirty then silently sauntered back up to the second deck. She tiptoed as she neared the Arabian suite and listened for any activity.
His voice broke the silence, "You have pleased Me again today by performing the task I gave you. You will show yourself openly for Me then you will make yourself cum twice while I watch. I expect to see those lips wide and glistening with juice while you pleasure yourself."
Kira could not bear to hear any more and walked away completed dejected. She quietly left the deck, grabbed her clothing from Nathan's office, then headed for home.
She threw herself on the bed and sobbed until she was exhausted. "Why can't he talk to me the way he talks to that whore? Why can't he task me in the same way?" She laid on her bed while she imagined that whore kneeling in the Arabian suite. She envisioned him standing while the whore most likely had his cock down her throat.
Then it clicked. Kira could perform the same task at this very moment. Even though he was not with her now she could still imagine him there. She closed her eyes as Master Jones stood at the foot of her bed watching her as she began.
~~she looked into His eyes as she slowly parted her legs. His eyes were fixed on her opening flower, glistening with her dew. Digging her heels into the bed for support, she took both hands and began to spread her pink labia wide exposing the small nub of her clit. He watched as she stroked her clit with her middle finger, encouraging its growth and hardness. her nectar gently oozing from deep within her core and pooling under her ass.
she writhed on her bed as her rosebud slowly gorged with blood. She joined two fingers together and slowly inserted them just inside her wetness. Licking her lips as the fingers slipped deeper, she grazed her clit with her fingernail until the sensitivity caused her inner muscles to contract and expand. Nathan knew she was very close and smiled when she cried out as her body convulsed in spasms from her explosion. He watched as she continued to pleasure herself into her next wave. As her juices poured, she slipped a third finger inside and feverishly fucked herself until she came again.
Sweat beaded over her skin as her smile waned and she drifted off to sleep.~~
Kira woke the next morning and got ready for work. She chose a yellow summer dress and white flats. "Fuck it and fuck him! I'm not going to waste my time seducing someone who is not interested in me. I am not a whore. From now on, I will be just an employee. Nothing more."
She arrived at the paddlewheel and went to the galley to make coffee. She walked to his office door curtly said good morning to him then returned to the galley.
Nathan looked up and went to say good morning but she had already left the room. Perplexed, he tilted his head and waited until she returned.
Kira placed his coffee it in front of him with a click of finality. He noticed that she had not used cream but used coffee whitener instead. He said nothing but did say she looked very pretty today.
With a petulant look, she responded, "Thanks. Do you want anything else before I check the office supplies?"
He looked at her and shook his head no. She left the office and to continue her duties.
~~Oh yes, I'd like something alright. I'd like to pull you over my knee, rip your panties off and spank your ass cheeks until they burned with pain.~~
Over the next week few words were spoken between them. Nathan had tried to strike up any conversation with her but she remained distance. She did continue to prepare his coffee with cream but other than that she avoided him as much as she could. He became increasingly annoyed at her subordinate attitude and felt it was perhaps time for a meeting.
Kira too had become more and more agitated. During the course of the week she even contemplated quitting entirely. Nevertheless, she needed this job financially. If he did not fire her she would remain in his employ, however she would not allow him to get the best of her either. She would surround herself with emotional barriers and treat him with indifference and as a professional acquaintance.
By the second Friday following, Nathan scheduled a meeting with her for two o'clock. She had changed her clothes prior to the meeting, as she had been cleaning out the storage room and was covered from head to toe in dust and cob webs. She arrived at his office wearing a deep red mid-length dress. She tightly crossed her tanned shapely legs as she sat down while he closed his office door.
"Kira? I have called this meeting today for several reasons. As you may recall I had a meeting last week with a group of passengers wanting to book a week-long cruise. It has been scheduled for the Monday after next. I expect you to be onboard during that entire week helping with extra duties in the galley as well as helping the purser. You will be given one of the smaller cabins as accommodation for this cruise."
Kira nodded but remained least for now.
"Secondly, I sense there is something bothering you and has been for awhile. The anonymity between us during this past week has made me very uneasy. Have I said something to offend you or something I may have done inadvertently?"
She began to fondle the hem of her dress and simply answered, "nope."
"Very well." he replied, however he was not convinced.
"Thirdly, I specifically asked you in the beginning to ensure that I always have cream in my coffee. Twice this week you substituted it with coffee whitener. Is this a difficult task for you to do?"
That did it! She'd had enough. The word "task" set off an explosion of anger within her and she could not hold back no more.
"No!" she raised her voice,. "I can do any task well. In fact, I can do any task that is asked or demanded of me. Perhaps it would be best if I resigned. Then you can hire that whore, whom you meet in the Arabian suite, to make your fucking coffee with all the fucking cream you want!"
Nathan was stunned at her sudden outburst. His jaw dropped as he sat in his chair but kept silent while she lashed out and spewed her venom.
She shouted and blurted out, "I have gone out of my way to please you. I made sure I dressed myself properly for you. I learned many things about navigation from you. I even came to work one morning without panties on, hoping this would please you."
Her face was flushed with fury. She choked back tears and continued.
"I had a wonderful day with you when we walked around the craft. I wanted to be with you but you brushed me off because you were expecting a client. I had hoped that you would have forgotten about the your client and would have spent the remainder of the day with me. But oh no! A whore seemed to be more important!"
Nathan sat quietly in his chair and pondered. Now he understood the real reason for her rage. She was jealous. Her jealousy piqued his interest. He respectfully waited until she was done.
She shrieked, "Do you want me to quit?"
He said calmly, "No, I do not."
She screeched, "Do you want me to refrain from wearing special outfits that I had chosen to wear just for you?"
He shook his head, "No, I do not."
She screamed, her face red with rage, "And do I have to find something else to fill my time here while you are with your whore in the Arabian suite? Because if that's the case, then I'd rather get the fuck out of here now!"
Nathan shifted in his chair, took a sip of water, then shook his head again, "No, Kira. That won't be necessary."
Kira's voice was hoarse and her body trembled uncontrollably. Nathan stood up and walk around his desk to hand her a tissue. He tenderly placed his hand on her right shoulder.
Then he lowered himself to her eye level and smiled softly, "May I speak now, Kira."
She sniffled and blew her nose, then nodded.
"Kira? Let me ask you this. When you knew I was in the Arabian suite, did you ever hear a female voice?"
She shuddered, "N-n-o."
He continued kindly, "Kira, I have a confession to make. When you were listening outside the door of the Arabian suite the first time, I had just finished repairing a broken electrical cable. I knew you were there, outside the door, because I had heard your footsteps on the stairway. I took a chance and decided to test you, to see if it would confirm my hopes of something special. I intentionally raised my voice so that you would hear me. You recall I said to come the next day but not to wear any panties. It was you I was tasking, Kira. No one else. When you heard me say 'you are a very good girl and the presentation of yourself has delighted Me greatly' I was actually talking to you, Kira."
Kira looked at Nathan with red eyes then stood up and began to cry, "Then why the hell did you flirt back to me the day we were alone? Instead, you fucking brushed me off and sent me on my way. It made me feel unwanted and foolish!"
She began to strike his chest with her fists. He rose to his full height and tried to hold her arms but to no avail. He knew she was still greatly upset and thought it would be best for her to let her finish her tirade. She continued to strike him while she wept.
Eventually he managed to pull her to him and hold her tight. He whispered in her ear, "Because, Kira, I didn't think you would want anything to do with an older man who is 15 years your senior. I took a chance by testing you and I wanted to see how you felt about me. Quite frankly I truly thought you would reject me. It was an impetuous thing to do and for that I am truly sorry."
She stopped crying and looked up into his eyes. Her nose dripped as she sniffled. She blew her nose again and murmured, "Oh, Nathan. I have wanted you from the second day I met you. I thought you saw me as a stupid young flirt who wanted nothing more than to cock tease you with no intention of going further."
He looked into her eyes to the depths of her soul and saw the passionate lustful desires for him. What an idiot he had been. He should have just let Nature take its course and see where this relationship would lead.
He brushed her lips with his and whispered against them, "Kira, my little one. I just now realized that I almost lost you due to my selfish game of test and task."
Nathan placed his finger over her lips and hushed her, scooped her up into his arms and carried her to his private chambers. He kicked the door shut behind them and carried her to his bed. Kira was thunderstruck at what she saw.
Kira gazed around the magnificent room, and saw her dream coming true. His suite was richly furnished and its focal point was the magnificent king-sized 4-poster. The bed was framed entirely in mahogany and attached inside the canopy was a full-length mirror, with four small rings in each corner. On either side of the bed stood night tables, both decorated with nautical items.
On the left side of the room in front of the large window stood an oak spanking bench. The silver buckles of the restraints glistened in the sunlight. The soft beige padding had appeared new, giving indication that it had been rarely used.
On the right side of the room stood a slate fireplace. The inner grate and hearth were spotless as were the fireplace tools which stood to one side. In front of the fireplace lay a cozy array of a bearskin rug and a small table with wine glasses. Tucked away in one corner of the room, hung a couples' swing.
A large wardrobe stood at one side of the entrance door while a credenza stood at the other. Kira drew in a deep breath and commented on the splendor of his private quarters.
Nathan smiled warmly into her eyes as he held her in his arms. "Welcome to my private world, little one."
Kira snuggled into his neck as he carried her to his bed. He laid her tenderly against the soft pillows then sat beside her. The back of his hand brushed her cheek while he stared down at her loveliness. She gave him a soft smile while his fingers trailed along her jaw line and across her neck. She shivered as his fingertips grazed over her covered breasts and down along her taut belly. She remained silent as he began to explore.
She looked up into the mirror above her and watched as his hand wandered over her thighs, down her legs and back up along her sides. She was magnificent, he thought, and a treasured gift he hoped would someday be his.
He stood up, walked to his desk and returned with a pair of scissors. Kira watched as he slowly cut the fabric of her red dress from the hem to its top. She quivered as he placed the scissors on the night table then slowly opened her dress and to reveal her soft flesh.
He grasped the scissors again and cut away the straps of her lace black bra as well as the middle where the bra cups joined. Nathan slashed both sides of her black lace panties and lastly cut away the crotch. With the tips of the scissors he pulled the lacy pieces away.
Nathan stood for a moment as his eyes feasted on her nakedness. Her supple breasts lay gently on her chest and her nipples grew harder with each passing second. His eyes traveled further down over her tight belly and rested on her perfect bare mound.
He pulled her up letting the remnants of dress fall away leaving her completely naked. He turned her body so that she was positioned with her legs draped over the edge of his bed. He knelt down and drew her legs up allowing her feet to rest comfortably on his shoulders. He moved between her thighs and locked his eyes on hers while he extended his tongue and began a delicious exploration of her intimate places. Her body curved as his tongue lightly flicked over her belly then down across her pubic bone. Her quiet whimpers urged him not to stop. His tongue and mouth had no intentions of stopping, at least not for now.
His tongue delved into the inner creases of her groin and tenderly began its rise towards her treasure. Her soft coos and purrs were like music to his ears. He brought his right hand to her mound and gently pulled up the skin to reveal her tiny rosebud. The peeking nub teased him from between her pink folds and he kissed it softly. Kira moaned quietly as his tongue flicked across her clit and encouraged her little bud to grow. She brought her hands to her thighs to pull them wider but Nathan gently pushed her hands away. He would soon be in control and she would accept it.
He took both of his thumbs and began to open her deep pink lotus flower. Kira purred again as the cool air brushed inside her spread labia then quickly warmed by Nathan's soft breath. Her body writhed under him while he unhurriedly dragged the tip of his tongue along each side of her inner lips then down over her dark pink pearl.
Again her hands reached for her thighs, and again he pushed them away. He decided now was the time to take complete control. He stopped and reached over to pull a white rope from the drawer of the night table. He smiled as she bit her lip nervously then tied the rope around her left upper thigh. He fastened the end of the rope to the left post, at the top of the bed. He took another rope and repeated the procedure tying the end of the rope to the right post, at the top of the bed. He took a third white rope from the drawer and tied her wrists together. Lastly, he fastened this rope to the top of the headboard so that her arms were above her head. He smiled at how beautifully open she was for him, relinquishing any desire she may have had to use her hands and to offer herself to all his desires.
Nathan's lips found hers. His tongue lightly traced around her lips' outline then slipped gently between them. She whimpered and moaned softly into his mouth, wrapping her tongue around his. His fingers continued to explore her soft white flesh as he broke their kiss. He ran his tongue tip seductively along his lips as he lowered his shimmering blue eyes towards her inner thighs.
Kira squirmed helplessly against the silk ropes which kept her wrists above her head and her thighs spread open, displaying an exquisite view of her glistening pinkness.
He slid down once again between her thighs, mesmerized by her treasure. Kira had remained silent up until this point but as she saw the wonderment in his eyes, she whispered to him, "Yours".
Nathan took his time and slowly licked up and down her slit, relishing every drop of her nectar. He nibbled her clit until her hips began to gyrate, then he would slow down. He didn't want her to cum just yet. He tongue snaked its way up along her left lip, across her hood, then flicked it down her right lip.
Kira's fingers clenched and relaxed as her head swayed gently against the pillow. Never in her life had she experienced such erotic intimacy.
He took both of his hands and slipped them under her ass cheeks, lifting her into an angle that was comfortable for her and afforded him better access. He stiffened his tongue then slowly began to probe her treasure. With rapid movements, he tongue fucked her, causing her nectar to flow between her ass cheeks and onto the bedding.
Kira cried out and began to implore, "Oh please fuck me, please fuck me now, Sir!"
Nathan smiled and removed his tongue from her depths. He looked up at her between her spread thighs and whispered softly, "no, My little one, not yet. You will cum for me this way and fill my mouth with your sweet essence".
He slithered his tongue back into her, held her ass cheeks firmly, and tongue fucked her until he felt her walls close around him like a vice. He knew she was ready and thus thrust his tongue in and out repeatedly until she exploded. He clamped his mouth over her opening as he drank her sweet elixir which flowed down his throat like honey. She writhed and thrashed as he kept his mouth locked in place. He sucked and probed as she rode through her waves of orgasm then his eyes traveled to her beautiful face. He watched as she wailed and begged him to stop. His only response was to bite her clit playfully, then suck it softly, sending her into another earth-shattering scream and intense orgasm.
Nathan released his grip on her ravaged hole, his face drenched with her juices. He smiled up at her and whispered, "Mine".
His voice broke the silence, "You have pleased Me again today by performing the task I gave you. You will show yourself openly for Me then you will make yourself cum twice while I watch. I expect to see those lips wide and glistening with juice while you pleasure yourself."
Kira could not bear to hear any more and walked away completed dejected. She quietly left the deck, grabbed her clothing from Nathan's office, then headed for home.
She threw herself on the bed and sobbed until she was exhausted. "Why can't he talk to me the way he talks to that whore? Why can't he task me in the same way?" She laid on her bed while she imagined that whore kneeling in the Arabian suite. She envisioned him standing while the whore most likely had his cock down her throat.
Then it clicked. Kira could perform the same task at this very moment. Even though he was not with her now she could still imagine him there. She closed her eyes as Master Jones stood at the foot of her bed watching her as she began.
~~she looked into His eyes as she slowly parted her legs. His eyes were fixed on her opening flower, glistening with her dew. Digging her heels into the bed for support, she took both hands and began to spread her pink labia wide exposing the small nub of her clit. He watched as she stroked her clit with her middle finger, encouraging its growth and hardness. her nectar gently oozing from deep within her core and pooling under her ass.
she writhed on her bed as her rosebud slowly gorged with blood. She joined two fingers together and slowly inserted them just inside her wetness. Licking her lips as the fingers slipped deeper, she grazed her clit with her fingernail until the sensitivity caused her inner muscles to contract and expand. Nathan knew she was very close and smiled when she cried out as her body convulsed in spasms from her explosion. He watched as she continued to pleasure herself into her next wave. As her juices poured, she slipped a third finger inside and feverishly fucked herself until she came again.
Sweat beaded over her skin as her smile waned and she drifted off to sleep.~~
Kira woke the next morning and got ready for work. She chose a yellow summer dress and white flats. "Fuck it and fuck him! I'm not going to waste my time seducing someone who is not interested in me. I am not a whore. From now on, I will be just an employee. Nothing more."
She arrived at the paddlewheel and went to the galley to make coffee. She walked to his office door curtly said good morning to him then returned to the galley.
Nathan looked up and went to say good morning but she had already left the room. Perplexed, he tilted his head and waited until she returned.
Kira placed his coffee it in front of him with a click of finality. He noticed that she had not used cream but used coffee whitener instead. He said nothing but did say she looked very pretty today.
With a petulant look, she responded, "Thanks. Do you want anything else before I check the office supplies?"
He looked at her and shook his head no. She left the office and to continue her duties.
~~Oh yes, I'd like something alright. I'd like to pull you over my knee, rip your panties off and spank your ass cheeks until they burned with pain.~~
Over the next week few words were spoken between them. Nathan had tried to strike up any conversation with her but she remained distance. She did continue to prepare his coffee with cream but other than that she avoided him as much as she could. He became increasingly annoyed at her subordinate attitude and felt it was perhaps time for a meeting.
Kira too had become more and more agitated. During the course of the week she even contemplated quitting entirely. Nevertheless, she needed this job financially. If he did not fire her she would remain in his employ, however she would not allow him to get the best of her either. She would surround herself with emotional barriers and treat him with indifference and as a professional acquaintance.
By the second Friday following, Nathan scheduled a meeting with her for two o'clock. She had changed her clothes prior to the meeting, as she had been cleaning out the storage room and was covered from head to toe in dust and cob webs. She arrived at his office wearing a deep red mid-length dress. She tightly crossed her tanned shapely legs as she sat down while he closed his office door.
"Kira? I have called this meeting today for several reasons. As you may recall I had a meeting last week with a group of passengers wanting to book a week-long cruise. It has been scheduled for the Monday after next. I expect you to be onboard during that entire week helping with extra duties in the galley as well as helping the purser. You will be given one of the smaller cabins as accommodation for this cruise."
Kira nodded but remained least for now.
"Secondly, I sense there is something bothering you and has been for awhile. The anonymity between us during this past week has made me very uneasy. Have I said something to offend you or something I may have done inadvertently?"
She began to fondle the hem of her dress and simply answered, "nope."
"Very well." he replied, however he was not convinced.
"Thirdly, I specifically asked you in the beginning to ensure that I always have cream in my coffee. Twice this week you substituted it with coffee whitener. Is this a difficult task for you to do?"
That did it! She'd had enough. The word "task" set off an explosion of anger within her and she could not hold back no more.
"No!" she raised her voice,. "I can do any task well. In fact, I can do any task that is asked or demanded of me. Perhaps it would be best if I resigned. Then you can hire that whore, whom you meet in the Arabian suite, to make your fucking coffee with all the fucking cream you want!"
Nathan was stunned at her sudden outburst. His jaw dropped as he sat in his chair but kept silent while she lashed out and spewed her venom.
She shouted and blurted out, "I have gone out of my way to please you. I made sure I dressed myself properly for you. I learned many things about navigation from you. I even came to work one morning without panties on, hoping this would please you."
Her face was flushed with fury. She choked back tears and continued.
"I had a wonderful day with you when we walked around the craft. I wanted to be with you but you brushed me off because you were expecting a client. I had hoped that you would have forgotten about the your client and would have spent the remainder of the day with me. But oh no! A whore seemed to be more important!"
Nathan sat quietly in his chair and pondered. Now he understood the real reason for her rage. She was jealous. Her jealousy piqued his interest. He respectfully waited until she was done.
She shrieked, "Do you want me to quit?"
He said calmly, "No, I do not."
She screeched, "Do you want me to refrain from wearing special outfits that I had chosen to wear just for you?"
He shook his head, "No, I do not."
She screamed, her face red with rage, "And do I have to find something else to fill my time here while you are with your whore in the Arabian suite? Because if that's the case, then I'd rather get the fuck out of here now!"
Nathan shifted in his chair, took a sip of water, then shook his head again, "No, Kira. That won't be necessary."
Kira's voice was hoarse and her body trembled uncontrollably. Nathan stood up and walk around his desk to hand her a tissue. He tenderly placed his hand on her right shoulder.
Then he lowered himself to her eye level and smiled softly, "May I speak now, Kira."
She sniffled and blew her nose, then nodded.
"Kira? Let me ask you this. When you knew I was in the Arabian suite, did you ever hear a female voice?"
She shuddered, "N-n-o."
He continued kindly, "Kira, I have a confession to make. When you were listening outside the door of the Arabian suite the first time, I had just finished repairing a broken electrical cable. I knew you were there, outside the door, because I had heard your footsteps on the stairway. I took a chance and decided to test you, to see if it would confirm my hopes of something special. I intentionally raised my voice so that you would hear me. You recall I said to come the next day but not to wear any panties. It was you I was tasking, Kira. No one else. When you heard me say 'you are a very good girl and the presentation of yourself has delighted Me greatly' I was actually talking to you, Kira."
Kira looked at Nathan with red eyes then stood up and began to cry, "Then why the hell did you flirt back to me the day we were alone? Instead, you fucking brushed me off and sent me on my way. It made me feel unwanted and foolish!"
She began to strike his chest with her fists. He rose to his full height and tried to hold her arms but to no avail. He knew she was still greatly upset and thought it would be best for her to let her finish her tirade. She continued to strike him while she wept.
Eventually he managed to pull her to him and hold her tight. He whispered in her ear, "Because, Kira, I didn't think you would want anything to do with an older man who is 15 years your senior. I took a chance by testing you and I wanted to see how you felt about me. Quite frankly I truly thought you would reject me. It was an impetuous thing to do and for that I am truly sorry."
She stopped crying and looked up into his eyes. Her nose dripped as she sniffled. She blew her nose again and murmured, "Oh, Nathan. I have wanted you from the second day I met you. I thought you saw me as a stupid young flirt who wanted nothing more than to cock tease you with no intention of going further."
He looked into her eyes to the depths of her soul and saw the passionate lustful desires for him. What an idiot he had been. He should have just let Nature take its course and see where this relationship would lead.
He brushed her lips with his and whispered against them, "Kira, my little one. I just now realized that I almost lost you due to my selfish game of test and task."
Nathan placed his finger over her lips and hushed her, scooped her up into his arms and carried her to his private chambers. He kicked the door shut behind them and carried her to his bed. Kira was thunderstruck at what she saw.
Kira gazed around the magnificent room, and saw her dream coming true. His suite was richly furnished and its focal point was the magnificent king-sized 4-poster. The bed was framed entirely in mahogany and attached inside the canopy was a full-length mirror, with four small rings in each corner. On either side of the bed stood night tables, both decorated with nautical items.
On the left side of the room in front of the large window stood an oak spanking bench. The silver buckles of the restraints glistened in the sunlight. The soft beige padding had appeared new, giving indication that it had been rarely used.
On the right side of the room stood a slate fireplace. The inner grate and hearth were spotless as were the fireplace tools which stood to one side. In front of the fireplace lay a cozy array of a bearskin rug and a small table with wine glasses. Tucked away in one corner of the room, hung a couples' swing.
A large wardrobe stood at one side of the entrance door while a credenza stood at the other. Kira drew in a deep breath and commented on the splendor of his private quarters.
Nathan smiled warmly into her eyes as he held her in his arms. "Welcome to my private world, little one."
Kira snuggled into his neck as he carried her to his bed. He laid her tenderly against the soft pillows then sat beside her. The back of his hand brushed her cheek while he stared down at her loveliness. She gave him a soft smile while his fingers trailed along her jaw line and across her neck. She shivered as his fingertips grazed over her covered breasts and down along her taut belly. She remained silent as he began to explore.
She looked up into the mirror above her and watched as his hand wandered over her thighs, down her legs and back up along her sides. She was magnificent, he thought, and a treasured gift he hoped would someday be his.
He stood up, walked to his desk and returned with a pair of scissors. Kira watched as he slowly cut the fabric of her red dress from the hem to its top. She quivered as he placed the scissors on the night table then slowly opened her dress and to reveal her soft flesh.
He grasped the scissors again and cut away the straps of her lace black bra as well as the middle where the bra cups joined. Nathan slashed both sides of her black lace panties and lastly cut away the crotch. With the tips of the scissors he pulled the lacy pieces away.
Nathan stood for a moment as his eyes feasted on her nakedness. Her supple breasts lay gently on her chest and her nipples grew harder with each passing second. His eyes traveled further down over her tight belly and rested on her perfect bare mound.
He pulled her up letting the remnants of dress fall away leaving her completely naked. He turned her body so that she was positioned with her legs draped over the edge of his bed. He knelt down and drew her legs up allowing her feet to rest comfortably on his shoulders. He moved between her thighs and locked his eyes on hers while he extended his tongue and began a delicious exploration of her intimate places. Her body curved as his tongue lightly flicked over her belly then down across her pubic bone. Her quiet whimpers urged him not to stop. His tongue and mouth had no intentions of stopping, at least not for now.
His tongue delved into the inner creases of her groin and tenderly began its rise towards her treasure. Her soft coos and purrs were like music to his ears. He brought his right hand to her mound and gently pulled up the skin to reveal her tiny rosebud. The peeking nub teased him from between her pink folds and he kissed it softly. Kira moaned quietly as his tongue flicked across her clit and encouraged her little bud to grow. She brought her hands to her thighs to pull them wider but Nathan gently pushed her hands away. He would soon be in control and she would accept it.
He took both of his thumbs and began to open her deep pink lotus flower. Kira purred again as the cool air brushed inside her spread labia then quickly warmed by Nathan's soft breath. Her body writhed under him while he unhurriedly dragged the tip of his tongue along each side of her inner lips then down over her dark pink pearl.
Again her hands reached for her thighs, and again he pushed them away. He decided now was the time to take complete control. He stopped and reached over to pull a white rope from the drawer of the night table. He smiled as she bit her lip nervously then tied the rope around her left upper thigh. He fastened the end of the rope to the left post, at the top of the bed. He took another rope and repeated the procedure tying the end of the rope to the right post, at the top of the bed. He took a third white rope from the drawer and tied her wrists together. Lastly, he fastened this rope to the top of the headboard so that her arms were above her head. He smiled at how beautifully open she was for him, relinquishing any desire she may have had to use her hands and to offer herself to all his desires.
Nathan's lips found hers. His tongue lightly traced around her lips' outline then slipped gently between them. She whimpered and moaned softly into his mouth, wrapping her tongue around his. His fingers continued to explore her soft white flesh as he broke their kiss. He ran his tongue tip seductively along his lips as he lowered his shimmering blue eyes towards her inner thighs.
Kira squirmed helplessly against the silk ropes which kept her wrists above her head and her thighs spread open, displaying an exquisite view of her glistening pinkness.
He slid down once again between her thighs, mesmerized by her treasure. Kira had remained silent up until this point but as she saw the wonderment in his eyes, she whispered to him, "Yours".
Nathan took his time and slowly licked up and down her slit, relishing every drop of her nectar. He nibbled her clit until her hips began to gyrate, then he would slow down. He didn't want her to cum just yet. He tongue snaked its way up along her left lip, across her hood, then flicked it down her right lip.
Kira's fingers clenched and relaxed as her head swayed gently against the pillow. Never in her life had she experienced such erotic intimacy.
He took both of his hands and slipped them under her ass cheeks, lifting her into an angle that was comfortable for her and afforded him better access. He stiffened his tongue then slowly began to probe her treasure. With rapid movements, he tongue fucked her, causing her nectar to flow between her ass cheeks and onto the bedding.
Kira cried out and began to implore, "Oh please fuck me, please fuck me now, Sir!"
Nathan smiled and removed his tongue from her depths. He looked up at her between her spread thighs and whispered softly, "no, My little one, not yet. You will cum for me this way and fill my mouth with your sweet essence".
He slithered his tongue back into her, held her ass cheeks firmly, and tongue fucked her until he felt her walls close around him like a vice. He knew she was ready and thus thrust his tongue in and out repeatedly until she exploded. He clamped his mouth over her opening as he drank her sweet elixir which flowed down his throat like honey. She writhed and thrashed as he kept his mouth locked in place. He sucked and probed as she rode through her waves of orgasm then his eyes traveled to her beautiful face. He watched as she wailed and begged him to stop. His only response was to bite her clit playfully, then suck it softly, sending her into another earth-shattering scream and intense orgasm.
Nathan released his grip on her ravaged hole, his face drenched with her juices. He smiled up at her and whispered, "Mine".
Rating: , Votes: %0 | like or dislike | Add To Favourites | Published by: redcloud 3972 days ago | Categories: BDSM
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