Alaska adventure
I was stuck in my parents apartment, living with them and working at a bar downtown for the summer. I got bored hanging out alone in my room,. so I snapped a few pics and put an ad in the TV/cd section on craigslist.
I waited a bit and it wasn't long before someone replied. Then a few dozen guys replied. I began exchanging emails and texts with a few, letting know where they could find me, what i was wearing, what i liked, etc… A few lost interest cause i said I couldn't host,. another few where hesitant cause i couldn't drive myself over.. I was still volleying pics and texts back forth with a few, when one was fairly blunt and simply stated "i'll be out in 15 min."
My heart jumped to a million beats per minute, i began sweating. It was really late outside, and I was a bit scared what could happen. I persisted with my foolish horny decision, dressed, threw on my jacket, and carefully exited out of the apartment.
It was freezing outside,. I could see my breath while I was walking down a few blocks to a strip mall. In his email he said he'd show up in a red truck,. lol. I panicked cause I realized I had left my house with even asking for his picture… I was so excited that he would come out and get me I forgot to ask… I forgot to ask what model truck as well. Dumbstruck I walked up the street thinking about those facts,. that I had a stranger who's seen me in lingerie, dildoing my asshole on webcam, and is coming in his red truck to pick my up from a closed strip mall, in the middle of the night.
Bewildering, how cold it is outside… no cars for what seems like an eternity… then a few cars,. a red station wagon ,. and then another bit of chilling outside,. I began to think he wouldn't show up,. and then my phone vibrated,. "omw" read the text… I simply replied "ok".
I waited for another minute or so,. and then i could hear a truck in the distances with a clod of traffic,. I was standing near the edge of the road stupid obvious i was waiting for someone. when I saw these huge headlights slow down,. I could then make out a large red hummer, with neat rims,. and an older african gentleman in the driver seat.. my heart stopped. and then began to beat a thousand times more,. my mouth instantly dried up,. nervous and excited i squealed, "HI!"
"are you the naughty bitch?" he replied casually,. I smiled and nodded replying "sure am". to which he said "get in then",. SO excited,. getting picked up by an older african man, in his hummer…. I jumped into the passenger seat, he caressed my thighs and began introducing himself.. He claimed he was a recording artist and traveled around a lot. I simply cooed at his statements, agreeing,. and then he began to question me a bit.. "So you like to Cross dress?",. I said "yes",. and detailed some stuff about myself…
We arrived at his apartment, when I got in the door he told me to undress, I complied wholeheartedly,. told me to get on my knees,. to see what I had gotten myself into… He unzipped his pants and removed his shirt,. a strong older man,. thick smooth arms,. and a hard stomach,. the bulge was enormous,. it curled out of his boxer-briefs… My mouth watered,. and instantly I was on it,. Licking it,. mouthing the head, slowly impaling my face on him. I had it for a few seconds and gagged well,. he then grabbed my by the face and suffocated me with his cock,.. he released and i gasped for air,. he then reached down and slapped my ass,… stuffing his large cock into my mouth squeezing my ass,. spanking it with every gag.
He then brought me to an ottoman and told me to lie on my stomach, "ass up!" he exclaimed,. he gently rubbed his cock on my sphincter,. and leaned in to kiss my ear and said,. "ready?",. I moaned,. his lubed cock pulsed on my tight hole,. i could feel his heat and the lube dripping into my,. and then,. "UNNNGG" I squeemed involuntarily. Squished against the ottoman, his cock deep inside me,. him sucking the lobes of my ear, began to slowly fuck me… "sooo good,. sooo ungg" squish, squish,. fuck fuck fuck fuck ,. I began to moan and cum wilst he is in full motion,. his power smacking my little body into the apartment below us,. I,. I.,. i, whimper and coo
He cums and slides off of me,. the apartment a sweatbox from what it was initially,. He chuckles,. and we share something to smoke,. He then drives me to near where he picked me up at,. lol,. I wasn't good enough to stay,. back out on the street,. I could feel his spunk inside still,./// He didn't quite drop me off near my place either,. lol,. I had to walk a lot more that cold evening yet….
I waited a bit and it wasn't long before someone replied. Then a few dozen guys replied. I began exchanging emails and texts with a few, letting know where they could find me, what i was wearing, what i liked, etc… A few lost interest cause i said I couldn't host,. another few where hesitant cause i couldn't drive myself over.. I was still volleying pics and texts back forth with a few, when one was fairly blunt and simply stated "i'll be out in 15 min."
My heart jumped to a million beats per minute, i began sweating. It was really late outside, and I was a bit scared what could happen. I persisted with my foolish horny decision, dressed, threw on my jacket, and carefully exited out of the apartment.
It was freezing outside,. I could see my breath while I was walking down a few blocks to a strip mall. In his email he said he'd show up in a red truck,. lol. I panicked cause I realized I had left my house with even asking for his picture… I was so excited that he would come out and get me I forgot to ask… I forgot to ask what model truck as well. Dumbstruck I walked up the street thinking about those facts,. that I had a stranger who's seen me in lingerie, dildoing my asshole on webcam, and is coming in his red truck to pick my up from a closed strip mall, in the middle of the night.
Bewildering, how cold it is outside… no cars for what seems like an eternity… then a few cars,. a red station wagon ,. and then another bit of chilling outside,. I began to think he wouldn't show up,. and then my phone vibrated,. "omw" read the text… I simply replied "ok".
I waited for another minute or so,. and then i could hear a truck in the distances with a clod of traffic,. I was standing near the edge of the road stupid obvious i was waiting for someone. when I saw these huge headlights slow down,. I could then make out a large red hummer, with neat rims,. and an older african gentleman in the driver seat.. my heart stopped. and then began to beat a thousand times more,. my mouth instantly dried up,. nervous and excited i squealed, "HI!"
"are you the naughty bitch?" he replied casually,. I smiled and nodded replying "sure am". to which he said "get in then",. SO excited,. getting picked up by an older african man, in his hummer…. I jumped into the passenger seat, he caressed my thighs and began introducing himself.. He claimed he was a recording artist and traveled around a lot. I simply cooed at his statements, agreeing,. and then he began to question me a bit.. "So you like to Cross dress?",. I said "yes",. and detailed some stuff about myself…
We arrived at his apartment, when I got in the door he told me to undress, I complied wholeheartedly,. told me to get on my knees,. to see what I had gotten myself into… He unzipped his pants and removed his shirt,. a strong older man,. thick smooth arms,. and a hard stomach,. the bulge was enormous,. it curled out of his boxer-briefs… My mouth watered,. and instantly I was on it,. Licking it,. mouthing the head, slowly impaling my face on him. I had it for a few seconds and gagged well,. he then grabbed my by the face and suffocated me with his cock,.. he released and i gasped for air,. he then reached down and slapped my ass,… stuffing his large cock into my mouth squeezing my ass,. spanking it with every gag.
He then brought me to an ottoman and told me to lie on my stomach, "ass up!" he exclaimed,. he gently rubbed his cock on my sphincter,. and leaned in to kiss my ear and said,. "ready?",. I moaned,. his lubed cock pulsed on my tight hole,. i could feel his heat and the lube dripping into my,. and then,. "UNNNGG" I squeemed involuntarily. Squished against the ottoman, his cock deep inside me,. him sucking the lobes of my ear, began to slowly fuck me… "sooo good,. sooo ungg" squish, squish,. fuck fuck fuck fuck ,. I began to moan and cum wilst he is in full motion,. his power smacking my little body into the apartment below us,. I,. I.,. i, whimper and coo
He cums and slides off of me,. the apartment a sweatbox from what it was initially,. He chuckles,. and we share something to smoke,. He then drives me to near where he picked me up at,. lol,. I wasn't good enough to stay,. back out on the street,. I could feel his spunk inside still,./// He didn't quite drop me off near my place either,. lol,. I had to walk a lot more that cold evening yet….
Rating: , Votes: %0 | like or dislike | Add To Favourites | Published by: Angela 3976 days ago | Categories: Shemale
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