Sex Stories - PAGE 268
Auction Chapter 00
She held the notice in her hands, still wet with soapy water from the kitchen sink, and sobbed. The paper, a noisome shade of dill, began to fold, back down over itself like a broken leaf. Great shuddering sobs wracked her frame as Jen put her head in her hands and let her anguish flow out of her. This was the third time she'd received one of these -- these green notes announcing her insolvency and forecasting the end of her professional career. For if she could not make the payments on her student loans, then how was she to finish her doctoral thesis? And if she couldn't finish her doctoral thesis, then her only means of escaping the crushing debt of her student loans would evaporate as well, leaving her in the No-Man's-Land of being All But ... Read More»
Rating: , Votes: %1 | like or dislike | Add To Favourites | Published by: muttlover 3993 days ago | Categories: BDSM
I Like Big Butts
I love a good looking ass, not one of those things that are skeletal or without any flesh but something with curves and enough flesh to grab hold of as you push your cock deep into a steaming bowel as she cums with the pleasure and screams with happiness. To take a woman's anal virginity is something that is unimaginable, to seduce her and make her give you something she would never have thought to give you. To make the woman scream with pleasure as you fuck her in the ass and slap her on that lovely smooth curved flesh as she cums from that place deep in her body instead of from her cunt. Let me tell you about one of my seductions, she was a pretty thing a little plump with brown hair and a cute face but she was a woman who looked like a woman full of curves ... Read More»
Rating: , Votes: %3 | like or dislike | Add To Favourites | Published by: Aden11 3993 days ago | Categories: Anal
A Sissy is Born
I've been waiting for this day for a couple of weeks now. We've been exchanging e-mails, trying to come up with a plan that works for both of us. You placed an ad on Craigslist looking for a cock sucker. I answered it. One problem though, neither of us can host. Now I'm waiting for you at Viaduct Park in Bedford, OH. I'm getting ahead of myself. Let me back up a little. You didn't want just any cock sucker; you wanted one that would be your sissy slut. You were looking for a totally submissive male, one that would follow your lead at all times. You told me I must prove myself for you before we could even meet. First, you told me to shave my balls and ass and then powder them with baby powder. I did it, because I wanted your cock! Next, you insisted that I ... Read More»
Rating: , Votes: %1 | like or dislike | Add To Favourites | Published by: Una 3993 days ago | Categories: Interracial
Taking what is his .
Taking what is his. It was early that evening and she was with her friends enjoying a few drinks. Having a good time the night was coming to an end. She was heading back to her hotel. When he followed her taxi cab in his truck back to her hotel. She gets out of her taxi and walks slowly stumbling back to her room. That was when he followed her, and got within 10 feet of her, she was reaching into her purse to get her room key and fiddling around, he slows down and keeps watching her to which room she gets in. Gives her a few minutes, then knocks at her door she answers the door and he pushes his way in. With his face covered her grabs her pushes the door shut and covers her mouth from people hearing her screams and whispers in her year you scream and you ... Read More»
A Wild Hold'em Game Chapter 05
We got in the stream of hot water together. In complete silence we gently lathered each other. Caressing more than cleansing. She was going to be sore I could tell. Her tits could barely withstand the gentlest of touches and her bald pussy felt as if it were on fire. The hot water was actually starting to run out when we shut it off and started to dry each other. She grimaced and groaned as I patted her dry with my lightest possible touch, using a great big fluffy bath sheet. Once we were dry I led her by the hand to my bed, where we both flopped down and were almost instantly fast asleep. I slept for well over an hour, something I almost never do during the day. I staggered to my feet still very groggy. Cindy was still out cold. I pulled on some clean ... Read More»
Rating: , Votes: %1 | like or dislike | Add To Favourites | Published by: sexysindy 3993 days ago | Categories: BDSM
Feelings vs Lust
It was about a year ago when I joined uni, I'd just turned 21 back then. On my first day I was sitting in my classroom next to a girl who had fallen asleep during the lesson. I for second looked at her thinking whether she's truly asleep, and I saw this very beautiful, fair and innocent face and those noticable lips! I kept staring at her until our teacher enter the room shouting (as usual) and she (N.) woke up "jumping" and she first of all looked at me and apologized for leaving her stuff on my desk, and removed them. I saw that she was getting shy while speaking to me, and I noticed she used to take a glimpse every now and then. First day we didn't say anything but next day I took the first step by speaking to her and she actually wasn't that shy ... Read More»
Rating: , Votes: %3 | like or dislike | Add To Favourites | Published by: Issac 3993 days ago | Categories: Hardcore
Expectations Chapter 02
Later that morning Aisha walked into the kitchen to find the three friends sitting on bar stools at the counter eating pizza. Brian and Marnie looked up as she entered and Brian offered her a slice of pizza. After declining his offer, she looked over at Ewan and frowned when she noticed that he still hadn't looked up or spoken. Grabbing a bottled water from the fridge, she moved into the living room, grabbed her car keys and headed out the door. Aisha ran errands most of the day; picking up paint and varnish for the kitchen cabinets, getting a manicure and pedicure, shopping for clothes and picking up new glasses. She returned home to an empty house and a note from Brian indicating that they had gone to a graduate school party and wouldn't be back until late. ... Read More»
Rating: , Votes: %1 | like or dislike | Add To Favourites | Published by: cazyman 3993 days ago | Categories: Interracial
"Some guy named Joe called and I told him you were out to lunch." Phil said when I returned to work. "Did he say what he wanted?" "He said he wanted to take you out. I thought you were engaged?" Phil continued. "I'm not getting married for another three months and Rick is out of town for two weeks!" I replied. "Well I jotted down his number there." Phil answered casually. I had met Joe at a party a couple of months ago. I had been drinking quite a bit and we necked a little with Joe's hand under my dress. In a state of passion I had gave him my work phone number. I had forgotten about the big, black stud but it all came rushing back. How good his big hands felt caressing my ass and the monstrous bulge in his trousers as I aroused him. I also ... Read More»
Rating: , Votes: %2 | like or dislike | Add To Favourites | Published by: Sergio11 3993 days ago | Categories: Group Sex
Inaccurately Attired
Can a woman be a shy exhibitionist, are they not contradictory? Well, consider me, normally sensible and reserved but occasionally I become my antithesis: shameless. Unashamed enough even to enjoy the occurrence. The pervert responsible is named libido. Probably a trait of my upbringing, I am sexually repressed tho my appetite is hearty. But, certainly in my instance, the oppressed overcomes. Therefore, I have a peculiarity, every now and then I am inconsiderately required to submit to the coercion of my libido's commanding authority... I shall elaborate shortly... first, let me tell you a little more about myself. People who know me deem me timid and this is generally true; I am well-educated, articulate, professional, introvert, serene, cautious and reserved. I ... Read More»
Rating: , Votes: %4 | like or dislike | Add To Favourites | Published by: Dylan11 3993 days ago | Categories: Voyeur
North Shore Ass Whore
Dan spent last weekend up at his parents' house in the suburbs. It was one of those dead weekends. Many of his friends were out of town, working, or too tired to go out. On Friday before he left, he called Steve Morgan's cell phone again in one last ditch effort to try to get something going, but was greeted only by voicemail. He hung up without leaving a message, threw some clothes in a backpack, and drove up to his parents'. They were surprised to see him lounging on their couch in the television room when they returned from a dinner party later that evening, but were nonetheless thrilled at the prospect of having their baby boy home for the weekend. Dan joined his parents Saturday for breakfast and helped his mom around the yard with what was left of the ... Read More»
Rating: , Votes: %1 | like or dislike | Add To Favourites | Published by: Inder 3993 days ago | Categories: Mature
Fetish Club With Shemales
The smell of rubber and latex and the combination of the strobe lighting was overpowering, the techno sound of the club just added to the already intoxicated atmosphere of the place. The club was a frenzy of half naked, latexed, rubberised bodies covered in sweat dancing to the frenzied sound of techno which was flooding and filling every square inch of the warehouse. So far the party was in full swing, if you got tired of dancing, you could go and watch one the many shows in different parts of the warehouse. There was bondage, sadomasochism, sex shows and orgies. Right now me and my wife were watching the orgy. The look of latexed tight bodies in various sexual positions was something of a change to the usual, but as I was to find out tonight was going to be far ... Read More»
Rating: , Votes: %4 | like or dislike | Add To Favourites | Published by: Angela 3993 days ago | Categories: Shemale
Dirty Girl
"Do you have a club card?" Suddenly I was snapped out of my trance. "Huh? Oh, umm yeah." I fumbled around in my wallet trying to find the card as she smiled at me. I could tell she was amused. I, on the other hand, was embarrassed beyond belief. How long had I been staring at her? "Here you go," I said passing the card to her. She smiled as she took it from my hand. I started to wonder how old she was. I guessed about eighteen. She had that youthful appearance, but was still well developed. Her skin was flawless, with not a blemish in site. She was wearing makeup, but not enough to seem trashy. Her hair was a light blonde, which is what probably attracted me to her in the first place. That, and her mouth. Guys usually don't pay much attention to a ... Read More»
Rating: , Votes: %4 | like or dislike | Add To Favourites | Published by: BiTcH20 3993 days ago | Categories: Anal
The Not-So-Secret Swap
I thought it was going to be just another house party, with some barbecued food, some beer, some wine and a few friends, but it turned out to be a night like no other. I had driven myself over to my friend's house on a dreary night in late March, and when I reached the door I was informed that everyone had to take their shoes off because John didn't want anybody tracking mud on his new carpet. I took my shoes off and made my way to the kitchen and grabbed myself a bottle of beer. I found a couple of friends hanging out near the dining room table and I began chatting with them, strategically positioned so that I could see all the new guests arriving as they entered the house. After a few minutes of chatting, I noticed two young women entering the house. One was a ... Read More»
Rating: , Votes: %3 | like or dislike | Add To Favourites | Published by: Dean11 3993 days ago | Categories: Group Sex
"How much is this," Ben called to the proprietor of the junk/antique shop!?! "What have ya got there, sonny," the old man asked while shuffling slowly over to where Ben was standing!!! "Just this old leather pouch with this little booklet and a funny looking glass crystal!!!" "Ten bucks and it's yours," the old man replied as he turned and walked away!!! "Hey, what is it, anyway," Ben called after him while carefully holding the glass orb in his hands!?! "It's ten bucks as is and twenty if I gotta read ya the directions!!!" Deciding to take a flyer, Ben pulled a saw buck out of his shirt pocket and dropped it on the counter before leaving the shop!!! It was a warm sunny Sunday afternoon, and since it ... Read More»
Rating: , Votes: %2 | like or dislike | Add To Favourites | Published by: lilboo 3993 days ago | Categories: Group Sex
Carla & Jerry: A Girl Story Chapter 02
After Jerry and mine's little slutty interlude at the party neither one of us said anything about it for a few days. Finally, one night we were watching TV and kind of kissing around—just being affectionate. "How come you haven't said anything about what happened at the party?" I asked him. He looked at me for a minute before he answered "I was afraid that you'd think I was gay or something if I wanted to talk about it. So I didn't." "Oh baby." I said as I stroked his face and hair. "I know you aren't gay and if you happen to like to fool around with some cock while it's you and me it's totally ok. I really got off on it." Well that opened the floodgates so to speak and all of a sudden he was asking me how it felt ... Read More»
Rating: , Votes: %2 | like or dislike | Add To Favourites | Published by: Shadows 3993 days ago | Categories: Group Sex