Welcome to Our Ool
After graduating from college, I joined my parents in the family business: operating two membership-only swimming pools in adjacent towns. While each parent had primary control of one of the pools, I was effectively an assistant to each of them, learning the business from their two differing perspectives and management styles. Fortunately, neither of them expected me to put in the number of hours they did, so I still had a fair amount of time to myself, part of which was spent swimming at one pool or the other, or perhaps making use of the exercise room or the game room at either location.
The amount of time I had to myself also allowed me to continue the relationship which had begun with Carla, my college roommate. Paired by the college for our sophomore year, we had an instant friendship. And while I had long been curious about intimacy with another girl, it was only Carla's decision to "take the plunge" and dare to kiss me late one night that took the cuffs of my hesitancy and turned my curiosity into action.
After three years of living together in various dorm rooms, Carla and I rented an apartment together. While I worked in the family business, she worked at a local law firm.
Once winter set in, however, our evening plans became limited to indoor activities. Carla had long hated winter, having spent the first eighteen years of her life in Buffalo. Summer was by far her favorite season, and the December cold was certainly affecting her negatively.
I decided that action was in order, but I had to think about what I could afford to do to lift her spirits. A vacation trip to a tropical beach would have been nice, but I could not do that without almost completely depleting my savings. Carla enjoyed camping, and we had gone on more than a few campouts together over the years, but I knew that she would not agree to camping in the winter, even in a cabin.
Then, as she gave my back a wonderful massage one night, the idea came to me. I had the keys and knew the alarm codes to both swimming pools my family owned. I smiled into the pillow. "That's it," I said softly to myself... and Carla focused her attention at the small of my back, thinking I had meant to say that to her.
I did not mind at all. All I wanted at that moment was for her to continue touching me, and for my plan to be executed sometime soon.
"Sometime soon" came three nights later. I awoke about midnight and slipped quietly out of bed. Since we were sleeping in Carla's bedroom that night, I went to my bedroom and quickly disrobed, donning my zebra-print bikini. I was just about to slip into my favorite pair of snug jeans when my girlfriend appeared at the bedroom door, her t-shirt not quite covering her cute pink Hello Kitty panty, her expression belying her fatigue despite her questioning eyes.
I simply smiled. "We're going swimming," I announced.
"Huh? It's tomorrow already, and you want to go swimming?"
Setting the jeans aside, I stepped up to her and wrapped my arms around her waist, enjoying the feel of her breasts brushing mine. "When was the last time you went swimming?"
"Late summer," she replied, confused, clearly uncertain where this conversation was going. "It was at the place your father owns, just after Labor Day."
"And what has always been your favorite season?"
"Summer." It took a few seconds for her tired mind to recognize what I was doing, and for a smile of appreciation to slowly spread across her lips. "So swimming is supposed to remind me of summer?"
"It's the best I could do short of robbing a bank and using the money to finance a trip to the tropics," I replied. She laughed softly, hugging me.
Not thirty minutes later, I was unlocking the door to the pool my mother operated. The night/emergency lights were dim, but provided enough illumination for us to maneuver through the building to the pool itself. Once I had unlocked several more doors, we were in the locker room, where we took off our winter clothes to reveal our summer swimwear.
I took a moment to openly admire Carly. She wore her basic-black thong-style bikini with a tie behind the neck instead of over-the-shoulder straps. The air in the locker room was just slightly chilly, which caused her nipples to gently dent the thin material covering her succulent breasts. If the crotch of the thong had been any narrower, she would not be legally permitted to wear the bikini in public. Reaching behind her, she removed the white ribbon which had kept her shoulder-length black hair in place, and shook her head several times as she combed her hair with her fingers. Then her smoky eyes focused upon me, a knowing smile spreading across her lips as she realized I had been openly admiring her again.
"You've got to stop gawking at other girls like that," she said, repeating an in-joke between us.
Hand in hand, we made our way to the corridor, then to the final door. "You have one of those signs here as well?"
The sign on the wall by the door was the infamous "Welcome to our ool" sign: "Notice there is no P in it. Please keep it that way."
I simply punched the appropriate keycode, and the door unlocked for us. Immediately upon opening the door, the scent of chlorinated water and the thick feeling of humidity overpowered us, and we both smiled. Carla squeezed my hand, then pulled me close. "Thanks," she whispered, hugging me again.
We did not turn on the main lights. While it was certainly dim, to the point that it was difficult to see the opposite end of the Olympic-size pool, there was enough illumination for us to easily find our way to the edge of the pool. We set our towels by the ladder, then Carla jumped feet-first into the water, splashing me as the warm liquid was displaced. I simply stood at the water's edge and watched her for a few minutes as she slowly swam the width of the deep end several times, her muscle memory taking a few moments to return to full form.
Making use of the ladder, I finally entered the water. While this was simply a pool of all places, the dim lighting and the loving company made the late-night scenario seem somewhat intimate.
We spent perhaps an hour actually swimming and diving. I had been on the swim team in high school and college, so I could likely have swum until dawn. But Carla was clearly losing her energy as the time passed quickly, so when we were at the shallow end of the pool, I embraced her.
Our kiss was slow and loving. The warm water surrounding us and coating our bodies made the moment even more sensual. The scant swimwear allowed for an excellent amount of unfettered skin-on-skin contact, increasing the intimacy of our embrace.
Slowly, I turned us so that Carla was backed against the edge of the pool. Only then did my lips leave hers. "Stay right here," I commanded her with a whisper, then I inhaled deeply, and submerged.
I wish I could have seen the expression upon her face as I tugged at her thong. Carla assisted me, and momentarily, I stood before her again, tucking her thong into the left cup of her bikini bra. We shared a wicked grin at the unusual act, then I inhaled deeply again and submerged once more.
This was somewhat of a challenge. Once Carla had spread her legs for me, my tongue extended past my lips. It was a very interesting experience, trying to intimately lick my lover while not feeling compelled to swallow a mouthful of chlorinated water. It took some time – and many brief resurfacings to obtain more oxygen – before I had figured out how to accomplish my plan. Once I did, her climax came faster than usual, her fingers curling into my skull and threatening to hold my mouth to her bare sex forever. Despite the chlorine and the fact that I was able to keep from swallowing the water, my tongue did note her sweetness flavoring the pool. Despite the amount of water between my ears and her lips, I could hear a muted version of Carla's orgasmic cries, which caused my heart to swell with pride knowing that she was singing just for me.
When I finally surfaced again, my mouth wide open as my burning lungs demanded to be refilled with clean air, Carla clutched me tightly, gasping into my neck as she recovered from her sexual peak. But I was not done with her yet, for I dropped a hand between her legs and allowed my fingers to make love to her. I was slow and gentle with her, and it took a long, long time before my lover gave another primal cry, but the wait was definitely worthwhile, especially afterward as I held her whimpering, nearly-limp form.
It was after 3AM when Carla and I finally slipped back into bed together. I held her as she pressed her ear to my chest, listening to the soothing rhythm of my heartbeat. "Thank you," she said quietly, "for such an unusual night on the town."
"You're welcome," I replied, stroking her slightly-damp hair. "I could tell that you needed something to lift your spirits a bit. I hope tonight helps, even if just a little."
She nodded, a motion which felt good to my chest. "But there's just one thing, though," she said.
"What's that?" I wondered aloud, almost certain that there was a joke coming.
"The missing 'P' in the 'Welcome to our ool' sign," she said, "I believe it stands for 'pussylicking!'"
The amount of time I had to myself also allowed me to continue the relationship which had begun with Carla, my college roommate. Paired by the college for our sophomore year, we had an instant friendship. And while I had long been curious about intimacy with another girl, it was only Carla's decision to "take the plunge" and dare to kiss me late one night that took the cuffs of my hesitancy and turned my curiosity into action.
After three years of living together in various dorm rooms, Carla and I rented an apartment together. While I worked in the family business, she worked at a local law firm.
Once winter set in, however, our evening plans became limited to indoor activities. Carla had long hated winter, having spent the first eighteen years of her life in Buffalo. Summer was by far her favorite season, and the December cold was certainly affecting her negatively.
I decided that action was in order, but I had to think about what I could afford to do to lift her spirits. A vacation trip to a tropical beach would have been nice, but I could not do that without almost completely depleting my savings. Carla enjoyed camping, and we had gone on more than a few campouts together over the years, but I knew that she would not agree to camping in the winter, even in a cabin.
Then, as she gave my back a wonderful massage one night, the idea came to me. I had the keys and knew the alarm codes to both swimming pools my family owned. I smiled into the pillow. "That's it," I said softly to myself... and Carla focused her attention at the small of my back, thinking I had meant to say that to her.
I did not mind at all. All I wanted at that moment was for her to continue touching me, and for my plan to be executed sometime soon.
"Sometime soon" came three nights later. I awoke about midnight and slipped quietly out of bed. Since we were sleeping in Carla's bedroom that night, I went to my bedroom and quickly disrobed, donning my zebra-print bikini. I was just about to slip into my favorite pair of snug jeans when my girlfriend appeared at the bedroom door, her t-shirt not quite covering her cute pink Hello Kitty panty, her expression belying her fatigue despite her questioning eyes.
I simply smiled. "We're going swimming," I announced.
"Huh? It's tomorrow already, and you want to go swimming?"
Setting the jeans aside, I stepped up to her and wrapped my arms around her waist, enjoying the feel of her breasts brushing mine. "When was the last time you went swimming?"
"Late summer," she replied, confused, clearly uncertain where this conversation was going. "It was at the place your father owns, just after Labor Day."
"And what has always been your favorite season?"
"Summer." It took a few seconds for her tired mind to recognize what I was doing, and for a smile of appreciation to slowly spread across her lips. "So swimming is supposed to remind me of summer?"
"It's the best I could do short of robbing a bank and using the money to finance a trip to the tropics," I replied. She laughed softly, hugging me.
Not thirty minutes later, I was unlocking the door to the pool my mother operated. The night/emergency lights were dim, but provided enough illumination for us to maneuver through the building to the pool itself. Once I had unlocked several more doors, we were in the locker room, where we took off our winter clothes to reveal our summer swimwear.
I took a moment to openly admire Carly. She wore her basic-black thong-style bikini with a tie behind the neck instead of over-the-shoulder straps. The air in the locker room was just slightly chilly, which caused her nipples to gently dent the thin material covering her succulent breasts. If the crotch of the thong had been any narrower, she would not be legally permitted to wear the bikini in public. Reaching behind her, she removed the white ribbon which had kept her shoulder-length black hair in place, and shook her head several times as she combed her hair with her fingers. Then her smoky eyes focused upon me, a knowing smile spreading across her lips as she realized I had been openly admiring her again.
"You've got to stop gawking at other girls like that," she said, repeating an in-joke between us.
Hand in hand, we made our way to the corridor, then to the final door. "You have one of those signs here as well?"
The sign on the wall by the door was the infamous "Welcome to our ool" sign: "Notice there is no P in it. Please keep it that way."
I simply punched the appropriate keycode, and the door unlocked for us. Immediately upon opening the door, the scent of chlorinated water and the thick feeling of humidity overpowered us, and we both smiled. Carla squeezed my hand, then pulled me close. "Thanks," she whispered, hugging me again.
We did not turn on the main lights. While it was certainly dim, to the point that it was difficult to see the opposite end of the Olympic-size pool, there was enough illumination for us to easily find our way to the edge of the pool. We set our towels by the ladder, then Carla jumped feet-first into the water, splashing me as the warm liquid was displaced. I simply stood at the water's edge and watched her for a few minutes as she slowly swam the width of the deep end several times, her muscle memory taking a few moments to return to full form.
Making use of the ladder, I finally entered the water. While this was simply a pool of all places, the dim lighting and the loving company made the late-night scenario seem somewhat intimate.
We spent perhaps an hour actually swimming and diving. I had been on the swim team in high school and college, so I could likely have swum until dawn. But Carla was clearly losing her energy as the time passed quickly, so when we were at the shallow end of the pool, I embraced her.
Our kiss was slow and loving. The warm water surrounding us and coating our bodies made the moment even more sensual. The scant swimwear allowed for an excellent amount of unfettered skin-on-skin contact, increasing the intimacy of our embrace.
Slowly, I turned us so that Carla was backed against the edge of the pool. Only then did my lips leave hers. "Stay right here," I commanded her with a whisper, then I inhaled deeply, and submerged.
I wish I could have seen the expression upon her face as I tugged at her thong. Carla assisted me, and momentarily, I stood before her again, tucking her thong into the left cup of her bikini bra. We shared a wicked grin at the unusual act, then I inhaled deeply again and submerged once more.
This was somewhat of a challenge. Once Carla had spread her legs for me, my tongue extended past my lips. It was a very interesting experience, trying to intimately lick my lover while not feeling compelled to swallow a mouthful of chlorinated water. It took some time – and many brief resurfacings to obtain more oxygen – before I had figured out how to accomplish my plan. Once I did, her climax came faster than usual, her fingers curling into my skull and threatening to hold my mouth to her bare sex forever. Despite the chlorine and the fact that I was able to keep from swallowing the water, my tongue did note her sweetness flavoring the pool. Despite the amount of water between my ears and her lips, I could hear a muted version of Carla's orgasmic cries, which caused my heart to swell with pride knowing that she was singing just for me.
When I finally surfaced again, my mouth wide open as my burning lungs demanded to be refilled with clean air, Carla clutched me tightly, gasping into my neck as she recovered from her sexual peak. But I was not done with her yet, for I dropped a hand between her legs and allowed my fingers to make love to her. I was slow and gentle with her, and it took a long, long time before my lover gave another primal cry, but the wait was definitely worthwhile, especially afterward as I held her whimpering, nearly-limp form.
It was after 3AM when Carla and I finally slipped back into bed together. I held her as she pressed her ear to my chest, listening to the soothing rhythm of my heartbeat. "Thank you," she said quietly, "for such an unusual night on the town."
"You're welcome," I replied, stroking her slightly-damp hair. "I could tell that you needed something to lift your spirits a bit. I hope tonight helps, even if just a little."
She nodded, a motion which felt good to my chest. "But there's just one thing, though," she said.
"What's that?" I wondered aloud, almost certain that there was a joke coming.
"The missing 'P' in the 'Welcome to our ool' sign," she said, "I believe it stands for 'pussylicking!'"
Rating: , Votes: %0 | like or dislike | Add To Favourites | Published by: MilliArt 3968 days ago | Categories: Lesbian
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