Sex Stories - Mature - PAGE 6

Sam, How I Surprised Her

I met Sam at the mall. I was walking to foot locker and decided to have a coffee. As I was sitting down, I noticed a woman, must have been early 50's, walking towards me. She asked if she could sit with me since every other chair was taken. I said sure and we introduced ourselves. She was about 5'6", maybe 140 or 150, nice shape, brown hair and green eyes. She had a gorgeous smile and smelled amazing. I am a 5'10", 240 muscular pound man, 25 yrs old. I am Italian, with short dark hair, bright green eyes, and a neatly trimmed moustache and goatee. I have one tattoo, my family coat of arms, on my right shoulder. I am by no means a lifeguard type of guy, nor am I an obese roly poly guy. Picture a football player or heavyweight boxer, or even a bouncer. Big, ... Read More»

No, Not A Schreibtischtater

The two of us, her a middle-aged divorcee, me much younger, were coupled amidst muddled sheets, wrapped in murky shadows skulking about her bedroom in a tropical vacation bungalow near a white sand beach. Her ruby cum fuck me pumps unshackled, on the floor; my young man's practical, proper, in fashion shoes nearby. Her red lace panties, the crimson balconet bra, the spaghetti strapped cherry sheath, my trendy duds piled on the floor. She, this smoothly contoured older woman formerly from France on her back, me, a bony, sometimes broody, tow headed lad in front, on top. My background was German. I was no Schreibtischtater, a writing table perpetrator or in Texas parlance all hat and no cattle. I freely plied my long, large, fat cock into rich, mature women's ... Read More»

An Old Codger

As she sat down my girlfriend Sandy said, "That old codger is sure eyeballing you!" "Who? Where?" "Over there." She nodded her head toward a table where three males and a female were sitting. As none of them were looking at us, I had a chance to study them. The three males seemed to be a grandfather, son and grandson because of their similar appearance, with the female being the son's wife. "He's been looking at us ever since you came in." If my girlfriends, Sandy and Susie, and I do not have dates, and quite often when we do, we usually meet on Friday and Saturday nights at the Corral, a country and western dance place. If we end up by ourselves at the end of the night, much more often than not, we adjourn to one ... Read More»

Old Man, New Business

Over the years lots of things had changed in my life. Marriages had begun and ended, kids grown up and left home, houses bought and sold, eyesight got worse, and my once fit body betrayed me. Here I was at 61 with only one vestige of my youth, my sex drive. And, because of medical problems, I couldn't get a hard on to save my life. I spent about two years being depressed that fucking and making love were no longer what they used to be. I was also a bit depressed because the company I worked for was going through some downsizing pains and it looked like I was next. I had lunch with a friend, Julian, who was downsized out of an eighteen year career two years ago. "Find something that brings in a little cash and you enjoy." That was the sum of his advice. ... Read More»

Her Maiden Aunt

Graham Leek had been going out with Katey White for over a year now and he worshipped the very ground she walked on. Katey who was a very pretty flirtatious rather proud young lady seldom kept a boy friend for long: she was twenty nine and lived with her maiden aunt Miss Tomlinson in a fine house with large bay windows and a well kept lawn. Graham was fifteen years older than Kate but he was putty in her hands and that was why the relationship went so smoothly. "Now Graham its time you and I had a serious talk about our future you know." "Yes my darling but you know how I feel about you I'm willing to name the day whenever you wish." "Yes but there is the problem of Aunt Agatha and we need to discuss it sensibly." "She can live with us my sweet just ... Read More»

I Caught My Husband Sucking A Cock

My name is Cassidy and I live in a small town near Indianapolis. It’s really late and I just got home. I have to be up in 5 hours for work. I fucked a guy tonight that’s staying at the Omni hotel downtown. His name is Alan and he's from Houston. I called him Tex all night. Tex wasn’t the best fuck I’ve had this month, but he's in the top 10. I’m getting my revenge against my husband Jack. I recently caught Jack giving another man a blow job. I've had my suspicions about Jack for years and I finally caught him red handed sucking a guy off in his truck. I've begged Jack to just be honest with me and put all his cards on the table so we can decide where our relationship is at. But Jack can't seem to tell the truth. He is still in denial, telling me it ... Read More»

I Fucked My Son In Law A shameless MILF fucked her daughter's husband.

Margaret rolled over lazily and blinked her eyes against the bright California sun pouring in through the windows. She stretched luxuriously and arched her back, giggling as her nipples brushed against the sheet. She was a small woman, and this bed was enormous. Sitting up and looking around the room, she realized her daughter's taste in home decor was nothing like her own. The room was fussy and full of chintz and pastels and roses; absolutely nothing like Margaret's modern black, silver and red. It was the first morning of her vacation. Before she did anything else, she intended to put on her new bathing suit, make her body shine with suntan oil, squeeze herself a pitcher of cold mimosas and plop herself down by the pool to soak up some much-needed ... Read More»

Office Hours Chapter 01

I was 25, and I had developed my first ever schoolgirl crush. I was a first year law student and he was my professor. He had attracted my attention slowly – there was nothing particularly extraordinary about him, but I'd always been the type to be more attracted to someone once I had a sense of his personality. Professor Smith was in his early fifties, with graying brown hair, blue eyes, and academic looking glasses. Your average middle-aged law professor, for the most part. But after a few days watching him lecture, I found that there was just something about him that compelled me. I had taken a place in the front row because it was one of the few left by the time I got to class on the first day, but I soon became glad for my position as I sensed his eyes on ... Read More»

Candy For The Professor

Candy was working all afternoon and evening studying for an exam in one of her classes the next day. She needed to get an A in this class and her last 2 test grades were not looking good. She still didn't understand all the concepts very well and decided to see if her professor could give her some one-on-one tutoring. She went up to her professor's office, hoping to find him in there at such a late hour. She had just gotten back from watching a play and was looking rather sharp with her bold, red sweater over fitted khaki pants that clung to her body just fine, emphasizing her firm thighs and luscious, tight ass. She was in luck. She found her professor scowling at the dull computer screen, trying to mess with the paper-clip guy on Microsoft Excel. "Argh! What ... Read More»

Jane and Elaine.

Jane was my ex-gf's mother who I was having great saturday morning sex with until we got caught! Elaine is Jane's downstair neighbour, friend and ex work-mate. On friday night two weeks ago I bumped into the two of them in a pub in Stirling, they were out to celebrate Jane's 60th birthday. I had just finished my work so I was still dressed in my manky working clothes, so after having a quick pint and a chat with them I left to go home, Elaine had mentioned what pubs they were heading to later and suggested I come back after getting washed and changed, I really could not be bothered but with the possible chance of getting my hole and it was my saturday off I made an effort to get ready to go meet them. After heading back into town and trailling round the pubs I ... Read More»

Silky's Valentine's Party

Sylvia Ilene Killian sold her large four bedroom home and moved just before Christmas, she had been living there all alone for two years since her husband Ernie unexpectedly died in a car crash coming home from work one slick December night. She moved into the senior citizen condo community located on the river. It was a new start for her. Sylvia better known as Silky to her friends had been busy ever since her arrival reorganizing her new space and getting to know her neighbors. She admitted, when she had a spare moment to sit down, that this was the best move she had ever made. In her home she had been sad, barely able to get out of bed. Here from the time the sun came up there was something to do or someone calling all the time. Finally two weeks ... Read More»

Yes, Teacher

She came into the classroom, wearing thr red skirt and white blouse that drove him nuts. Her legs were long and sleek under it. He groaned, thinking of how those legs would feel around him, the smooth nylon of her stockings rubbing against his bare skin. He closed his eyes and felt his cock harden. He shifted in his chair uncomfortably. She turned, seeing him sitting there. She couldn't help but smile. She thought how damn good looking he was, how tall, how big, and she shivered. They were meeting late, after everyone had gone for the day. He had asked for additional help with the special project he was working on. She knew in her heart it was dangerous to meet him this way. She knew the way he looked at her. She could almost feel his eyes traveling over her ... Read More»

Experience With My Older Neighbor From Down The St

I’m sharing an experience that I had a few years ago over the summer that led to many other things. One that I most likely will never forget, not because of what we did, but because she was way older than me. I live in a nice upper middle class neighborhood, a gated in street with decent and big sized houses. Okay well to tell you a little about myself, I was 18 at the time, 5’11, body toned and fit, 8inches long, and 2inches thick. Anyway, it was a normal hot summer day, just sitting around the house playing Black Ops, staying cool. It was the summer I was going to leave for school. My dad had walked in my room and let me know that Ms. Barbra called and asked if I could cut her grass soon because it was getting pretty long again. I had cut her grass on a number ... Read More»

I Caught My Husband Sucking A Cock

Our three kids are spending a lot of time with their aunts, uncles, cousins and grandparents these days. One person they're NOT spending much time with is their daddy. Kent lost his job a few months ago. OK, so maybe that wasn't his fault because the company folded. But his last day at the old job was his last day of work in general. Now he sleeps late, watches a lot of tv and spends hours hanging out in internet chat rooms. He imagines himself to be an online stock broker and has managed to lose most of our savings in bad trades. You'd think since he was home all the time now, he would've helped out more with the house work or the kids. Yeah, right . . . In fact, ever since he started being home all day, the only thing he did was make a lot more mess for me ... Read More»


My wife Sally and I have always been faithful to each othe. In our 5 years of marriage we’ve always had what I thought was a great sex life. Nothing could prepare me how she could want to be fucked by another man. Recently Sally an I have shared our fantasies with each other. It was all pretty tame stuff. But when I shared my deepest fantasy she was very shocked! I told her I wanted to see her get fucked by another man. She wouldn’t really talk about it and I decided to leave it alone and not talk about it any more. A few weeks later friends of ours, Mat and Olga came to visit and, as they live some distance away and like a few drinks, they stayed over in our guest room. The evening was very ordinary, a few drinks, a meal and hanging out. The conversation was ... Read More»