Her Chair
He stands in the room quietly, looking at the chair before him while he waits. It is ornately carved wood, with light padding on the seat as well as the backrest. There are leather straps attached to the armrests & legs, obviously for restraining someone. He hears the soft footsteps of her bare feet break the silence & he lowers his eyes. She walks over & stands by the chair before she turns to face him. He looks at her covertly, standing there, casually leaning on the back of the chair.
"Hello my pet." she smiles. Even without her normal Mistress attire she still commands his submission quite naturally.
"Hello my Mistress." he replies. His eyes take her in secretly, her jeans molded to her hips, her small bare feet complete with immaculate pedicures.
"Look at me pet," she says & immediately he raises his eyes to hers. Her dark hair cascades down her shoulders partially covering the t-shirt she wears, her green eyes shine like jewels. She looks over his naked form, a brief smile plays on her lips & she gestures for him to come to her. He moves to stand in front of her, his hands clasped behind his back, his eyes still on hers. She tilts her head back to hold his gaze, for without her heels he is easily 6 inches taller than her. Reaching up she hooks her finger thru the ring in his collar & pulls him down to her. He follows her smoothly, without the slightest bit of resistance, then she kisses him firmly.
"Sit down pet." she says pointing to the chair.
"Yes my Mistress." he answers as he quickly sits in the chair & looks up at her. She smiles, runs her fingers thru his hair & lets her nails trail across his cheek. Then kneeling beside the chair she begins to fix the leather strap around his ankle, then his wrist. As she moves to his other side she reaches out, playfully taps his ensheathed cock & watches it sway. She finishes strapping him to the chair then stands up & sits on his lap, her jeans rough against his thighs.
"How does that feel pet?" she asks with a grin.
"Ohhhh, You feel wonderful my Mistress." he moans.
"No, I think we need to change things a little." she says getting up from his lap & walks around behind the chair. He hears a couple clicks, feels the wood moving, & the chair shifts, tilting so he is reclining a bit. She comes back in front of him & checks the bonds on his wrists to be sure they aren't cutting off his circulation.
"Oh yes, that's much better." she smiles, "But I think you have too much freedom to move." She leans over him, her hair falling across his thighs, & fastens a strap below each of his knees. Then she moves to his side & places a strap just above his elbow before moving behind him. Another strap passes his face as she positions it across his chest, cinches it tight, pinning his back & shoulders to the chair. After doing the other arms she walks around to look at him, a bright smile spreads her lips & she nods. "Perfect."
She looks at the watch on her wrist & sighs. "I have to go get dressed now pet, I will be back for you soon." she says & leaves the room.
"Yes my Mistress." he says to her retreating form, though he doubts she heard him. He sits & waits for her to return, wondering what she has planned for the night.
She approaches silently, stopping in the door way to admire him sitting there, his head resting back on the chair. His eyes are closed, the black straps stand out against his olive skin as his chest rises & falls evenly. Her gaze follows the trial of hair down his chest as it thins to a line down & around his navel. His cock stands out rigidly from his stomach, the black leather sheath gleaming in the light.
She steps into the room, his eyes opening with the first click of her shoe on the tile. She has changed from her casual clothes into a lavender sundress that clings sexily to her form. The scoop neck reveals the deep cleavage of her full breasts & the buttons lead down to her trim waist. The skirt hangs loose from her lush hips, draping just past her knees. She does a quick twirl in front of him, her dark hair a cloud about her, the skirt flying up to unveil the lace tops of her stockings.
"How do I look my pet?" She asks smiling impishly.
"You are breathtaking my Mistress." he answers. She walks over to him, leans close & tenderly kisses his forehead.
"So my pet, as you can see I'm not dressed for an evening alone with you." He looks down, "Yes my Mistress." The disappointment is apparent in his voice & she strokes his cheek softly. "Unfortunately this is something I cannot get out of. But not to worry my pet." she coos.
She stoops to pick up a cloth which she drapes over his shoulders & then begins to fasten it around him. The material has a plain collar around his neck, it lays down his chest, falling just short of his lap. She adjusts it behind him & the silken cover settles over him. She steps back in front of him with what looks like a pair of gloves in her hand.
"Put your hands flat, your fingers together." she says.
"Yes my Mistress." She slips a glove over his first hand, but instead of finger holes the gloves binds his fingers & thumb to his hand. She does this with the other hand as well, then turns both hands palms up & re-adjusts the wrist restraints. She puts a strap around the ends of his fingers, binding him to the chair this way so he cannot turn his hands. Now she drapes the material over the arms of the chair & his arms, snapping it to the seat. She takes the last strip & pulls it around the legs of the chair, fastening it as well.
She steps back to look at him & he watches her, a nervous, excited feeling steadily growing in his belly. He is now covered with this silken cloth, like a furniture cover, only his head & lap are exposed. She smiles brightly then, walks over to him & sits on his lap again.
"You see my pet, I did not want to give up our time together." she begins.
"Either did I, my Mistress." he replies.
"Good. Because you will be with me all evening." He smiles hearing this & she continues, "However this is not a group of people who would understand our relationship. So you will have to be hidden from them."
"Yes my Mistress."
"Would you like to know what I am going to do with you while my guests are here pet?" she asks.
"Yes please my Mistress."
"The cloth covering you looks just like a dust cover for a chair. I am going to put a hood over your head & push you up to the table in the dinning room, where you will be my chair for the meal." He shivers & his cock twitches at the thought of her on his lap unknown to the others. She gets up & retrieves a couple items from the desk, then comes to a halt in front of him.
"Just to keep you focused I am going to blindfold you & I am going to gag you to be sure you do not give yourself away."
"Yes my Mistress." he answers.
"After all, we wouldn't want them to know you were there," She tilts her head & grins, "Or would we?"
She walks around behind him & slides a blindfold across his eyes, carefully positioning it so he can't see. She touches the gag to his lips & wordlessly he opens his mouth so she can slip it in. She pushes the bit back in his mouth, but not so far as to be painful, then ties it in place.
"Put your head back pet." she says & he nods, then lays his head back against the chair. She puts one final strap around his forehead, tying his head to the chair so he cannot turn or lift it. She slips the hood over his head, adjusting it to lay smoothly & comfortably for him. He can hear her heels clicking as she walks around him, he jumps when he feels her hand sliding up his thigh.
"Oh I don't think you'll need this anymore tonight my pet." she purrs. She gently unlaces the sheath on his cock, takes it off & he gasps. It feels like the air itself is caressing him, swirling around his shaft like an invisible lover's hand.
"It will be dark enough in the dining room that you won't be noticed, that is if you be still. There will be music on as well, just in case any of your sighs get too loud." she chuckles. He can feel the chair moving now as she talks to him. All he can do is sit there & listen to her voice.
"Ok, here we are my pet." she says as she pushes him up to the table. The chair slides easily, his cock twitches as the cool linen of the table cloth drags across his sensitive skin. Then her sounds are moving away, his ears strain to hear anything & music gradually fills the room.
He sits nervously taking in the music & 3 songs play before he hears any people. The chatter of her guests begins filling the room, he holds his breath without realizing it, trying to keep perfectly still. He exhales as he feels a hand on his shoulder, hoping that it is his Mistress' hand.
"Have a seat please everyone." she says & he relaxes a little knowing she is at his side. He feels the chair move again, but he cannot see her lifting her skirt before she sits on his lap. Her bare ass touches his thighs & he bites the gag hard in an effort to stifle his moan. The sound in the room pales as his entire world is focused on the feel of her on his lap. Her silken skin slides across him tantalizingly as she scoots back in her 'chair' trying to get comfy. Her lace top stockings scratch deliciously at him, not really painful, just slightly rough on his bare skin.
She sits there eating, chatting as if she were on any chair & not her bound submissive's lap. Each move she makes he feels, every shift in her weight he is agonizingly aware of, no matter how small. She crosses her legs, the air hits one side of his lap like a cool tongue along his shaft. She doesn't stay in one position for long, constantly moving, turning, never letting him get used to her.
"What is wrong my dear? You haven't sat still for a moment, are you restless?" a male voice asks.
"Oh, my back is bothering me this evening, feels a little out of line." she fibs smoothly.
"Ahhh, I see. What you need is a good massage." the man replies, "I would be glad to offer my services?"
She wiggles her ass teasingly as she can feel his body tense under her & she decides to play on her pet's obvious jealousy. "Really?" she asks coyly,"Are you good at all over massages?" She can feel the moisture between her thighs knowing this is torture for him. The man offers to show her his massage skills later but she refuses politely, "Thank you, but I do have my own personal masseuse who does wonders for me." She feels him relax beneath her & she spreads her legs so he can feel her wetness.
The damp patch of her sex against his thigh is almost enough to make him cum, fearing her displeasure is all that stops him. Though she is far from heavy, her weight is slowly getting to him & his legs are beginning to tingle painfully. She seems to sense his discomfort & shifts sliding her ass back so she is almost sitting on his lower stomach. He feels the relief begin in his legs & she spreads her legs slowly letting his cock stand up between her thighs. She shifts again, supporting some of her weight she leans forward so that her hot labia rest against the root of his cock. If anyone were to look under the table it would look as if she had a hard & exposed penis.
She lays her arm on the table, her hand hanging down over the edge as she talks with a couple guests. She slowly twirls a lock of her long hair in her fingers, the ends of it just barely tickling the head of his cock. As she teases him she can feel his thighs flexing where he tries to move away from her. His cock twitches as she surreptitiously scoops the pearl of pre-cum off of it's tip. He thinks he can hear sucking & tries to still his heartbeat so he can hear more clearly.
"Mmmmm," she purrs,"Tastes soooo good." He can imagine her sucking the drop off her fingertip, he bites harder on the gag to stifle his groan at the thought of it. She begins talking with a woman nearby, their pleasant chatting seems to distract her from him. She shifts on his lap, still moving, but no longer teasing him so intently. Inwardly he is thankful for the break & at the same time resentful for losing her attention, even temporarily. Laughter erupts around him, something in the conversation he undoubtedly missed that must have been amusing. She wiggles on his lap, back & forth, not to tease him, but for some unknown reason.
Suddenly she stands up, the cool air rushing over his sultry skin, making him gasp in spite of the gag. Every sense focuses on his lap again, achingly empty & yet obviously exposed. He wonders if anyone can see him, worried that his Mistress might be embarrassed. His whole body clenches as a swift current dashes in, stealthily licking around his cock like an unseen bandit.
He can feel her hands on his, still tied to the chair, as she sits on his lap. She tilts her hips so that he slides deep inside of her as she lowers herself onto him. He exhales slowly feeling her heat around his cock, trying to keep quiet as she instructed him. She sits very still, enjoying the fullness of him inside her pussy, letting him get used to it. She continues talking with her guests, not quite as intent on the conversations as before. She begins to clench her muscles, her velvety insides squeezing & milking him rhythmically as he desperately tries to hold still. His hips have a mind of their own though, trying to buck up under her, to drive his cock deeper. It seems forever that she torments him like this, all he can hear is the pounding of his pulse.
She can hear his low keening as she gets up from his lap again. Reaching back she slaps the head of his cock sharply to silence him, then steps away. He sits there, a painful tingle where she hit him, trying to catch his breath & listen to the room. He realizes the voices have all become distant & he is sure that they are leaving. He sits there listening to the music, straining to hear anything else, hoping she will come back to him.
She creeps silently into the room, on her toes, stepping with the beat of the music. He flinches as she drags the hood off of him, not knowing there was anyone in the room. She doesn't speak, just unfastens the gag in his mouth then pushes the chair back against the mantle.
He hears the popping of the snaps as the cover is pulled quickly from him. His heart is thudding in his chest again, surely this is his Mistress, isn't it? He can feel the cool leather of a shoe slipping beside his thigh to rest on the seat of the chair. Another shoe on the other side & he can feel the chair shift slightly from the person stepping up onto it. He can smell the unmistakable scent of an aroused woman, he can feel the heat of her.
Without a sound she dips her knees to rest on the back & presses her soaking pussy to his lips. Obediently he begins to lick & suck, tasting her juices he knows almost without a doubt that this is his Mistress. His head is still tied to the chair, leaving her in control of where his tongue goes. She grinds on his mouth, he strains his neck trying to keep sucking her clit. She grips the mantle for support as her legs go weak. He wishes he could see her, look up from between her legs to look into her glorious eyes as he serves her. He concentrates on licking her exactly how she likes it best, hoping she will remove the blindfold. His tongue glides over her lips, stroking them, teasingly dipping in between now & then. He nibbles lightly on her clit then goes back to tonguing & sucking it. Her clit is swollen, throbbing almost as much as his cock, he knows she is close.
She reaches down, unties the strap holding his head & presses her pussy tighter to his face. She starts to tremble as he centers his attention on her clit, drawing her orgasm closer. He nestles his face deeper in her sweet nexus, smothering himself in her honeyed juices. Her thighs lock tight on his head, he can feel her body tense as she cums, hear her almost growling with pleasure. He licks & sucks more fervently at her pussy, feeding on her until she pulls away with a whimper.
Shakily she climbs down from the chair, he can feel her dress drag across his bare chest as she does. She collapses on his lap, her soft linen dress cool against his burning skin. He turns to bury his face in her hair, inhaling deeply, her familiar scent filling his lungs. She turns & kisses him deeply, tasting herself still on his lips as he returns her kiss. She stands & he groans feeling her leaving him again. There is a faint whisper of cloth across skin then her lips pressed to his forehead.
He feels her stocking clad thigh slide over him as she straddles his lap. Slowly she lowers herself onto his cock, letting inch by inch slide inside her pussy. He groans as she impales herself on him, such agonizing pleasure. She sinks down on his lap, dragging her nails lightly across his chest. He strains at his bonds, wanting to touch her, to please her in every way he can. She plays with his nipples, rolling & pinching them as she moves on his lap. She unties one hand & arm, then the others, her pace never faltering.
He wraps his arms around her, groaning in distress as he realizes that he is still gloved. His silk covered hands glide over her back unable to get any hold on her. She leans against him, her hard nipples pressing into his chest. She twines her fingers in his hair, holding his head still as she kisses him. Her velvety tongue pushes past his lips, delving deeply into his mouth, tasting him. He hugs her tightly to him as she breaks the kiss, not wanting to let her go. She leans back, pulling out of his embrace & tugs off his blindfold. He blinks rapidly, trying to adjust to the dim light of the room.
He strokes her back, her ass with his gloved hands as she rises & falls on his cock. She arches her back & he begins to suckle on the nipple she offers him, rubbing the other with his hand. She moans as he works his free hand down between them, his fingertips brushing her clit. He can feel her body trembling as she moves on his lap. Taking his lips off her nipple he moans as his own orgasm nears & asks, "Please Mistress may I cum?" She grinds on his lap, forcing him deeper into her pussy & breathes, "No pet, not now." His hips raise up to meet her & he groans, "Yes Mistress."
Hoping to restrain the orgasm building in him, he struggles to sit still, but his hips still thrust up to meet her every stroke. She purrs with pleasure & he focuses his attentions on satisfying her needs. He rubs her clit more urgently, biting & sucking at her nipples passionately. She rides him faster, tightly gripping his shoulders for support. He tries to lean into her, straining at the straps holding him to the chair. He feels her soft pussy suddenly clench around his cock & her body shudders.
"Now pet,"she gasps, "Cuummmmm." & he thrusts as far as he can with his bonds. She bounces on his cock, taking him all the way inside her body, lifting his face to look at her. He cums, groaning with pleasure as he shoots deep in her velvet tunnel, looking into her eyes. Both of them are trembling, little aftershocks of passion rippling through them as they kiss. She strokes his face tenderly, kissing each eye, the end of his nose & then his lips again.
Slowly she raises up & leans over his shoulder, unfastening the strap around his chest. He arches his back, feeling his muscle complain from being immobile for so long. As she removes the gloves he catches her hand & kisses each fingertip. She smiles & kisses him lovingly, then carefully gets up off his lap. She undoes the straps on his legs while she says, "Lets get you out of these now pet & go get cleaned up. A hot shower will help soothe those sore muscles of yours so we can go to bed."
"Yes Mistress."he answers & eases up out of the chair. She put his arm around her shoulders, letting him lean on her for a little support. She smiles wickedly & says, "I think I may have a new chair from now on my pet." He looks at her & with a smile, he says, "As you wish Mistress."
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"Hello my pet." she smiles. Even without her normal Mistress attire she still commands his submission quite naturally.
"Hello my Mistress." he replies. His eyes take her in secretly, her jeans molded to her hips, her small bare feet complete with immaculate pedicures.
"Look at me pet," she says & immediately he raises his eyes to hers. Her dark hair cascades down her shoulders partially covering the t-shirt she wears, her green eyes shine like jewels. She looks over his naked form, a brief smile plays on her lips & she gestures for him to come to her. He moves to stand in front of her, his hands clasped behind his back, his eyes still on hers. She tilts her head back to hold his gaze, for without her heels he is easily 6 inches taller than her. Reaching up she hooks her finger thru the ring in his collar & pulls him down to her. He follows her smoothly, without the slightest bit of resistance, then she kisses him firmly.
"Sit down pet." she says pointing to the chair.
"Yes my Mistress." he answers as he quickly sits in the chair & looks up at her. She smiles, runs her fingers thru his hair & lets her nails trail across his cheek. Then kneeling beside the chair she begins to fix the leather strap around his ankle, then his wrist. As she moves to his other side she reaches out, playfully taps his ensheathed cock & watches it sway. She finishes strapping him to the chair then stands up & sits on his lap, her jeans rough against his thighs.
"How does that feel pet?" she asks with a grin.
"Ohhhh, You feel wonderful my Mistress." he moans.
"No, I think we need to change things a little." she says getting up from his lap & walks around behind the chair. He hears a couple clicks, feels the wood moving, & the chair shifts, tilting so he is reclining a bit. She comes back in front of him & checks the bonds on his wrists to be sure they aren't cutting off his circulation.
"Oh yes, that's much better." she smiles, "But I think you have too much freedom to move." She leans over him, her hair falling across his thighs, & fastens a strap below each of his knees. Then she moves to his side & places a strap just above his elbow before moving behind him. Another strap passes his face as she positions it across his chest, cinches it tight, pinning his back & shoulders to the chair. After doing the other arms she walks around to look at him, a bright smile spreads her lips & she nods. "Perfect."
She looks at the watch on her wrist & sighs. "I have to go get dressed now pet, I will be back for you soon." she says & leaves the room.
"Yes my Mistress." he says to her retreating form, though he doubts she heard him. He sits & waits for her to return, wondering what she has planned for the night.
She approaches silently, stopping in the door way to admire him sitting there, his head resting back on the chair. His eyes are closed, the black straps stand out against his olive skin as his chest rises & falls evenly. Her gaze follows the trial of hair down his chest as it thins to a line down & around his navel. His cock stands out rigidly from his stomach, the black leather sheath gleaming in the light.
She steps into the room, his eyes opening with the first click of her shoe on the tile. She has changed from her casual clothes into a lavender sundress that clings sexily to her form. The scoop neck reveals the deep cleavage of her full breasts & the buttons lead down to her trim waist. The skirt hangs loose from her lush hips, draping just past her knees. She does a quick twirl in front of him, her dark hair a cloud about her, the skirt flying up to unveil the lace tops of her stockings.
"How do I look my pet?" She asks smiling impishly.
"You are breathtaking my Mistress." he answers. She walks over to him, leans close & tenderly kisses his forehead.
"So my pet, as you can see I'm not dressed for an evening alone with you." He looks down, "Yes my Mistress." The disappointment is apparent in his voice & she strokes his cheek softly. "Unfortunately this is something I cannot get out of. But not to worry my pet." she coos.
She stoops to pick up a cloth which she drapes over his shoulders & then begins to fasten it around him. The material has a plain collar around his neck, it lays down his chest, falling just short of his lap. She adjusts it behind him & the silken cover settles over him. She steps back in front of him with what looks like a pair of gloves in her hand.
"Put your hands flat, your fingers together." she says.
"Yes my Mistress." She slips a glove over his first hand, but instead of finger holes the gloves binds his fingers & thumb to his hand. She does this with the other hand as well, then turns both hands palms up & re-adjusts the wrist restraints. She puts a strap around the ends of his fingers, binding him to the chair this way so he cannot turn his hands. Now she drapes the material over the arms of the chair & his arms, snapping it to the seat. She takes the last strip & pulls it around the legs of the chair, fastening it as well.
She steps back to look at him & he watches her, a nervous, excited feeling steadily growing in his belly. He is now covered with this silken cloth, like a furniture cover, only his head & lap are exposed. She smiles brightly then, walks over to him & sits on his lap again.
"You see my pet, I did not want to give up our time together." she begins.
"Either did I, my Mistress." he replies.
"Good. Because you will be with me all evening." He smiles hearing this & she continues, "However this is not a group of people who would understand our relationship. So you will have to be hidden from them."
"Yes my Mistress."
"Would you like to know what I am going to do with you while my guests are here pet?" she asks.
"Yes please my Mistress."
"The cloth covering you looks just like a dust cover for a chair. I am going to put a hood over your head & push you up to the table in the dinning room, where you will be my chair for the meal." He shivers & his cock twitches at the thought of her on his lap unknown to the others. She gets up & retrieves a couple items from the desk, then comes to a halt in front of him.
"Just to keep you focused I am going to blindfold you & I am going to gag you to be sure you do not give yourself away."
"Yes my Mistress." he answers.
"After all, we wouldn't want them to know you were there," She tilts her head & grins, "Or would we?"
She walks around behind him & slides a blindfold across his eyes, carefully positioning it so he can't see. She touches the gag to his lips & wordlessly he opens his mouth so she can slip it in. She pushes the bit back in his mouth, but not so far as to be painful, then ties it in place.
"Put your head back pet." she says & he nods, then lays his head back against the chair. She puts one final strap around his forehead, tying his head to the chair so he cannot turn or lift it. She slips the hood over his head, adjusting it to lay smoothly & comfortably for him. He can hear her heels clicking as she walks around him, he jumps when he feels her hand sliding up his thigh.
"Oh I don't think you'll need this anymore tonight my pet." she purrs. She gently unlaces the sheath on his cock, takes it off & he gasps. It feels like the air itself is caressing him, swirling around his shaft like an invisible lover's hand.
"It will be dark enough in the dining room that you won't be noticed, that is if you be still. There will be music on as well, just in case any of your sighs get too loud." she chuckles. He can feel the chair moving now as she talks to him. All he can do is sit there & listen to her voice.
"Ok, here we are my pet." she says as she pushes him up to the table. The chair slides easily, his cock twitches as the cool linen of the table cloth drags across his sensitive skin. Then her sounds are moving away, his ears strain to hear anything & music gradually fills the room.
He sits nervously taking in the music & 3 songs play before he hears any people. The chatter of her guests begins filling the room, he holds his breath without realizing it, trying to keep perfectly still. He exhales as he feels a hand on his shoulder, hoping that it is his Mistress' hand.
"Have a seat please everyone." she says & he relaxes a little knowing she is at his side. He feels the chair move again, but he cannot see her lifting her skirt before she sits on his lap. Her bare ass touches his thighs & he bites the gag hard in an effort to stifle his moan. The sound in the room pales as his entire world is focused on the feel of her on his lap. Her silken skin slides across him tantalizingly as she scoots back in her 'chair' trying to get comfy. Her lace top stockings scratch deliciously at him, not really painful, just slightly rough on his bare skin.
She sits there eating, chatting as if she were on any chair & not her bound submissive's lap. Each move she makes he feels, every shift in her weight he is agonizingly aware of, no matter how small. She crosses her legs, the air hits one side of his lap like a cool tongue along his shaft. She doesn't stay in one position for long, constantly moving, turning, never letting him get used to her.
"What is wrong my dear? You haven't sat still for a moment, are you restless?" a male voice asks.
"Oh, my back is bothering me this evening, feels a little out of line." she fibs smoothly.
"Ahhh, I see. What you need is a good massage." the man replies, "I would be glad to offer my services?"
She wiggles her ass teasingly as she can feel his body tense under her & she decides to play on her pet's obvious jealousy. "Really?" she asks coyly,"Are you good at all over massages?" She can feel the moisture between her thighs knowing this is torture for him. The man offers to show her his massage skills later but she refuses politely, "Thank you, but I do have my own personal masseuse who does wonders for me." She feels him relax beneath her & she spreads her legs so he can feel her wetness.
The damp patch of her sex against his thigh is almost enough to make him cum, fearing her displeasure is all that stops him. Though she is far from heavy, her weight is slowly getting to him & his legs are beginning to tingle painfully. She seems to sense his discomfort & shifts sliding her ass back so she is almost sitting on his lower stomach. He feels the relief begin in his legs & she spreads her legs slowly letting his cock stand up between her thighs. She shifts again, supporting some of her weight she leans forward so that her hot labia rest against the root of his cock. If anyone were to look under the table it would look as if she had a hard & exposed penis.
She lays her arm on the table, her hand hanging down over the edge as she talks with a couple guests. She slowly twirls a lock of her long hair in her fingers, the ends of it just barely tickling the head of his cock. As she teases him she can feel his thighs flexing where he tries to move away from her. His cock twitches as she surreptitiously scoops the pearl of pre-cum off of it's tip. He thinks he can hear sucking & tries to still his heartbeat so he can hear more clearly.
"Mmmmm," she purrs,"Tastes soooo good." He can imagine her sucking the drop off her fingertip, he bites harder on the gag to stifle his groan at the thought of it. She begins talking with a woman nearby, their pleasant chatting seems to distract her from him. She shifts on his lap, still moving, but no longer teasing him so intently. Inwardly he is thankful for the break & at the same time resentful for losing her attention, even temporarily. Laughter erupts around him, something in the conversation he undoubtedly missed that must have been amusing. She wiggles on his lap, back & forth, not to tease him, but for some unknown reason.
Suddenly she stands up, the cool air rushing over his sultry skin, making him gasp in spite of the gag. Every sense focuses on his lap again, achingly empty & yet obviously exposed. He wonders if anyone can see him, worried that his Mistress might be embarrassed. His whole body clenches as a swift current dashes in, stealthily licking around his cock like an unseen bandit.
He can feel her hands on his, still tied to the chair, as she sits on his lap. She tilts her hips so that he slides deep inside of her as she lowers herself onto him. He exhales slowly feeling her heat around his cock, trying to keep quiet as she instructed him. She sits very still, enjoying the fullness of him inside her pussy, letting him get used to it. She continues talking with her guests, not quite as intent on the conversations as before. She begins to clench her muscles, her velvety insides squeezing & milking him rhythmically as he desperately tries to hold still. His hips have a mind of their own though, trying to buck up under her, to drive his cock deeper. It seems forever that she torments him like this, all he can hear is the pounding of his pulse.
She can hear his low keening as she gets up from his lap again. Reaching back she slaps the head of his cock sharply to silence him, then steps away. He sits there, a painful tingle where she hit him, trying to catch his breath & listen to the room. He realizes the voices have all become distant & he is sure that they are leaving. He sits there listening to the music, straining to hear anything else, hoping she will come back to him.
She creeps silently into the room, on her toes, stepping with the beat of the music. He flinches as she drags the hood off of him, not knowing there was anyone in the room. She doesn't speak, just unfastens the gag in his mouth then pushes the chair back against the mantle.
He hears the popping of the snaps as the cover is pulled quickly from him. His heart is thudding in his chest again, surely this is his Mistress, isn't it? He can feel the cool leather of a shoe slipping beside his thigh to rest on the seat of the chair. Another shoe on the other side & he can feel the chair shift slightly from the person stepping up onto it. He can smell the unmistakable scent of an aroused woman, he can feel the heat of her.
Without a sound she dips her knees to rest on the back & presses her soaking pussy to his lips. Obediently he begins to lick & suck, tasting her juices he knows almost without a doubt that this is his Mistress. His head is still tied to the chair, leaving her in control of where his tongue goes. She grinds on his mouth, he strains his neck trying to keep sucking her clit. She grips the mantle for support as her legs go weak. He wishes he could see her, look up from between her legs to look into her glorious eyes as he serves her. He concentrates on licking her exactly how she likes it best, hoping she will remove the blindfold. His tongue glides over her lips, stroking them, teasingly dipping in between now & then. He nibbles lightly on her clit then goes back to tonguing & sucking it. Her clit is swollen, throbbing almost as much as his cock, he knows she is close.
She reaches down, unties the strap holding his head & presses her pussy tighter to his face. She starts to tremble as he centers his attention on her clit, drawing her orgasm closer. He nestles his face deeper in her sweet nexus, smothering himself in her honeyed juices. Her thighs lock tight on his head, he can feel her body tense as she cums, hear her almost growling with pleasure. He licks & sucks more fervently at her pussy, feeding on her until she pulls away with a whimper.
Shakily she climbs down from the chair, he can feel her dress drag across his bare chest as she does. She collapses on his lap, her soft linen dress cool against his burning skin. He turns to bury his face in her hair, inhaling deeply, her familiar scent filling his lungs. She turns & kisses him deeply, tasting herself still on his lips as he returns her kiss. She stands & he groans feeling her leaving him again. There is a faint whisper of cloth across skin then her lips pressed to his forehead.
He feels her stocking clad thigh slide over him as she straddles his lap. Slowly she lowers herself onto his cock, letting inch by inch slide inside her pussy. He groans as she impales herself on him, such agonizing pleasure. She sinks down on his lap, dragging her nails lightly across his chest. He strains at his bonds, wanting to touch her, to please her in every way he can. She plays with his nipples, rolling & pinching them as she moves on his lap. She unties one hand & arm, then the others, her pace never faltering.
He wraps his arms around her, groaning in distress as he realizes that he is still gloved. His silk covered hands glide over her back unable to get any hold on her. She leans against him, her hard nipples pressing into his chest. She twines her fingers in his hair, holding his head still as she kisses him. Her velvety tongue pushes past his lips, delving deeply into his mouth, tasting him. He hugs her tightly to him as she breaks the kiss, not wanting to let her go. She leans back, pulling out of his embrace & tugs off his blindfold. He blinks rapidly, trying to adjust to the dim light of the room.
He strokes her back, her ass with his gloved hands as she rises & falls on his cock. She arches her back & he begins to suckle on the nipple she offers him, rubbing the other with his hand. She moans as he works his free hand down between them, his fingertips brushing her clit. He can feel her body trembling as she moves on his lap. Taking his lips off her nipple he moans as his own orgasm nears & asks, "Please Mistress may I cum?" She grinds on his lap, forcing him deeper into her pussy & breathes, "No pet, not now." His hips raise up to meet her & he groans, "Yes Mistress."
Hoping to restrain the orgasm building in him, he struggles to sit still, but his hips still thrust up to meet her every stroke. She purrs with pleasure & he focuses his attentions on satisfying her needs. He rubs her clit more urgently, biting & sucking at her nipples passionately. She rides him faster, tightly gripping his shoulders for support. He tries to lean into her, straining at the straps holding him to the chair. He feels her soft pussy suddenly clench around his cock & her body shudders.
"Now pet,"she gasps, "Cuummmmm." & he thrusts as far as he can with his bonds. She bounces on his cock, taking him all the way inside her body, lifting his face to look at her. He cums, groaning with pleasure as he shoots deep in her velvet tunnel, looking into her eyes. Both of them are trembling, little aftershocks of passion rippling through them as they kiss. She strokes his face tenderly, kissing each eye, the end of his nose & then his lips again.
Slowly she raises up & leans over his shoulder, unfastening the strap around his chest. He arches his back, feeling his muscle complain from being immobile for so long. As she removes the gloves he catches her hand & kisses each fingertip. She smiles & kisses him lovingly, then carefully gets up off his lap. She undoes the straps on his legs while she says, "Lets get you out of these now pet & go get cleaned up. A hot shower will help soothe those sore muscles of yours so we can go to bed."
"Yes Mistress."he answers & eases up out of the chair. She put his arm around her shoulders, letting him lean on her for a little support. She smiles wickedly & says, "I think I may have a new chair from now on my pet." He looks at her & with a smile, he says, "As you wish Mistress."
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Rating: , Votes: %0 | like or dislike | Add To Favourites | Published by: Maniac 3974 days ago | Categories: BDSM
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